Friends, hi, I have found the post re my experiences in the Iran Earthquake of 2004,- it's in the Archives, page8, called "Iran Quake: notes Jan2/2004"
just wanted to add a couple of points to this stream of thought. A book that reveals some of the darker side of Haitian Voodoo is "The Serpent And The Rainbow" by Wade Davis. There are other sources but they use Africa more as a source of that type of activity.
And yes Hawkeye, there's not a heck of a lot of difference between a hollow heaven subtly controlled by Voodoo practitioners and Fundamentalist Protestants. Or fundamentalist anything really. Souls stay in these bst's out of ignorance and fear until they are ready to leave and then their thought/yearning/light becomes apparent to helpers (either astral helpers or folk like us, projecting) and they are given what they need. But that doesn't mean a helper won't have some kind of face off with those who see themselves as 'defenders of the faith'/righteous gatekeepers. I've 'been there/done that' a few times now.
Memories of the Iran earthquake a few years back: thought i put up a post on this but can't find it now, but i do recall having arguments with other retrievers over the issue of encouraging those whose families had all passed (or mostly passed), leaving them as 'sole survivor', to just leave their bodies while sleeping and be reunited with their loved ones. Other retrievers thought it was terrible/sacrilegious that I would suggest such a thing, and indeed some of the 'survivors' couldn't leave their deeply religious views behind long enough to even contemplate the possibility.
My dictating belief was/is that the physical and astral planes are in reality "one", and that all this drama concerning the endless passage to and fro between them is highly overrated, almost always as a result of religious indoctrination.
I could sell that as something more than a belief, as some kind of cosmic truth, which i really think it is, but i know that for others it can be no more than a belief. Yet another belief.
cheers for now: gordon
hawkeye wrote on Jan 22nd, 2010 at 1:30pm:Lucy, I know with me, I dont see their life energys lying around with the dead bodies. So going into a mass grave is an unlikely place for what I have been doing, retrieval wise. More often than not, the life energy is stuck in the immediate area of where the traumatic happening occurred. In the day care. Or the home, or on the street. Wherever. Most cases they are thinking they are still alive, but confused about the situation . Sometime continuing to try to live a normal sort of life. Sometimes in fear. Many stuck in the grips of their dying expearence. Pain and all.
As for the practice of voodoo. I dont have any concerns at all. Just because other people dont understand that belief system, doesn't make it wrong or bad. A lot of people think the same about Christianity, or Islam to. Or, or, or. Just because they may believe or practice in "Voodoo" doesn't mean their going to some sort of hell, or that its wrong. That's Christianity's thinking. "My God or no God". In the end, all religions are just beliefs. None better than the other. In my way of thinking, I believe it better for them to move on to a Voodoo area of the BST's than being stuck in between, not knowing their body or the phyical is no longer accessible for their use. At least they have a much better chance of moving forward from Voodoo heaven or Voodoo hell. (Even if that is through the back door at some point.)
It is unfortunate that they are getting buried in mass graves but it is the necessity in order to control the spread of diseaseand save the living. Some feel a need to hold dead bodys in some sort of esteem. Putting them in the ground, in an area where they can return time and time again to grieve over them could in all actuality hold that passed person back from moving forward. For me, (not everyone) thats a
forsure...its better to extend them your love, thank them for being apart of your life expearence, and let them move on. You can always connect by remembering them.
Without getting rid of all these bodies in Haitis villages and cities, there will be a far bigger crisis. Remember, there just bodies. There not individuals nor do they have a life force.