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Re:Imagination exercises! (Read 71957 times)
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Re:Imagination exercises!
Sep 21st, 2010 at 12:16am
9/20/2010 - Evening session:

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1

Relaxation phase:

Relaxation coming in smoothly but toward the end winked out.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Caught the beginning but winked out.


Pick this up got a lot of stuff but am not recording at the moment because I am more interested in executing the conditions of the exercise so that is lost.

Imagination exercise 1

Very interesting ending… I picked up a memory of a childhood friend McCarthy who saw right through me in an incident I am not proud up but shall remain unexpressed for public posting.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #1 - Sep 21st, 2010 at 7:26pm
9/21/2010 - Evening session:

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1

Awesome session… all the previous work paid off… remembered little but lots of activity…

Relaxation phase:

No longer monitoring relaxation phase…

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Got into f12 or 15...


Not much interpreter action but it is beginning to happen going deep an beyond normal communication mode…

Imagination exercise 1

This was deep but remembered little…

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #2 - Sep 22nd, 2010 at 11:22am
9/21/2010 - morning session:

Have taken most of the structure out of my efforts… according to Frank Kepple where you put you focus is where you will exist. Focus shifting is phasing therefore control focus.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1

Relaxation phase:

Going directly to efforts to phase through f10 to at least f21... The body will take care of itself…

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Was alert and aware through out the finger movements…


Saw a six frame portrait image lower middle a woman with big full eyes dark hair… smiling and animated… right in the unexpected criteria for real non-physical experience outside of the personal fantasy pump priming…

Imagination exercise 1

Saw my first dog… the one that bit my brother’s face because he put his face too close to it when it was eating… all working within the scope of the exercises parameters…

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #3 - Sep 22nd, 2010 at 6:05pm
9/22/2010 - 2nd morning session:

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1: joob condition d

Put condition d back into mix for two reasons… 1. To get a defined end of session. 2. To possibly have a two hour session if I am into the deep states.

Relaxation phase:

Going directly to efforts to phase through f10 to at least f21... The body will take care of itself…

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Very alert for this exercise.


Got very deep at end  of SLF exercise and began to perceive tho hazy and interpreter sputtered along… 

Imagination exercise 1

Saw a pirate band… baggy pats and blouse shirts… tri cornered hats… my dad giving me a punching bag on the balcony porch in (deleted)… mom looking on… royal blue color… (f21) called for Sibelious but he doesn’t respond…

Joob condition d

Floating above my body… got a rtz bubble… buzz in crown chakra… almost out… ended session early…

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #4 - Sep 23rd, 2010 at 1:00am
9/22/2010 - Evening session:

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1: joob condition d

Very deep in this session for some reason. Hope this continues.

Relaxation phase:

Solid relaxation descent

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Little winky… some drifting in and out of awareness tho relaxation depth held well.


I think I learned to over control the P/I and it isn’t responding easily.

Imagination exercise 1

This was exciting… I remembered a friend I was not necessarily event rich so it was very subtle recall… I remembered a dog Spots who I completely forgot about… 

Joob condition d

Didn’t do this exercise.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #5 - Sep 29th, 2010 at 4:10pm
9/29/2010 - morning session:

Just got back from the Bulmann obe seminar and this mornings session was very vivid and prolific… unfortunately my tape recorder seems to be problematic so I don’t have a lot of recall.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1

Relaxation phase:

This goes well… f10 comes in easily.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Was alert and aware through out the finger movements…


The perceiver is giving a lot of images… the interpreter in not responding with much chatter…

Imagination exercise 1

Remembering a lot of things I didn’t think was still available since remembering present life early incidents is not one of my usual capabilities.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #6 - Sep 30th, 2010 at 9:58am
9/30/2010 - morning session:

The Bulmann seminar has definitely changed everything… my tendency no is to go with the flow… lots of activity… but not necessarily in the box of these exercises and it seems best to see where it all goes…

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2

Relaxation phase:

This goes well… f10 not reached tho close.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Alert but other things were going on fundamental energy body was shifting.


Images throughout but not following the structure.

Imagination exercise 1

Again other things are going on and will need to watch for a while to see where this all goes.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #7 - Oct 1st, 2010 at 9:05am
10/1/2010 - morning session:

The sessions again are taking on an obe thrust which is good because I am right on the edge of exiting… Bulmann says it could take as much as 25 days to exit… but, if you persist it will happen… that has been the missing ingredient… I stopped to soon and moved to something else.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Slower descent... No f10 until later exercise.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Firmly into this exercise


Not clearly in this exercise but f10 is achieved and I begin being near an exit and start to work on exiting

Imagination exercise 1

No clear memory of this exercise kicking in.

joob d

The exit was always possible. Vibrations came in… I was always on the edge… tried the rope climb… tried to roll out… now, I am confident that I will obe this month.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #8 - Oct 2nd, 2010 at 12:01am
Posting this because of a major success in realization.

10/1/2010 - afternoon session:

Well folks I solved it!!! The Bulmann seminar gave me the answer but I just realized it.

The affirmation is -

Now I am out-of-body

It doesn’t matter what exercise you do if you repeat this affirmation and you focus on “I”… you will phase or obe… eventually for the simple reason that you will be centered at some point in the “I” which is the Point-of-consciousness, the real you… as you let go of body consciousness the body will sleep, if you get the body asleep… the automatic projection mechanism MUST activate!!! You really have no form. The form you assume is a identity need… we are pure consciousness in the end.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Very smoothly into f10.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

The affirmation overroad consciousness of the exercise.


The affirmation overroad consciousness of the exercise.

Imagination exercise 1

The affirmation overroad consciousness of the exercise.

joob d

The exit is now highly probably in the next few days.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #9 - Oct 2nd, 2010 at 2:33pm
10/2/2010 - morning session:

Now I am out-of-body

This works wonderfully. My goal has always been to travel and eat prime rib, but you still can‘t be too well rested… the borderland requires being on the edge of sleep all the time. Looks like persistence is paying off.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Relaxing to f10 is now simple.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Some consciousness of the exercise instruction but the affirmation tends to override consciousness of the exercise.


Some consciousness of the exercise instruction but the affirmation tends to override consciousness of the exercise.

Imagination exercise 1

Some consciousness of the exercise instruction but the affirmation tends to override consciousness of the exercise.

joob d

Somewhere in P/I I got into an energy cocoon… think this is the launching platform being built… I tried the rope trick… nothing… the fundamental energy body flops around occasionally… I guess this is normal… confident I am on the right road.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #10 - Oct 2nd, 2010 at 7:07pm
10/2/2010 - afternoon session:

Now I am out-of-body

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Relaxing to f10 is now simple.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Some consciousness of the exercise instruction but the affirmation tends to override consciousness of the exercise.


Some consciousness of the exercise instruction but the affirmation tends to override consciousness of the exercise.

Imagination exercise 1

Some consciousness of the exercise instruction but the affirmation tends to override consciousness of the exercise.

joob d

Outstanding…!!! three knocks, full body o.b.e.. momentary

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #11 - Oct 3rd, 2010 at 10:37pm
10/3/2010 - morning session:

Now I am out-of-body

Now the exercise is paying off!

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Relaxing to f10 is now simple.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Some consciousness of the exercise instruction but the affirmation tends to override consciousness of the exercise.


Some consciousness of the exercise instruction but the affirmation tends to override consciousness of the exercise.

Imagination exercise 1

Some consciousness of the exercise instruction but the affirmation tends to override consciousness of the exercise.

joob d

I am getting in a cocoon of energy. I keep the mantra going. When something significant happens… Bulmann suggests … door open, awareness now to trigger an expansion of the rote… and what happened was I became aware of this huge living room… no people in it…

The mantra is a platform from which to launch. This is worth experimenting with… could be focus 21 or above… it could be a morphing of my residence on f21 which is a Roman portico.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #12 - Oct 4th, 2010 at 8:07am
10/4/2010 - morning session:

Now I am out-of-body

This is wonderful the mantra just folds in and out of a energy cocoon! Then it generates a stream of consciousness sequence. Doing all these exercises together seems to work… I am definitely getting the benefit subliminally tho I am not exactly conscious of each detail of the exercises. I am excited about the future prospects of this regime. An the dove tailing of the Bulman work and Moen work… because this all comes together in the Imagination exercise sequence of AKG and the result is exactly what the AkG exercises are supposed to accomplish… the ability to covert imagination into a real non-physical experience.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Relaxing to f10 is now simple.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Some consciousness of the exercise instruction but the affirmation tends to override consciousness of the exercise.


Some consciousness of the exercise instruction but the affirmation tends to override consciousness of the exercise.

Imagination exercise 1

Some consciousness of the exercise instruction but the affirmation tends to override consciousness of the exercise.

joob d

This was a kind of dream sequence in which I was sitting at a computer station with two other people a male and a female. I kept going in and out of sequences… I was shopping in a super market of grocery store… I seemed to have a think for the female but she is married and talking on the phone to here husband… she may be pregnant… the dream was quite vivid but I never woke up in it… so I can’t consider it a lucid dream… but it was the dream mind.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #13 - Oct 6th, 2010 at 12:01pm
10/4/2010 - morning session:

Now I am out-of-body

Now I am able to do the exercises at the same time I am using the mantra

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Did get into relaxation as quickly. May not have achieve f10 until the end of the cut

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Able to do the exercise an noting an awareness growing as to the moment of the move which is the condition of the exercise.


This still is problematic since my previous training seems to have attenuated the interpreter in the session… in daily life the interpreter is more active tho I have a mantra to control it now that I recognize that it is the interpreter spewing garbage all day.

Imagination exercise 2

This was nicely developing will stay with 2 for a time.

joob d

Using imagination to prime the pump I walk to the TMI/Nancy Penn center crystal embrace it, go to Laurie Monroe plaque and tben into the building living room touch the chess board, walk thru the wall into the white room and touch the stove, turn right and walk the chalk board and touch it. Very satisfied with my progress.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #14 - Oct 6th, 2010 at 5:44pm
10/6/2010 - afternoon session:

Now I am out-of-body

This session just took off on its own. I was in f10 almost immediately. I did the mantra continuously and found myself in an inner space that was not obe but definitely unique… I was able to use the commands, clarity now, awareness now… but I am not apparently in f21 where these commands will trigger a reaction… I seem to be still in my body perhaps just slightly into the next rtz level but only a foot in the door… I am going with the flow so I didn’t try to get control of the session or override any of its elements…

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

This did not have a meaning in the above context.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Some consciousness of the exercise instruction but the affirmation tends to override consciousness of the exercise.


Some consciousness of the exercise instruction but the affirmation tends to override consciousness of the exercise.

Imagination exercise 1

Some consciousness of the exercise instruction but the affirmation tends to override consciousness of the exercise.

joob d

Reached this exercise and the hemi-sync signals had their effect. I am quite suspended in an odd place.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #15 - Oct 7th, 2010 at 9:21am
10/6/2010 - morning session:

Now I am out-of-body

Now I am able to do the exercises at the same time I am using the mantra

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Did get into relaxation as quickly. May not have achieve f10 until the end of the cut

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Able to do the exercise an noting an awareness growing as to the moment of the move which is the condition of the exercise.


This still is problematic since my previous training seems to have attenuated the interpreter in the session… in daily life the interpreter is more active tho I have a mantra to control it now that I recognize that it is the interpreter spewing garbage all day.

Imagination exercise 2

This was nicely developing will stay with 2 for a time.

joob d

Using imagination to prime the pump I walk to the TMI/Nancy Penn center crystal embrace it, go to Laurie Monroe plaque and tben into the building living room touch the chess board, walk thru the wall into the white room and touch the stove, turn right and walk the chalk board and touch it. Very satisfied with my progress.


10/7/2010 - morning session:

Now I am out-of-body

Sessions are settling in to a routine. Was able to get most of the exercises in with minor vague going through the motions actions which are not clearly consciously defined.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Not going into a deep relaxation mode in this exercise… never got to f10.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Executed the exercise as delivered. No particular awareness of the moment of movement.


Still uncoordinated in this exercise.

Imagination exercise 1

By now I am in f10 but not fulfilling the conditions of the exercise

joob d

Once into the mantra and using imagination to prime the pump… I seem to be progressing to a deep and firm foundation for a strong coming projection. Hard to describe the state and its benefits but it is there.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #16 - Oct 8th, 2010 at 11:30am
10/8/2010 - morning session:

Now I am out-of-body

Now I am doing the exercises separately. I am both discouraged and encouraged. Discouraged because I have done obe… so easily under spontaneous conditions… but, controlled and conscious seems so impossible… and I don’t have any volitional, or operational capability to induce the state of mind needed… it is either there or it isn’t. I can feel the solidity of my physical world lockin and have no ability to unlock it… I have ideas about what is locking me in but I am in a rural area where to find the right hypnotist of the Dr Brian Weiss school would require driving 300 miles to an appointment. But I am encouraged because this session had a very fine fundamental body movement which was more than the usual subtle action.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Didn’t get into relaxation as quickly. May not have achieve f10 until the end of the cut

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Able to do the exercise and noted an awareness growing as to the moment of the move which is the condition of the exercise… and something added getting this intention ability is of course a big thing.


Still no improvement getting a session flow.

Imagination exercise 2

Somehow I lost this exercise.

joob d

Very strong but visualization seems quite hazy now. This seems to be not unusual. Buhlman says visualizations have a shelf-life. But did imagine my movement through the TMI campus. But the unique thing was toward the end of the exercise… I got a real fundamental body shift and isolation signal… I got the buzzing and sounds… the ringing and three knocks…

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #17 - Oct 9th, 2010 at 10:15am
10/9/2010 - morning session:

Now I am out-of-body

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Didn’t get into relaxation as quickly. May not have achieve f10 until the joob cut

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Able to do the exercise and noted an awareness growing as to the moment of the move which is the condition of the exercise… and something added getting this intention ability is of course a big thing.


Some improvement getting a session flow.

Imagination exercise 2

Somehow I lost this exercise.

joob d

This is the second session in which in the Joob phase I got a brain split… my right ear gets a conical energy shaping but it hangs up… but I must be breaking through. I wandered through the TMI - Nancy Penn Center with more clarity in this session… I am  more into a reverie state toward the end than I have been… this is important because of the borderland requirement… but, something else is added… the tingling at the back of my neck… this is a Buhlman precursor signal… and of course… Moen’s Wahiunka starts at the back of the neck or in the cerebrum. This is encouraging.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #18 - Oct 9th, 2010 at 1:53pm
10/9/2010 - 2nd morning session:

Now I am out-of-body

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Into the relaxation mode easily. F10? Not sure when this happened this session characterized by a divergence form the structure

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Not sure what happened tho recall some finger movements in consciousness out of consciousness


Again not sure what happened

Imagination exercise 2

Somehow I lost this exercise.

joob d

Fell out of my body momentarily. Jolt of left leg… really enjoyed the session… aware of touring TMI - Nancy Penn center. All in all a nice session.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #19 - Oct 9th, 2010 at 6:07pm
10/9/2010 - afternoon session:

Now I am out-of-body

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Into the relaxation mode easily. F10? Not sure when this happened this session characterized by a divergence form the structure

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Not sure what happened tho recall some finger movements in consciousness out of consciousness


Again not sure what happened

Imagination exercise 2

This exercise took for the most part. I may be ready to move to #3.

joob d

Got into a very rich and colorful still scene… excellent color and it featured a tan woman in a print vacation mode shiff… the ringing is very pronounced… but, I seem to be focusing into a narrow area of attention… be interesting as this developes.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #20 - Oct 10th, 2010 at 8:47pm

10/10/2010 - afternoon session:

Now I am out-of-body

I have now achieve a state of mind which I identify as f21... I was not classically out of body but I am definitely holding my position in the f21 territory and for those of you who know the AKG - continuum scale I would say I am on a scale of 1 to 100 I vacillate between 5 and 60. That is I sometimes know what is happening with out seeing it clearly and at times I see it happening. This is quite wonderful. I believe I am on my way… this is a major development. An unqualified success… I invite all of you to participate. There is a paradox in the world of obe work… most of us have o.b.e.’s in the classical manner seeming to be out the body… there is another phenomena which Buhlman describes in his Adventure… in which there is an inward movement that takes place from the rtz-double… another body obe’s from the rtz-double… but this one moves inward… it is a difficult concept but is the one Monroe has called phasing… I have phased and it is quite stable.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 3; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Got into the relaxation mode very easily… achieved f10... Something happened… I went inward… my consciousness separated inward not outward…   

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Did this exercise with clarity and from this inward state.


Now I have a grip on this exercise but not the way Moen is attempting to teach. My years of control of the monkey mind is paying off with more perceiver imaging and a clear idea of a continuity of knowing of what it I am effecting… reached f21 in this exercise… made contact with my primary guide and had a conversation with him… I went to my Roman portico residence and made contact with the two goddesses that live with me there… one looks like Isabella rosellini, the other claims she is Athena Tristageminus.

Imagination exercise 3

Picked up spam (the food) not part of the exercise. Saw the orange as per the exercise, peeled it… smelled the citrus odor and tasted the cool flowing juice of the orange…

joob d

Began to attempt to travel with the awareness now command and the clarity now command… tho I am stably in the f21 state and should be able to travel… I am being cautious because I don’t want to be disappointed or over do my new found abilities… I will now attempt to build on them in the coming sessions.

This is definitely OUTSTANDING!!

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #21 - Oct 11th, 2010 at 12:44am
10/10/2010 - Evening session:

Now I am out-of-body

Now the fun begins. Up to now it has all been work, grind and not sure if I could really do it. This session took off on its own in the direction of a classic obe. Setting up vibrations, sounds and lots of bells and whistles.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Right into f10

Silly Little Finger exercise:

The session went its own way.


The session went its own way.

Imagination exercise 2

The session went its own way.

joob d

All the bells and whistles began to really kick in.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #22 - Oct 11th, 2010 at 9:11pm
10/11/2010 - Evening session:

Now I am out-of-body

Now we are getting someplace.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 3; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Right into f10... Sharp string pain left foot edge near big toe… Reflexologically this is the area of the thymus and metaphysically it controls 'the courage to stand in the love of what you believe in rather than in defense of it.’ Which is exactly where I am headed PUL… this session also saw the triggering of the heart chakra a center golf ball size sudden expansion and contraction.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Solar plexus chakra is developing… near or part of The Gordian Knot… a baby face appeared… woman in blue work clothes arts and crafts like countenance…

The session went its own way.


My television screen developed… it was at the end of a large auditorium… everything is quite 3d black… things were moving around in the screen… but not well defined… clarity now command… an attempt was made to bring the screen closer but was not clearly showing anything I could identify…

Imagination exercise 3

Don’t remember what went on here but did not follow the exercise instructions.

joob d

I am clearly in no-time and beyond. I am comfortable in the altered state and comeback at tape prompting… could actually remain indefinitely… on track for great things going forward.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #23 - Oct 12th, 2010 at 11:27pm
10/12/2010 - Afternoon session:

Now I am out-of-body

Amazing session!!! Moved to imagination exercise 4.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 4; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Fairly quickly into relaxed state…

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Got an curious flash of a white dragon head with teeth as I bent the finger… not sure what that means.


Oh my, saw the head of Tony Curtis. As I was attempting to just slough it off it was persistent… I asked for the help of my guide… he said engage it… then I had a conversation with Tony and finally asked if he was ready to move to another state of mind… as I took his hand I began to ascend… then we hit a place where all his buddies… Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis jr and a whole crowd of people famous and (I think Marilyn Monroe) gathered around… I couldn't get him to leave… then it began to descend in to a sex orgy (maybe the sex pile)… I quickly covered myself in the white protective light… I attempted to disengage… with some difficulty… but then I put the whole package into the Energy Conversion Box. That seemed to help.

Imagination exercise 2

I did well on this exercise feeling my nose with my finger and then feeling my finger with my nose…

joob d

This was exciting Buhlman says when you do the mantra ‘Now, I am out of body’ and you feel any separation at all then get away from your body… I then flew to TMI - Nancy Penn Center the open lawn where the crystal stands… I distinctly felt myself high above the crystal then I descended to give it a hug… (kept up the mantra)... I went to the Laure Monroe plaque, floated to the living room touched the chessboard… went into the white room touched the iron stove… over to the chalk board… then I shot out of the roof flew over to the Monroe’s Mountain Home hovered over the Crystal up there and as I was descending to hug the crystal I picked up the signal of a fellow female student… I knew we had done lifelines at the Nancy Penn center… but did not know if she ever visited Monroe’s mountain… I then went into the home to the downstairs Monroe private library where when I did Guidelines I was guided to a book on sex by Robert himself… (odd…)… then I decided to visit a GPS satellite… (just bought a gps system for my car) wonder if it is the one I make contact with… )… went to Mars looking for a rover… then I decided this was unbelievable and ended the session halfway through…

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #24 - Oct 15th, 2010 at 6:38pm
10/15/2010 - Afternoon session:

Now I am out-of-body

Alert!! Has anyone visited the Oval Office o.b.e… can you verify that there is an energy field around it and the white house… I couldn’t get in… I was in the Congressional Chamber that was easy.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 4; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Not getting into the relaxed state easily… not sure why.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Now things are going a bit out of control.


Imagination exercise 2

joob d

Almost from the start I was obe… then decided to get away from my body by going to TMI… the crystal at Nancy Penn, Monroe plaque, chess set… (there may be activity in the center… not sure seemed cloudy in there… not absolutely aware of people)… went up to crystal on Roberts mountain… I seem not to be able to hold my position in a specific spot… have to keep moving… went to the moon… then decided to visit the capitol, the Washington monument, was in the stairwell… but… decide to go to the white house… was outside the gate… then tried to go in… couldn’t do it… then decided to go into the Oval office… couldn’t do it… that is quite odd…

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #25 - Oct 16th, 2010 at 12:12pm
10/16/2010 - morning session:

Now I am out-of-body

The belief system backlash.

I’ve shaken up my belief system network. I haven’t been reporting all the session stuff particularly the fallow unproductive ones… but, they may be just as important… I feel like a single loading musket… after The breakthrough… I had a couple of dead sessions in which I could almost do nothing as it the nervous system can take only so much energy and it goes numb…

Now, I discovered the belief system barrier I have to overcome and dissolve… it appeared in the form of a Ashkenazi jewish rabbi

I am not sure exactly what their beliefs are but my impression is that all this nonphysical stuff is evil and of the dark forces… so somehow I have to dissolve him like all the other demons I have encountered.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 4; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Now things are going a bit out of control.


Imagination exercise 2

joob d

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #26 - Oct 17th, 2010 at 7:20pm
10/17/2010 - morning session:

Now I am out-of-body

This was a very odd session… I was on the edge of projection all the time… energy was streaming off my left thigh, and mostly left side… I was unable to even imagine the crystal… great pressure in my forehead… I just kept letting go or seem to be letting go… I don’t know what could be holding me down that I am not conscious of… but I could not let go any more without evaporating and can feel nothing to let go of yet nothing wants to happen… and I left the session soaking in sweat. And I did none of the exercises below.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 4; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Silly Little Finger exercise:


Imagination exercise 2

joob d

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #27 - Oct 18th, 2010 at 11:01am
10/18/2010 - morning session:

Now I am out-of-body

The Buhlman seminar’s after effects… a belief system crisis.

The Ashkenazi belief system shake up. My present belief system crisis began on 10/16/2010 when that session produced a demon in the form of an Ashkenazi Rabbi:

Since then I have developed a welt on the right side of my head. Came out of a session soaking with sweat and a left side energy streaming effect… and now this dream which suggests I have fears I did not know I had and they are a barrier to moving forward…

The Dream:

I am in a kind of warehouse setting with a Hispanic type character who is preparing heroin. I am adamant that I will not partake… he agrees… then suddenly I am overwhelmed by him and a female addict and given a shot… I stumble into the street headed for my Mercedes… in a daze… a big black man comes out of no where and says he wants a ride… I yell, ‘…get away from me…’ I am alarmed I am in a gang neighborhood…  he opens the door to the back seat… I scream, ‘… I
am going to call the police…’ I run looking for a phone… I am on a street car track platform… can’t find a phone… but realize I have a cell phone… attempt to call 911... Can’t do it… numbers won’t form… in a panic… wake up…


In the last few sessions after the Ashkenazi signal some ominous looking beings have been trying to come through I have attempted to allow them to materialize since I know they will dissolve when they are exposed to the light of recognition but they seem elusive and fade back into the ethers as soon as they begin to appear… I think this dream represents lost of control… the heroin represents the non-physical world of stochastic event potential of which I will have to flow with and not necessarily have any control of... my underlying belief system is apparently …looking for control and predictability…

The big black man… represents my fears… they are want to ride in the back seat and be there as a threat all the time… I don’t want that… I want police protection…

This belief system crisis is a problem since I have no answer to its resolution accept to adhere to the concept that… The way out is the way through… perseverance… try to allow everything to come up… I don’t know why the dream didn’t go lucid… there were so many signals that I was dreaming… that might have helped.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #28 - Oct 18th, 2010 at 8:46pm
Seraphis1 wrote on Oct 18th, 2010 at 11:05am:
10/18/2010 - morning session:

Now I am out-of-body

The Buhlman seminar’s after effects… a belief system crisis.

The Ashkenazi belief system shake up. My present belief system crisis began on 10/16/2010 when that session produced a demon in the form of an Ashkenazi Rabbi:

Since then I have developed a welt on the right side of my head. Came out of a session soaking with sweat and a left side energy streaming effect… and now this dream which suggests I have fears I did not know I had and they are a barrier to moving forward…

Hi All: Little by little the significance of the key symbol in my current belief system crisis is unfolding… the Ashkenazi symbol represents orthodoxy… as a Cancerian conservatism fits well with my underlying belief system structure… (none of these things are known to me directly) I am only becoming aware of them as I continue to attempt to get into the non-physical universe… I have now hit a clear subconscious substrata of belief system barriers that need to breakdown… when you get beyond the Monroevian focus 21 territories… the mind communicates in a non-verbal language… orthodoxy and conservatism cannot understand symbolism, innuendo, subtlety and intuition… they can only grasp objective reality… the focus 21 and above territories are all subjective/objective reality…

The plot thickens.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #29 - Oct 19th, 2010 at 12:05am
Seraphis1 wrote on Oct 18th, 2010 at 8:39pm:
Hi All: Little by little the significance of the key symbol in my current belief system crisis is unfolding… the Ashkenazi symbol represents orthodoxy… as a Cancerian conservatism fits well with my underlying belief system structure… (none of these things are known to me directly) I am only becoming aware of them as I continue to attempt to get into the non-physical universe… I have now hit a clear subconscious substrata of belief system barriers that need to breakdown… when you get beyond the Monroevian focus 21 territories… the mind communicates in a non-verbal language… orthodoxy and conservatism cannot understand symbolism, innuendo, subtlety and intuition… they can only grasp objective reality… the focus 21 and above territories are all subjective/objective reality…

The plot thickens.


Outstanding!!! No sooner than I am able to interpret and recognize the meaning of a non-verbal communication something happens:

10/18/2010 – Evening session:

The session progressed very well… energy streaming right side, off buttocks and thigh… well being… a lot of itching around the face… began to use the itching not there technique that seems to work… some fundamental body activity… then in the center of my brain… a shattering of like shale… crumbling off… I think the disintegration of my encrusted belief systems are now beginning to fall apart.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #30 - Oct 19th, 2010 at 10:57am
Seraphis1 wrote on Oct 18th, 2010 at 8:39pm:
Hi All: Little by little the significance of the key symbol in my current belief system crisis is unfolding… the Ashkenazi symbol represents orthodoxy… as a Cancerian conservatism fits well with my underlying belief system structure… (none of these things are known to me directly) I am only becoming aware of them as I continue to attempt to get into the non-physical universe… I have now hit a clear subconscious substrata of belief system barriers that need to breakdown… when you get beyond the Monroevian focus 21 territories… the mind communicates in a non-verbal language… orthodoxy and conservatism cannot understand symbolism, innuendo, subtlety and intuition… they can only grasp objective reality… the focus 21 and above territories are all subjective/objective reality…

The plot thickens.


Outstanding!!! No sooner than I am able to interpret and recognize the meaning of a non-verbal communication something happens:

10/18/2010 – Evening session:

The session progressed very well… energy streaming right side, off buttocks and thigh… well being… a lot of itching around the face… began to use the itching not there technique that seems to work… some fundamental body activity… then in the center of my brain… a shattering of like shale… crumbling off… I think the disintegration of my encrusted belief systems are now beginning to fall apart.




Very encouraging dream:

I was in my garage looking out on a street in which in the middle of it was my car (a mustang or Mercedes) which was for sale… it was blue… people were looking at it.


Looking out of the garage door… this symbolized my shift from my personality (the car and the pituitary gland… the seat of the personality) to my watcher self which is seated in the pineal gland… looking out from an inner deeper position into the wider world or universe… I want to get rid of my current belief system mindset…

I am looking forward to the coming sessions… stay tuned..

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #31 - Oct 19th, 2010 at 7:55pm
10/19/2010 - Afternoon session:

Now I am out-of-body

I am awestruck!!

The condition JOOB instruction set says:

“Condition C is characterized by the shutting down of various sensory mechanism inputs. The sense of touch apparently goes first. You seem to have no feeling in any part of your body. Smell and taste soon follow. The auditory signals are next, and the last to fade out is vision.”

I’ve been doing these exercises for sometime now and I got all the shutdowns - touch, smell, and taste… I think or maybe I was confusing numbness and paralysis with shutdowns… but, in todays exercise I experienced the auditory click off… twice in the session each time there was no mistaking the auditory turn off… I have in my room a constant hum of the air conditioning… that hum completely turned off!! I heard a loud pop at the beginning of the session in my left ear that seemed to extend out from my head a bit… this was an amazing session!!

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Getting easier and easier. 

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Only vaguely aware of this exercise being prompted.


Only vaguely aware of this exercise being prompted.

Imagination exercise 2

Only vaguely aware of this exercise being prompted.

joob d

See opening blurb… the whole session is intergrated into one experience. The mantra is really powerful now.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #32 - Oct 22nd, 2010 at 11:49am
10/22/2010 - Morning session:

Now I am out-of-body

The workman like day to day progress is a big surprise to me. From the books you get the idea that one day you just o.b.e. and live happily ever after. I don’t remember any book talking about the day to day physiology of one’s progress to being a Traveler. They always have some earth shaking experience and suddenly they never look back. Monroe fell out of his body and had a few years of anxiety over the experience… but what happened before physiologically, of course, he didn’t know where he was going I do.

I just came off a dry spell in which I could not even visualize with imagination.

But this morning I was right on the razor’s edge of a very powerful o.b.e. event… the buzzing came in, the vibrations which with me usually start in my feet and legs and defy my commands to spread… this morning they spread… the click off of auditory happened for a longer period…

What I haven’t got and it is frustrating is the ability to ‘intend’ and have my intent obeyed or executed… this is a big secret… volition!!!

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

There is something odd about my inability to consistently get into the f10 state quickly I was well into the Perceiver/Interpeter phase before I reached f10

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Only vaguely aware of this exercise being prompted.


Only vaguely aware of this exercise being prompted.

Imagination exercise 2

Only vaguely aware of this exercise being prompted.

joob d

See opening blurb… the whole session is intergrated into one experience. The mantra is really powerful now.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #33 - Oct 24th, 2010 at 1:56pm
10/24/2010 - Morning session:

Now I am out-of-body

What I regard as stepping back, but, is probably part of the nature of the work. You just can’t maintain high levels of intensity… the human aspect of what we do is subject to parabolic wave progressions. Robert Bruce once told me that a major event if you are unprepared energetically for it will keep you from experiencing the non-physical for months… I don’t do a lot of energy work so I guess I am paying that price… the best I could do recently in one session was a five pointed royal blue star in the upper right of my view field, then I got a Porky Pig apparition which broke into pieces like a shattered glass figurine… (what is with these cartoon characters and the non-physical… Moen had a vision with some ‘whiplash’ character), then two session in which I was absolutely stalled… I now got into a very powerful body asleep state mind awake... but the mind awake does nothing and I hit a wall of nothing happening and I get the urge to come out and I have closed down what would be an hour session to a half hour...

Well I figured the stalling and the static situation would not last. This mornings session was quite interesting in that I heard the music... I didn't call it up but, it surprised me... then, something unique happened that I have no idea what it means except that I feel better physically... a mass dropped off me... I just felt it fall away... what it was I don't know... but it definitely was a mass of some sort... and it did result in some kind of physiological change. Wonder what it was...???

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Slow to get into f10

Silly Little Finger exercise:

This exercise was done with conscious awareness but not aware of the intention flash point.


Only vaguely aware of this exercise being prompted.

Imagination exercise 2

Only vaguely aware of this exercise being prompted.

joob d

See opening blurb…

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #34 - Oct 24th, 2010 at 7:37pm
Hi All: The session notes below through out the exercise series. I don’t have the areas well segregated… what I don’t under stand is why my commands were not responded to… I clearly was not in the astra…. So where was I… this is also clearly another episode of stalling… the literature does not cover this kind of thing… anyone with ideas or who have experienced this kind of thing I would appreciate a validation that this is happening to others..

10/24/2010 - Afternoon session:

Now I am out-of-body

Sharp string pain right thigh… looking down a corridor… an energy cocoon develops as I respond to Moen’s prompt to create energy from above… the focus is on my forehead… lots of pressure… energy pressure… the energy is not swirling but kind of static and there… in a huge auditorium… in the upper gallery is a kind of broadcasting studio… a white haired man wearing a red t-shirt who looks like Phil Donahue is the moderator… I hear nothing… in the lower portions there are teaming individuals… I guess are reporters and staff at work sort of like the newsroom floor in ‘All the Presidents Men’… then the scene changes a cleae pyrex plate on the right… I am not in no-time… I feel time pressure… trying to figure out how much longer is the exercise… I have no ‘intention’ power in this place… it can’t be the astral it will not respond to my commands… ‘Now, I am out of body’ does nothing… ‘clarity now’ results in some sharping but no real clarity… ‘awareness now’ gets no response… all the pressure and activity is around my eyes… see Renaissance clothing… and costuming… woman’s face… a full face… red lips… ‘who are you?’ … ‘noone you know,’ is the answer… heart chakra blips… decide to come out of session early… check time… 30 minutes into JOOB…

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Quickly into f10

Silly Little Finger exercise:

This exercise was done with conscious awareness but not aware of the intention flash point.


Only vaguely aware of this exercise being prompted.

Imagination exercise 2

Only vaguely aware of this exercise being prompted.

joob d

See opening blurb…

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #35 - Oct 24th, 2010 at 7:58pm
I have had at least one experience when LDing and trying to see by requesting clarity and it has not worked. But I could feel my hands when I moved them together, touching each other.

Monroe  experienced this no-sight, the first times when he went to Locale III (see his first book).

Perhaps this "clarity-malfunction" happens when we are going into new territory or have made some kind of transition of our minds?

Have you tried to use your hands to tear away "astral veil" in front of your eyes?

Maybe it's some kind of test that you need to use your left brain to solve? Your guides have given you a problem to solve?
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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #36 - Oct 24th, 2010 at 9:08pm
PauliEffectt wrote on Oct 24th, 2010 at 7:58pm:
I have had at least one experience when LDing and trying to see by requesting clarity and it has not worked. But I could feel my hands when I moved them together, touching each other.

Monroe  experienced this no-sight, the first times when he went to Locale III (see his first book).

Perhaps this "clarity-malfunction" happens when we are going into new territory or have made some kind of transition of our minds?

Have you tried to use your hands to tear away "astral veil" in front of your eyes?

Maybe it's some kind of test that you need to use your left brain to solve? Your guides have given you a problem to solve?

Hi Pauli: Now that you mention it I don't seem to have a form in my experiences... I think I am a point of consciousness... and I may be in what Robert Bruce refers to as a mind split... because I am very close to C1 in this exercise because I am tending to want to end the session before the allowed disc run... but there are times when I am in f15 - the no time zone in which there is no time pressure or even thought of time... I just hear the eos... prompt.

Not sure how to handle this except to keep on truckin'

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #37 - Oct 25th, 2010 at 10:52am
10/25/2010 - Morning session:

Now I am out-of-body

Well, I think I know what the problem is now for my difficulties in the last series of sessions… an ego problem… I decided a few days ago to go a mild form of sleep deprivation going forward to get myself into the borderland state… it has worked in the past to produce a obe… but this morning I think the third day of getting up at 3am produced an odd state of alertness and C1 fixation like I was shot with adrenaline… or an upper… this should not have been the case… I should have been dragging my rear end… the session was characterized by not being able to get to f10 easily it took most of the allotted time to do in and toward the end I was getting some vibrations… the only good thing is I did get to the end of the disc… I realize now I hit an ego structure that isn’t going to give up easily… I have no solution as usual except to keep hammering and exposing the dark underbelly of my physical consciousness superstructure…

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Never got to f10 in this disc cut.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

This exercise was completed but still no awareness of the ‘intent’ originator.


Got into f10 around here but blanked out…

Imagination exercise 2

Only vaguely aware of this exercise being prompted.

joob d

Began to get some vibrations but the disc ended.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #38 - Oct 25th, 2010 at 8:40pm
10/25/2010 - Afternoon session:

Now I am out-of-body

This session was so rich in event and imagery that it would take a book to describe it. This is the condensed version.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Got into relaxation fairly easily… f10 achieved at end of relaxation cut/silly little finger beginning cut.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

In the SLF cut I am really feeling the energy collection… I am enclosed in a cloud of energy… new phenomena… I feel as tho I am hovering above my body… (the mantra is always going… when I can put my attention on it)… body jolt around the shoulders… that’s when I realize I may actually be obe… my poc is in the energy cloud… I feel four feet… two cloudy ones and two physical ones… the energy cloud is rich with images… but predominant… is the swirl of neopoitan ice cream in a round container… strawberry, pistachio, chocolate and vanilla… the top of my nose itches… right side… (this must be where the energy cocoon (etheric double??) is touching my physical body… heart chakra jolt…

Imagination exercise 2

imagination exercise kicks in… itching continues… another heart chakra jolt… gathering energy from above… fundamental body jolt… imagining the orange, peeling it… tasting the delicious chilled orange…

joob d

Joob… now I am doing the mantra as I observe Britney Spears dancing with a flowing pastel colorful cape… now I am in f15... No time… I can do this forever… no pressure to abort… strong itch above the right breast… pressure in the middle of my forehead… gosh I gotta pee… eos…

Assesment: This is good I guess but what is missing is my ability to step into the event flow and interact… such as dancing with Britney Spears.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #39 - Nov 6th, 2010 at 4:41pm
11/6/2010 - Morning session:

Note: Have put the retrieval exercises on hold for another 30 days… when I got back from the Buhlmann seminar he said to do the exercise for at least 30 days… I got so close that I decide to go 60 days and my reward is the following:

My last posting was 10/25/2010. It isn’t that I was not doing my sessions… it is I was in draught. Nothing of any note happened… to report… this change this morning.

Now I am out-of-body

I had a consciousness shift (phasing??!!) a move inward and I was prompted to change my mantra to:

Now I am an inward body

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 2; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

The whole dynamic of relaxation has changed… I am now using diaphragmatic breathing with a lot of improvement in the expansion and control of the diaphragm and it produces a powerful deep state of relaxation… takes longer to realize f10 but it eventually kicks in…

Silly Little Finger exercise:
Imagination exercise 2

Somewhere in here the inward shift (phasing took place)

joob d

By the time I got here I was feeling great… even now the state is holding… sometimes these things fade after the session… I feel like I am a new person… I am light and happy at a very deep level of awareness of same…

I saw a kind of Little Lord Fauntleroy being appear looking something like this:

Except that he was standing looking right, had curly platinum hair kind of like Shirley Temple:

Wearind the top hat and a graduation gown with pleats..

Have I graduated??? I sure feel different. Am I a youthful being just stepping on the path toward my goals of enlightenment??? This was not a classic obe… but it sure was an inner shift (phasing???!!!)

Really looking forward to what comes next.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #40 - Nov 7th, 2010 at 8:27pm
11/7/2010 - Afternoon session:

I am in a whole new territory and I have no guidance regarding it.

Now I am out-of-body

Now I am an inward body

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Diaphragmatic breathing was sporadic… I need to develop a consistent procedure… but eventually go to f10.

Silly Little Finger exercise:
Imagination exercise 2

Not complete conscious for the above..

joob d

Then the shift came and I felt first pressure at the brow point… the Muladhara chakra pulsated… the heart chakra buzzed the solar plexus chakra hummed… but the odd thing is I was very conscious of wanting to abort the exercise… I did not fight it… I stayed in the exercise for a while but decided to come out after 7 mins of joob…

I wonder why I am not in f15 or higher and not so ready to come out…??

I am not going to fight this new development but this is very positive because it seems my chakras are activating or trying to activate… will see where this goes…

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #41 - Nov 8th, 2010 at 12:55am
11/7/2010 - Evening session:

Holy cow!!! So much energy morphing took place I had to look in the mirror after the session to make sure I am the same physical entity.

Now I am out-of-body

Now I am an inward body

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Learning to time the diaphragmatic breathing sequence better… it really works nice… (suggested reading for an idea how diaphragmatic can alter your reality… ’An Unlikely Prophet’ by Alvin Schwartz)… also Frank Kepple recommends the technique.

Silly Little Finger exercise:
Imagination exercise 2

Was conscious of the SLE exercise then lost consciousness of it and returned to consciousness in the P/I exercise… don’t remember the Imagination exercise

joob d

Though I seem to have lost consciousness of the exercises I was aware of energy shifting and let it happen… I can see how one could become frightened by the morphing sensations if one was new to the work… this came out of the blue and it is a sea change, but, I just let it all happen… you feel like you are not the same person anymore… Since in the mirror I look the same… my whole energy body MUST have mutated into something new and different, but, I can’t see it, all can do is feel it.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #42 - Nov 9th, 2010 at 10:16pm
11/9/2010 - Afternoon session:

Very robust session.

Now I am out-of-body

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Smooth breathing sequence into f10 by end of cut.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Pressure around the crown (always feels like the crown of thorns)… letting go… becoming the watcher… (is this what Kepple means by noticing)… muscle release under the left tibia… fundamental body swimming (some practicianers say you can roll the fundamental energy body with in the physical body… I try it by not yet successful with the maneuver )…going deeper… energy surges around the eyes… letting go…


I become aware of an idea… ‘no church and state’… aware of revolutionary war uniforms… Alexander Hamilton… brow point pressure… red coats everywhere… someone captured… activity a lattice pane glass window in the background… young Andrew Jackson… pain left side of spine thoracic four five… (hit by butt of gun…???)… in a hollow space blue jackets… here hammering against metal plates… at sea… see three masts… energy mass in my sinuses… energy streaming in the calf…

Imagination exercise 2

I see the 3d blackness forming… I am hoping to merge into it… stuff is going on in it… but have trouble sustaining it… I hear the tape instruction: ‘Pull in light from above…’ I pull energy from above can feel it flowing down my spine… comes out the bottom of my feet flows back up to crown… absorbed…

joob d

Pressure in the brow point… now the joob disc kicks in… I begin the mantra:

Now I am out-of-body

Real tension in the nasal area… visualizing the TMI crystal… wanting to project to it… it is quit dark in Faber… (was I really there… it is usually light… [4pm pst time… 7pm est… it should be dark in Farber, Virginia at the time… I think I was there… but, didn’t compute it at the time.)

People on the lawn with white robes… (Don’t think RTZ - TMI has a white robe outfit… must be the astral plane)… EOS

Note: Didn’t have an inward phasing shift this session.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #43 - Nov 12th, 2010 at 4:32pm
11/12/2010 - Afternoon session:

Very smooth session

Now I am out-of-body

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

The breathing sequence is very different I think the diaphragm maybe strengthening I think it needs to get more supple tho… didn’t get into f10 in the relaxation phase.. 

Silly Little Finger exercise:

For the first time in a long time I was aware of the exercise… got into f10 during this exercise… but, still have not become aware of the point of ‘intention’ engaging…


Still not getting the letter of the exercise… no coordination between the perceiver and the Interreter… it is either one or the other… nice visuals tho… very aware of the energy flowing from below thru my system… I like that…

Imagination exercise 2

Good visuals… but no phasing shift… 

joob d

Saw a guide?? Talked to him… ask for help exiting… the guide?? Said ‘sure’ but I didn’t exit… like I was getting no help… but I don’t think it was my imagination because it was too spontaneous… but I don’t think it was my regular guide… there was something very different about him

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #44 - Nov 14th, 2010 at 3:57pm

I am looking down a long corridor… I see a tall man dressed like an Anglican priest wearing a maroon pull over vest with a white cross on it… he seemed ominous and strode toward me… I ducked into a side door he came in after me… I shouted at him… then as I was awakening I realized I was momentarily obe…


Clearly and obe dream… but, is my belief system issue with obe connected with the christian religion? Since I was raised in the Catholic tradition but only loosely… nothing obsessive and it was easy to drop it… but this fellow was Anglican…

There is some barrier to exiting that I am experiencing at the moment… I have spontaneously exited out of a tube on the left side of my skull… left lobe… and I am right there in my last few sessions but a balking takes place on the exit is just stymied… the last time I exited from that location I seem to remember getting permission from some source… it all happened very quickly…

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #45 - Nov 17th, 2010 at 8:44pm
11/17/2010 - Afternoon session:

Haven’t posted since the 12th because I can’t really explain what is happening… but, this session saw if not a clear o.b.e. certainly a grudging one…

Now I am out-of-body

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

I now have the diaphragmatic breath sequence under better control… it seems the diaphragm which is a muscle is doing what a muscle that is exercised does… it changes shape and developes… I didn’t expect that development but there it is and I am getting to f10 nicely and smoothly 

Silly Little Finger exercise:

I get into the exercise but loose consciousness of it. I think what is happening is that I am clicking out the sense system that hears and computes the disk instruction… 


I get into the exercise but loose consciousness of it. I think what is happening is that I am clicking out the sense system that hears and computes the disk instruction… 

Imagination exercise 2

I get into the exercise but loose consciousness of it. I think what is happening is that I am clicking out the sense system that hears and computes the disk instruction… 

joob d

Now, I am fully into the mantra…

Now I am out-of-body

Then, I am o.b.e. of a sort… slightly out of body… through out the exercise I am aware of  the fundamental energy body just very busy shifting around… the heart chakra sputters now and then… the I realize I need to get away from my body… I then call for … TMI - crystal now!! I am there… on the concrete platform… aware of the lawn the tree line ahead and right… the fence with the red barn by the lake in the distance… but, I am confused… I feel my body with pressure in the brow point… am I obe?? Or mind split… the only other thing might be I am denser than I should be… because I realize I am hugging the crystal… and it is quite solid and I am not sliding through it…

Then, I wonder what I should do and remember not to stay out to long in the early attempts… so I return to c1.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #46 - Nov 20th, 2010 at 2:08am
11/19/2010 - Evening session:

Well, well, well… reached another level… it is now clear to me that I have reeched another plateau of inner awakening… it just takes patience, persistence and faith in the process… the reality of what we do is that it doesn’t come generally in great revelatory explosions of phenomena… the diligent work is simply rewarded with slow changes that add up to small breakthroughs…

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Very powerful gradual shift to f10

Silly Little Finger exercise:
Imagination exercise 2

Now I am certain that I am not losing consciousness I am shutting down the physical senses but the inner me is still responding to the exercise.… 

joob d

Aware of the hemi-sync signal kicking in… didn’t even think of my mantra… ‘Now I am out of body’… I was in a state of heightened awareness. Then the steady ringing or humming of the non-physical engine began to kick in… now the energy cones…


Note: turn this picture in your mind ninety degrees and visualize it between my ears… and that’s what the energy cones look like or feel like…

…pulled and pushed and revved up… I almost got ’wahunka’ between the ears… but I didn’t attempt to enhance the state… in the past that only turns things off… now I just let things happen… there is a slight fear of loss of control… but I realize the goal is ’abandon’…

I am confident that going forward I am about to breakout consistently into the non-physical… the fundamental body shifted… the rtz-double attempted to separate… the heart chakra really wants to get going… very happy with my progress… almost there…   

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #47 - Nov 23rd, 2010 at 10:15am
11/22/2010 - Afternoon session:

Well, well… my sessions for the last few days have been unremarkable… actually this one was unremarkable except for one thing… I have been trying to remember the first name of a person haven’t seen in two years but worked with for several… I remembered his last name but could not remember his first name… in the session out of nowhere… came a soft… Josh!!!!

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:
Silly Little Finger exercise:
Imagination exercise 2
joob d

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #48 - Nov 23rd, 2010 at 10:15am
11/23/2010 - morning session:

Another inner shift accompanied by a kind of tearing of the veil… I could see 3d blackness coming thru the tares??? … attempting to form all over randomly over my view screen area… I am attempting to let go… and their seems to be a whole world of letting go to do… some of this maybe related to a book I am reading that has an easy why of dealing with ‘core beliefs’… and I was amazed how quickly effective the methodology is… Excavating the Core by Stephanie Riseley the thing that really makes me think is how interconnected everything is… all these systems seem to be parts of a greater whole and one runs into them as one needs them…

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:
Silly Little Finger exercise:
Imagination exercise 2
joob d

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #49 - Nov 23rd, 2010 at 10:14pm
An amazing session:

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

The following happens during these exercises:

Relaxation phase:
Silly Little Finger exercise:
Imagination exercise 2

Full of medieval pageantry and the like started off with a royal blue gem


Then this song began to fill my brain through out most of the session:

They asked me how I knew my true love was true I of course replied "something here inside cannot be denied" They said "someday you'll find all who love are blind" When your heart's on fire, you must realize smoke gets in your eyes So I chaffed them and I gaily laughed to think they could doubt my love Yet today my love has flown away, I am without my love Now laughing friends deride tears I cannot hide So I smile and say "when a lovely flame dies, smoke gets in your eyes" (smoke gets in your eyes, smoke gets in your eyes) Smoke-gets-in-your-EYES

Then a fountain of white energy cascaded uproar out of my heart chakra:


All the time a great pressure had my head in vise grip…

The whole session was loaded with medieval imagery


When I got to this exercise:

joob d

I began my mantra

Now I am out-of-body

that’s when I got a sharp pain in my index, middle and ring finger of my right hand …

These are all brain related… I then began to see the bellowing clouds… that I know to be f27... Is the cerebral cortex the seat of f27... I was now pretty much either phased or out of body but in my case I have a close awareness of my physical body… I then called out ‘tmi - crystal now’ I was there but not in the classic obe but, I now think this phasing… but, I again encountered the spirit of a student I was in a class with ‘P’ she was very prominently in the background… either she is attached to the TMI grounds or she has somehow attached herself to me in the upper focus levels… this  is very puzzling…

Amazing session to say the least..

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #50 - Nov 27th, 2010 at 2:16pm
11/27/2010 - Afternoon session:

The sessions are now consistently powerful, not all equally powerful.. Tho, they are difficult to describe simply because they are energy related I am attempting to fill my sub-navel storage area with energy from below and my sub- brow storage area with energy from above… (I don’t seem to have a problem with mental instability as Robert Bruce says could happen if you attempt to fill  the sub-brow directly instead of allowing the energy to filter upward… so don’t try this if you have any history of mental problems…) in one of the sessions I got a clear calling out of my name… that is one of those signs you are in the upper focus levels… in this session someone put a purse like object in my hand and squeeze my right forearm twice… it was a seasonal gift I heard…

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

In the relaxation phase I saw what look like the Magdalene Tower at Ren le chateau against the back drop of a powder blue sky.


Silly Little Finger exercise:
Imagination exercise 2
joob d

Alls well in my world.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #51 - Nov 28th, 2010 at 12:38am
11/27/2010 - evening session:

Can someone explain this:

The session opened almost immediately with what seemed to be my etheric double (or was is a phantom??, or was I in the dream mind??) I distinctly felt two or three small petals of the Crown chakra flop around… my legs were buzzing away… I repeated my mantra

Now I am out of body

I made a strong thought… ‘TMI - Crystal now!!’… I seemed to be there… I was hugging the crystal but I know I was NOT out of my body… I did not separate… I tried to move the etheric double but I felt the physical body moving not the the etheric double yet the phantom was there but it looked and felt different than I have seen it before it was quite stocky, I am lean and a bit wiry… yet I could swear it was the etheric double… it was also wearing a suit… but I could see through the form and it was ghostly… obviously, my p.o.c… was still in my brain and would not shifted into the etheric double…

This was a powerful separation state… that wouldn’t happen… and I have no answer for it…

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:
Silly Little Finger exercise:
Imagination exercise 2
joob d

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #52 - Nov 29th, 2010 at 9:57pm
11/29/2010 - afternoon session:

This session is remarkable for all the close exit potentials but no banana… I would like some feedback from people who have accomplished the obe… and are proficient at it now… was it this difficult to accomplish… was it this frustrating to learn this skill…????!!!!

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:
Silly Little Finger exercise:

Fundamental energy body shifting…


Now aware of (bilocated form??)  attempting to shift my p.o.c… not much success tho I feel some movement… I attempt the Robert Bruce bouncing technique… that is bouncing my poc like a tennis ball floor to ceiling… not feeling much motion… but it is there… bouncing it wall to wall…

Imagination exercise 2
joob d

See a form upper right side looks like Robert Goulet… long stringy reddish brown hair with a full goatee… thought, ’three musketeer’… guess that triggered a form change because I immediately see Dartangen…

Then I begin to rope climb… I don’t think to just imagine the pull, but, attempt to feel the pull… possibly trying too hard… go at it for a long time then give up and come out of session…

This is really frustration… to say the least…

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #53 - Nov 30th, 2010 at 12:05pm
11/30/2010 - afternoon session:

A Whole, whole new developement

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:
Silly Little Finger exercise:
Imagination exercise 2
joob d

The session was pretty uneventful until near the end… when my body seemed to slow balloon outward… I knew this was not possible but it felt like it… I suppose it was the fundmental body achieving some new potential… then, I thought oh, this could be the beginning of a powerful 10,000 needles event (I used to have these when I was a kid and I would buzz out into space at light speed)… or what Monrovians know as the vibrations… but this felt like it was going to powerful and full bodied… it must be full bodied to get the exit… then I saw the rectangular planes flosting around… they were filled with honeycombs and had pastel yellow, green colors filling the honeycombs… I thought I wonder if this is what Robert Bruce describes as the planes… where he exits and is high above flat planes and as he dive into them each is a world of its own…

When the expansion stops and I get the feeling I will not get the 10,000 needles I end the session… I guess all these events are leading to something… it is good that almost every session is marked by some unusual incident tho, I, am puzzled about why I just can’t get the controlled exit. I seem to enjoy all kinds of phenomena except the one I really, really want… go figure.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #54 - Dec 1st, 2010 at 3:53pm
12/1/2010 - afternoon session:

No two session alike.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

One heart chaka turnover in this phase.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

One heart chakra turn over in this phase a bit stronger.

Imagination exercise 2
joob d

Now I am out of body

In this phase I had a intercranial separation… I felt my physical body separate from my poc… or my poc was aware that it was separate from my physical body… but, I was not able to project as a poc out of my body… tho, I must admit I didn’t think to consciously try… but I seemed to want to float… around…

I was also in a timeless state…

When the session ended as I was walking to lunch I realized I felt rejuvenated… younger… almost a new person… I still at this writing feel great.

What is the antonym for transsubstantiation… I think I went from corporeal to etheric..

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #55 - Dec 4th, 2010 at 4:10pm
12/4/2010 - evening session:

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Heart chakra buzz.

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Fundamental body floating sensation… sharp pain left big toe.. Aware of a continuous mass… automatic brow point stare…


Pressure band around the forehead… left leg jolt..  Aware of a parking lot…

Imagination exercise 2

Vibrations coming in… heart chakra buzz… itch right cheek… nice profile of brunette… with a pink color background, yellows came into the frame… very strong visual…

joob d

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #56 - Dec 5th, 2010 at 8:46pm
12/5/2010 - afternoon session:

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Heart chakra buzz (stronger),  letting go, fb shift,

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Slamming sound… jolt right side arm… right buttock pulldown, jolt right shoulder… vibrations coming sinus area


Pain ring finger right, right arm numb, pressure in ears, f10... Vibration big toe on a line  to groin…

Imagination exercise 2

Pressure eyeballs… pressure left and right ear… fb shift… very nice fb double shift… left foot jolt… brow point tension…solar plexus tension…vibration intensifying… long faced individual (horse faced)… ...(this is a out of ordinary f21-f27 event)

joob d

Now I am out of body

Began to get feeling I could exit… used the pretend method… imagined rolling out of body… feet on floor walked to door… came back to body reentered… did it again.. Several  times… it got harder and harder to do with full concentration… ended exercise… want to keep these effort short…

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #57 - Dec 8th, 2010 at 10:19pm
12/8/2010 - afternoon session:

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

World war II airforce officer looking left in right view frame… looking up under the chin of a face with two globes (gold??) for eyes…(this may be a composite view of the oversoul cluster guides of a hypnotheraphist I am using… I think I made contact with her group..) right leg jolt… heart chakra jolt… fundamental body shift… around the buttocks… skull feels heavy (f10??)… see a television screen… looking down on a forest… I seem to be hovering above it… Jose Ferrer sr… voice… on a train… reds, maroons… orange… heart chakra jolt… in a super market… going deeper powder blue… more heart chakra jolts… wood dining room table…

Silly Little Finger exercise:
Imagination exercise 2
joob d

Now I am out of body

Felt the potential to exit made minor attempts but no obe event.

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #58 - Dec 9th, 2010 at 3:55pm
12/9/2010 - morning session:

Because of the need to use the Energy Conversion Box more effectively I have revised the exercise mix to get the relaxation cut in twice, repeating it after SLF exercise… it seems to work in getting me deeper… this was the deepest session I have had in sometime.

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercise 1; joob condition d

Relaxation phase:
Silly Little Finger exercise:
Relaxation phase:

I became aware of just how deep I had gotten during the second run… it was quite profound.

Imagination exercise 2
joob d

Now I am out of body

Then, I began my mantra and notices my imagination faculty was quite acute… using my imagination I exited my body and walked to the foyer… then decided to go the the TMI-crystal, Laurie Monroe plaque, living room chessboard, white room stove, and the wall white board… then went to the moon and mars… all the time I noticed my heart chakra was working and I wondered did I actually project and not realize it…?? The heart chakra is the primary engine of projection… I wonder… !!!

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #59 - Dec 10th, 2010 at 7:42pm
12/10/2010 - morning session:

I have finally entered a new paradigm. It is now spotty but encouraging… because more depth moves inward rushes are happening in my last few sessions… I don’t know how long it is going to take but at some point I expect a deep shift in awareness which will be dynamic and profound.

After my near-death experience in Oct 2007, I had powerful events which lead me to believe that it was always going to be right out of a Monroe, Moen and other writer experience descriptions and I was going to be happy ever after… unfortunately is has not turned out that way… I don’t exactly know why… but to get to this point has taken grim, grueling persistence only reward by occasionally events that reminded me what it is I am trying to accomplish… I wish it was easier… but for “me” this is what it takes (I can’t speak for anyone else)…

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercises joob condition d

Relaxation phase:
Silly Little Finger exercise:

Didn’t reach f10 until this exercise… now my head weighs a ton and the occipital pressure on the pillow is pronounced… I feel like I am swimming… falling sensation…

Relaxation phase:

Intense pressure around my forehead the ‘crown of thorns’ effect… neck and shoulder area heavy pressure against the recliner… television screen appears… two small then they merge into one larger… 3d blackness attempting to gather formations… see nose and mouth… Christmas song turns on… ‘have a merry little Christmas’… heart chakra jolt… looking down on the face of a woman smiling…

Imagination exercise

Big faced lady… woman screaming, ‘no, no, no….’ Egyptian looking wild man with black hair intense insane eyes, grimacing… naked to the waist… Andrea looking person… heart chakra jolt… more pronounced… working on an image of an orange, peeling it and eating the slices..

joob d

Started mantra…

Now I am out of body

Nerve pains right bicep… left side of left bicep… surface itching left cheek…(clearly the etheric double attempting to separate… brain opens… cerebral cortex… fb shift… purple pulse television screen… landscape forms in it… a baby face looking right… nappy headed face… draining in the kidney area… camouflaged soldier with a machine gun running to the right… on satin green turf… see Joan of Arc type armour… Noel Coward…

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #60 - Dec 11th, 2010 at 4:25pm
12/11/2010 - morning session:

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercises joob condition d

Relaxation phase:
Silly Little Finger exercise:

Heavy eyes… pressure around the forehead (crown of thorns)… sharp pain thru the nose cartilage right side…  f10... Right leg jolt… heard two slams… like a door blown shut by wind…

Relaxation phase:

Blue light pulsing into infinity… (serious coughing… I think this is always the throat chakra attempting to turn on… but I have major karmic issues and energy blockage there…)

Imagination exercise

Attempt to descend inward… (started the mantra: Now I am going inward)… see silver necklace very ornate… large man favoring Jack Nickleson… seemed ominous… fundamental body shift…

joob d

Went back and forth with Now I am out of body and Now I am going inward but neither seemed to be functional I seemed to be needing to learn to shift channels… although the joob section with the crowded beach or auditorium scene it seemed all I needed to do was to shift channels… I got into a listening stage and when I did I seem to be ready to shift… on the verge of shifting… I think my mode of traveling will be through listening and allowing myself to fall down into the conical ...
shaft… I am fully ready to allow it to happen… but, as yet the opening has not been there…. Just the pervasive crowd seen…

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #61 - Dec 17th, 2010 at 6:26pm
12/17/2010 - morning session:

There is a strong new occurrence… the vivid colors… am I getting stronger??? Making more contact??? It is all painfully slow developing… but it is wbat it is….

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercises joob condition d

Relaxation phase:
Silly Little Finger exercise:

F10 , fb movement, 

Relaxation phase:

Green… masts of sailing ships…

Imagination exercise

Above a city…  upper left view frame… red swatch, green swatch… black aircraft modern jet military… blue sky in a cathedral… pinkish arrow left side of view area pointing right… a very pretty girl (favoring Elizabeth Smart) pinkish/white face… smiling… I engage in conversation… she says she is my guide… attempts to help me out of my body but no banana… said her name was Mary…

joob d

Yellow… a name pops into my head Karlinsky???

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #62 - Dec 18th, 2010 at 5:25pm
12/18/2010 - morning session:

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercises joob condition d

Relaxation phase:
Silly Little Finger exercise:

F10 , purple light pulse, television screen comes up… Joy Bahar  ... she’s looking left..

Relaxation phase:

Looking out into space… multicolored African shield ... except that in the lower right of the shield the swatch was red… a crystal formation royal blue on top and powder blue on bottom ...

Imagination exercise
joob d

I was on the razors edge of a obe.. Directly to the TMI crystal… the whole of the joob cut was preoccupied with the Now I am out of body mantra with the TMI crystal now interspersed…  I was beginning to get the vibrations… I tried everything Aleiser Crowley’s … will-less will… I just would not come out tho I was in a mind split for sure…

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Re: Re:Imagination exercises!
Reply #63 - Dec 21st, 2010 at 11:13pm
12/19/2010 - morning session:

Potpourri session: AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 5-Silly Little Finger Exercise; AKG disc 1: cut 1-relaxation exercise; cut 6 - Perceiver/Intercepter exercise: disk 4: Imagination exercises joob condition d

Relaxation phase:

Interesting development… the heart chakra is starting to become prominent… jolting and buzzing more often and more persistently… f10... Heart chakra…

Silly Little Finger exercise:

Full f10... (seems to be possible to have deeper f10 levels…) fb shift… [more tremering of the fb… could it be that I am developing the separation between the bodies and it takes (in my case longer or it is just various individuals have varying degrees of ability) to get a separation of the fundamental energy body from the physical body… and it takes a lot of diligent daily effort to accomplish it…] song starts… ‘You made me love you… I didn’t want to do it… I didn’t want to do it… ‘ gangster fedora type hat on a man… I get the impression this is a retrieval… a gangster is surprised by an hired (al capone era) assassin… he lets down his guard for a moment around the playing of this song… is shot… and dies… but I don’t seem to be able to make contact… I am in a position to help but not skilled enough to help… a baby faced person appears (baby face nelson??)…

Relaxation phase:

Overcoat over shoulders… fedora… see a scene surprise attack from rear… a guide comes in… they thank me for helping out… another vintage song comes in … Just in time you’ve found me just in time. Before you came my time was running low

Frank Sinatra… black leather… I may be involved in the Tony Curtis retrieval I started a month ago… the symbols point to movies he may have been in and people of the Hollywood era… I see american wwii officer uniforms… and air force soft caps… black hooded suits… (I think my mind is trying to develop the 3d blackness and recognizable forms are developing in the process)… 

Imagination exercise

Heart chakra again attempting to engage… female face… goddess… heart chakra… hitler salute… black suits… 3d blackness… energy from above… really feeling the energy flows… heart chakra… swastikas… filing the sub-brow storage area with energy from above… feeling love… another song… ‘The yanks are coming… strum, strum, strumming over there…’ Odette going to be a nun…

joob d

Solar plexus chakra engages… sputters… mantra: Now I am out of body… third eye sputters… heart chakra… (patience is all that is needed going forward… when these three chakras begin to engage and sustain their engagement I will be in for some amazing experiences…) football run… gold pants… strong image of a full faced black woman…

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