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involuntary PE (Read 4905 times)
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involuntary PE
Jun 6th, 2008 at 4:12pm
a few days ago I said I was going to "get Old Dood."  the next day after this he said he woke up and I was on his mind, and he began to put his energy here on the board.

I wanted to say something about involuntary PE is a lot like mental telepathy, but on a deeper level, I would surmise as it is also an emotional level.

I remember thinking and feeling gratitude for this or that poster and then they would tell me that I had appeared to them, and I had not realized my thoughts had flown forth and hit their target, without that intention first. then I could feel not in control of myself. the thoughts sent forth can appear as an image in the mind, or just an intuitive feeling, or perhaps other ways as well.

I think it's important to realize we are in the shift in consciousness and telepathy and/or partnered exploration and obes and dreams, and moving objects with our minds, and healings, these are all a part of the shift in consciousness.

it is important to not send anyone negative feelings or thoughts. it will get to them somehow. always send positive thoughts, and PUL has a lot to do with the energy making that connection. by far, the PUL gets there, where any negativity can be short circuited by their own higher self.

I think these experiences will become more commonplace as we share our thoughts here, we evolve ourselves. welcome to this board once more, Old Dood, the one who watches the skies.

love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: involuntary PE
Reply #1 - Jun 15th, 2008 at 10:06am
Were you out again yesterday,
Dear LaughingRain?

Saturday about 6 pm your time, I think, a loving someone OB was in our house. I asked my Higher Self who it was and it finally said yes to Alyssia. I didn't really respond much because I was having trouble getting that answer from HS--maybe the tv was too loud  Smiley

My first notice was that our dog got worried and came over to me , gesturing with his eyes at the ceiling. He has become used to several souls who drop by, so his worry made me think it was someone who hadn't been here much.

Also I don't react much so that I won't bother my husband.
So  --

Belated Welcome, LR !

Love, Bets
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: involuntary PE
Reply #2 - Jun 15th, 2008 at 4:57pm
Hi There, yes I was thinking about you lately. I must have sent my thought form.
I was a little worried you were backing off the board.  Huh
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: involuntary PE
Reply #3 - Jun 15th, 2008 at 5:28pm

Last week I was visiting relatives with no computer accessible.
Thanks for thinking of me though.  Smiley

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Choose this Day

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Gender: female
Re: involuntary PE
Reply #4 - Jun 16th, 2008 at 8:42am
you're like the wallpaper here Bets, how could I forget you?  Wink
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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centreville Virginia
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Re: involuntary PE
Reply #5 - Jul 6th, 2008 at 11:09pm

I just wanted to let yuou know I believe you and a friend came to me. I sat in my chaIR and closed my eyes about a month ago or less. I say you with someone under your shoulder and you both were waving and smiling at me...I had trouble focusing and lost you 2 buit tjanks for saying hello!!!
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