spooky2 wrote on Jul 25th, 2010 at 6:51pm:Quote Seraphis:
"and because I don’t sleep thru anyway because of the need to pee… "
Forum Member OobDude recommended the sleep-break method. You sleep some hours (six or so), then for about an hour, you medite, stating affirmations that you'll have an oobe, and then go back to bed again, with the intention to have an oobe.
Hi spooky: I have used the method successfully in conjunction with fasting but I find it very painful physically... so I am avoiding the techique and trying to get what I consider normal exits without all the pain... like Muldoon... I am going to Bulman's TMI seminar in sept so we will see what happens... but the sleep deprivation thing works... and that is my last resort... but, for now interesting things are happening... I resolved to stay up after the pee signal... bath and then session... guess what my inner psychopath didn't allow a pee signal this morning and I slept through... go figure...