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A Recent Healing of a Cripple (Read 52962 times)
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Re: A Recent Healing of a Cripple
Reply #60 - Feb 26th, 2010 at 12:58am

Perhaps I should share Leonard's story for the sake of newbies who have never read it.  As his pastor, I often visited him and had dinner with him and his wife Helen.  We became very close.  Leonard took family illness hard and often urged me to visit his loved ones in the hospital.  After witnessing his distress over a cousin across the road who refused visitors as he was dying of cancer, I was struck by a deafening silence.  Leonard's son Jeff had been killed in a small plane crash, together with his wife Karen and their 2 children.  Yet this tragedy never seemed to bother Leonard like his other family crises.  I wondered why.  I eventually visited him to ask about his, but he wasn't home. Helen surprised me by saying, "Oh that!  Well, Leonard was reassured by his contacts with them after their death." 

When I saw Leonard again, I asked him to clarify what Helen had said.  He told me that soon after the plane crash, he got in Jeff's pickup to do some errands in town.  As he approached the end of his driveway, he noticed a man rising from the ditch.  It was his late son Jeff!  Jeff came over to the driver's side and asked, "Hi Dad, mind if I take the truck for a drive for old times' sake?"  In shock, Leonard moved to the passenger's side.  Jeff drove down Rte. 40 towards Rochester.  He assured his Dad that the family was all together and were adjusting to their new bodies and spirit locale.  He detailed his investments and saved Leonard a lot of time by telling him where to go to tie up his financial loose ends.  Then Jeff suddenly turned down a side road and drove a couple of miles until he said, "Sorry Dad, I'm not allowed to drive any further."  Jeff got out of the pickup, walked toward a thicket, and dematerialized. 

Leonard drove home in shock.  This encounter did not diminish his sorrow because it was hard for him to accept what he had just experienced.  So the next day, his eyes welled up with tears and he decided to go on a walk down the path through the woods behind his country house.  Overcome with grief, he sat down on a log and bawled.  Just then, he heard the crack of a branch and sensed that someone was coming.  It was his deceased daughter-in law Karen.  Karen chided him, "Didn't we assure you that we all survived the crash and are doing just fine? So what are you doing out here?  You get back in the house with Mom and comfort her!"  It was this second encounter that broke the back of his grief.

After recounting this incredible ADC, Leonard's expression was pained as he observed my skeptical expression.  I had a hard time processing his story, but knew him to be a a very bright man of impeccable character.  Leonard's brilliance as a construction baron had made him a millionaire.  He had never shared this story with me because he feared that I would think he's lying or psychotic.  For this reason, he had never even shared his experience with his daughters.  But after sharing it with me, he reconsidered and shared it with them as well.  Leonard recently died and one of his daughters recounted his experience at his memorial service.

I'm still haunted by Jeff's lament, "Sorry, Dad, I'm not allowed to drive any further."  This remark suggests that someone (Jesus? an angel?) was choreographing the whole episode and establishing limits. 

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Re: A Recent Healing of a Cripple
Reply #61 - Mar 15th, 2010 at 8:13pm
I have decided to transform this thread into a space where I report miracles that have impressed me and which I and Christians I know have experienced.

My cousin Darlene was voted high school English teacher of the year for Atlanta.  She is the daughter of a Pentecostal missionary.  Her family used to stay in Winnipeg, my home town, on furloughs from the mission field.  When Darlene was 19, she and her sister transferred from my secular university to Oral Roberts University in Oklahoma.  Both gals rebelled against the restrictions and legalism there. Darlene, her sister, and myself are anything but Oral Roberts fans.

When she and two of her roommates moved to Los Angeles, I was attending a seminary in Pasadena.  She invited me  to dinner with her 2 ORU roommates. All 3 gals were very attractive; so I brought 2 male buddies with me, who were both smitten!  To my great dismay, after dinner, Darlene brought out a small whiskey bottle and challenged me to drink it!  Her smirking roommates assured me that they drink whiskey with a straw!  Eager to impress my buddies and the ladies, I chugaglugged the bottle down!  It was my first ever taste of alcohol and it burned like hell!  But I never let anyone there sense my discomfort.  OK, I was in the clutches of the macho posturing of a 21-yearf-old man.  I tell you this to demonstrate the rebellious spirit of these 3 ORU gals.   I mention all this as background to the miracle she experienced while still at ORU.

One day, Darlene was courtside watching Division I calibre male tennis players smashing balls back and forth at 90 mph.  The moment she looked away, a high-velocity smash struck her in the eye, badly tearing it.  She required emergency surgery the next day to save her sight in that eye.  That night her friends ascended the prayer tower in ORU for hours of healing prayer in her behalf.  The next morning, when she was to be taken up for surgery, the doctor reexamined her eye and exclaimed. "My God, you've been given a flawless brand-new baby eye!  No surgery is required!"  I still fondly recall Darlene's excited letter recounting her miracle.

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Re: A Recent Healing of a Cripple
Reply #62 - Mar 16th, 2010 at 2:08pm
The power of prayer is truly amazing. There is little doubt that it works in some cases. Not all of course. Its great that it worked out so well for her.
Unfortunately some only believe in the power of prayer. As a result, many people have died. Some of them children because some fundamentalists believe that healing will be done through only prayer to God. Some believe that you dont need Doctors. I have read a number of stories where children have been refused the care of a doctor because their parents are going the praying route. I believe these parents should be charger with murder. If it is found out before the child dies that the parent is refusing medical help then the parent should be charged with child neglect. If a church is assisting or supporting in the neglect, they should be charged along with the parents.

PS: As a child of someone who is physically disabled, I find the use of the word "cripple" distasteful and derogatory.
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« Last Edit: Mar 16th, 2010 at 4:03pm by hawkeye »  
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Re: A Recent Healing of a Cripple
Reply #63 - Mar 17th, 2010 at 5:51pm
In one of my visits to my parents in south central British Columbia, I heard about an amazing paranormal event that happened to John, a member of my parents' church.  Some here might find this experience inspirational; so I've decided to post it now and revise it when I learn more details.

John's wife Helen testified to the incident in question to the pastor's wife.  John had been killed in a serious auto accident.   The ambulance paramedics discovered that he had no vital signs (no breathing, hearbeat, or pulse) and John was later examined and pronounced dead by the medical examiner.  Helen was not in the car, but was summoned to the morgue to identify the body.

When the sheet was removed from John's face, she immediately confirmed his identity but asked for some private moments with him.    Suddenly, for no apparent reason, she felt an impulse to pray for his recovery.  She continued her intercession for two hours.   I have prayed over the dead myself, but only for about 5 minutes because I had no expectation of an imminent physical "resurrection."  After two hours of prayer, John suddenly came back to life and has now recovered from his injuries! 

John had no memories of the period during which the doctor was pronounced dead.  He was clinically dead for over 2 hours.  He needed additional surgery and has some lingering health problems.  But he is able to live a normal active life.

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Re: A Recent Healing of a Cripple
Reply #64 - Mar 17th, 2010 at 10:45pm
Hi Don,

You posted previously about this fellow, I seem to recall.  Does this experience stand as is, as an apparent resurrection or miracle? It seems enough to rejoice that now he is able to live a normal life. What more would we need to know?

I've heard rumors of the briefly dead somehow coming back to life after a few hours of 'flatlining'.  In those cases we don't hear of prayer being the cause but they can't be ruled out. Maybe prayers were being offerred for these other ND returnees from another site from family, church, neighbors, etc. or maybe not.

Does such an experience need to have the bright lights and the voice from above to be wondrous? I'm ready to celebrate John's return now!  Cheesy

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: A Recent Healing of a Cripple
Reply #65 - Mar 21st, 2010 at 6:47pm
Yes, Bets, I consider John's resurrection a marvelous answer to prayer, despite his "failure" to have an NDE. One of the most intriguing questions I'd love to answer is why many clincially dead people DON'T experience NDEs.  What are the medical, spiritual, and psychological factors that trigger or inhibit an NDE? 

Also, you indirectly draw attention to another important question.  Scientific double-blind studies on the power of prayer cannot account for a very important factor.  When the control group is praying for patient illness, we must assume that many of the supposed no-prayer group are receiving private prayers for healing from friends and family members.  This complication makes it impossible to meaningfully isolate prayer and no-prayer groups.   

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Re: A Recent Healing of a Cripple
Reply #66 - Mar 25th, 2010 at 4:20pm
When I was about 13, I had a Sunday School teacher named Ralph Cook.  Ralph was a very honest and simple man, but he was a boring unanimated teacher.  So I'll never forget how excited he was one Sunday when he shared the story of a recent accident.  Ralph accidentally cut off the end of his finger with a chain saw.  In shock, he picked the sliced off finger fragment off the ground, placed it atop the rest of the finger, and fervently prayed for a healing.  His finger was restored, as I recall, with only a small scar!

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Re: A Recent Healing of a Cripple
Reply #67 - Mar 25th, 2010 at 4:50pm
A pity John Wayne Bobbitt did not think of that as his severed manhood had to be painfully reattached by a surgeon.

But, seriously, Don, how are you so skeptical about some things in this life, and so trusting and believing about other events like this.  I don't know how much of the fingertip was lost; if it were only a small part of the soft connective tissue and he bandaged it right away, he might have had the impression of a miraculous healing....

If he cut through a large piece of bone, ligament, and tendon, then it would have defied all odds of healing, in a conventional medical sense in our "real world" existence.

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Re: A Recent Healing of a Cripple
Reply #68 - Mar 25th, 2010 at 4:54pm

Karen and I were in backyard this morning, using chain saws to clean up after that wicked Feb snowstorm here in Va.

I'm glad no body part was lost! 

Didn't you also tell a story about a shooting accident?  I can't recall the details, but since both my wife and I enjoy going to the range, can you repeat it?

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Re: A Recent Healing of a Cripple
Reply #69 - Mar 25th, 2010 at 9:09pm

Notice that my post made no claim for the evidential merits of Ralph's testimony.  I recognize the possiblity that there might be some exaggeration in a case or two.  But in most of the cases I'm recounting here, there is no question of that.  Ralph made no mention of the need for bandaging and implied a sizable chunk of finger cut off.  I admit that his is not one of my strongest cases, but I was blown away by his show and tell at the time!  In the case of channeling and past life recall, it strikes me that there is solid evidence for a more plausible alternate explanation. 

Roger, the accidental shooting story was about my premonition of Dallas's death on a hunting trip.  I pleaded with him not to go.  I was playing table tennis with him in his basement when I suddenly "saw" his skeleton and knew he would be killed if he went on his hunting trip as planned.  He attributed my paranoia to my opposition to deer hunting.  I protested that, though I'm not a hunter myself, I have nothinh against the sport.  While hunting, Dallas' gun accidentally discharged when his snowmobile hit a bump and he died from the wound in his shoulder.

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Re: A Recent Healing of a Cripple
Reply #70 - Mar 29th, 2010 at 7:40pm
Ken, a wealthy oil baron, is a friend of my Dad’s but also a friend of the former Premier of the Canadian province of Alberta.  For various reasons, Ken had always resented the evangelical Christians he encountered.  He would pick arguments with them and ridicule the Bible.  After one such verbal joust, he was driving to an important meeting in a very high office building in downtown Edmonton.  He had issued challenges to his Christian adversaries; so he was feeling his oats and decided to issue this challenge directly to God: “If the Christian God exists, then let a panhandler approach me in front of the office building hosting my meeting and say, `Alms please!’”  Ken knew that Edmonton’s panhandlers plied their trade in less affluent parts of town, but he had never seen them soliciting in front of this office building.   And nobody uses the old word “alms” any more.  Ken parked his car and walked towards the front doors of the office building.   He had temporarily forgotten about his silly challenge to God.  As he was about to open one of the doors, he noticed a man dressed in Scottish attire, complete with a Scottish beret and kilt.  As he opened the door, the “Scotsman said, “Alms please!”  It took a couple of seconds for these words to register in Ken’s mind.  When he realized what had just happened, he wheeled around and looked for the Scotsman, but he had vanished.  Ken frantically scooted around looking for him.  Then it dawned on him that the Scotsman did not have enough time to race out of his view.  Ken then realized that God had met his challenge.  When Ken meditated on this fact, his heart was opened and he had a life-changing experience of God’s love on the spot.  Ken is now a radiant Christian.   Other people (e. g. St. Francis of Assisi) have been converted through such encounters followed by dematerialization.  One wonders why such life-changing experiences don’t happen more often.

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Re: A Recent Healing of a Cripple
Reply #71 - Mar 29th, 2010 at 8:30pm
I wonder if any of these are really true? Of course they are moving regardless, but if some of them are true they are miracles and amazing.

Are there any scientifically documented cases of miracles? Videotaped etc.
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Re: A Recent Healing of a Cripple
Reply #72 - Mar 29th, 2010 at 10:43pm
The most impressive evidence always seems to be anecdotal.  We shouldn't even begin to speak of "proof" until we achieve both verification and replication in labs under controlled conditions.  The best example of this is the OBE research on a subject named Miss Z.  She lay down in a lab attached to monitoring equipment and was asked to have an OBE and ascend to the ceiling where a random five-digit number was concealed that could be only read by an OBE ascent.  Miss Z identified the 5-digit number. 

It was later recognized that there was a slight chance she cheated by reading a very dim reflection from a wall clock. She denied getting the right answer that way, but couldn't replicate this result in further testing.  No OBE adept has ever been able to replicate this feat; so the jury must still be out on the genuineness of OBE evidence, though that evidence can be more impressive than most channeling evidence.

I once watched a video of South African evangelist, Angus Buchan preaching to 5,000 people, mostly Muslim.  The crowd wandered around, showing little interest in what Buchan had to say.   Then he felt inspired to pray for disabled man in a wheelchair in the front row.  It was later determined that this Muslim had a steel rod in his leg from an injury at work.  But when Buchan prayed for him he rose from his wheelchair and jumped around ecstatically. claiming to be healed.  Hundreds of the Muslims present knew this man as a paraplegic who was always in his wheelchair.  So when they saw that he was healed, they were in such awe that about 500 of them converted to Christianity. 

This looked very impressive, but, like you, I'd like to see the before and after X-rays to learn the precise nature of the physiological changes.  In any case, the man could now walk.  But there is a tape recording that strikes me as more clearly miraculous. 

On Sept., 17, 1952, 2 Catholic priests, Fathers Ernetti and Gemelli ( a doctor) were investigating ways to filter the taped sound of Gregorian Chant to enhance their acoustical purity.  The wire used by tape recorders often broke before the invention of magnetic tape and required constant delicate repair.  Father Gemelli had the quirk that, when he felt exasperated, he would call on his deceased Dad for help.  But he never seriously expected his Dad to intervene.  By habit, he now called on his Dad. When the 2 priests restarted the machine again, they heard not Gregorian Chant, but the voice of Gemelli's Dad: "Of course, I'll help you.  I am always with you!"  This case acutely raises the question of why there are not more ADC contacts with impressive verifications.

The 2 priests gained an audience with Pope Pius XII and played him the tape.  The Pope viewed the tape as precedent for "new scientific study for confirming faith in the afterlife." 

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Re: A Recent Healing of a Cripple
Reply #73 - May 6th, 2010 at 11:27pm

(1) I had recently served as Dallas's Best Man in his wedding.  Shortly after his honeymoon, he invited me over for dinner.  It was a couple of days after Christmas.  After dinner, he, his wife Jan, and myself played table tennis in his basement.  When we stopped playing, Dallas casually announced that he was going deer hunting in northern Manitoba with some friends.  I suddenly "saw" his skeleton and felt a dreadful premonition of his death in a hunting accident.  I informed him of this and urged him not to go.  He scoffed at my premonition and suggested that I was just opposed to deer hunting.  I reassured him that I have nothing against hunting, but just knew his life was in danger if he joined the hunt with his friends.  On New Years eve, some girls informed me that Dallas had just been killed.  He had neglected to lock his rifle and it had discharged into his shoulder when his snowmobile hit a bump.  He bled to death before he could be brought to a hospital.

(2) About a year later, when I was attending Princeton Seminary, I was again about to return home to Winnipeg, Manitoba for Christmas.  A friend, Ted, had just been accepted in Cambridge University's doctoral program in religion and I wanted to borrow his Cambridge catalogue so I could apply too.  But when I saw him in his dorm room, I "saw" his skeleton and felt the dread of a second death premonition.  This time, I said nothing because I didn't sense how he would die. 

While he and a mutual friend entered a New Jersey onramp to a freeway,  my friend drove too fast for the icy conditions.  His car spun out of control and hit a telephone pole at high speed.  Ted was killed, but my other friend suffered only a broken arm.

(3) I had just finished teaching my course lead at St. Bonaventure University and was looking forward to summer vacation.  As I made my plans that weekend, I became obsessed by an insistent thought:
a death was about to occur that directly affected me.  Would I be willing to sacrifice my vacation plans because of this death.  I immediately brushed off this thought as paranoia.  But as the weekend progressed, the premonition became more intense.  I soon feared that one of my parents would die. 

When Monday morning came, I was very agitated and tried to forget about my premonition.  I was about to rush out the door when an inner thought yelled, "Sit down!  You will hear about the death now!"  Startled, I sat down and my phone immediately rang.  It was Dr. Whelan, the chair of our summer Masters courses in graduate theology.  A professor. Cassian Corcoran, had failed to show up for his class and some students had learned where he was staying on campus and went to see if he had absent-mindedly forgotten the time of his first class.  It was eventually determined that he had died in his sleep.  Dr. Whelan pleaded with me to replace him because I was the only professor still around trained to teach a course in that subject.  I gladly complied because I felt that God had used a death premonition to prepare me to agree to teach that course.

(4) I was the minister of a church in Buffalo, NY.  I regularly led a small prayer meeting there and eventually had a premonition that one of our group members would be victimized by at least one tragic unexpected death.  I never mentioned this, but I ended each prayer meeting with a prayer for physical protection for each member of the group.  They no doubt thought I did this routinely, but I had never done this before and only did it because of my premonition. 

Eventually, I left that church.  I heard that the new pastor had discontinued that prayer group, and I instantly knew there would be fatal consquences.  Shortly thereafter, Eleanor was attending her friend's funeral in church.  When she returned home, she found he son Nick, dead at the end of a rope.  Nick was distraught over his failed marriage.  Not long after that, Eleanor herself was killed in a fiery car wreck. Somehow I knew that both deaths would have been prevented if our group prayer for physical protection had been continued. 

A couple of months later, I ran into Eleanor's sister, Joan in a restaraunt.  She told me that 2 factors points to a hidden destiny in these 2 deaths: (a) The night before Eleanor died, she had a dream in which her late husband, Nick, appeared to her in her house and invited her upstairs to dance.  Ordinarily, Eleanor loved to dance with Nick, but she interpreted this invitation as a take-away call to enter the afterlife; and so, she declined.  (b) Nick had died of a heart attack many years prior.  There was a strange coincidence about all 3 deaths.  When Nick, Nick, Jr, and Eleanor died, the clock in their living room stopped at the time of their death!  The clock almost never otherwise stopped.  Were these signs of their destiny?  If so, this destiny was probably not inevitable because I sensed that group prayer could have prevented the deaths of Nick, Jr. and his Mom, Eleanor.


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Re: A Recent Healing of a Cripple
Reply #74 - May 7th, 2010 at 1:20am
You call these stories miracles? Thats ridiculous. Surly you know someone who has walked on water or something haven't you? Spread the water? Burning bush? Water to wine? Something better than these sorry stories.
But now I understand. Oral Roberts. Your holier than thou attitude now makes complete sense to me. Fire and brimstone. Some people look forward to the end of times. In fact some will even go out of their way to try to make it happen. Fundamentalism, whether Christian, or Muslim is wrong.
I grow tired.
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