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Posts: 553
South San Francisco
The next time I went to sleep after I wrote my response to your question, I had a dream where a young guy suggested that I do hemi-sync, and I told him in a way that seemed definite that such technology isn't for me.
Quite often I interact with spirits while meditating or just laying in bed, so perhaps I don't need hemi-sync. When I interact, I mean that on some occasions I'll find myself in some location (non-physically) where whatever it is that needs to take place does so.
Regarding dreams, there are dreams I had years ago that I still remember. I figure there are dreams that are helpful to remember, and some where it isn't necessary to remember them.
The other night I had a dream that made the point that my higher self is my guidance. I was by a girl at the end that looked like an actress I had seen before, but I don't know where and I didn't know her name. The next day I looked for a movie to watch on On Demand TV. A challenging thing to do, because I usually have a hard time finding a movie that seems interesting. I found a movie called "The lovely bones." It is about a murdered girl who tries to help her father from the spirit world. It deals with what she and other spirits who were murdered by the same man, had to deal with in the spirit world before they could move on. The lead actress in the movie looked like the girl I saw in my dream.
Recently I've come to the conclusion that regular dreams don't seem less real than lucid dreams. For me the main difference is that during a lucid dream, I become conscious of the fact that I am having a nonphysical experience, and remember my life in this world to an extent where discrepancies such as being with a celebrity will be questioned to an extent they aren't questioned in a regular dream.
I have had a lucid dream where I could sense that my higher self/Oversoul was involved in the process of creating the dream. My guess would've been that there is more to who my spirit guidance is than my higher self; nevertheless, this is the dream I had. As you know, when I think of higher self, I do so in the Disk way Bruce Moen spoke of. I believe our Disks are usually a part of Soul Groups, so guidance might also apply to other parts of my Soul Group. I just received a confirmation for what I said in the last sentence I wrote.