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Anyone want to experiment? (Read 23501 times)
YaBB Administrator

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Anyone want to experiment?
Jul 20th, 2012 at 2:50am
I'm interested in doing some experimentation so that I can practice my skills.  But I need a partner.  I have some ideas that would either allow both of us to be practicing exploring and comparing notes, or if you'd just like to volunteer to help me out then just I would be doing the exploring so that I can have someone give me verification if there are hits.  I'm up for both. 

If you're interested, PM me and we can go over some ideas.   Smiley


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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Anyone want to experiment?
Reply #1 - Aug 3rd, 2012 at 10:29pm
Hi everyone,

I've had several people PM me with interest, but it seems everyone is open to something but no one has a specific target-idea to try. So I'm proposing this...anyone who is interested in trying a PE, let's make next Saturday, Aug 11, our target date.  The time doesn't matter, but some of you like to have a timeframe to focus on.  How about 9:00 pm? 

The place we'll meet can be my house.  None of you know where I live or what it looks like, so that'll be as good as any place to start. 

Since this is a simple, beginner's experiment, I think what I'll do is just do a pretend/imagination visit and imagine everyone arriving, and just let things roll from there.  Hopefully some unexpected things will happen that you others will perceive too.  Then I'll type up my own notes to myself so that I have my own record.  You each can do the same thing.  After that date is over, if we want to post each of our results on the board we can so that everyone can see everyone else's record.  Don't read the results until you've typed up your own notes.  This would only prove to be a self-test since you'll be in charge of making your own judgement call about whatever hits you may have gotten comparing your notes to the others.  I think that's how other PE groups have been doing it here in the past.  At the very least, this is good practice, even if we get nothing or no real hits.  It's good to be practicing. 

How does that sound?  It's the best I can come up with at the moment.  With several people wanting to do something but no one with an idea, I think it's as good as any.  If you have any better ideas or advice, just let me know.  I'm new at this too, so I'm open for ideas.  If it's any success or at least some fun, then we can certainly keep trying each week or so.  What do you think?

Those of you who have PM'd me, if you want to show yourself in the group, go ahead and respond to this thread letting us know you're in. 

So, Saturday August 11th, 9 pm.  Anyone who wants to try it too, even if you don't reply here, please join in. 

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Anyone want to experiment?
Reply #2 - Aug 4th, 2012 at 6:36am
Sounds good to me.  I will be there.
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Re: Anyone want to experiment?
Reply #3 - Aug 4th, 2012 at 11:31am
I'll also be there. Smiley

Not having any ideas, jeez, I've been perfecting my astral place should any PE team visit. Smiley
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: Anyone want to experiment?
Reply #4 - Aug 4th, 2012 at 11:52am
PauliEffectt wrote on Aug 4th, 2012 at 11:31am:
I'll also be there. Smiley

Not having any ideas, jeez, I've been perfecting my astral place should any PE team visit. Smiley

Oops, sorry.  But you know what I mean.  I have so many PMs from people that I thought it best to make this out in the open. 

Ok, so another PE we can do is visit PauliEffect's astral place.  That's a great idea.  I have every intention of doing that, just have been busy this week going back to work after my surgery, dealing with my son's surgery, my daughter's birthday party.... Smiley

Do you want to pick a day/time that we work on visiting your place?
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Anyone want to experiment?
Reply #5 - Aug 4th, 2012 at 12:05pm
Vicky wrote on Aug 4th, 2012 at 11:52am:
Do you want to pick a day/time that we work on visiting your place?

I probably would like to avoid doing that, at least right now. I think it's better
if only one person communicates the date/time and target.

I'll want to concentrate on your scheduled date and target above only, for the time being. Smiley
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Re: Anyone want to experiment?
Reply #6 - Aug 4th, 2012 at 12:14pm
Vicky wanted me to ask the following questions on the board. The purpose was
that everyone could answer what they were thinking on these matters (from my
PM to Vicky):

3. We have to define how we communicate. Either through the board or through PM.
As it stands now I'm a little uncertain what to do, and have avoided to use the
board as you (in your thread) urged everyone, to directly PM yourself. How do
we communicate? Do we PM or use the board?

4. It also could be good to know who is in the PE team, as there might be others
(kind of externals), who suddenly join by intervention of their Disk. We may have
to help those who are not directly informed or not-explicitly joined.

In fact I think we need to define exactly what our PE team is, maybe give it a name
as there may emerge other teams? Like 1stVV-Group (first Vicky-Vicky group).
I use "Vicky" twice as I can't know if you're in the astral consciously or if it's
you Disk's image double of you or your mind-split double part I encounter. Smiley

This may give us at least two groups of people. One group who is interested in PE
and another group who does the actual PE at the specific time (as it fits their

So one PE "pool" over everyone you kind of have to administrate for PE, and one
group of PE explorers on each occasion. Does that seem sane?

5. We need to state if we can tell anyone else about our experiences. If for example someone
is very sensitive about any info leaking, we need to know. The best is if we can say that
there are no restrictions, because it's almost impossible for all people to keep quiet
about their experiences, and having conflicts arise because it's not clear from the start
if we are allow to mentioning anything anywhere else may cause a problem.

So I think it's best to allow people to talk, but advice everyone to think before they
write/talk about our PE anywhere else.

What do you think?
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Mystic Tuba
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Re: Anyone want to experiment?
Reply #7 - Aug 4th, 2012 at 4:29pm
I'd suggest we simply keep this thread going, except that uninvolved people might want to start posting to it, which could get confusing.
I think using PMs would get cumbersome.
One thing that occurred to me is that it's very easy to start a Yahoo group that you have to be a member of to post to. Messages can be either open to the public or not.
Just my thoughts....
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: Anyone want to experiment?
Reply #8 - Aug 4th, 2012 at 7:43pm
Well I'm happy to have the conversation going on the board so we can all be on the same page making plans.  I like PauliEffect's idea that if people are interested in participating they should say so on the thread.  That way, the energy of the group will start to be established and give more to the intention we'll all be creating. 

It does seem cumbersome to PM or email each person in the group your notes.  But unless the group becomes way too big I think it's a good idea to send the reports privately.  It would give individuals their own privacy and opportunity to evaluate and compare their notes to each other person's notes.  I would imagine that one person's notes might not seem to have any hits to yours while someone else's might be right on with yours.  Would that make someone feel self-conscious and leary of participating?   

I've seen it done here on the board in the past that everyone just posts their notes as soon as they get them.  But I also think Bruce told me once that notes should be emailed and not read until you've typed up your own notes, so as not to influence your report.  Maybe one reason for that is that some people need more time to "bring back" memory of the experience in case there are click-outs???

It's still open for discussion.  As you can see, I'm not very decisive.  I'm a Libra.   Smiley  I'll say this, I'm up for either way the group wants to do it.  Or we can do both and see what works best and why.  For myself, I want to be certain I "got something" before I read what anyone has to say.  Even if nothing I get matches anyone else, I at least want to feel certain of my own perception/interpretation.  That's the reason I wanted to get people to play with me....I really need some challenges or else I won't get anywhere with this stuff. 

See you out there...

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Anyone want to experiment?
Reply #9 - Aug 5th, 2012 at 10:13am
I'll give it a try Vicky!  Deric
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Mystic Tuba
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Re: Anyone want to experiment?
Reply #10 - Aug 6th, 2012 at 12:01pm
When I've tried to use email for something like this in the past, some people would have a group set up in their email that left someone out, and someone else would have a group set up that left someone else out. Not on purpose, it just happened that way.
I'll vote again for the yahoo group that is private (meaning that only members of the group can read messages;) there would be a deadline for posting notes and you would send in your notes but then not read others' notes until after the deadline. Setting up a yahoo group is easy, and it could be called anything you like, such as the Vicky-Vicky name that someone came up with.
Sorry, I'm an engineer and what I do is structure things....
Also, I'm "new" here but I'm not....I was on the original BBS for quite a few years. I've been gone quite a while though. I've done Gateway, Lifelines, and Bruce's weekend program. I'm really interested to do some PE.
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Re: Anyone want to experiment?
Reply #11 - Aug 10th, 2012 at 8:52am
Ok, we are the following involved:

Mystic Tuba

There could be others too, but I don't know them at this moment. Smiley

Our target is Vicky's house, we let everybody arrive, and then
let things roll from there.

We write down our observations and post them in this thread. I'll leave
out too personal details if I think they don't fit an open forum.

I don't know when others post their experiences, but my guess is that
a PE attempt later or earlier than 7-8 hours from the target time is
probably the farther limit for this particular target. My assumption on
that 7-8 hours time range could of course be invalid as some people
have reported nonphysical events several months after a specific
target date. But anyway, I will not post anything until Sunday by
the reason to avoid front-loading people.
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: Anyone want to experiment?
Reply #12 - Aug 10th, 2012 at 5:11pm
That sounds good to me.  It's just about having fun, doing some practice, and getting our awareness focused on the techniques and attitudes of exploration for our selves.  There doesn't have to be a focus on right or wrong or comparing ourselves to others.  If we each keep in mind that we're doing this for ourselves, not to impress anybody, then we'll be in it for the right reasons and get what we need from it. 

But PE does take a good deal of trust.  I think that if we get a group who continues wanting to practice and feeling comfortable with it, then we'll need to eventually be more controlled in the sharing portion.  I don't like Yahoo (Mystic's suggestion) but maybe there's more than one good way to safeguard our reporting technique to each other?  I mean, I wouldn't know if someone read my impressions on the board and then wrote in telling me what I want to hear, just to make me believe I had some amazing hit when it was all contrived. 

For now practicing, I'm not going to be embarrassed if anything I report is wacky or completely wrong.  And I won't be blown away in utter amazement if I hear I've got some hits either.  I'd definitely want to do more with it until I feel I "own" real skills.  My hope is that in time I will develop skills to the point of knowing the difference between "just my imagination" and actual real perception.  I think we all have our own "wow factor" radar in ourselves which govern how far we allow ourselves to open and develop. 

Just like with my psychic development study, it's not about being right more than wrong.  It's about figuring out how to know I'm right when I AM right. 

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Anyone want to experiment?
Reply #13 - Aug 12th, 2012 at 12:11am
Just checking in with the group...

I'm done with my PE experiment for tonight, and I will get all my notes typed up and post them tomorrow when I can.  I hope you all got a chance to participate and have something to share too.

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Mystic Tuba
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Re: Anyone want to experiment?
Reply #14 - Aug 12th, 2012 at 11:00am
I'll be first. Didn't get much of anywhere except a view of the house. I have a lot of concentration problems in the last few years.
The house I saw is frame, two story, clapboard, gray or white in color, with a couple steps up to a small porch with two columns and a roof. There are four windows visible from the front, two upstairs and two downstairs, and they have shutters on them.
So. Like Vicky said, this is more about learning to know when I've made a hit than in getting all the hits right. This one, frankly, feels like I made it up. I realized I didn't even know if I was supposed to go to Vicky's house on the physical plane or Vicky's house in some other focus level. So, I had the intent to be there but if I was there I wasn't aware of it.
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