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An experience I had the other month (Read 6490 times)
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An experience I had the other month
Aug 4th, 2020 at 6:40am
I wanted to ask about an experience I had the other month but I didn't know where to ask it on the forum, so sorry it's in the wrong place.

I had been listening to some binaural beats through youtube and then found a guided meditation track on there which I decided to listen to (but the meditation track isn't relevant here because this feeling started as soon as I had put it on really). I had only just put the meditation track on when I felt the weirdest sensation. The only way I can describe it is that it literally felt like there was a wall right behind my head. It felt like it was only there around my head and neck area. I felt that if I leaned back, I would hit it. Obviously there was nothing there!

I was sat on a chair hooked up via headphones to my computer and the actual bedroom wall was a few metres behind me. I can remember this feeling staying there for a few minutes and then it just vanished. I've never had it since.

I'm wondering if I was perhaps so relaxed that I was able to feel a spirit behind me perhaps? Or is this just a normal sensation one would feel when they are feeling relaxed?

I feel a bit silly posting this but it has left me quite curious.
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Re: An experience I had the other month
Reply #1 - Aug 5th, 2020 at 11:37pm
This Topic was moved here from What happens after physical death? by Vicky.
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: An experience I had the other month
Reply #2 - Aug 5th, 2020 at 11:40pm
I think it’s pretty common to feel strange sensations during meditation that feel so real and physical.  It’s just a matter of how focused you are and how much you’re able to stop paying attention to your physical senses and surroundings and be tuned into your nonphysical senses, which then makes your nonphysical senses feel just as real as the physical ones.

I wonder what the feeling of a wall being there means?

I remember once long ago when I was very sad, dealing with marriage problems, and I sat and closed my eyes and was just deep in thought, emotions, and praying and asking for guidance.  Just a few moments after closing my eyes to do this and just process my emotions I felt a pair of hands press down on the tops of my shoulders.  I knew that it must be a sign of my Guidance but at the same time it was also a bit unnerving!  I knew that there was no one physically there, but the sensation was just like a physical sensation, and the pressure that the hands were putting on me seemed very strong, like I wouldn’t have been able to move if I had tried.  It was hard to believe.  What also surprised me about it was that it didn’t “magically” make me feel better or give me relief or anything like that.  You think it would have, right?  I still felt sad, lost, and unsure what to do about my problems, however without a doubt I knew that I wasn’t going through this alone, that my Guidance (or higher self or whatever) was making me know it was there with me.
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: An experience I had the other month
Reply #3 - Aug 6th, 2020 at 5:38am
Maybe it wasn't a wall. The only way I could describe it was that if you were sat on a chair with a wall right behind your head, you would physically know it's there and know that if you lent back, you would hit it. Maybe you would feel something behind you.

Whereas it felt like something was behind me, but only around my neck and head area. It felt like it was behind me in a solid way, like a wall would be. I was paying attention to it for a while until the sensation disappeared because I wondered what it was and also quite liked it too because I knew there was nothing there.

I remember you telling me about the hands on your shoulders incident. That sounds amazing! I've had similar things in the past or at least I think I have.
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Re: An experience I had the other month
Reply #4 - Aug 6th, 2020 at 12:43pm
Perhaps it was a representation of some sort of energetic blockage. Such blockage can be caused by limiting thought patterns.

I have found that our higher self/guidance is able to create different types of sensations that serve the purpose of pointing something out to us. The limits of what can happen physically can be diminished. In some ways the [supposedly] physical world blends with the world of spirit.

Similar to Vicky, I have felt the touch of what might be called spirit hands. For example, one time I was touched on my left shoulder.

There is also the matter of what our body-based self wants to do, and what our higher self understands we are ready for. My higher self/guidance has shown me barriers I need to overcome in various ways. For example, while in a non-physical state I will be shown a doorway to a room that has something I need to overcome in order to grow. Spiritual growth often needs to take place in a way that includes discernment and patience.

I have never used hemi-sync technology. When such tools are used perhaps discernment and patience is required. There is no magic pill that will take care of our spiritual growth.

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Re: An experience I had the other month
Reply #5 - Aug 6th, 2020 at 10:45pm
Albert, you’ve never used Hemi-Sync before??  How come? Haven’t you ever been curious to try it?

Your interpretation of Mystical’s experience being an energy blockage makes a lot of sense to me since her initial reaction was that it was like a wall.  And a wall is a blockage.

Mystical, next time you meditate you could definitely try asking what the wall sensation means, and specifically ask to be shown what it is or what you can do to unblock it.
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: An experience I had the other month
Reply #6 - Aug 7th, 2020 at 4:17am
Hi, All,
Shortly after I became a Rieke Master I had a very vivid dream.  I was in nothing but black.  I had no fear but was curious.  Soon a woman in a long dress came up behind me and placed her hand on my left shoulder.  She said to me, "I am Rieke.  I am a person.  Do not forget."  She repeated it three times then she left me.  I continued to sleep, but when I woke in the morning, it was the first thing I thought about.  It was still so vivid.  To have slept hours after the dream and still remember it, is almost a miracle in itself.  The brain doesn't usually work that way.  We tend to forget dreams very quickly if we don't put them into our long term memory.
     I don't know if this is the right place for this missive, but the ideas of something or someone behind and a hand on a shoulder reminded me of being told something to remember.  Maybe it is our guides telling us to pay attention to something they want us to you, Vicky, that you are not you, Recoverer 2. that you are going to get something to learn...for me that I needed to remember new information.  Whatever it is the hands on the shoulders means something since we've all experienced it.
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Re: An experience I had the other month
Reply #7 - Aug 7th, 2020 at 11:03am

On a scale of 1 to 10 I've had about 2 curiosity about Hemi-Sync technology. It hasn't been a part of my path.

Vicky wrote on Aug 6th, 2020 at 10:45pm:
Albert, you’ve never used Hemi-Sync before??  How come? Haven’t you ever been curious to try it?

Your interpretation of Mystical’s experience being an energy blockage makes a lot of sense to me since her initial reaction was that it was like a wall.  And a wall is a blockage.

Mystical, next time you meditate you could definitely try asking what the wall sensation means, and specifically ask to be shown what it is or what you can do to unblock it.

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Re: An experience I had the other month
Reply #8 - Aug 14th, 2020 at 12:48am
Hey T’ressa,

Yes it’s definitely not usually possible to remember a dream unless you wake right after it. When I have visits in dreams I am always shot awake as if something is causing me to do that just so that I’ll remember the experience.  I hate to think of how many wonderful experiences I forget about!

What you’re saying about the touch on the shoulder meaning something is an excellent point and observation.  You just reminded me of the special dream visit I had three years ago when an ancient Reiki master gave me his blessing for a journey I was about to embark on.  He said, “Your healing name will be, is, Kuwana!” And he put his right hand on my shoulder and asked, “Do you accept this?”  (I'm sure I've shared this before.  Sorry if I have, but I really do agree with you that when spirits visit us that they would do something to ensure we'll remember the experience, or learn from it, or in some other way get what it is we need from it). 

This was what I call a “conscious dream” which is different from a lucid dream in that in LDs I know it’s a dream.  In these conscious dreams I’m consciously aware just as I am in waking life, but I also know this isn’t a dream despite the fact that I experienced while I was sleeping.  In other words, it’s a type of OBE. 

Hey Albert,

Thanks for your reply.  I can totally understand that.  You’ve not needed that kind of help.  For a lot of people using Hemi-Sync isn’t just for the sake of curiosity it’s a stepping stone, an aid to help them open their perceptive abilities to get them started.
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Re: An experience I had the other month
Reply #9 - Aug 14th, 2020 at 11:48am

The next time I went to sleep after I wrote my response to your question, I had a dream where a young guy suggested that I do hemi-sync, and I told him in a way that seemed definite that such technology isn't for me.

Quite often I interact with spirits while meditating or just laying in bed, so perhaps I don't need hemi-sync. When I interact, I mean that on some occasions I'll find myself in some location (non-physically) where whatever it is that needs to take place does so.

Regarding dreams, there are dreams I had years ago that I still remember. I figure there are dreams that are helpful to remember, and some where it isn't necessary to remember them.

The other night I had a dream that made the point that my higher self is my guidance. I was by a girl at the end that looked like an actress I had seen before, but I don't know where and I didn't know her name. The next day I looked for a movie to watch on On Demand TV. A challenging thing to do, because I usually have a hard time finding a movie that seems interesting. I found a movie called "The lovely bones." It is about a murdered girl who tries to help her father from the spirit world. It deals with what she and other spirits who were murdered by the same man, had to deal with in the spirit world before they could move on. The lead actress in the movie looked like the girl I saw in my dream.

Recently I've come to the conclusion that regular dreams don't seem less real than lucid dreams. For me the main difference is that during a lucid dream, I become conscious of the fact that I am having a nonphysical experience, and remember my life in this world to an extent where discrepancies such as being with a celebrity will be questioned to an extent they aren't questioned in a regular dream.

I have had a lucid dream where I could sense that my higher self/Oversoul was involved in the process of creating the dream. My guess would've been that there is more to who my spirit guidance is than my higher self; nevertheless, this is the dream I had. As you know, when I think of higher self, I do so in the Disk way Bruce Moen spoke of. I believe our Disks are usually a part of Soul Groups, so guidance might also apply to other parts of my Soul Group. I just received a confirmation for what I said in the last sentence I wrote.
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Re: An experience I had the other month
Reply #10 - Aug 14th, 2020 at 1:36pm

That’s Saoirse Ronan.  I’ve seen that movie too. 

The way you describe interacting with spirits where you just find yourself in some nonphysical location sounds a lot like what happens to me when I have a psychic thought but don’t know that’s what it is.  (When it happens, I just think I’m making stuff up in my head, like daydreaming).  But then when the event happens in real life I realize that it obviously wasn’t just a daydream but was a psychic event.  I’m trying to get better at recognizing that’s what it is while it’s happening.

I have the same belief about how I view what my higher self/guidance is as you describe.  I like using the umbrella term of either higher self or guidance and not worry too much about the specific details of “who’s who” since I think, at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter.  I also think we have guides or teachers show up at different times in our lives according to what we need at the time. 
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: An experience I had the other month
Reply #11 - Aug 14th, 2020 at 6:17pm

For me such events tend to provide information or some sort of perspective.

The following will take place: I'll ponder something while meditating, and suddenly I find myself some place where I experience something that relates to what I'm pondering. There are so many examples, but I'll share one I've shared before. I was wondering what it is like to have expanded awareness and be aware of many things at one time, and then suddenly I experienced myself as an Oversoul like being who is aware of numerous incarnations at one time. I felt as if I was abiding in space when I experienced this. The experience comes to an end, and I phase back to where I am aware of myself abiding in the body I now abide in.

I believe that my higher self and "umbrella" create such experiences.

Because of the sort of information I obtain this way, I don't believe it is my imagination playing out. Plus, through such experiences I have been informed about things ahead of time, or something I didn't know about.

I believe it is important to recognize that just as our higher self can create an experience, so can we. Therefore, we always need to figure out why and how we experienced something.

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