Vicky wanted me to ask the following questions on the board. The purpose was
that everyone could answer what they were thinking on these matters (from my
PM to Vicky):
3. We have to define how we communicate. Either through the board or through PM.
As it stands now I'm a little uncertain what to do, and have avoided to use the
board as you (in your thread) urged everyone, to directly PM yourself. How do
we communicate? Do we PM or use the board?
4. It also could be good to know who is in the PE team, as there might be others
(kind of externals), who suddenly join by intervention of their Disk. We may have
to help those who are not directly informed or not-explicitly joined.
In fact I think we need to define exactly what our PE team is, maybe give it a name
as there may emerge other teams? Like 1stVV-Group (first Vicky-Vicky group).
I use "Vicky" twice as I can't know if you're in the astral consciously or if it's
you Disk's image double of you or your mind-split double part I encounter.

This may give us at least two groups of people. One group who is interested in PE
and another group who does the actual PE at the specific time (as it fits their
So one PE "pool" over everyone you kind of have to administrate for PE, and one
group of PE explorers on each occasion. Does that seem sane?
5. We need to state if we can tell anyone else about our experiences. If for example someone
is very sensitive about any info leaking, we need to know. The best is if we can say that
there are no restrictions, because it's almost impossible for all people to keep quiet
about their experiences, and having conflicts arise because it's not clear from the start
if we are allow to mentioning anything anywhere else may cause a problem.
So I think it's best to allow people to talk, but advice everyone to think before they
write/talk about our PE anywhere else.
What do you think?