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Experiencers block (Read 19687 times)
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Experiencers block
Dec 18th, 2019 at 11:44pm
Hi everyone
My name is Melissa, I just joined after trying for weeks, but I guess the time wasn't right till now.
I need some advice from others who use Bob and Bruces technique of phasing OoB...I learnt how to achieve this in July and had a very intense 5 months in lessons with my spirit guides and having a chakra healing and then over night it just stopped. My guides told me I needed to quit smoking, which took me a few weeks but I managed it and now it seems I cant balance the hemispheres of my brain or something. Its like Im blocked from doing anything.
Has anyone else experienced this? Does it pass, or am I doing something wrong? Im beginning to feel a little desperate and sad about it. After feeling so connected to the other side and then nothing. Its like I'm being punished, or there is something I have to do that Im not realising. Please help. Any advice or suggestion is welcome.
Thank you in advance
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #1 - Dec 19th, 2019 at 12:48am
Hi Melissa and welcome to Bruce’s conversation board  Smiley.

I think it’s pretty normal to have success right out of the gate (which is similar to beginner’s luck) and then to have it seem to disappear.  And I totally agree with the feeling that you’re being punished or have been abandoned.  Of course those things aren’t true and it’s important to realize and remember that your guides always have your best interest at heart, and for all the work you do they will at least match you in helping you succeed. 

I think that even though we may want something bad enough, there are always going to be blocks we have to overcome.  Those blocks exist in our belief system and sometimes are so deep in the core we have no clue that they are there, let alone what they are and how they got there. 

My advice is to find something you really passionately want to know, ask, learn, or experience and then focus your intention and desire on that.  Or do some other very specific nonphysical intention.  It’s my belief that we can bypass blocks by finding a backdoor route…and a passionate intention fueled by emotion seems to be a pretty strong force.  Sometimes just wanting something so bad takes your mind off of how to go about getting it, and then just like magic it comes to you.  It just may do the trick in pushing you past whatever is blocking you from succeeding again. 

Here’s an article by Bruce about how to change or eliminate beliefs that no longer serve you:

Also, I know you said you’ve read Bruce’s books, but have you also used the audio recordings that go with Bruce’s Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook?  They are extremely helpful.  They have recently become available as an MP3 download:

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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #2 - Dec 19th, 2019 at 2:14am
Thank you Vicky
I feel a lot better knowing this is not unusual. I've been calm for about 5 weeks waiting for it to return. I will keep trying different methods. I can keep plugging away at the gateway series too but even that has lost its lustre.

If Im blocked because of beliefs then I really have no ideas what they are, I released religion, that was a belief holding me back and I forgave my abusive step father...both at the suggestion of my guides. So Im stumped and will give that some thought, thank you.
I wasn't aware there were recordings relating to the guidebook. Ill have a look at those.

I do feel like it was beginners luck and my guides being excited to make the connection so I think they made it easier for me. Now I really have to practice meditating and focusing my mind to achieve what initially happened spontaneously.
Thanks for your tips, I feel somewhat calmer.
Mel Kiss
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #3 - Dec 19th, 2019 at 6:43pm
Hello Maise:

I have a general response rather than a specific response.

Some people including myself have found that OBEs tend to play out according to what you need, what is the best for your spiritual growth. This is especially so if love-based guidance is involved.

In my case, things have played out much differently than I initially thought they would. This is a good thing, because it is difficult to know where you are headed, before you have enough information to know. Chances are that you will find surprises that surpass your current state of mind expectations.

Another factor, sometimes limiting issues exist to an extent our conscious mind isn't fully aware of. Sometimes we aren't as free from an issue as we believe.

Pay close attention to your dreams. I have found that we can receive spirit messages through them. They let us know what we are holding onto.  You'll need to figure out what the symbols mean. Sometimes the people that appear in our dreams represent aspects of our selves. Whatever personality traits that standout for such people, might relate to you.

Sometimes dreams let us know that we have accomplished something that we need to accomplish. Vicky helped me recognize this possibility.
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #4 - Dec 19th, 2019 at 7:24pm
Recoverer 2 wrote on Dec 19th, 2019 at 6:43pm:
Vicky helped me recognize this possibility.

I did? Nice!  Thanks for the compliment  Cool

PS -- I completely agree with everything you wrote.  Although we are our same selves in an OBE as we are in the physical, I find that an OBE can very acutely focus your attention or awareness on something (an issue, thought, feeling, state of being, etc) that you weren't consciously very aware of or wouldn't have thought mattered much to you.  I think that's because in our normal daily lives we of course think we know what we want and need but it's based on our limited perception here as well as the many filters we consciously and subconsciously use.   

And dreams are so important to pay attention to.  I think they are as important as the thoughts we choose to let take place in our head.  Dreams, like our thoughts, are a reflection of what's affecting us and taking our attention.  It's why I make a habit of forcing myself to clear my mind, so that if there is something trying to come into my awareness then I'll be able to perceive it.  Too much clutter and nonsense makes that very hard to do.  That same concept can be given to your dream time, which is why I like to give myself a suggestion or intention before bed of what I'd like to dream about, or requesting that my guides help me work on an issue, or something like that.  I like to try and use my dream time constructively.
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #5 - Dec 20th, 2019 at 1:23pm
You are welcome Vicky.

I also try to use my dream time constructively.
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #6 - Dec 21st, 2019 at 3:41pm
Vicky said: "I find that an OBE can very acutely focus your attention or awareness on something (an issue, thought, feeling, state of being, etc) that you weren't consciously very aware of or wouldn't have thought mattered much to you."

Recoverer says:   "Related to the above, pretty much all of my OBEs and Lucid dreams have served the purpose of learning something.
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #7 - Dec 29th, 2019 at 8:20am
Hi Recoverer 2
Sorry for the late reply, I was checking the wrong email address for reply notifications.

RE: Your comment...Some people including myself have found that OBEs tend to play out according to what you need, what is the best for your spiritual growth. This is especially so if love-based guidance is involved.

That is exactly what happened to me when I started having OBEs I was going through the Gateway Series and also bought a lucid/awake mp3 from the Monroe institute and on my very first session I met my spirit guide who was dressed as a witch to make a joke of a past life where I was accused and executed for being a witch, I wasn't, I was simply protecting my epileptic sister from having her head drilled into by Dr's who believed they were releasing spirits.
Any way I quickly met many past lives, learnt about a fair bit of past life persecution and its theme in this life and learnt that I chose to be in this difficult life this time around, (I was sexually abused for 12 years of my childhood) and have felt very unloved and abandoned by family and spirit.

So you can see my connection to the other side was really important to me and came on very fast and within 5 months I knew 8 past lives, 1 current life in the middle east, and retrieved 2 of my past lives and a couple of strangers. I had a spirit guide who represented all my past life selves and another being that was an ascended soul group that helped me heal my second chakra and release attachments relating to the child abuse. But then once that was complete, everything just stopped dead. And now I cant even feel the binaural balancing in the centre of my brain or seem to hear the third tone. Its just stopped dead. I tried not to panic, because I quit smoking so I figured I might just have to adjust from that but its been 6 weeks now and still nothing, no visuals, no geometric patterns, no tunnels and I cant even visualise the stairs leading to focus 10.
I actually feel quite depressed about losing this connection, to go from finding answers to why my life has been so hard and feeling so unconditionally loved and known to just silence is torture. What have I done wrong? What is holding me back? What belief is blocking me? And a million other questions. 

I also just spoke to a mantis being while in the obe state just before it all stopped, it was supervising my chakra healing sessions and said that I report back to him in between lives and that this life Im learning about the emotional effects of narcissism and abuse. So I don't know if that has something to do with it or if that's way left field and I shouldn't have even engaged with that being.

Its all very confusing to have such sudden and complete connection almost daily for 5 months and then nothing.

Vicky I read the Appendix from Bruces last book that you sent the link for but I cant even connect with my subconscious or higher self to have a dialogue about beliefs that may be blocking me. Its really strange to have zero guidance at all when its been there in some form my whole life.

Sorry for the long reply, but Im really quite lost.

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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #8 - Dec 29th, 2019 at 1:19pm
Hello, Maisie,
I can't help you with OBE's, but I may be able to relate to your quitting smoking.  When I quit fifteen years ago, I was told by my doctor not to try it cold turkey.  I was doing a lot of writing at the time, and he was afraid I wouldn't be able to write for at least a year after quitting.  I took it slow and quit over a period of months.  I had no problem.  I know writing doesn't compare with OBE, but they are both brain functions...both creative brain functions.  This is my opinion.  I think you will regain all of your abilities as time and healing progresses. 
   I know how hard it is to wait for time to do its thing. Undecided  It is one of my lessons in this life. Cry  In the meantime, don't be sad or scared, focus on learning, as it seems you are already doing, and allow it to come back to you in a more relaxed way.  By the way, six weeks is nothing when we are speaking about time.
Baroness T'ressa Wink
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #9 - Dec 29th, 2019 at 11:58pm

Perhaps before you try to rush things, you might want to become certain of what it is you truly want. Once your life is over you'll have all of eternity to experience the out of body state. Perhaps you are in a body for the sake of the growth opportunities a body-based life provides.

A love-based being is likely to consider what you need overall spiritually, rather than what you are anxious to experience right away.

Here's a question: How is true fulfillment found?
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #10 - Dec 30th, 2019 at 3:13am
Hi Baroness T'ressa
You make a very valid point, I have smoked for about 25 years, so who knows what kind of damage has been done and the toxin's my body is eliminating. I've known for years that my addiction to stimulants, (smoking and caffeine) were in an effort to stay on edge, stay guarded and ready for anything - fight or flight, because my beliefs told me the world is a dangerous place. For the first time in my life I'm not living on edge; that's going to take some adjusting, physically and psychologically. You are right 6 weeks is nothing, I lived without OBE's for 49 years before so I know I will survive if they don't come back. I'm grateful they even happened at all.
I hope your writing continued after you quit smoking. What do you write about?
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #11 - Dec 30th, 2019 at 3:56am
Hi Recoverer 2

Are you my spirit guide? That sounds exactly like something she/he would say. All my past life selves would regularly tell me my most important goal is to 'let go'. I would hear them chanting it to me at times they were that adamant about it. I'm not doing a very good job of that right now am I?

What do I truly want? To be completely honest I want this life to be over so I can go home. But that's not possible and nor am I going to make it happen. So secondly I want peace and freedom from the emotional predators my life has attracted. I've been a hermit on and off for the past 2 years, so now its probably time I packed up my bus and travelled, I live in a small bus and used to travel a fair bit. I think I have learnt enough now to know I attract predators, they want to destroy something I have, but I know how to recognise them now, and I think I'm strong enough again to deal with them. Perhaps that's my life's lesson and being a hermit isn't going to teach me how well I'm doing at it.

How is fulfilment found?
It's not a destination, its a journey. Setting goals and achieving them, or working towards them, and I cant do that stuck here in a rut in my safe hermit hidey hole. I've been justifying staying here at my mothers because her husband is her carer but is incredibly selfish at times, and is getting worse. But its my mothers choice to stay with him and I cant do anything to change it and I cant not see his behaviour, that she so readily dismisses. It's time for a change and maybe being cut off from upstairs was to motivate me to move. I'm also writing a book about my childhood and how spiritual guidance has aided my healing journey and I cant focus on that while I'm dodging my step fathers covert behaviour.

Thank you for asking the right questions to help me explore that. I wrote a list of all the things I need to take care of to be able to leave and pinned it up in front of where I sit. Within the week I will be on the move.
Thanks for your thoughts and input.
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #12 - Dec 30th, 2019 at 12:53pm

You might find the below video worth listening to. Like you, Michael had challenges to deal with.

Regarding your desire to return home, this is something a lot of near death experiencers experience. Have you read Vicky's (from this forum) NDE account? Below is a link to that experience.
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #13 - Dec 30th, 2019 at 3:12pm
Maisie-  In case you didn't see my NDE post, I hope you get a chance to listen to this podcast. Peter Panagore reminds me of what you're experiencing, after his encounter with God he is anxious to return. Like you, he has no intention of ending his life but also knows this earthly life cannot compare to the wonders he witnessed.
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Re: Experiencers block
Reply #14 - Dec 31st, 2019 at 1:21am
Hi Recoverer 2
Im currently listening to Michael Hoffman, interesting man. I like that he says I am not an authority and no one is, that's my belief too.

I read Vicky's NDE thread. That's how I feel about the other side, its where I'm from, its where I'm loved and at peace and this life I'm living was not what I volunteered for. My guides even told me my step father was worse than they ever anticipated. I was placed in this family to be deprived of love so I would reach up and connect to the other side, instead I spent 30 years looking for love in all the wrong places. When you don't love yourself there are plenty of people who also wont love you.

I experienced the other side another time as well. Because my childhood memories were so disjointed and dissociation was so easy for me and I felt so insane, I went to The Primal Therapy centre in LA in about 2002 and learnt how to really access my pain, memories and connect to my body that I had shut off from. I discovered that I'd had a traumatic birth, born by caesarian after going into fetal distress. In reexperiencing this I felt my mothers lack of interest in me, the lack of love she had for me, she couldn't dilate because she was in denial about my existence. As you can imagine this was a really traumatic painful primal experience that I really struggled to cope with. On the last time that I experienced my birth I was taken back pre-womb, to the unconditional, loving connected place we come from. I felt like an energy being connected to other energy beings and we had pure unconditional love pulsating through us. Imagine a brain cell with lots of arms and legs, each connected to other beings and waves of love throbbing in waves from one to the next. It was the most unbelievable experience of my life to that time and I believe a gift, to show me where I had come from.

In my OBE phases I've experienced that same feeling many times along with my guides knowing everything about me. Nothing in life compares to how they feel about me, so it isn't difficult for me to want to return there. But I know I'm here for a reason and I chose this. One of my roles was to be the last person to experience generational abuse in my family and for it to stop with me. Neither my brother or sister were abused and both have had happy children. I didn't have children which is in keeping with what Dolores Cannon said were the rules of the 3 waves of helpers that have come to the planet. We aren't to create karma because it would lead to a continued cycle of reincarnation. I hope that doesn't sound egotistical to assume I am one of the helpers, but too many things point in that direction.  Like that I remembered as a child wondering why my mother couldn't feel me calling for her in my head. I was a very non verbal child (still am, talking is over rated and over used) and felt information coming to me right from the beginning and assumed everyone else was the same. I don't think its any coincidence that there has been a plague of paedophilia and child sacrifice that has occurred concurrently with the influx of sensitive spiritual helpers. Anyway that's a pretty heavy subject and way off track.

Anyway Im up to the part where Michael is talking about an author whose surname is Garnet, do you know who that might be? It was in reference to Michael Newton, whose books lead me down the rabbit hole to Bob Monroe and then Bruce Moen earlier this year. He sounds interesting.

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