Seraphis1 wrote on May 21st, 2010 at 11:00pm:Seraphis1 wrote on May 21st, 2010 at 9:47pm:5/21/2010 - afternoon session:
Interpreter: Movie Kensey and Laura Linsey and the ménage a toi involving him and his right hand man and his wife swapping… (seem to be turning my sex chakra on for some reason…)
Perceiver formed a picture of chicken leg with paper boot used for baking… (this could also be related to sex… food is a function of the navel chakra… a transmutation of the sex drive to the creative creation of food as a sensuous expression)…
Perceiver formed a picture of Oswald… Ruby… the shot… Lyndon Johnson… (am I picking up that Lyndon Johnson was involved in the assassination of Kennedy??? But this is clearly an interpreter digression… bananas in Brazil or whatever Moen’s interpreter non-sequitor was…
Interpreter continues with non-sequitors.. Rand paul, like howard stern as interviewer…
S. [/b]
I don’t know if anyone on this forum will understand what happened in this sequence… but, I transmuted base sexual energy to its next higher level of expression ‘food’ expressed thru the navel chakra… and then I transmuted ‘the sex energy’ to the solar plexus chakra… sexual energy expressed thru ‘power’… whether Lyndon Johnson actually participated in the assassination of Kennedy is not the issue here… what is the issue is that Johnson represents ‘power’ the next level of sexual energy transformed…
But, I missed the truth of the Rand Paul and Howard Stern symbolism… they were NOT non-sequitors… I transmuted ‘sexual energy’ to the heart chakra… Rand Paul and Howard Stern are representative of ‘artistic creative energy’… Howard Stern is a consumate artist at the interview… Rand Paul demonstrated a mastery of the ‘art of politics’ in defeating an incumbant party endorsed candidate….
That is amazing!!! I urge members of the board to study their session notes and see whether or not we can corroborate my discovery… this is a natural sequence… but is missed because the symbolism and the process is so little understood… but, as an academic study can be important.
P.S.: If you don't understand this process... post some complete detailed session notes and I will analyze them... this is a universal process... everyone MUST sequence through this cycle, but, the symbolism can be arcane and subtle... tho it is not difficult to read the keys if you know what you are looking for. The gift that keeps on giving… the reason the above is important and the frustrated and perverted religionists (particularly Catholic priest) don’t know this or how to use it… it is the key to a healthy transformation of sexual energy. If you don’t properly handle sexual energy you get frustrated priest descending into pedophilia, horny guru’s abusing their followers and all those sexually perverse problems associated with abstinence and celibacy.
Cold showers don’t do anything as I found out when one of my more sadistic and mean spirited girl friends would advise me to take a cold shower.
Transmutation takes sexual energy upward to the higher centers… thus dissipating it’s energy transforming it… suppression turns it down back into the spleen chakra where all the malevolence is created… to tragic effect.