Nice pre-birth experience you had. I had a pre-birth experience while meditating one time. Not as extensive as your experience. I was with a being who seemed male, I was about to incarnate into this world, and I was concerned about doing so. I told the being I was with "I'll miss you." He said, "I know." It is awesome that you have been able to experience your spiritual home. My guess is that this is like a guiding light for you.
It interesting that your Step Father was worse than your guides anticipated.
The "Garnet" spoken of is Garnet Schulhauser. I read three of his books. I'm not certain of what to make of them. Some of what he says sounds okay, some doesn't. What he found during his OBEs doesn't match what people such as Bruce Moen, Robert Monroe, Jurgen Ziewe and Emanuel Swedenborg, and other sources have found out about the existence of lower realms. If Garnet is correct about this matter, Bruce, Robert, Jurgen, Emanuel and numerous other people are wrong.
He also disagrees with what Dolores Cannon wrote in her afterlife book. Within it she said that demon-like possession takes place. Garnet says this doesn't take place.
I have found that information obtained through hypnosis sessions is unreliable. I have read a lot of what Michael Newton, Shakuntala Modhi, and some of what Dolores Cannon wrote, and the findings of these hypnotists contradict each other in some key ways, and sometimes the hypnotized person of one hypnotist, will contradict what hypnotized subjects of the same hypnotist say. Sometimes hypnotists come up with information that doesn't sound correct.
I believe it makes more sense to rely on what our own experiences tell us, than on what hypnotists say. I find some of what you experienced more interesting and in line with what I have found out, than what hypnotists say. I believe it is very possible that a hypnotized person has enough PSI going on to pick up the beliefs of a hypnotist, even if the hypnotist doesn't state such beliefs. It has been found that hypnosis can lead to false memories.
Maisie wrote on Dec 31st, 2019 at 1:21am:Hi Recoverer 2
Im currently listening to Michael Hoffman, interesting man. I like that he says I am not an authority and no one is, that's my belief too.
I read Vicky's NDE thread. That's how I feel about the other side, its where I'm from, its where I'm loved and at peace and this life I'm living was not what I volunteered for. My guides even told me my step father was worse than they ever anticipated. I was placed in this family to be deprived of love so I would reach up and connect to the other side, instead I spent 30 years looking for love in all the wrong places. When you don't love yourself there are plenty of people who also wont love you.
I experienced the other side another time as well. Because my childhood memories were so disjointed and dissociation was so easy for me and I felt so insane, I went to The Primal Therapy centre in LA in about 2002 and learnt how to really access my pain, memories and connect to my body that I had shut off from. I discovered that I'd had a traumatic birth, born by caesarian after going into fetal distress. In reexperiencing this I felt my mothers lack of interest in me, the lack of love she had for me, she couldn't dilate because she was in denial about my existence. As you can imagine this was a really traumatic painful primal experience that I really struggled to cope with. On the last time that I experienced my birth I was taken back pre-womb, to the unconditional, loving connected place we come from. I felt like an energy being connected to other energy beings and we had pure unconditional love pulsating through us. Imagine a brain cell with lots of arms and legs, each connected to other beings and waves of love throbbing in waves from one to the next. It was the most unbelievable experience of my life to that time and I believe a gift, to show me where I had come from.
In my OBE phases I've experienced that same feeling many times along with my guides knowing everything about me. Nothing in life compares to how they feel about me, so it isn't difficult for me to want to return there. But I know I'm here for a reason and I chose this. One of my roles was to be the last person to experience generational abuse in my family and for it to stop with me. Neither my brother or sister were abused and both have had happy children. I didn't have children which is in keeping with what Dolores Cannon said were the rules of the 3 waves of helpers that have come to the planet. We aren't to create karma because it would lead to a continued cycle of reincarnation. I hope that doesn't sound egotistical to assume I am one of the helpers, but too many things point in that direction. Like that I remembered as a child wondering why my mother couldn't feel me calling for her in my head. I was a very non verbal child (still am, talking is over rated and over used) and felt information coming to me right from the beginning and assumed everyone else was the same. I don't think its any coincidence that there has been a plague of paedophilia and child sacrifice that has occurred concurrently with the influx of sensitive spiritual helpers. Anyway that's a pretty heavy subject and way off track.
Anyway Im up to the part where Michael is talking about an author whose surname is Garnet, do you know who that might be? It was in reference to Michael Newton, whose books lead me down the rabbit hole to Bob Monroe and then Bruce Moen earlier this year. He sounds interesting.