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Open discussion ... defining / refining what works (Read 45129 times)
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Re: Open discussion ... defining / refining what works
Reply #15 - Oct 31st, 2017 at 6:10pm

Ever since we’ve been doing the picture experiments, I’ve been using a little thing I’ve come up with in preparation of each target.  I incorporated your admonition of not interfering with their field.  I’ve said these words and meaning and intention in some form or another each time I do this kind of experimentation.  It’s memorized by the heart not by the word.  It goes something like this:

<<  I would like to make contact with this person for the purpose of my personal psychic and spiritual development.  This is not a retrieval, it is an experiment to help me practice and hone my perception.  I ask that my guides and helpers protect me and guide me in this endeavor and that they direct my intention and request to this person’s higher self.  I don’t want to interfere in any way with this person’s field.  I want to perceive and receive verifiable information in any way that I can for the purpose of this experiment.  I would like to know, what are you most recognized for in the public eye?  How did you live your life?  How did you die?  Is there anything else you want me to know? >>

Even when I try doing Retrieval work I never focus on names, dates, locations because it’s too much of a logic-mind focus for me.  I’m much better at the feeling side of things.  When I can feel something, it’s real for me. 

About how I “feel” things.  I’m definitely not always right.  But when I DO feel something, then I know I’m right.  An example is that I have a black velvet drawstring bag that I just recently filled with 80 plastic game pawns.  (I used to use marbles but these pawns have much more vibrate colors).  There are 8 different colors, 10 of each color.  So I do regular practice of reaching my hand in and drawing one, then taking a guess at the color.  Of course by “guess” I mean that I’m trying to sense in any way that I can what the color is.  I log each draw.  I’m looking for how I got the right answer when I do get it.  I’m not trying to be right, I’m just trying to notice what is happening when I AM right. 

A big clue that I’ve noticed is that I get more hits when I am able to FEEL the color.  What I mean is, if I just randomly choose a pawn and then try to sense the color, I am less often correct than when I tell myself, “I want to choose a blue pawn”.  When I set an intention for a specific color, and then reach into the bag, feel around, and let my fingers just find a piece by intuition, then I’m more likely to get the correct color!  I believe it’s because I connect with a sense of “feeling”, like I open up my ability to “feel”.   

Another thing I’ve noticed about “feeling” is that there are times when I choose one randomly, then sit and hold it tight in my hand with my eyes closed and I say to myself, “I want to know what this color is”.  I say it with conviction, meaning that I really do want to know it.  Like I said, I’m not right 100% of the time of course, but when I AM right, I actually do feel the feeling of the color.  I can’t really describe what that means, but for instance when I feel yellow, it feels yellow to me.  When I feel blue, it feels blue to me.  It’s an actual feeling that is specific to each instance.  So in this way, I’m learning a lot about how my perception works. 

For anyone reading this who thinks this is hogwash, who thinks that being psychic means being perfect or else you’re fooling yourself, my whole point is to say that what I’m doing with my own psychic development is not to be right, it’s to know how my nonphysical senses work and to know it when I’m really using these abilities.  In this way my doubt will weaken and my trust and confidence will strengthen, and I want it to become so natural that it becomes second nature.  It used to be second nature to me when I was a very young child.  But having grown up in a very dysfunctional family it really dampened my psychic abilities so I’ve had to relearn it as an adult.  My mom was always telling me as a child to stop talking like that, stop telling stories and making things up.  She never believed me or listened to me, so since I had no support and I was constantly told I was weird or lying, I just learned to keep everything to myself and not really focus on that side of myself.

And I’m not trying to sound like “poor me”.  I know that no one’s family is perfect, but I really did have a lot of crap in my life and when you have to use all your energy to "survive" you lose a lot of yourself.  My dad was an alcoholic.  My mom was depressed, suicidal, emotionally abusive, what you call a “toxic parent”.  I was molested several times (not by family) when I was very young, raped at age 19, and the man I married ended up being physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive.  All of these unfortunate, bad experiences have really hammered into me to trust what I feel and that my feelings are the only thing I can trust in life.  Because I’ve become so guarded and protective of myself, I rely on my feelings, both emotional feelings and sense awareness, before I can trust, because I can’t just trust at face value.  When you’ve been lied to and manipulated and hurt, you become very guarded.  This has caused me to require feeling to back me up before I can trust what I think.

Back to using this “feeling sense of awareness”.  It is something I know I can trust because feelings are so strong for me when I do feel them.  It’s less hard to “feel” something when it just pops into my head.  It could be right or it could just be something I made up.  If I don’t feel it too, then I don’t know why it just popped into my head.

For instance, on your last target, his real name was Bob.  But the name “Gary” popped into my head.  I have no way of verifying “Gary” to this guy on the Internet so therefore it’s useless for my purposes.  What I also thought I was picking up on was that he was a mountain man, loved to live the reclusive mountain life, and that he was also into boating and in fact had invented, designed, and developed some type of boating gear/mechanism thingy but he wasn’t really known for it because he was such a private person and this wasn’t something he was marketing.  It was more of a hobby for him.

So, I have no way of verifying this.  But let’s pretend it’s all completely true.  If I have no way of verifying it’s true then it doesn’t really help me.  I still plow forward though, still playing along and act as if I am really connected, really receiving real information.  Because this is what I’ve learned from Bruce and I trust this process.  He says to just play along in your imagination and what you think you’re receiving.  It might be right, it might be wrong, but just go along with it.  Because in this way you are tuning into your nonphysical senses, allowing them to open up.  It’s a process.  Eventually you will get something right by using these senses, and this whole process (even the wrong stuff) is working toward strengthening those senses. 

A big part of what happens in psychic (nonphysical sense) perception is that the conscious mind and physical senses get distracted enough that the subconscious mind can communicate and deliver information to the conscious mind.  The other end of that bargain is that the conscious mind is in a state of allowing itself to receive it (rather than blocking).  It’s a two-way street.  This is Bruce’s concept of Perceiver – Interpreter.

And as Bruce always says, getting some kind of verifiable information is a necessary part of the learning and development process.  We need that to tell us “Well done!  You did it!” because it boosts our confidence because we have proof that what we’re feeling and how we’re sensing is a real thing that can be trusted.  Eventually we get to the point of not needing verification anymore.

As good as I am, I’m not good enough yet, so I just keep practicing until I have consistency and can really, truly tell while I’m working at it that I actually am really, truly receiving real information.
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Re: Open discussion ... defining / refining what works
Reply #16 - Nov 1st, 2017 at 7:32am
Imagine putting your intent into the non-verbal realm? Actually, when I place my intent it's far less granular. It amounts to seeing only what's really there; nothing more and nothing less. I do remain mindful of a quiet mind and intervene quickly when mind wants to "help".
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Re: Open discussion ... defining / refining what works
Reply #17 - Nov 16th, 2017 at 2:51pm
Exercises suspended until further notice, pending conversations with our administrators.

Thank you.
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If you push something hard enough, it will fall over — Fudd's First Law of Opposition.
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Subtle Traveler
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Re: Open discussion ... defining / refining what works
Reply #18 - Dec 24th, 2017 at 9:12am
Hi Morrighan ...

Just wanted to acknowledge that I am reading through your thread here, while making what I am doing here 'more physical' for some to see.

I like what you said about 'moving on from your initial TMI instruction'. I have never been to TMI myself, but I use hemi-sync regularly (not strictly though).

I am also enjoying you and Vicky conversing here. It will probably take a few visits to work through the content here. This is my first visit to this thread. Thanks for sharing here!

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Re: Open discussion ... defining / refining what works
Reply #19 - Dec 25th, 2017 at 3:35pm
Looking forward to your contributions to this thread, Subtle Traveler. All experience shared that furthers this field is welcome in these parts, IMO.

My observation is the belief that the task is hard to accomplish is the greatest stumbling block.
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Subtle Traveler
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Re: Open discussion ... defining / refining what works
Reply #20 - Dec 26th, 2017 at 10:32am
Morrighan wrote on Dec 25th, 2017 at 3:35pm:
My observation is the belief that the task is hard to accomplish is the greatest stumbling block.

I feel that I immediately understand this comment and what you are pointing to.

An author (Frank DeMarco) who I have been reading for just over a year was asked how he communicates with the non-physical (he has become very skilled at this). He said:

"I often tell people, this is a universal human ability, and it is easier done than said. In fact, probably they are doing it more often than they realize, but they are telling themselves it’s just their imagination."

To use your wording above, his comment about communicating with the non-physical "redefined for me what works". And, as you frequently allude to with your allegorical examples (e.g., like Tara), we get caught up in focusing and learning things that do not help us. The systems which teach us (even unfortunately helpful places like TMI) end up creating and building upon their own collective, 3D assumptions.

And, this is where it often seems to get tricky from my own experience (our 3D assumptions). As we realize this limitation and start to analyze it, we focus on that limitation too much. This takes us down the wrong trail, as our focus seemingly needs to be on the unlimited (an All-D perspective) for the 'more real' manifestation to take place.

So, thoughtful pointers help us see beyond and this is their importance (e.g., a transcendence from 3D only focus).

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Re: Open discussion ... defining / refining what works
Reply #21 - Dec 26th, 2017 at 6:36pm
Subtle Traveler wrote on Dec 26th, 2017 at 10:32am:
[quote author=46607770120 link=1503580330/19#19 date=1514230526]

An author (Frank DeMarco) who I have been reading for just over a year was asked how he communicates with the non-physical (he has become very skilled at this). He said:

"I often tell people, this is a universal human ability, and it is easier done than said. In fact, probably they are doing it more often than they realize, but they are telling themselves it’s just their imagination."

I also think we do it more often than we realize, and if we give it more credit and attention we can strengthen the connection and the ability.

Someone asked me if I thought “real perception” only happened during full phasing, or was it possible to have real perception during “dull” visions in the imagination when we are more connected to C1 than to the nonphysical. 

My response was that real perception isn’t equated with how well we get visuals or how much we've phased from the physical.  Perception is much more than just the visual.  For me the knowing part of “seeing” is usually much stronger than visuals, meaning that I know what I know without having to “see” it. 

Then I related a perfect example of the time I lost my favorite bracelet and decided to use my nonphysical senses to find it.  All I did was close my eyes and feel my burning desire to know where it was.  In my mind I had a vague grainy gray “visual” along with a knowing that came with my awareness. 

From this visual and my focused awareness, I got that my bracelet had fallen off my wrist the last time I was at the grocery store, which was two days prior.  I could “see” it lying on the floor in front of the dairy section and see that an older gentleman found it and picked it up, and I knew that he turned it in.  I knew that if I went there it would be in their “Lost and Found”. 

With that information, I drove to the store and asked a clerk if they had a “Lost and Found”.  He said yes and asked what I was looking for so I described my bracelet.  He went and got it and told me that an older man had turned it in on Tuesday, which was two days prior, the last time I’d been in. 

So while the visual wasn’t terribly impressive, it was still something I could trust and use as a tool to help pull my awareness into that area of consciousness.  It definitely wasn’t as visually stunning and real-appearing as some of my other visuals but it’s a great reminder to me that that doesn’t matter.  “Real perception” is so much more than what we might expect or hope to get. 
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Re: Open discussion ... defining / refining what works
Reply #22 - Dec 26th, 2017 at 7:39pm
And well seen.

The skills we strengthen as we exercise our atrophied muscles of awareness have more uses than merely contacting our great uncle Henry. Seems to me it's not about developing expanded awareness. It's about developing greater sensitivity to our own field of awareness.
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Re: Open discussion ... defining / refining what works
Reply #23 - Feb 15th, 2018 at 3:59pm
A moment's reflection to consider:

Responsibility comes with success. Pretty much a standard agreement, in my experience.
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Re: Open discussion ... defining / refining what works
Reply #24 - May 21st, 2018 at 6:09am
Well, i have something to say on the Frank DeMarco. I experienced something similiar in nature as he does when working with TGU. I asked something Morrighan through PM here and she replied. And then later when i was home i sensed in my awareness (or mind) that i am doing conversation with her in fluent english. (i am not english speaking so it goes slow when i normally translate in realtime word by word) I was aware at the moment that this conversation must have gone for some time and it looked like some part of me is asking and some other being (not me) is answering. I just had known that it was her. Silently listening for few seconds.. then my mind or whatever it is interrupted and started thinking "is this real or imagination?". Hard to prove.. At the moment i was not trying or relaxing.

This happened few times by itself whenever i had conversation with a living person or nonphysical person (in my example a dream guide) and had more questions after that i desired to be answered.
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Re: Open discussion ... defining / refining what works
Reply #25 - May 21st, 2018 at 8:36pm
English isn't the only language I use  Lips Sealed
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If you push something hard enough, it will fall over — Fudd's First Law of Opposition.
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Re: Open discussion ... defining / refining what works
Reply #26 - Jun 3rd, 2018 at 12:03pm
Being present to

as the optimal route.

Being present to what you are present to is
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If you push something hard enough, it will fall over — Fudd's First Law of Opposition.
It goes in — it must come out. — Teslacles Deviant to Fudd's First Law
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Re: Open discussion ... defining / refining what works
Reply #27 - Jun 28th, 2018 at 3:42pm
You mean being present to what happens during the day? Like something happens because i previously asked my guidance for an answer? And the answer comes maybe as something unexpected and i miss it. So it comes in another way the other day.. and again.. and again.. until i give up.
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Re: Open discussion ... defining / refining what works
Reply #28 - Aug 7th, 2018 at 4:41pm
Being present to now also includes being present to our body. Our bodies inform as we inform our bodies.
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If you push something hard enough, it will fall over — Fudd's First Law of Opposition.
It goes in — it must come out. — Teslacles Deviant to Fudd's First Law
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Re: Open discussion ... defining / refining what works
Reply #29 - Aug 13th, 2018 at 3:40am
Can i get an example of 'how a body informs us'?
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