Part 1, PE startPE at 2012-08-12, 05.00 o'clock UTC+0 (Mountain Time 2012-08-11, 9.00 p.m.).
[correct me if the time is wrong]We were targeted to meet at Vicky's house. Participants were I, Vicky, DocM,
deric, Mystic Tuba and some others.
I started with moving into "my place" in the astral to use that as an
entry point to our target place, the house. Problems started for me as
I at the same time had some stomach ache. My problems with my stomach
came and went, with mild discomfort to feelings of some pain. My PE
participation was made more difficult.
Without going into exactly what "my place" looks like, I begin with the
situation where I'm sitting down and a woman is sitting to my right side.
If she is a guide or just a product of my imagination is hard to tell.
I just assumed she was a guide and expected that she would help me move
to Vicky's house. To some extent this guide reminded of Vicky, but didn't
have exactly the same appearance which I expected.
I remember that I also got faint visions of a person, who could be Vicky,
sitting at a balcony with a drawing pad or a sort of screen in front of
her. I get that balcony view from her right side and she looks over her
right shoulder and gives me a short glance. This balcony vision has come and
gone over two-three days and hasn't resulted in anything else. I think this
balcony is in a low house, 2nd to 4th floor and there are not so many other
houses outside.
The female guide to my right, does something and we both move into a blurred
"region". I sense a shift of place, I get the feeling of a kitchen.
Part 2, PE houseI'm inside some kind of kitchen, but my impressions a very poor. My stomach
gives me some problems too, at this point.
Is the kitchen elongated, like a hallway? I don't know. Is the kitchen round
in shape? That's strange too, as most rooms in houses are rectangular.
I make several attempts to get the kitchen view clear and then decide that
it is probably both, "elongated" and "round" at the same time, some part
of it stretches ahead of me, to an exit door.
I move to the door of the kitchen. I get the impression that a hallway is
directly to the right of the kitchen door, meaning that I can enter the hallway
from its right side. I don't know what's directly opposite the kitchen door
opening, but perhaps there is some kind of second, short hallway, at a right
angle to the first hallway?
Anyway, I exit the kitchen and enter the hallway. I'm at one end of the hallway
and have the kitchen door opening to my right.
I move forward. To my left there is some kind of stairs, which descend from the
kitchen direction. The wall to my left, below the stairs, is white or light in color.
In front of me is an entry door to the house, so the stairs almost start
close to the entry door and move upwards at my left side, in parallel to the
hallway. I realize that it's hard to describe something in words, when a
drawing would give better result.
As I move forward to the house's entry door, I notice a second opening (or
perhaps open door) to my right. I realize that this second opening is into
a living room.
At the far entry door there is a woman, who I can't recognize. It's not Vicky
and doesn't feel exactly like the female guide I started this session with.
The "entry-door-woman" moves in front of me and grabs my jacket's collar,
almost like I'm wearing a suit jacket, which I seldom do in real life.
I get the impression that this woman is younger than me and that she
somehow straightens me up.
I move into the living room.
The living room seems much darker than the hallway.
There are several other people besides me there. I have extremely difficulties
to pick up who is in the living room. By now I also feel some problem in my
physical left shoulder so I have to move around in bed and looses some of
my impressions of the living room.
I decide to pretend that the people I expect to be at this PE are present.
So I shake hands and greet Vicky, DocM, deric and Mystic Tuba. I also greet
one older woman and I think I at one moment can see B Moen himself. I don't
remember if I get as far as shaking Moen's hand though. I further get the
feeling that there are more people in the living room, perhaps double the
amount persons I've just mentioned?
I work hard to get any impressions from the people and the room. I think I
completely failed, because I sense an open fire place, and that seems wrong
for an American home. Anyway, the open fire place is farthest from the door
opening of the hallway. I also sense a few furniture, some armchairs. The
open fire place is lighter in color than the rest of the darker living room.
I now doubt my vision of the house as it has too much of a British feeling
to it, so I just assume that my Interpreter is not that good. But I don't
think that's too important either. Instead I make several attempts to talk
to people, but I'm either to tense or things just don't work.
I try another idea. I stand in the middle of the living room for some time
and tell the others to get as many impressions of me as possible. I'm a
little unsure if anyone tries to examine me.
My stomach problem and the lack of clarity now becomes a burden for me and
I move around in bed at my physical place. I start to wonder what we are
supposed to do. I also remember that quite often my own sessions are without
results, they just become plain meditation, with no visual impressions.
Perhaps this is such a session with poor or none impressions and I'm just
to impatient or expecting too much?
For a very short moment I sensed Vicky with a slim champagne glass in her
right hand, like I was at a party. There was "champagne" in the glass too.
I felt so restless that to calm me down I decided to sit down in one of the
armchairs. I think I chose one of the chairs near the hallway opening, closest
to the house's entry door.
I'm not sure how much time I spent like this, but if the other ones already
have been picked up by a guide and do a lot of stuff, I'm certainly just
sitting with my own imagination or thoughtform people in a made up living
I decide to do something. Unskilled at healing as I am, I surprised myself
with deciding to try some healing on one of the persons present. I think
I get the right hand of a short woman between my nonphysical hands. I
stand in that positions for some moments and "send" healing to this
woman's right hand. Could it be Vicky?
Some more attempts from my side to pick up impressions fail. I start to
wonder if I just should abort the PE as my stomach keeps me too much
in the physical. Staying in the living room doesn't seem useful, so
I move back into the kitchen where I started. I think I got a little
more impressions from the kitchen, but no persons seemed to be there.
No guide anywhere?
I moved outside the house, to a lawn. On the lawn I sensed a small item,
which seemed to be made of plastic. Perhaps it was a child's toy? I couldn't
figure out what it was. I sensed some flat surfaces and perhaps the color
yellow, maybe even the color red and something black. But the item could
be anything.
Suddenly I was no longer alone on the lawn. I got the impression that Vicky
moved people out of her house, onto the lawn. I think I sensed some kind
of fencing made of thin wooden veneer, but it could again just be my
Interpreter working a little too much. The veneer was at least as high
as me and perhaps separated by wooden beams?
Working hard to pick up any comments or people present I failed again and
soon had to move around in my bed as my shoulder and stomach made a joint
revolt. Once I've moved my arms back and forth the problems were reduced
in the physical and I moved back to the PE.
I sensed some people around me in a small crowd, so I decide to put out
two questions for two PE "preparation" activities.
I told the PE people present that I would like to have one PE, which wasn't
a real PE, but more a kind of preparation, like the preparations you need
to do to climb a high mountain.
I wanted one PE to solely focus on solving problems for doing PE. This meant
that we should focus on problems which we could resolve while in a PE group.
Those problems could be anything, emotional problems, healing some physical
parts of ourselves, which would be hard to do on our own on a one-by-one
basis. Help each other to point out hindrances to our development, doing
joint efforts to overcome obstacles. And also requesting help from guides
to solve those problems as a PE group.
My second suggestion was to, later on, have a PE mission to go to a place
where we as a group could improve our nonphysical skills and abilities.
So these two suggested PE missions were:
1. PE to use the group power to solve personal problems, emotional, fear,
doing healing, clear away obstacles, remove energy blockages, etc.
2. PE to use group power (once PE 1. was done) to improve nonphysical abilities.
I then left the word for anyone to suggest something on their own. I tried hard
to listen and pick up if someone had other suggestions, but failed to get
anything clear.
Part 3, PE trailerI'm almost absolutely sure I didn't fall asleep as I was in such a discomfort
because of my stomach, but there was suddenly a complete shift of scene.
I was outside a trailer. One of those bigger trailers which I associate with
work crews or temporary construction sites. From the door way at the middle
of this big trailer, Vicky stepped out. She stepped down some stairs from
from the door opening. There was perhaps 3 stair steps.
The trailer first seemed to have outer walls which were striped, but the next
moment the outer trailer walls appeared to me like smooth, rather big tiles.
The trailer gave me the impression of simpleness, it hadn't any purpose to
look fancy, and merely had functional aspects. It had perhaps two windows.
Vicky walks up to me and opens her palm. There was a black key. She gave me
the key. I noticed that the key looked simple too, like something in black
cast iron, so it also appeared old. I accepted the key and was a little
puzzled. What was I supposed to do?
I thanked Vicky for the key and decided to enter the trailer. I moved up
the stairs and looked inside. The interior to the left looked like it
contained cupboards or tall lockers for keeping workers clothes.
To the right inside of the trailer there seemed to be some kind of seat running
along part of the longer walls and the end of the trailer. There also
was a small table to the right, which the seats surrounded.
I left the trailer as I didn't think there was anything more important to
do there, no people. I put the black key in my right pocket.
I tried to move back into the living room at Vicky's house, but now my
impressions seemed even poorer. I eventually decided to leave the PE and
shook hand with every participant. Vicky, DocM, Mystic Tuba, deric, the
old lady, some short man which I hadn't seen before, a cat (!). Yes I
said bye-bye to a cat, who didn't look too interested in me. I don't
remember saying bye to B Moen, so either I forgot him or he just wasn't
there at the time.
I slowly moved out of my session. At one moment I tried to get contact
with the female guide who initially moved me to the kitchen, but when
I managed to perceive her at my side, she bit me in my right shoulder,
kind of making a mark.
So I left.
I have no idea what you others perceived or did, so now I'll read the thread.

Maybe my physical discomfort and my feeling that we lacked a more definite
target put some problems in my way. Or perhaps I had too big expectations?