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What is a soul? (Read 14028 times)
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What is a soul?
Apr 22nd, 2010 at 2:53pm
What is a soul?  Is it possible to see a soul from our human perspective?  I have no illusions about being able to fully understand all a soul is and can be, but I would like to see a soul and to know it was a soul when I saw it.

Some of my experiences have enabled me to see "from" my soul wherein I saw everywhere around me simultaneously...both "seeing" and "understanding" everything that surrounded me with no directional issues whatsoever.  While this occurred I also got a momentary dose of the emotions my soul was expressing...complete, total, pure, unconditional love; absolute elation and even a little anticipation.  It was for an extremely brief moment but what I got was truly overwhelming.  Add to that an indescribable feeling of being everywhere and anywhere simultaneously and instantaneously.

While meditating in review of past lives I see the person I was in that prior life through the eyes of my soul.  I can see both the incarnate being and what the being sees through his own eyes, simultaneously.  The soul receives every sensory impression the incarnate being receives, as well as the thoughts and emotions of the being in response to those impressions.  Further, the soul also takes note of the impressions being received by the being that it cannot or has not processed, and which could have benefitted the being in that life. 

As our own worst critics, there are times when the incarnate being's actions made a choice which had not benefitted itself in some clear way...the picture slowed down to emphasize the action and the feeling of love and calm became very powerful...I got the sense I was being told that the choice was made due to the being's limited scope of knowledge of the circumstances and there would be opportunities to work on it further.

If, as I understand it, the soul can collect all the experiential information stated above for an entire lifetime, that alone is an enormous quantity of data.  If the soul has done that for each of it's earthly incarnations as a human being, and if that has happened in excess of 4,000 times (as I have been told I have lived), then the quantity of experiential data held by a soul is simply unimaginable.

With what I saw, or more likely, what I could comprehend, I got no sense of size or scale of the soul energy I was viewing from.  I have been told both that "souls are really, really big!" and that "your soul would fill this room (12x16x10) and it would be as dense as sand...every grain of sand being a conscious portion of your energy". 

I understand that as energy in motion, a soul can manifest itself in any form it wishes, from its favorite age as a particular incarnated human being, to what I have heard is it's natural form...a pear-shaped orb of energy radiating an aura of colored light with two dark concentrations of energy toward the top that appear as eyes.  Beyond this, I assume that as incarnate human beings, we will obtain no answers until such time as we resume our place within our which time our curiosity will become moot, other than an internal memory of our curiosity while incarnate.

One other observation...during each of my opportunities to view events through my soul's eyes, and for a period of time thereafter, I was filled with an amazing level of love, well-being and complete understanding of any and everything...and a senes of effortlessness.

Thats what I've gotten and would like to hear what anyone else has found.    
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Re: What is a soul?
Reply #1 - Apr 22nd, 2010 at 6:04pm
From your own experiences, and your use of the word "soul" it seems to me "soul" means feelings and knowledge without a body. This would imply you can't perceive another soul (your soul here, another soul over there), you only could melt with another soul, but then it won't be an other soul anymore.

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Re: What is a soul?
Reply #2 - Apr 22nd, 2010 at 9:25pm
spooky2 wrote on Apr 22nd, 2010 at 6:04pm:
From your own experiences, and your use of the word "soul" it seems to me "soul" means feelings and knowledge without a body. This would imply you can't perceive another soul (your soul here, another soul over there), you only could melt with another soul, but then it won't be an other soul anymore.


I have only percieved my soul from within looking out...whether there was a "physical body" of the soul I couldn't tell, while there was an unbelieveable quantity of feeling and knowledge...the level that gives hope to the hopeless, and any other superlatives you can imagine.  As for seeing other souls, I could see other "beings" around the human beings i have observed...some like humans though larger and somehow obviously greater than human...some were really large like towering over the being and others were ethereal and wispy.  I never got the impression that they were cast in their natural shape, but rather were "on the job" fulfilling whatever role they were playing at the time. 

The only impression I have gotten with a soul merger was a brief envelopment but the intensity blinked me out and I "came to" in the middle of a view of another incarnation...other souls are out there and we can see them, we just cannot see all of them and in their natural appearance.  Or so I have seen...

Thanks for the comments, Spooky.
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Re: What is a soul?
Reply #3 - Apr 23rd, 2010 at 5:55pm
I don't think of the soul or my soul to be separate from me. I am my soul and it is me. You don't become the soul in death. You simply shed and transform. Is the caterpillar really separate from the butterfly?
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"The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. " -Bertrand Russel
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Re: What is a soul?
Reply #4 - Apr 23rd, 2010 at 8:22pm
Quote usetawuz:
"some like humans though larger and somehow obviously greater than human..."

Funny, when I once asked for a contact to my higher self, I found me in the middle of a stadium, and many people stood there in a row just to greet me, one after another. And the first ones were humanoid, but clearly taller than normal and with a bony and round head.

What I meant with my previous post was, I think there is a difference between perceiving a person, may it be in the physical or in the astral, with an astral body, or "perceiving" a soul, and regarding the latter, given the soul is the very essence, it is without a body, without something to perceive, but only to "share".

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: What is a soul?
Reply #5 - Apr 23rd, 2010 at 10:11pm

Spooky, you said " only could melt with
another soul, but then it won't be an other soul
anymore. "
Since we have read about and perhaps experienced these 'soul melds,' we can ask 'what is the potential (or purpose?) of a soul
that can blend with another and become something else? Does it become less, or more, than when it stands alone?

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: What is a soul?
Reply #6 - Apr 24th, 2010 at 4:28am

Have you ever considered the possibility that there is no time, so like the present? In other words all your incarnations are taking place all at the same time and you are being given this grand opportunity to relate with them as their lives are actually happening. No future, no past ...only NOW. This is an idea that was hard for me to wrap my mind around at first but Campbell talks about it and so does Peter Russell. It's a very interesting concept as it takes the character out of the incarnation equation and places emphasis on the Actor Self.

In other words, Scott, we are multiple beings arranged by our higher selves which is really the ONE which is not separate. We are the characters and so are the other embodiments...all happening at the same time because our understanding of time is linear this is a hard idea to express.

Peace and love buddy,

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Re: What is a soul?
Reply #7 - Apr 25th, 2010 at 8:09pm
Bets wrote:
"Since we have read about and perhaps experienced these 'soul melds,' we can ask 'what is the potential (or purpose?) of a soul
that can blend with another and become something else? Does it become less, or more, than when it stands alone?"

It seems like the term "soul" only has a meaning when it's seen in opposition to "body". The difficulty now is, when we focus on the soul, what it is, we come in calamities as without it's opposite term it seems to vanish somehow. When we think of a "pure" soul, it's difficult to find words which can describe it, words as "less" or "more" are so attached to matter and spatial extension. I even guess that when we actually talk about a pure soul, there would be only one of it. It seems the less pure a soul is in the sense of a higher relationship to a body/matter, the higher is it's locality, the lower it's radius of connectedness. The lowest stadium would be like a total shutdown, a total inwardness.

Beau wrote:
"No future, no past ...only NOW."
Well, the past isn't anymore, and the future isn't yet. The future even will never come. As when it's there, it's the present. So, there is no past, but only memories; to memorize something is a process within the present. As well as having prospects, too, is something within the present. "The past" and "the future" seem to be noun forms of such verbs as "memorize" and "prospect", and these noun forms suggest that it is "there" somehow.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: What is a soul?
Reply #8 - Apr 26th, 2010 at 4:29am
Very insightful Spooky. I like the memorize prospect concept. I never thought of it
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Re: What is a soul?
Reply #9 - Apr 27th, 2010 at 10:14am
spooky2 wrote on Apr 23rd, 2010 at 8:22pm:
Quote usetawuz:
"some like humans though larger and somehow obviously greater than human..."

Funny, when I once asked for a contact to my higher self, I found me in the middle of a stadium, and many people stood there in a row just to greet me, one after another. And the first ones were humanoid, but clearly taller than normal and with a bony and round head.

What I meant with my previous post was, I think there is a difference between perceiving a person, may it be in the physical or in the astral, with an astral body, or "perceiving" a soul, and regarding the latter, given the soul is the very essence, it is without a body, without something to perceive, but only to "share".


A stadium with all the "characters" you have ever been might be an incredibly descriptive view of who you are, who your soul is,  in a figurative sense...I am always amazed at the differing variety and ways a simple question can be answered...especially by those who know more what we are asking than we do...that is absolutely fantastic, Spooky.

I think you are right in that perceiving a body may be all that we can see, while a soul, which infuses the body, is not visible to our human senses.
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Re: What is a soul?
Reply #10 - Apr 27th, 2010 at 10:51am
Beau wrote on Apr 24th, 2010 at 4:28am:

Have you ever considered the possibility that there is no time, so like the present? In other words all your incarnations are taking place all at the same time and you are being given this grand opportunity to relate with them as their lives are actually happening. No future, no past ...only NOW. This is an idea that was hard for me to wrap my mind around at first but Campbell talks about it and so does Peter Russell. It's a very interesting concept as it takes the character out of the incarnation equation and places emphasis on the Actor Self.

In other words, Scott, we are multiple beings arranged by our higher selves which is really the ONE which is not separate. We are the characters and so are the other embodiments...all happening at the same time because our understanding of time is linear this is a hard idea to express.

Peace and love buddy,


Yes Beau...I have thought about the idea that there is no time except in this three dimensional illusion...that the dimension is wrapped around our souls in a spiral in ascending "time" or event order...each of our "characters" are then active at the same time, each one living its experiences in their specific slot on the spiral, each one in constant contact and sharing experiences with the actor/soul and each of the other characters. 

This gets beyond my ability to reconcile the whole system, although to some people the idea of "no time" except while incarnate is second nature...I haven't read enough, nor have I obtained the level of understanding necessary to be able to conceive a coherent model..."time will tell!"
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Alan McDougall
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Re: What is a soul?
Reply #11 - May 3rd, 2010 at 3:56am

Alan McDougall

The Soul in relation to the Cosmic Mind by Alan McDougall

The brain is not the soul of mind, it is the hard drive, the processor of your mortal body. The mind download constantly onto the brain right up to death and a little beyond and that is why some of us remember events from a near death experience

The “the Soul” personalized is an infinitesimal part of God in man. Just as a drop of water from the ocean has all the ingredients in the ocean, this “the Soul” has all the powers of God.

However, just as a drop of water from the ocean does not make up the ocean, the “the Soul” of one person does not make up God’s “the Soul”. All the drops joined together become the ocean; all the “the Soul’s in the universe together make up God’s Cosmic Soul”.

The Soul” is the source of all happiness, all misery, health, and disease, abundance and lack, riches and poverty, joy and sorrow. As the greatest

Our “Soul” is a microcosm and creates the macrocosm universe and more until it all consolidates into the godhead.

If you experience these things then you have an eternal soul, do you think a state of soullessness emptiness exists in you?

If you do you must and would die. By that I mean your physical body will die, because it is your soul or mind that sustains it as one harmonious organism

Like a laser beam, “the Soul” can focus its attention on the smallest atom or see the whole universe as if it is a speck. “The Soul” can become part of the environment and embrace the entire cosmos.

I know this is true, because when I died during my NDE I became god for a few wonderful inexplicable moments outside of linear time and space.

The speed of thought is more than the speed of light. In a millisecond, “the Soul” can reach the farthest galaxy, billions of light years away.

It is instantaneous and unlimited by space or time. For example, the precocious genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart said that he could hear a musical work as a single event and not successively.

What is thought what consciousness is??

What “the Soul” is and where it is situated has been debated for centuries. Rarely two philosophers agree on one definition or location for “the Soul”.

Rene Descartes, French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician said that there is a total and absolute distinction between mental and material substance and that “the Soul” he said situated in the pineal gland. I disagree the soul is a quantum energy field hovering around our body, especially the head area near the brain and many see it as an aura

“The Soul” is non material and cannot become part of a material such as the brain, pineal gland or amygdala.

We can go through every nerve cell, analyze electrochemically, spectroscopically, mass-photographically, electronically, and, using all known tests, we will not find any indication of “the Soul”.

There is no single location for the “the Soul”. The human “the Soul” is distributed throughout the human body and its environment.

Every cell has its own “the Soul” and has the ability to function independently or jointly with all the cells of the body.

For example, a neuron is capable of deciding whether it will transmit information to another nerve cell and, if it will, to which one among the thousands of cells with which it is in contact.

Similarly, endocrine cells decide whether they will respond to a demand for a particular enzyme by cells in another far corner of the body.

Even sponge cells exhibit a similar capacity of awareness. When a piece of sponge is ground up and individual cells are suspended in solution, they will come together and become a complete sponge within a few hours.

This indicates that each cell has a “Soul” of its own to decide to combine with another sponge cell and with which of the thousands of cells floating in solution.

Just as each of the thousand pieces of a splintered mirror will show the same reflection of an object as the whole mirror, each cell reflects our “the Soul” and each cell in the universe we humans etc, reflects the Universal Soul called by us as God

By Alan McDougall
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Re: What is a soul?
Reply #12 - May 3rd, 2010 at 4:32am

To say there is no time outside of 3 dimensions would mean that in dreams there is no time and of course there is a sense of time it just passes much slower there. Campbell talks about this and it makes sense. Without time all stands still.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: What is a soul?
Reply #13 - May 3rd, 2010 at 7:34am
I like your initial description here on the thread, Usetawuz. It is a pretty clear view of some states I have entered in which I accessed a series of perspectives and even emotions which I had no idea I was capable of experiencing. There is a 'bigness' to our being and our 'feelings' which is rarely experienced when concentrating on one aspect of the material world, which we are often doing. There is a hugeness and a lovingness and absolute 'forgiveness' which this larger 'being' expresses, and an understanding which is beyond any petty version of our smaller truths. Of this I am sure. This 'being' is capable of understanding the smallest of our experiences and putting them in context within a time 'frame' which corresponds to our ability to understand. Deep meditation is different from a 'dream' in that emotions are clarified for us, rather than misunderstood or 'acted' upon. We have 'bigger' emotions which we can use to motivate us toward healing the planet because we all have within us the capacity to 'care' far beyond what we see or describe as our everyday lives and 'selves'. That is my view.
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Re: What is a soul?
Reply #14 - May 3rd, 2010 at 10:33am
I like your initial description here on the thread, Usetawuz.  There is a 'bigness' to our being and our 'feelings' which is rarely experienced when concentrating on one aspect of the material world, which we are often doing. There is a hugeness and a lovingness and absolute 'forgiveness' which this larger 'being' expresses, and an understanding which is beyond any petty version of our smaller truths. Of this I am sure. This 'being' is capable of understanding the smallest of our experiences and putting them in context within a time 'frame' which corresponds to our ability to understand.

Exactly, b2..."bigness" is a great term...something so much more than anything I can consistently conceive.  I only get glimpses of it when conscious, and those vignettes are staggering.  While in meditation it feels like home and so expansive and large, not just what appears around me but all I feel and think, simultaneously, that when I reopen my eyes I am surprised by the reduced scale of all I see.
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