1-17-03 Cubicle Hell in the BST
Once in the 3D blackness I floated there for awhile, having already decided to assist in a retrieval in a BST hell. I watched for awhile until I noticed an odd formation over to my left in the 3D depth, focused in on it and the next thing I knew I was somewhere in a dense, hazey, off-black area. I immediately felt/perceived something like two walls jutting up and at a short distance from me, facing each other, and all around I could feel a thunderous vibration/noise. I looked over my right shoulder hoping a Helper had been smart enough to accompany me and got back a soft, amused, "yes, we're here".
In turning my attention back to 'the walls', I got that they were quite high and perhaps several yards apart. The vibrations and simultaneous noise were constant. I let the image go asking for better understanding...and I could then see the walls a little better but I still didn't understand what this was all about, where were the people? I let it go again, asking for a better understanding...and then again...and information started flooding in fast. Traveling down the center, inbetween the walls, was a moving something and I for a second wondered if it was molten lava (don't know why) and then realized that wasn't correct. It was moving like a sidewalk escalator at an airport, but felt more pliable than rigid, almost like water flowing but was a solid with flexibility. I then floated up and started moving to my left as I picked up on a person in distress up towards the top of that wall. It then hit me that the walls were comprised of cubicles, filled with people, and that the vibrational thunder-noise originated from all of them expressing their emotions. I focused on the person I initially felt and moved closer to see a man lying within a cubicle, head facing towards us, on his back. I then got the knowing that many here, including the man, had died in prisons, died within small square cells, which had been housed within a square or box shaped penitentiary or jail....which I guess was why they were still in small square environments (?).
The man was holding his hands over his ears, crying, rocking himself. I reached in with my hand to try to comfort him, telling him my name, but he was completely unaware of me because of his grief and self absorption. I knew he was suffering from all the noise, which was never ending. I also got that for some reason he was unable to slip into unconsciousness, or sleep, to escape the noise! This bothered me (I love quiet a great deal of the time) so I then was somehow able to be next to him inside his small confinement and sent him as much PUL as I could muster...and as he calmed down I told him he could trust me, that I could take him to a place of peacefulness, quiet. He managed to turned onto his left side enough to glance at me. He became scared and accused me of lying to him so I surrounded him with more love (lately I allow the feeling of complete appreciation and acceptance for the person to fill within me, the feeling that I love and accept them unconditionally just the way they are, and send it their way....this is nice). As I did this I repeated over and over in my mind that it was quiet now, it was quiet where he was residing, hoping that belief would somehow enter his awareness and help him. He stopped reacting to noise, I think, as I was then able to communicate with him better, telling him once again he could leave if he wanted. Still distraught and uncertain he started saying that he would never be worthy of such a place. I sensed he had believed in a God at one time but was now convinced he had been rejected, permanently. I told him he had a good heart and that he was a loving person, to which he vehemently denied. I said, "Wait a minute. You wouldn't want anything bad to happen to me right now, would you?" This made him pause and think and as he looked into my eyes he was starting to realize something. "See? You have a good're a good person and you don't need to be here anymore." I then got a knowing that he had, while in the physical, sexually molested children, and he was in fear of what punishment that would bring (it was interesting because I flashed on his fear of the possibility that what he had done to others would be enacted on him, and so being in this place was somehow a way for him to put off or avoid real punishment??). I sent more love energy to him, saying that where I wanted to take him would not be one of punishment and that I had a friend with me who could help him better understand this. With that a female Helper stepped around on my right and approached the man. I then watched her go through a quick transformation, into a glowing white angel with wings, to help calm the man and comply with his beliefs. He seemed transfixed, in awe, as they communicated. I backed away for a minute and then stepped forward to help the man get out of his cubicle. At least two more Helpers arrived and as they were escorting him away I wanted to follow and see where in F27 they'd go.
It wasn't long before we were moving into a light filled space that felt so much nicer than the hell, and a woman (and a few behind her) was then greeting him, a loving and symathetic person happy to see him. I'm not sure if they had ever known one another before. It felt as if he was just being welcomed by really nice people, in a lush and peaceful physical-like environment with a huge castle kind of structure off in the distance.As the party then began to escort him towards the city I moved toward the angel Helper and as she turned towards me with a peaceful smile, the tip of her right wing kind of passed in front of or went right through where my face was (felt like a slight breeze), and I said with a laugh, "Hey, got clipped there!". She changed back to a human female and laughed. I asked her where we were in F27 and she paused, grinning, and it felt as if she knew I was going to react to her answer (she was right!), and said we weren't in F27... we were in another world within the BST, a Christian world. He had been escorted to the best place possible, for him, in compliance with his beliefs. She said he would receive good attention and have a lot to learn there. This was interesting, but I wondered why he couldn't be in F27...and she said it would be too much for him right now. Such a place would just be too energetic (?), or would not be in agreement with his beliefs (?---I think I understood her explanation correctly) and that he needed a lot of structure, rules, in his growth process. I then turned and looked out, away from where this religious BST world was, wondering if there were more back there in that hell and asked if so, could we return. She said sure and we started moving.
We followed the same route back to the hell and dipped down inbetween the two walls, hovering above the moving sidewalk. The feeling of the place was obvious and I didn't need to briefly tune into the vibes this time. I wanted to know more about this place and how, why people came here. The Helper said that these walls housing cubicles were one of many residences in this hell...and that people occupying these wall-cubicles felt a need to remain in a confined, square space. I looked at them and then asked her, since they're kind of isolated from one another, why didn't they go to F23 instead? She said they visit with each other now and then but it doesn't last long as they are eventually repulsed by one another: they're all so much alike in many respects, especially the fact that they each hate themselves and don't like seeing themselves reflected in others. It reminds them of what they hate about themselves and can't deal with. Everyone there was heavy into self loathing, beliefs of being abandoned or rejected by their religious God, as well as by all humans. The Helper also said that I might hear about 'the bullies' that frequently come around to harrass them, but that there really weren't any. The mean guys were just one of many self-induced manifestations that belonged to this section of this hell. Helpers were frequently perceived as being bad and thus screamed at or ignored.
The Helper indicated we move up and towards the other wall and I immediately sensed a female inside another cubicle. As we came close to her, seeing that she was lying on her back with the top of her head facing us, I could sense she was moaning and in a lot of fear. I got that she was middleaged, dark hair, and her arms were bent onto her chest with hands that looked crippled. She couldn't move her arms or fingers that were pressing into her palms as if squashed into place. I also got that she had had some kind of disease while in the physical and had been institutionalized, treated badly (I saw a brief image of a small room with only a narrow bed and door with heavy-duty locks). She had been perceived by others as being an idiot, possibly mentally retarded, and that she had been a waste of everyone's time, whoever had to care for her. I was able to somehow move inside her cubicle and send her PUL. In looking down at her I began talking, telling her she could leave now. She started sobbing that she was bad...bad, bad, bad....and that she could never leave. More PUL. I told her that a loving person was there with me and we could help her leave....that she didn't deserve this place ever, anymore. I described what F27 was like and the quiet, freedom and love she would find there and that she did deserve it. And then I said something that popped out and made me wonder as soon as I said it: "As a matter of fact, many who live there now use to live here. They understand what you've been going through. Even my friend here with us use to live here." The woman looked at me and something shifted in her just enough for the Helper and I to then slip her out of the cubicle. As the Helper held her in her arms I ralized the young woman was nake