Hello everyone!
This is my first post to these forums and as such, I feel the need to get a few things out of the way:
1) I live in Europe and English is not my native language, so I apologize in advance if my posts are hard to understand.
2) I've tried to search for an answer to a question I have about afterlife in these forums but I've not managed to find one, so if it has been answered, sorry for wasting your time.
3) What information about myself I'm about to divulge might not be very detailed, but I'm afraid I'm not very comfortable talking about my life in detail and frankly I believe it's not very relevant to my question either.
With those points out of the way, here's a bit about myself:
I'm man in my late 20s and I've lived a quite normal and happy life until about maybe nine years ago. I had suffered from slight to moderate depression but that issue has since been solved. Unfortunately, I've been diagnosed with a disesase that affects my throat and it's starting to seem the medication is not solving this issue.
My doctor told me that there is a surgical intervention available for my condition but it will only be considered as the very VERY last option. Apparently it is a dangerous operation and there's a chance it might not even solve my problem. So honestly, it's not looking good for me...

I'm not sure if I'm really that scared about death per se, but I'm afraid if I'm not able to accomplish anything of value and lose all the things I love. This medical condition came at the worst time as I was finally able to do something with my life.
The thing is that I love being myself (with the exception of this physical condition that I suffer from obviously!), I love my family, friends, relatives. I love my hometown, my country and its people. I love lots of other cultures and nations as well, I love history, stories, entertainment, food and everything else this world has to offer. I love even the walks in the park, wind in my face, the sound of it in my ears as I step outside. There's just so much to love about this life of mine and the entire world!
So my question is, would it be possible to have some kind of virtual reality machine in Focus 27, where I could live this life again, forever if I felt like it, but with changes I want? For example, I'd rather not have the critical medical condition I mentioned and let's say if there was a some kind of an apocalyptical event coming up shortly, I'd rather not experience that either.
A virtual reality machine might sound a silly idea but my reasons for it are as follows:
1) In the virtual reality I'd forget that I ever died and would live thinking everything is as if I was still alive and I never died, so I'd get to see my 60s as if it was for real.
2) It would be enough for me if it felt like everything was as real as here and there was no way I'd find out it wasn't. As everything except the changes I wished would be the same as here, there would unfortunately be (unreal) human suffering (but of course not for me

). However, I don't want any real/actual human being/soul to suffer in "my world", so it's best it would just be a virtual reality and not some actual reality, where living souls would suffer for real. (However if the price for this virtual reality was that no human suffering is allowed for even the virtual reality people, that would be a quite small price to pay.)
3) It doesn't have to be a virtual reality machine per se. I just use the term because I think it's easy to understand and explain.
I don't want to sound bitter, but I'm not comfortable with the idea of reincarnation, especially if this is how my life is going to be. Just when I was about to contribute something to this world and not only do I get shut down, but also have to suffer from sleep impairing pain? No thank you for ever again to a such waste of time! In my virtual reality at least I could be happy about wasting it.

Thank you for your time and reading my question. I understand if this all sounds silly, but I'm afraid this idea is one of the only things that comforts me during these times. The pain in my throat/mouth is about borderline manageable now with moments of excruciating pain every now and then, but I fear the worst if this condition decides to ramp itself up to eleven...