ah, you mention atmosphere. I forgot to mention another part of the view/sense. I skirted along the surface, while I was exploring I would expand myself big or small, small to go inside, large to get overview, this seems to work well in exploring sometimes.
while I was large, I surfed the edges and a mist or gas, came off the surface which suggests the atmosphere..as I looked to see whether it was water or gas mist, I saw it only came off the ground several feet, as I viewed it. I asked where it came from, although there was nobody like a presence to tell me at that point, as remote viewing is to go without a guide.
I got the response the mist was coming, logically, from the inner core and outward, like condensation occurring in natural process. I determined it must be water, like clouds on the surface. sorry, not into physics or I could explain better. must mention the plant was cactus like which didn't require much water. the pod was rooted in the soil which was fine.
to further suggest there is some kind of moisture there which life needs, later when I talked to the guy in the cave, (nature spirit?) he pointed out where canals were dried up from previous water.
I thought I saw briefly water running against some rocks in the bowels of the cave but wasn't sure I was seeing correctly or if this was a suggestion I made to myself because I was in a cave.
the plant was not a suggestion I know, because I was growing bored and was trying to get to the other side when I glanced at the plant and began to spontaneously be drawn into it.
this thing we've been talking about focus here. the mind seems to have the innate ability to zero in to an object, in remote viewing, and phasing, by shutting out all other sensory items and thoughts, then the mind is like a magnet, can be pulled towards the object for a closer view; there is sometimes a sensation of being pulled towards the item which is a swift action, and quite spontaneous, so that u know the imagination is being skirted and the intention of the exploration is fulfilled.
it's satisfying. I'd like to teach it. anyone interested in doing remote viewing exercises can google these sites for there are exercises on the net. I practiced a few, and there are forums of many others who report their successes.
the forums are full of excitement of success, for the average person. 100% accuracy for either remote viewing or psychic activities is impossible to achieve. Moneagle was not 100%, 90% I think, and he is the best in the world (considered) out of about 10 experiments I did, I got two direct, unmistakable hits which floored me and made my breath catch in my throat! lol!
the others were little scribbles and feelings which I couldn't say had anything to do with the target, but if anyone tries this, and gets just one hit, it's enough to give you confidence to continue the effort, as it really becomes like a game, much more fun to discover what the mind can actually perceive, then any kind of competitive game we have here, because it causes a sense of being quite unlimited in the mind to achieve whatever we want, and the folks on these forums are generating some excitement in their achievements and that adds to the gaming of it. at least the forum I visited was this way; I was only briefly there, it came out of a link from Skyhero material which is linked to other large groups of explorers of the paranormal, clearly though, this is not something unique to do for just mediums and psychis as known, it was just your average Joe's and Jane's, and the place was rocking! I didn't see skeptics, did see a lot of logic and a lot of open minded souls attempting to help each other.
on the remote viewing site the rules were simple: draw what u see, feel what u feel, touch what you see (image this) smell it, listen to it, for the sense of sound, and see if there's a movement, whether it's hot or cold, alive or static, large or small, ask all these questions, and try to write it or draw it on paper as you go. and don't forget we can see color too.
the one hit that astounded me on remote viewing was I saw a complete tree all at once, with the sun behind it's bare branches, standing all alone on a hill, filling the entire space of the target. it was pretty. that time I didn't write anything down and didn't check for hot or cold, or large or small, etc. It just was there in the mind, on a screen of the mind, at first so subtle, you almost want to brush it away as nothing but peripheral vision sort of, then u sort of say, wait, is that a tree?

then the mind zooms into to the thing you are saying, it's not there. but it is there!
imagine being such a novice, going to check your paper at school for your score, (the answers are on the site for checking) and getting a A on your first paper! haha! it's a lot of fun but takes a bit of concentration to get past the doubts. actually it was my 2nd or 3rd attempt before the tree was shown. the funny thing was I took 2 numbers of objects to view. or maybe 3. you're supposed to do only one at a time. the tree came up in association with # 2 object, when on the net it was #3, so I got confused with the numbers. One at a time is better so theres no confusion.
they told me this happens sometimes. theres a curious reversal of objects within astral traveling as well, everything can seem backwards, birds can fly backwards sometimes, your bedroom can look out of place, etc.