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Experiencers block (Read 18062 times)
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #15 - Dec 31st, 2019 at 1:24am
Hi Rondele
Where do I find your NDE experience? Im only new here and still exploring.

I will listen to the Peter Panagore interview after I finish Michaels.  Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #16 - Dec 31st, 2019 at 9:45am
Hi Maisie-

I posted it in the Announcements and News Forum. It wasn't my NDE, it was Peter's. I bought his book, Heaven is Beautiful, but the podcast is just as good.

Roger (rondele)
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #17 - Dec 31st, 2019 at 12:32pm
Maisie, a postscript to my previous reply. 
One thing about quitting smoking is you no longer get the nicotine in the brain which takes the place of some of the 'B' vitamins or niacin.  You might try a supplement to see if that helps. It may be all you need to return you to your previous abilities.
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #18 - Dec 31st, 2019 at 1:54pm

Nice pre-birth experience you had. I had a pre-birth experience while meditating one time. Not as extensive as your experience. I was with a being who seemed male, I was about to incarnate into this world, and I was concerned about doing so. I told the being I was with "I'll miss you." He said, "I know." It is awesome that you have been able to experience your spiritual home. My guess is that this is like a guiding light for you.

It interesting that your Step Father was worse than your guides anticipated.

The "Garnet" spoken of is Garnet Schulhauser. I read three of his books. I'm not certain of what to make of them. Some of what he says sounds okay, some doesn't. What he found during his OBEs doesn't match what people such as Bruce Moen, Robert Monroe, Jurgen Ziewe and Emanuel Swedenborg, and other sources have found out about the existence of lower realms. If Garnet is correct about this matter, Bruce, Robert, Jurgen, Emanuel and numerous other people are wrong.

He also disagrees with what Dolores Cannon wrote in her afterlife book. Within it she said that demon-like possession takes place. Garnet says this doesn't take place.

I have found that information obtained through hypnosis sessions is unreliable. I have read a lot of what Michael Newton, Shakuntala Modhi, and some of what Dolores Cannon wrote, and the findings of these hypnotists contradict each other in some key ways, and sometimes the hypnotized person of one hypnotist, will contradict what hypnotized subjects of the same hypnotist say. Sometimes hypnotists come up with information that doesn't sound correct.

I believe it makes more sense to rely on what our own experiences tell us, than on what hypnotists say. I find some of what you experienced more interesting and in line with what I have found out, than what hypnotists say. I believe it is very possible that a hypnotized person has enough PSI going on to pick up the beliefs of a hypnotist, even if the hypnotist doesn't state such beliefs. It has been found that hypnosis can lead to false memories.

Maisie wrote on Dec 31st, 2019 at 1:21am:
Hi Recoverer 2
Im currently listening to Michael Hoffman, interesting man. I like that he says I am not an authority and no one is, that's my belief too.

I read Vicky's NDE thread. That's how I feel about the other side, its where I'm from, its where I'm loved and at peace and this life I'm living was not what I volunteered for. My guides even told me my step father was worse than they ever anticipated. I was placed in this family to be deprived of love so I would reach up and connect to the other side, instead I spent 30 years looking for love in all the wrong places. When you don't love yourself there are plenty of people who also wont love you.

I experienced the other side another time as well. Because my childhood memories were so disjointed and dissociation was so easy for me and I felt so insane, I went to The Primal Therapy centre in LA in about 2002 and learnt how to really access my pain, memories and connect to my body that I had shut off from. I discovered that I'd had a traumatic birth, born by caesarian after going into fetal distress. In reexperiencing this I felt my mothers lack of interest in me, the lack of love she had for me, she couldn't dilate because she was in denial about my existence. As you can imagine this was a really traumatic painful primal experience that I really struggled to cope with. On the last time that I experienced my birth I was taken back pre-womb, to the unconditional, loving connected place we come from. I felt like an energy being connected to other energy beings and we had pure unconditional love pulsating through us. Imagine a brain cell with lots of arms and legs, each connected to other beings and waves of love throbbing in waves from one to the next. It was the most unbelievable experience of my life to that time and I believe a gift, to show me where I had come from.

In my OBE phases I've experienced that same feeling many times along with my guides knowing everything about me. Nothing in life compares to how they feel about me, so it isn't difficult for me to want to return there. But I know I'm here for a reason and I chose this. One of my roles was to be the last person to experience generational abuse in my family and for it to stop with me. Neither my brother or sister were abused and both have had happy children. I didn't have children which is in keeping with what Dolores Cannon said were the rules of the 3 waves of helpers that have come to the planet. We aren't to create karma because it would lead to a continued cycle of reincarnation. I hope that doesn't sound egotistical to assume I am one of the helpers, but too many things point in that direction.  Like that I remembered as a child wondering why my mother couldn't feel me calling for her in my head. I was a very non verbal child (still am, talking is over rated and over used) and felt information coming to me right from the beginning and assumed everyone else was the same. I don't think its any coincidence that there has been a plague of paedophilia and child sacrifice that has occurred concurrently with the influx of sensitive spiritual helpers. Anyway that's a pretty heavy subject and way off track.

Anyway Im up to the part where Michael is talking about an author whose surname is Garnet, do you know who that might be? It was in reference to Michael Newton, whose books lead me down the rabbit hole to Bob Monroe and then Bruce Moen earlier this year. He sounds interesting.

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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #19 - Dec 31st, 2019 at 9:44pm
Maisie wrote on Dec 29th, 2019 at 8:20am:

Any way I quickly met many past lives, learnt about a fair bit of past life persecution and its theme in this life and learnt that I chose to be in this difficult life this time around, (I was sexually abused for 12 years of my childhood) and have felt very unloved and abandoned by family and spirit.

Hi Maisie.  First...I'm just now reading and catching up here, so I'm replying as I'm reading through this thread...

And second, that’s quite a sad picture of your past present life as well as past lives.  I wonder why so many of us who are on a spiritual quest have suffered such traumatic stuff in our lives?  I had sexual abuse in my childhood, and I was raped when I was 19.  My husband turned out to be physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive so that’s why I left him, and my mother had Cluster B personality disorders.  Growing up with a narcissistic mother meant I didn’t receive love from her in a normal way and didn’t really bond and form an attachment with her as a child deserves to have with their mother.  My dad was a good man but for most of my childhood he was an alcoholic.  My story isn’t as horrible as some by far, but my point is that I know so many spiritual seekers like me who came into this life with such similar hardships to endure and learn from.  On the bright side, knowing that I have that in common with others has made it so much easier for me to talk about it rather than bury it, which has helped me cope and move on.

Maybe one reason why there's been a halt in your progress is simply to allow things to settle and sink in.  Use this interim period as a time for reflection and appreciating of what you've experienced and learned so far.  Maybe there's something else that you need to realize.  I suggest writing things down journal style, letting your feelings and thoughts flow, and maybe something will make itself known to you.  The progress will begin back up again in the right time.

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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #20 - Dec 31st, 2019 at 9:46pm
Baroness wrote on Dec 29th, 2019 at 1:19pm:
Hello, Maisie,
I can't help you with OBE's, but I may be able to relate to your quitting smoking.  When I quit fifteen years ago, I was told by my doctor not to try it cold turkey.  I was doing a lot of writing at the time, and he was afraid I wouldn't be able to write for at least a year after quitting.  I took it slow and quit over a period of months.  I had no problem.  I know writing doesn't compare with OBE, but they are both brain functions...both creative brain functions.  This is my opinion.  I think you will regain all of your abilities as time and healing progresses. 

That's interesting how quitting smoking can affect a person that way.
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #21 - Dec 31st, 2019 at 10:53pm
This is all very interesting.  I'll check out the links and suggestions you all have mentioned in this thread.

Maisie, did you feel some healing take place from your pre-birth experience and memories?

I had the opposite inclination about having children.  I knew that I was meant to be a mother and love and raise my kids with everything I wasn't given.  I feel blessed to be this way since I am able to give what I so desperately needed but didn't get.  I know it hasn't healed all my wounds, and I don't know what will, but I at least am doing the best I can.  I honestly think that drive is what has saved me from committing suicide at a young age. 

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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #22 - Jan 1st, 2020 at 7:57am
Hi Baroness
That's a really good idea about vitamin B. I was taking a liquid form but ran out months ago. I will start taking it again and let you know how it goes.
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #23 - Jan 1st, 2020 at 8:29am
Hi R2
I was about to incarnate into this world, and I was concerned about doing so. I told the being I was with "I'll miss you." He said, "I know." Don't you love the raw honesty of spirit beings. If a human aid that we would feel they were being egotistical, but a spirit being is acknowledging that they recognise that you will experience pain. Theres just no b.s about their communication and no illusion or confusion.

It is awesome that you have been able to experience your spiritual home. My guess is that this is like a guiding light for you. It was the first time I knew I had come from something greater than this place and that I would return to it. But it was heart breaking too and challenged my resolve to stay here and see this life through.

It interesting that your Step Father was worse than your guides anticipated. I got the feeling that they cant accurately predict the future in fine detail. They have an approximation of what things/people will be like. They knew for example that he had sacrificed his soul for his base desires and addictions, but they didn't know to what extent in advance, nor did they know the entities he would have attached to him that would influence him.

The "Garnet" spoken of is Garnet Schulhauser. From what you have said he doesn't sound like he is worth reading, however I haven't read the other two names you mentioned so Id rather read their works.

He also disagrees with what Dolores Cannon wrote in her afterlife book. Within it she said that demon-like possession takes place. Garnet says this doesn't take place. I don't think I have all the information on this so I cant entirely form my beliefs about it, but my guides told me my SF had attachments on him and when they did my 2nd chakra healing I had several attached to me, entities that is. But demonic possession, Im not sure about. I had many sessions exploring my beliefs that certain people were evil or possessed, but they showed me I was wrong. Every single being is created with the same divine spark of the creator, any kind of negativity comes after that. They even showed me that beings that are being created by alien genetic manipulation are divinely created and can choose a path of love in time. Alien beings coming to earth also serve divine purposes, they speed up our waking up process, even if its just in spite of their behaviour that we learn what we are not.

I have found that information obtained through hypnosis sessions is unreliable. I have read a lot of what Michael Newton, Shakuntala Modhi, and some of what Dolores Cannon wrote, and the findings of these hypnotists contradict each other in some key ways, and sometimes the hypnotized person of one hypnotist, will contradict what hypnotized subjects of the same hypnotist say. Sometimes hypnotists come up with information that doesn't sound correct. That's interesting, you answered some questions I've had for a while. Ive been wondering if I should do a QHHT regression to find out more and perhaps provide more evidence for my book, but I also feared it might confuse things. In terms of my healing from child abuse I've stayed clear of any kind of therapy that could be suggestive in any way, I wanted only the facts.

I believe it makes more sense to rely on what our own experiences tell us, than on what hypnotists say. I find some of what you experienced more interesting and in line with what I have found out, than what hypnotists say. I believe it is very possible that a hypnotized person has enough PSI going on to pick up the beliefs of a hypnotist, even if the hypnotist doesn't state such beliefs. It has been found that hypnosis can lead to false memories. That actually makes a lot of sense and especially for us empath types who just want to please. I like that in my obe sessions they know me, there are no secrets, no illusions, no control. Im not sure hypnosis would be the same and in fact I find some of Dolores Cannons questions confusing and even suggestive. I might rethink my idea about a hypnosis session. Interestingly I found a therapist in my area last week and sent her a message. She hasnt replied, and this might be why.
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #24 - Jan 1st, 2020 at 9:07am
Hi Vicky

I wonder why so many of us who are on a spiritual quest have suffered such traumatic stuff in our lives?  My own opinion on it is that we chose it for some reason that we aren't allowed to know entirely till we go back home. My guides wouldn't really give me a good answer other than saying that I chose it. One idea I had is that we are experienced at trauma from past lives and we have been bought into families that have ongoing inter-generational abuse and we have come to be the last in the line. We are breaking the chain of inter-generational karma and raising the vibration of the planet.

I had sexual abuse in my childhood, and I was raped when I was 19.  My husband turned out to be physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive so that’s why I left him, and my mother had Cluster B personality disorders.  Growing up with a narcissistic mother meant I didn’t receive love from her in a normal way and didn’t really bond and form an attachment with her as a child deserves to have with their mother.  My dad was a good man but for most of my childhood he was an alcoholic.  My story isn’t as horrible as some by far, but my point is that I know so many spiritual seekers like me who came into this life with such similar hardships to endure and learn from.  On the bright side, knowing that I have that in common with others has made it so much easier for me to talk about it rather than bury it, which has helped me cope and move on. A kindred spirit. You had developed gifts in previous incarnations that made you the right soul to go through that and not carry it over into another generation or with a spouse. You are an angel. Our stories are strikingly similar, my mother didn't had a PD but she got polio at age 2 and spent 3 years in an institution. She was severally depressed in my growing up years, co-dependant, sedated and emotionally/spiritually absent from my life. I have a very deep mother wound but I worked hard to forgive her and now our relationship is pretty good. But I've spent most of my adulthood not communicating with her until 2 years ago.   

Maybe one reason why there's been a halt in your progress is simply to allow things to settle and sink in.  Use this interim period as a time for reflection and appreciating of what you've experienced and learned so far.  Maybe there's something else that you need to realize.  I suggest writing things down journal style, letting your feelings and thoughts flow, and maybe something will make itself known to you.  The progress will begin back up again in the right time. I think you are right, I'm here having an earth life and I have to be a human. lol. I probably became too dependant on my obe sessions and took it for granted that it would be a regular thing and I didn't have to bother too much about relationships with people. I'm a dreadful procrastinator too so this might be so I put my plans and goals into action and stop living with my head in the clouds.

Maisie, did you feel some healing take place from your pre-birth experience and memories? Yes I did. Before that I knew in theory that I was from somewhere else and that I was no doubt loved somewhere, even if it wasn't here. That experience made me know those things. It was like finding I had a secret parent waiting on the side lines all along and loving me quietly. It was a great comfort in the emotional desert of my life and coincided with a very bleak time that I experienced with some real pathological people, that I mentioned in Rondeles post about Peters NDE. When you don't love yourself the universe will send you people that also wont love you, so that in spite of them you begin to see your worth. But the real change didn't come until I met my guides and past lives and them knowing absolutely everything about me and still loving me unconditionally. That was a game changer. 

I had the opposite inclination about having children.  I knew that I was meant to be a mother and love and raise my kids with everything I wasn't given.  I feel blessed to be this way since I am able to give what I so desperately needed but didn't get.  I know it hasn't healed all my wounds, and I don't know what will, but I at least am doing the best I can.  I honestly think that drive is what has saved me from committing suicide at a young age.  I had every intention on being a mother, in fact at school of my friends I was voted the most likely to have a tribe of kids. Life just didn't turn out that way and when I felt the time was right, it just wouldn't happen. I considered IVF when I was 40 but realised I kept attracting narcissists (as friends and lovers and bosses), I'd just truly acknowledged that my family weren't able to love me like I needed to be loved and I felt that this was no place to introduce innocent children to. It was heart breaking at the time but I have made peace with it now.
You sound like a really gentle kind soul, I'm so happy for you that you got to experience being a mother and having unconditional love in your life. Your children are blessed.

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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #25 - Jan 1st, 2020 at 1:46pm

People throw the word demon around without really knowing what it means. I've have yet to come across a credible source that describes what precisely demons are. After life explorers such as Moen, Monroe, Ziewe and Swendenborg never found out about demons.

I do believe that some unfriendly beings do attach themselves to people. When I have done retrieval work, I have  helped with the process of detaching such entities. Some of them might be the spirits of former humans. Some of them, I don't know where they come from. Regarding unfriendly aliens, I've received messages and had experiences that made the point that unfriendly aliens are involved with this world. Whatever the case, I believe that all beings are innately divine.

When I was 15 years old I went to the movies and saw "The Exorcist." It freaked me out. It took me a couple of months to repress this fear.

Eventually my life reached the point where I made contact with my spirit guidance. In numerous ways my guidance helped me overcome my fear of unfriendly beings. Through various experiences I learned that we have free will, and it is completely up to us to decide if we want to live according to love and other positive qualities.

Whenever unfriendly spirits have tried to bother me, I sent them love and positive thoughts, and I was never harmed.

Going by the messages I have received, the majority of existence is wonderful. The negativity we deal with while in this world helps us grow. In order to truly understand what is wonderful, we have to know what isn't wonderful.
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #26 - Jan 1st, 2020 at 4:34pm
A side note for Maisie...not to pick on you or anything, but I think the yellow highlight is a bit jarring to the eye when used this much.  It should be used only for a specific word, not for quoting chunks of text. 

This is the only way I know how to quote chunks of text: 

Click on the QUOTE tab above the post you want to quote from.  It will already say [ quote ] at the start of it, and [/quote] at the end of it. 

To separate out the chunks you want, just make sure you have [ quote ] at the beginning of a section and [/quote] at the end.  If you do this for each separation it will show up nicely in a box.  And then obviously, you just type your responses after each separated section.  (Don't add spaces between the brackets and the word "quote"...I had to do that just for this instruction).

Sorry...I may be the only one who finds the yellow highlights difficult on the eyes, but I just thought I'd point this out in case you didn't know how to use the quoting feature...and you end up doing a whole bunch more of yellow highlighting  Shocked

Ok, sorry for the off-topic interruption  Wink
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #27 - Jan 1st, 2020 at 4:49pm

You sound like you really know what you’re doing, good for you!  I totally agree with you about how we choose to come into this life with all the struggles we end up having.  The idea of breaking the chain of inter-generational abuse and karma makes a lot of sense!  I know that my life could have taken a dark turn if I had not made the right choices to have a good life and be a good person.  And I really do think I had a lot of help with guidance on the other side for those decisions.  I could have easily fallen into a “bad crowd” so to speak, otherwise.  I often think about, am I handling things right?  I always just do the best I can, but I rarely feel a huge sense of relief or release…I just hope that the healing I need is taking place even if it’s on some other level I’m not able to sense right now.  But you sound like you have a good handle on those lessons.  I’m a slow progressor, and I’m a worry-wort, so I just try to take baby steps and tell myself I’m doing the best I can and try not to get stuck analyzing myself.

You sound like a really gentle kind soul, I'm so happy for you that you got to experience being a mother and having unconditional love in your life. Your children are blessed.

Thank you!!!

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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #28 - Jan 1st, 2020 at 10:08pm
What do you think the attachments are? In my sessions I saw that they were energetic and not physical. They were also capable of influencing me but not controlling me if that makes sense. Like I could experience an urge to do something and still have a choice about it, but its a persistent nagging urge.
The last attachment I had to request it let go of me and thanked it for the function it had performed in my life. Although I was revolted by it I believe it was fulfilling some divine purpose, perhaps to accelerate my growth.

When you have done retrievals where entities were present, how did you know and did the entity have to be detached before the person could ascend with you? I assume that means you were within the dense earth plains? I haven't done too many retrievals, but the ones I have, just seemed to have a life of their own and took me on a journey rather than me initiating it. Because I did one to see where my neighbours husband ended up and he told me he was with his mother and told me her name, but when I asked his living wife what his mothers name was she gave me a different but similar name. That really threw me off for a couple of weeks and I didn't feel comfortable with retrievals after that.
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #29 - Jan 1st, 2020 at 10:26pm
Hi Vicky
Thanks for the tip RE highlighting.

I agree totally that my life could have taken a darker path, although I struggled with alcohol after leaving my Ambulance career, for a few years, I never strayed too far afield. I had two knowing's from as far back as I can remember, one was not to take drugs and the other was that I wasn't allowed to commit suicide. When I got to know my past life as a street kid in London he told me he had inserted those knowing's into my being to help me stay on track. They were effective.

I don't know if I know what I'm doing but I do seem to have a good sense of when I know something and it is right for me. But I'm fumbling in the semi dark like everyone and experience a lot of doubt and over worry like you. Kind of comes with the territory growing up living with the enemy and constantly being on guard. I don't have anyone I can talk to in real life on this level. I write well and that's perhaps why I seem so sure but I'm a terrible verbal communicator, so in real life you would see just how much I struggle.

I don't think we get to have a sense of relief or release as we go because we are in training and we have to use our instincts. But right and wrong aren't the same for two different people and even for the same soul in different lives. The conditions and our skill set change in each life time. You come across as the type of person who operates from a good heart and thinks of others, so I don't think you have anything to really worry about.

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