printing this with permission; Rick was too busy fixing people's lawn mowers to come post here!

U have to admit it's a good sign when he's up and about.
LR, below are my perceptions of what happened last night after retiring...:
The injury happened last Sunday around 4pm...Hospital emergency room
said broken #5 rib on right side, bruising RS rib cab, multiple cuts, abrasions
on both legs, right eye black, sore face and nose on right side, nose bled for
24 hours off and on.
Monday morning as a reference point(24 hrs), could hardly get up from recliner, so
much soreness and pain...had improved only slightly on Tues am, some
days I thought it improved but not sure, so the rate of improvement was very
little from day to day...trouble sitting down, getting up, could not reach down
to floor with right hand without severe pain in right side and shoulder blade
area. Walking even, some pain from soreness..
Yesterday, Friday am, still have difficulty getting up from reclined position
in recliner..(I sleep in recliner because of spinal stenosis), can not reach down
without sharp pain in side, still sore walking, anything using right arm is painful.
I tire easily, can barely walk my dog(rat terrier)15 min. Still have sharp pain when
reaching for dogs bowl in floor.
Last night to bed at 12:30am, up for BR break at 4:30am, back to bed, its raining
outside, noticed no change in soreness or very little. Back to sleep, awoke at 7am,
noticed when I leaned forward to upright the recliner, ahhh not much pain at all,
pushed the lever with right hand to lower the foot rest..again I noticed almost no
discomfort, but a little remaining...maybe memory effecting it some. I normally
go outside for a smoke on arising..but this am, I let the dog out, stood and waited
on him, thinking I will get dressed then go smoke...back in. Started the computer,
BR break, noticed when I sat down...very little soreness and stiffness when lowering
myself...before it was slow and painful, got dressed with no memory (as I write this),
of soreness while dressing, prior I had trouble getting pants up basically with left
hand and a little help from right. I walked the dog for about 15 minutes, noticed
I was using R hand again to fasten his harness, bending was not bad at all, so much
better than yesterday.
My perception was a vague memory of feeling like I was floating above my body,
body feeling a warmth all over, I thought its the healing taking place, how nice.
Thats all I remember from sleep after the BR break this am....
To sum up quickly, I have about 75-80% conservatively speaking, of pain reduction
from yesterday am till this am!!! Its 9am, no pain meds yet either, forgot them!
I am eternally Grateful to all participants who aided in this healing energy, our thoughts
have energy, so when a group directs healing love/energy at a person, it is not only
felt, its very beneficial and its real. IMHO
Thank You, each and every one, its much appreciated...CARLYLE my spirit guide says
that healing will be accelerated over the next three days on the remainder...hes a know it
all! LOL
Love, Ricardo
to add some comment to Rick here, I found this part interesting, to demonstrate how healing can happen "out of time" in other words, like they say, time heals all wounds. What a healing group or a healing practioner such as Reicki or other methods based on the same principles of highest good or pure love intentions (ie: not my will oh lord, but thine be done)
it shows how it works, but it is just like we get a tiny glimpse here. We DO effect one another. We are always effecting one another either positively or negativily, so we may as well choose to serve each other well and take JC's word for it, "your faith has made you well." Be well.
Rick said: My perception was a vague memory of feeling like I was floating above my body,
body feeling a warmth all over, I thought its the healing taking place, how nice.
Thats all I remember from sleep after the BR break this am....
this vague memory of floating, feeling warm, and the thought that
healing is taking place, how nice, is what I was waiting to hear from Rick, something to
this effect. there have been times I too walked around a little floaty feeling, the warmth, only
the warmth I would discern as a feeling of love washing over me, which was healing me of an
emotional concern mostly as I don't have a motorcycle to flip over, lol, (Im going to get one though!) just kidding Rick, but not about the want of that. so on some level you do know when a healing is taking place outside of the usual manner of just waiting for time to do it.
Rick continues:
To sum up quickly, I have about 75-80% conservatively speaking, of pain reduction
from yesterday am till this am!!! Its 9am, no pain meds yet either, forgot them!
This is a good indication also that something has happened out of the
ordinary when one forgets to take the prescribed pain medication because you simply
have no reason to
scuse me, I'm playful now with the capital M at the top, see it? u can make your type move!
Listen y'all. I'm wishing and hoping and praying somebody has something to post concerning this healing circle and just adding that wish to this thread, but if y'all don't, I still feel like some of you were and are working with me "out there." the I/there idea. especially the ones who are on this thread. if I'm right, sometimes in the next 3 days we'll see this thread plump up. and it is our oneness that makes that happen. not me. us.