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NonPhysical RealityInformation Detector (Read 24235 times)
Bruce Moen
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NonPhysical RealityInformation Detector
Mar 16th, 2012 at 1:30am
To All,

One of my little side projects is to develop a new, form of "Digital Phantom Leaf Photography" (DPLP)  My experiments recently began having promising results, and I feel it is time to let others know how to do this.  That way you don't have take anyone else's word for the existence of nonphysical reality, because you can run the experiments yourself.

My hypothesis is that a method of detection can be demonstrated to make the patterns within nonphysical information visible within physical reality, using a, simple, NOT high voltage, NOT corona discharge (ala Kirlian) photographic a technique.

You need a digital camera that can output images in a lossless format, like .TIF.  The JPG and GIF formats might work, but I perfer 16-bits per channel.  In the simplest version of the technique a digital camera is tripod mounted, aimed at a white background.  Cloudless, direct sunlight is the best way I know to get the most uniform intensity image of this white background.  Ideally the image of this background, output from your camera as a photograph would have less than 10 parts in 65,000 (approximately)  difference in intensity.  ( Right now I still have over 2000 parts per 65000 variation and I still see phantom structures in some images)  At least 15 feet between camera and background, more is better.

Find a way to hang a freshly picked leaf, facing the camera, between the camera lens and white background about 6 inches or less from the camera.

Use manual camera setting for aperture, shutter speed, and focus.  Use a remote camera trigger to avoid ANY camera movement while the shutter is open.

Focus on and take a picture of the leaf.  Then quickly cut a hole in the leaf about 1/2" square or round.  The leaf hole must be positioned so the camera image shows the white background (FLAT white-painted- glass, paint toward lens works)  Do all that positioning stuff before you shoot the first picture.

Do NOT change ANY camera settings, NOT aperture, NOT speed NOR focus. Take several pictures of the leaf with the hole COMPLETELY FILLED by the background white-painted glass.  The hole must be uniformly illuminated in the photographs.

Now it gets tricky.  You need software and a special colorizing plugin, or enough chops to use a piece of software like ImageJ or Fiji (which is a more user friendly version of ImageJ) AS IS to accomplish what is necessary.  I've tried lots of photo editing software and most of it is useless for anything but making pretty pictures.  The software, ImageJ or Fiji are FREE and it can do the job, but it needs a plugin written..

The theory is:

1.  The the physical leaf has a nonphysical component that is normally invisible to the physical eye.

2.  If the physical leaf is cut away, the nonphysical form persists in the location where the physical leaf is removed.

3.  This nonphysical form of the leaf, this "Phantom Leaf," interacts with light in such a way the the perfectly (ideally) uniform intensity white background light traveling thru that location to the camera's lens and photo optical detector is disturbed and distorted.   

4.  The disturbance in light intensity can be detected by using software that makes an image of the patterns in the disturbance.  (A little like the colorized weatherman temperature maps you see on TV.  The difference is that the technique I am describing does not colorize a field of temperature variation.  Instead it images variations in the light intensity of the leaf hole.)  This technique I am describing is similar to Schlieren and Shadowgraph forms of photography.

5.  By developing the technology I am describing the veins and other physical leaf structures will be more clearly visible in the Digital Phantom Leaf Photographs YOU or anyone else can take for yourself.

The nonphysical leaf structure is "Information" stored in Nonphysical, NonLocal, "space."

Any scientific-minded folks who want to work in this?  I could sure use a volunteer Java programmer who knows, or can learn, how to write plugins for ImageJ or Fuji software.

Other folks interested are welcome.  This is an Open Source Project.  Results will be publicly available to encourage noncommercial use.  Public disclosure was made several years ago. 

Maybe we'll run this project on a more appropriate page of this site?

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Re: NonPhysical RealityInformation Detector
Reply #1 - Mar 17th, 2012 at 6:26pm
I recently started some programming in visual dataflow modular environment. It is audio related, but in general - it allows signal processing (DSP), and I've seen some filters done to manipulate graphics. If there are environment-compatible math formulas behind photo processing - maybe it could be used there too.

Think what you need, and meanwhile I ask my friends how the environment I'm working in - could be used for graphics. And maybe - I can find these equations and theory that some researchers did in Europe regarding differential photography (huh, forgot their names); these were designed for this and produced visible effects by emphasizing certain kind of dynamics.

If I'm able then to write a windows executable app, then I have nothing against to make it as "freeware". There is only one "but" - this is not C++ or anything like that, so the schematic would work only with that environment.



Check there:

I have some english pdf that explains it more in details, and have somewhere "almost functional" software (some functions work, crashes alot) from them, which is or was not developed anymore because of obvious or easy-to-guess reasons (one-man projects plus lack of time plus lack of money - such kind of things probably). But if it would be opersourced, then maybe someone could rework it. I contacted them some years ago, when opensource philosophy was not so popular as today. Maybe it would be a good idea to invite them to work on this topic?
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« Last Edit: Mar 17th, 2012 at 7:27pm by J.K.Chris » - Happy Bobbles - Meet the Friend (and Conscious Sound) - best music for extraordinary inner experiences
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Bruce Moen
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Re: NonPhysical RealityInformation Detector
Reply #2 - Mar 18th, 2012 at 11:21am

Sounds like you may have some interesting audio projects going and I am not surprised.   You always did have such an interest in the effects of sounds.

The software for manipulation of digital images is a world unto its own. Most freeware editing packages for digital images have little use in the world of scientific analysis.  ImageJ software is a rare example of powerful scientific analysis software for digital images available to anyone for free. While it may share some use of mathematical formulas and such with other kinds of software, the language it uses is very specific and different from that used in audio.

ImageJ is written using Java as the base language and has its own specific API  library used to perform various digital manipulation routines.  One would probably have to learn all the ins and outs of ImageJ software.

Your comment regarding researchers in Europe and the term "differential photography" is something I find intriguing. In the latest version of the technique I am developing, differential photography as I presently understand the term,  and digital phantom leaf photography might share quite a bit in common.

Nice to see you again here Chris,

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Re: NonPhysical RealityInformation Detector
Reply #3 - Mar 18th, 2012 at 3:58pm
Well - I'm still here (-;
Nice to see you too from time to time.

Here is promised pdf:

I'm not attaching the software because it was given personally to me upon my request, and I don't know if I can. Anyway - I believe, that the fact, that this application was given to me in its development stages means - that the author should be co-operative when contacted. The author speak english.

Meanwhile I was told, that the environment I work in - will probably not work with graphics that way, so my skills are useless here. If imageJ was/is modular visual dataflow language (like max msp, synthedit or synthmaker are for audio) - then why not, maybe I could learn it too. It's just so much easier and intuitive to build from pre-selected visual/functional blocks/modules with nodes (getting the results on-the-fly), than writing everything in code. I have not checked yet whether IJ is like that I work with. But here is my second thought. If these apps you mention have their forums, and if such forums are active like mine, then it should not be difficult to get some help from there.

This differential photography (and video) walks after me since some years, but never had motivation to start think about it more seriously. Low level programming languages were too much for me.
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Re: NonPhysical RealityInformation Detector
Reply #4 - Mar 19th, 2012 at 6:16am
Hi Bruce,

related to the subject of using technology to detect other realities were you aware that a germanium-based TDC device was apparently used very successfully at Scole ?

The link below is from Robin Foy's site and explains more about it with a schematic diagram:

Maybe a techie type could duplicate this !

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Bruce Moen
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Re: NonPhysical RealityInformation Detector
Reply #5 - Mar 19th, 2012 at 10:14am

Yes, the device you commented about is familiar.  Actually, I've built a couple of detectors based on the Scole circuit and am testing another one now.  No definitive results yet.

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Re: NonPhysical RealityInformation Detector
Reply #6 - Mar 20th, 2012 at 1:23pm
Hi Bruce-

Are the detectors you've built based on the Scole circuit the same device you've been working on with Ed Carter?

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Bruce Moen
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Re: NonPhysical RealityInformation Detector
Reply #7 - Mar 20th, 2012 at 2:58pm

I would say there are similarities, like some of the audio detectors I've built use germanium diodes and coils, but I haven't attempted to duplicate the Scole device.

The Digital Phantom Leaf Detectors are not related to any audio types.  Rather, they are intended to demonstrate that  plants exist within both physical and  nonphysical realities..  And that nonphysical reality is capable of storing information, like leaf structure.

This demonstration (that anyone with a proper digital camera and software can replicate) is intended to lead to research to discover what else besides plants exist nonphysically.  Like us humans?  The deceased? Other animals?  Or???

I see this Digital Phantom Leaf Photography as a piece of "gateway" research that could lead to exploration of an entirely new (to scientists) nonphysical universe, so to speak.

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Re: NonPhysical RealityInformation Detector
Reply #8 - Mar 20th, 2012 at 3:46pm
I agree. Besides through such physical approaches - various kind of interactions can be observed and verified between objects (attraction, dislike, dynamics/structure, and some other cues), which project to timeline-based state/behaviour. For example if seed vitality can be represented by different field dynamics... You know the answer.

But I think there is one important factor here. While there are many kind of measurement systems, that show variety of usefulness related to non-locality (or non-physicality so to speak) - we, the humans - are somewhat addicted to what we see with our eyes (or just in real-world pictures). So it's more convenient to make presentations with visual and object-oriented data than with abstract and representative equations or schematics. Modern mainstream society. Many people buy products following pictures, not quality.

One thing, that most people forget however - is the fact, that non-locality has different shape and spatial spread than physicality we know (is not object oriented, like the external/physical shape of mind for example), and therefore - "translation systems" must be applied in order to get comprehensible content.


By the way. Sometime ago I gave Bruce a conceptual explanation on something that could be used for non-physicality measurements, but as far I discovered later - I hit probably in difficult time and my e-mail maybe went unseen and forgotten. I'd like to mention it here, because it could be used for "translating" between very subtle dynamics into something more measurable. Maybe for ITC communication, and maybe in conjunction with this little leaf project too. So let me paste it.

But first - formalities. I'd like to emphasize that this is my idea/invention, and I share it as an opensource concept under Creative Commons CC-BY-SA licence (= Attribution & Share Alike; for attribution use my name and website; Share Alike to block any attempts of blocking it).


A friend of mine, who is one of my explorers (like rosie mcknight was one of the explorers of Bob Monroe), during one of recent spontaneous explorations (she was testing one of my new recordings) - came to an idea that might be interesting for your technical afterlife project.

So here it is.

She received something about mixing colors. If you mix colors in a way similar to mixing sounds (in order to get binaural beats)- as a result you will get different colors. She explained "colors invisible to us, but still perceivable colors". Which means, that these "colors" could appear as "binaural beats" in some radio band, but these are colors that we don't know yet.

She said, that my recording reminded her some her older sessions. She said something like this:

"I remember, that long time ago I had similar receptions... I heard noise, and then I thought that it was a fan/vane rotating clockwise (in right direction). And I wrote then, that 'I must listen to waves from 250 to 480'. But I didn't know what that means. I wrote then, that 'within this range I can contact with someone'.

And during current session, all of sudden, all the dirt moved from my eyes, and everything became clean and navy-violet. And I had the thought, that under these sounds you can put colors, and this will amplify... but I don't know what.

From my old past session, I found that I wrote then automatically with big letters: RADIO - CONNECTION - RECEIVING - BAND - FREQUENCY - REGULATION/TUNING - PARAMETERS - WAVE (in polish: radio - łączność - odbiór - pasmo - częstotliwość - regulacja - parametry - fala).

I only know, that this must be a mix of colors, interweaving one into another, overlaping wich each other."

When I asked about this 250 to 480 band, what is it, she confirmed that this is about MHz band, which gives 250-480MHz radio band.


And here is my conclusion. Let say that you have two laser beams, very similar wavelenghts. If you mix these laser beams, you get an electromagnetic differential frequency.

Visible colors are in range of ~4 to ~8THz (from 4 to 8 x 10^14). Mentioned radio waves are in range 250-480MHz (2.5 to 4.8 x 10^8). Light/Radio ratio is 2 x 10^6 which means, that they are less than a half of thousandth of one promile.

Percentagle it is a very small amount of frequency distortion. If the frequency of light could be distorted this way - then a very small difference in light will produce very large difference in radio waves.

Some phenomenons rise in frequency range in a logarithmic way, but some - not. So my opinion would be, that this could be a detector for organized "light structures". Furthermore - laser beams or other eletromagnetic sources could be strong and "unstable" at the same time, which would allow to generate a strong differential beats in radio band, measurable in AM way I guess.

I'm curious, which frequency bands in radio waves are the most "flexible" to afterlife influence, and - which part of much higher bands (like the light spectrum) - correspond to "spiritual" man. maybe they are hidden in UV, but maybe (according to many bioenergy phenomenons) - in near to visible infrared.

What do you think?

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Re: NonPhysical RealityInformation Detector
Reply #9 - Mar 20th, 2012 at 4:07pm
Robin Foy's book 'Witnessing the Impossible' is the only account of every Scole session and it is interesting regarding the TDC device because it catalogues all the early unsuccessful trials to the later loud and clear communications with other dimensions. It also suggests that the vibrational harmony of the experimenters may be at least as important as the actual technology employed.
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Bruce Moen
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Digital Phantom Leaf Photography Pictures Posted
Reply #10 - Mar 26th, 2012 at 5:26pm
To Those Interested,

I just uploaded a new page that shows two examples of Digital Phantom Leaf Images.  You can see them at

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Re: NonPhysical RealityInformation Detector
Reply #11 - Dec 21st, 2012 at 6:37pm
Bruce: I would be extremely interested in following up on the NRID idea that you indicated.  I hae the neccessary equipment and being a biomedical engineer I  have brushed up against medical imaging programs .
Is this still of interest to you ?
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Bruce Moen
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Re: NonPhysical RealityInformation Detector
Reply #12 - Dec 22nd, 2012 at 12:29am

I am very happy to meet you.  I am in Florida. which gives great plant growing year around and lots of full spectrum sunlight light.  And I am very interested in sharing what I know, especially with someone with you kind of experience.

Are you familiar with ImageJ and/or writing plugins in Java?  I'm making the move to16-bit and a use of big macro  lenses to improve resolution. My struggle is the image process software.  Any developments are to be open to free use by anyone.  I can provide images for testing and you can make them too.

If you have any capability and the interest I'm willing to share whatever I know.  My over-arching goal is that a piece of software becomes available for anyone with a RAW capable camera who wants to explore for proof of the existence of  nonphysical  thru there own experience and experiments.   Eventually it would be nice if JPG files could be used.

Wanna play?

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Re: NonPhysical RealityInformation Detector
Reply #13 - Dec 22nd, 2012 at 7:42pm
Yep, I wanna play.  Now that I'm retired I have time to do some the things that always interested me, and this is a biggee for me. I spent some time researching the work of a prof at yale who developed a method of visualizing body fields of emf.  this is along the some lines. 
No, I am not a jave programmer, unfortunately my programming abilities are limited to machine language, fortran, and a smattering of Ruby ( I'm in the process of learning it)
Question: I note that you spec out noon sum as a light source.  Since that has a Kelvin Temp of about 5000, have you considered CLU lights weith a similiar color temp?
It would be more consitant in several areas. Just a thought.
I'm not at home with ImagingJ or jiti, but expect ot download and learn. 
Thanks for your reply
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Bruce Moen
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Re: NonPhysical RealityInformation Detector
Reply #14 - Dec 22nd, 2012 at 10:13pm

Glad to hear you are interested.   The software I use is ImageJ and there is another version of the same software is called Fiji.  Fiji has some sort of Ruby scripting.  Here's a link.

The sunlight at noon is more of a comment on what has succeeded in the past.  The biggest, useful factor sunlight gives is its uniform intensity.  The earlier imaging technique I did worked best with the most uniform white background I could get.  With a perfectly uniform white background, viewed by the camera through the leaf hole, any variation in pixel intensity stands out in the resulting processed images.

With another technique I'm thinking about  full spectrum light may be required.  Sunlight is good at that!  But I have had some indications that artificial light will work, the issue is primarily uniformity of intensity at least from what I know so far.

Your emf field work sounds interesting.

It might be good to chat in real time.  Do you Skype?  Maybe we can get a video chat going?

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