Hi Alan, I will respond to your comments. Some hits, some misses.
You have recently got over an unpleasant incident in your life.
[/color] Yes, but I don't know if I am "emotionally" over it. It was a whopper, involving family, lack of loyalty, outright aggressiveness and even illegal behavior. Pretty sad.
Don’t harness yourself to an unpleasant person. You are only in your formative years in the esoteric world and still a little uneasy about it...
Being studying the esoteric world for 20 years, but participating has been a different matter.
She will reach eighty with no health problems...
My mom is 64 and having lots of health problems now, not sure if this is about her or not. But it would be nice if they cleared up and she gets better.
The routine part of life sometimes depresses you.
This is a mixed hit. I like doing some things the same way, (getting my coffee in the morning, taking care of my dogs, etc) but I get bored easily by doing the same thing over and over, even if it's not "technically" the same thing, but the same area of activity. For example, I don't like to exercise the same way all the time, and sometimes, even exercising bores me.
Each soul is absolutely unique and all existence there has never been another exactly like you. I n the summer you like to go fishing. .
I like the calm and patience of fishing, but always throw the fish back and have some trepidation about fishing since I believe in non-violence.
Your seek the reality of purpose and strive towards excellence.
Yep, I'm a first-born perfectionist!
You are easily upset with a person what will not let you get a word in edge ways.
Um, that would be my husband, who talks over you unless you remind him he is talking over you.
You have a small brown dog that recently hurts its back but has no recover completely
I don't have a small brown dog. I have two large black dogs that are in good health. My stepdad has a small brownish colored dog but I don't know anything about its health right now.
Have a health check. Listen to white noise often Charlene is close.
Don't know any Charlene. I do know someone else who has passed with the name beginning with C with two syllables, but it's not a hit for me because it's also a male. I use Holosync and Hemisync. Have a hard time sleeping, so white noise would probably help.
You strive to find friends and have only over friend that you can call close. You’re especially close to your parents and worry especially about the health of your dad.
I do have only one best friend, and few other friends. I prefer not to have many friends in general, but close good friends, and less of them. I am not close to my father, don't even know the status of his health. My mother I used to be close with but we are drifting apart.
Because of your interest in the metaphysical and supernatural things you are considered an oddball.
Yes, but who isn't that is interested in these things?
Please exercise your many gifts you have some that you are not even aware of.
Well if I'm not aware of the gifts, not going to be able to use them, I guess. LOL.
You are an empathy and feel in your own body and soul the distress of other, like the tired feeling you are experiencing in the middle part of your back.
I'm not sure about the Empath part. I try to block feelings off from other people, so maybe that's part of it, I don't want their "stuff." I have a bad back and other issues.
Mary does nothing
Several Marys in my life, not sure what this means.
When approached you often say I don’t know” because you are reluctant to share in the suffering due to your high level empathy.
I started saying "I don't know" years ago to the rigorous questioning I'd often get from family members. It's a coping device.
Thank you Doctor!
Would like to know what you mean by Doctor comment. I took it one way, but would like to hear your interpretation.
Death is something you don’t like to think about especially the death of your beloved ones the pain of losing a child is the very worst agony one can endure in life.
Death doesn't bother me so much when it comes to humans, animals more. A child was lost in our family.
Stretched in the economy part of your life and someone has angered you by lying to you.
Yep, economically, times are tough. Not sure about the lying part. Maybe they lied and I don't know about it yet. I've been lied to in the past, but who hasn't?
Tonight before you go to sleep enter the Field of Dreams, let the light of holiness flood into your life like the river of everlasting live. Respect the ones that gave you life Annie and someone else would like to thank you for your kindness.
Don't know any Annies that are close to me. Could be anyone. I try to be kind as much as I can tolerate. Kindness is not my forte.
A second dream will come true before the cold of December
Ok, I'll take this one!
Be ready for him because he WILL COME.
Not sure who HE is...but ok..
Love Blessings and Light
Thanks Alan! I think some things are general, but some things are hits. Maybe 65-70%? Also, I would like you to remote view my living conditions because they are a bit unique and tell me if you can see why....
Thanks again!