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How does reiki feel to you? (Read 56644 times)
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #45 - Jun 18th, 2010 at 1:25am
Part 1:

I took someone else to a Tong Ren session. During the session, the practitioners go around the room and ask each individual in turn what they would like to have worked on. Then they do their acupuncture-at-a-distance thing with the models. Of course, it is fun to be the center of attention! I did feel ...something ..but it was subtle. My companion reported to me that he didn't feel a thing. But what we each did like was the use of this big tuning fork which a practitioner activated and then placed, with permission from the recipient, on different body spots...probably acupunture points. It feels really "cool"! I would like to have one of those things to play with!

Part 2:

I have been reading Michael Saganski's account of his 90-day venture into trying to experience an obe. I was struck, in relationship to my postings here, with his descriptions of what he experienced in doing body work as recommended by Robert Bruce,found on several of the first pages, and also by goobygirl's comment of March 22, 2010, found on this page:

MS's focus is on other things and he quickly moves on to them, but I still found the descriptions interesting.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #46 - Jun 19th, 2010 at 11:39am
Hi Lucy,

Ebay has many tuning forks available for what looks like reasonable prices.

Tuning forks were in a series of 'dreams' I had shortly after I came to this site.  It seems to me that the tuning forks, that were used on me much as the practice of reiki apparently uses them, were a relative quick way of clearing blockages in my system.

Reiki must have some principles it uses on where to place the forks, since the blockages of energy, once cleared, will flow like a river whose dam has broken. It would be good to know something about the placement.


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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #47 - Jun 21st, 2010 at 11:25pm
I love tuning forks. My massage therapist uses them. I've also had cupping which is warm cups placed on your back, but that I didn't like as well. The tuning forks are very good for relaxing muscles.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #48 - Jun 27th, 2010 at 8:37am
I should know by now to check eBay!

I do recall learning to use one for a now-unused guitar; not a foot-long one! but a little one. And playing with it on the guitar top and then on the top of the fingernails or even on the face and the tongue. It must have been obvious to move on to using it in massage. What size and how many? I think I still have that small one around here some where....

In the Tong Ren I think they use it on acupuncture points. That would be a good place to start to clear energy blocks.

or, Bets, maybe if I find the small one and use it on my ear I can get the tinnitis to at least sound like a perfect A! Finally I'd have perfect pitch!

I wonder which note / Hz works the best for what? I suppose you need to try them all!
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #49 - Jul 2nd, 2010 at 12:38am
Start here for free articles on tuning forks:
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #50 - Jul 2nd, 2010 at 12:09pm
That's really interesting! I'm glad you found that and posted it.  Have you or anyone else here ever tried any of that?
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Mystic Tuba
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #51 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 2:10pm
Hi (used to be a regular here, under a different user name, quite a few years ago.) Thought I'd revive this thread. I admit I read only the first and last pages, but since I do Reiki....

Anyhoo, I got my 2nd degree last May. I had taken Reiki before, and my what a difference this time! The difference was in the *teacher.* First time, not-so-good teacher, and I felt I got basically nothing out of it. This time, fantastic teacher, true healer, true psychic person. She can *see* the Reiki energy, and tell you whether you are doing it correctly.

This teacher requires that you practice 1st degree Reiki on yourself for six months before taking the 2nd degree class, and also another six months after 2nd degree before the next level. Classes are an entire weekend; far cry from the four-hour 1st degree with 300 people in it, followed the next day by another four-hour 2nd degree with 300 people in it. There were seven in my 1st degree and four in my 2nd degree. Maximum class size for this teacher is eight, and while it certainly isn't free, neither is it expensive. We even had a high school girl in the class who earned enough through part-time work to pay for it.

Things the teacher said (not claiming that she is inevitably right, just that because of my personal experience with her, I highly respect what she says:

a. you cannot do Reiki without being attuned. You can read books and practice your face off, but if you have not gotten the attunement, no Reiki will flow. She said she had been to places where people were practicing "free Reiki," and she could tell which ones were attuned and which weren't, because the ones who had not been attuned did not have any Reiki flow despite having their hands in "Reiki positions."

b. Reiki goes where it is needed; while 1st degree teaches you hand positions, the Reiki still goes where it is needed. Having a sore knee or whatever, and having the Reiki practitioner put his/her hands on your knee, does not affect your knee any more than having their hands on your foot. It may have a psychological effect, or help you to accept it better mentally, but there is no difference.

c. Distance Reiki is much more effective than in-person Reiki. You learn distance Reiki in your 2nd degree.

BTW, this person started a Reiki program in a major hospital here in town, that has been ongoing for several years, and which can document its successes in terms of patients who receive Reiki (always for free) do better than those who don't. So is it the Reiki or is it the expectation of getting better? I don't know the answer to that one.

Since the Reiki originator received attunements and symbols from other vibratory levels, obviously that can be done. It's just that most of us can't do it on our own, hence the attunements.

So, hi, hope I haven't stepped on any toes here Smiley

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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #52 - Sep 1st, 2010 at 4:44pm
Did the 1st degree in rishikesh india in '98 with alu/potato john, a dude who at that time was a follower of the guru shanti mayi. Didn't like the guru part and a bit pricey, but I refused to bow (to mayi's picture) and money wasn't an issue. I was with a nice and small group of other participants.

At the initiation part I was asked to close the eyes, and started hearing some jingley jangley sounds and wondered 'wft, if I peek and he's doing a funky dance with something akin to a cowbell then resistance of lol is futile'. Turned out better than that. As he lay his arms on my shoulders I could feel chakras, his and mine, and that was a first in this lifetime. The crown chakra felt like the small lights on top of a fire. I felt confused after that session, walking to the temple where I stayed thinking the reiki didn't wear off, but, ah, it was the warmth from the rays of the sun.

One session we went a long drive up a hill, sat in a circle with eagles flying above us and the himalayas in the distant background. That wasn't memorable in any reiki related way, but heck of a nice view at the top of the world.

My last session was with a fellow participant and she started crying, so I comforted her and alu dude seemed freaked out by her gentle crying. A soft ending to an all in all enjoyable experience.

Since then I've done reki from time to time. Subtle, in a good way. I also have the same experience of healing/chakra interaction taking place regardless of where the physical hands are placed with reki.

Just another form of healing and fortunately there are different forms for just about anybody. Happy diversity day.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #53 - Sep 8th, 2010 at 5:37am
That's some pretty good points about the reiki (... a mystic tuba is an interesting concept too). That is interesting that the teacher youhad could tell who hadbeen properly attuned and who hadn't . I assume she verified that? or just relied on what she felt? I feel a lot of difference betwen people but then there are also day-to-day variations with the same person.

I'm not surprised with the hospital stuff. I'd like to think it is the reiki but sometimes I think it is more basic than that. I have a non-medical position in a large hospital and in that capacity I have an opportunity to walk around the ED (it is no longer an ER, it is a whole department). I often think that a bunch of these folks would not be here if they had had reiki regularly. Another aspect of that is that I think some of these folks are here because they need to be the center of attention, and reiki would give them the opportunity to be that for a short while. (I also think some of them should try reflexology; then maybe they would take care of their feet; but that is another story!).

I have had a challenge to try to create the feeling I get when I am the recipient of reiki with another person versus what I feel on my own (hence the question, what do you feel?)  I always feel something when there is another person doing reiki to me. I think everyone at this place is at least level 2, but there is no requirement to use particular teachers. I had a level 1 class (and attunement ) with John Harvey Gray and I could not feel a thing for a long time. If anyone does reiki and doesn't know who that is, they should look him up.

Recently, I finally induced an experience in myself when I was alone but it will still take a lot of practice to get back there. I was flipping my sleep time around and I needed to sleep one afternoon/evening when I wasn't really tired enough, and I woke up and couldn't get back to the sleep I really needed. I stayed in bed and kind of lay there and meditated and I felt like I do sometimes when I am getting reiki, except I went even deeper, until my alarm went off. It doesn't sound like a big deal but it was for me (though I paid the price of sleep deprivation later).

Interesting experiences, volu. I'm looking forward to that "small lights on top of a fire" feeling.
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #54 - Sep 10th, 2010 at 1:27pm
Fascinating experiences, you-all !
I appreciate hearing about them since I'm just a reiki-voyeur.

I hope your attunements keep you in tune and vibrating with all that's good !  After doing more work, what if you went back to your reiki-tuner and surprised him/her with an even stronger Jingley-jangle ? Or is there a positive(teacher-tuner)/negative(recipeint) flow, like magnets, that would be hurt by that change?

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #55 - Sep 26th, 2010 at 11:09am

I think the key is to keep doing it.

Easy for me to say where I can go every week for a donation! You don't really have to make the donation either, nobody checks.

My "progress" is very slow but I believe real.

What one experiences, either with hemi-sync or with anything else, is very subjective. Sometimes I feel like saying ..what's the big deal? If I listen to a hemi-sync tape, nothing unusual happens. But sometime si wonder if that is because I naturally experience some altered states, the way some other people naturally experience seeing auras or whatever. So sometimes I think I go to an"altered" state that is natural for me but would have someone else exclaining what an experience they had.I can't really figure this out.

That said, sometime sI am able to easily enter a state before falling asleep that I also achieve sometimes in the reiki. It also feels like what I recall the ruch of marijuana feeling like, or the rush of wine drunk a little too fast feeling like. Sorry, I don't have more sophisticated descriptions. (College was a while ago for me too.) It also has that characteristic I feel when making a ball of energy with my hands, that reminds me of trying to put two north poles of magnets together...they oush against each other and deflect slightly sideways.

Another aspect is the heat. Sometimes the practitioners' hands feel hot. This happened this past week. I would have sworn her hands were burning, but when I checked them afterwards they were just you know, "room temp" for hands. I also felt heat on one side when she was working on that side. It almost feels like a niacin rush, but not so bad. It dissipated.

Not everything correlates easily. I have a knee that is giving me some "problems"...I don't bring it up ...but she spontaneously worked on the other one. Why?

But she gave me some interesting feedback. For instance, when she was on my left side, working on my left arm, at one point she was holding my hand between her two hands. I know she wasn't pulling on it at all, but I had the sensation of pulling on that arm, just like the teachers in ballet class would do, come over and say, hold your arm like this and then pull it out and around a little into the correct position. So afterwards, when we tried to quickly go over this stuff, as there wasn't much time for review, I mentioned that it felt like she was pulling on my arm even though I knew she wasn't. And she said, oh, I almost forgot, there was soemthing liek amessage for me to quit stooping over (she was standing and she demonstrated)  and looking down, and instead to look up and hld your self like this , and again she demonstated by doing a sort of welcoming the sun pose, face up and hands up and arms outstretched on either side. What she didn't know is how lately I have been stooping way to much in quiet moments when I feel discouraged, and I feel I look like a turlte and I worry about distorting my upper back with that stance. Or I walk around looking down.

So now I get to be like a little sunflower and turn my face to the ...light!

Seriously, though, I take that as a kind of "hit." That's just one thing.

There is something that is puzzling me and that is that I felt the heat thing when I was listening to the TMI tape last week. I mentioned that here:

I am wondering if others have experiences like this? I am not used to mixing Focus X with something from reiki and wonder what that might signify. Any comments?
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #56 - Nov 18th, 2010 at 8:22am
I read Quantum Touch : The Power to Heal by Richard Gordon. This is really interesting tome because he is combining the sensations I am talking about...I think!..with breathing. He claims to get some positive results with that. It is difficult to practice alone though.

The visualization is like doing the Monroe Reball thing, except he has the energy coming out the hands instead of circling back into the feet.

The breathing is an interesting addition. A long time ago I had some tapes from something called Dimensional Mind Approach. It doesn't exists any more as far as I know and a quick look at google only put it as a passing mention in the wiki entry for "Mind Dynamics" topic. but it included an exercise that I kept using because it worked for me. The object was to have a quick nap-like energy lift. Itinvolved giving yourself the suggestion that 20 breathes would be like a good couple of hours of sleep. Then lying down with eyes closed, you slowly take 20 deep breaths. I try to breath the way I think I do when I am asleep. I get different effects depending on the circumstances. Oh yeah I combine it with visualizing the energy coming in my feet etc. a la ReBall. If I am using it to fall aslep for the night, I often don't make the 20 breaths. Other times it makes me feel like someone is giving me reiki to my feet. I try to move it up my legs but usually the sensation is not as intense. Sometimes I feel it all over. Ah, oxygen!

I wonder what it would be like to feel those sensations all over 24/7.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #57 - Nov 19th, 2010 at 7:43pm
Lucy wrote on Sep 26th, 2010 at 11:09am:
I am wondering if others have experiences like this? I am not used to mixing Focus X with something from reiki and wonder what that might signify. Any comments?

Hi Lucy;
Yes i have done this a few time, and personally find it amplified my energies so to speak, meaning i was more attuned for healing.
But then i was using Metamusic "Higher", which personally found that it really raise my energies, and was asking the recipient to just listen to the sounds while i was doing the healing.
Their feelings after worth was a sense of complete relaxation but full of energy so they say lasted a few days.
My hands were very hot so to speak, and the person also felt it. (PS. i was not touching the person)
Hope this help, thanks for sharing.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #58 - Jan 31st, 2011 at 3:19am
There was a new practitioner at the reiki sessions, so I booked an appt. with her. She gave me feedback that indicated she felt energy blocks at the same spots where I've been told I'm blocked before. She was just quicker and more direct; it wasa good confirmation that the energy body can be "sensed".

I haven't been to reiki  in the last few weeks but I am trying to work on getting that feeling on my own. It is just so much easier with someone else!

Last night I had trouble staying asleep; I woke up and felt awake but needed several hours more sleep by the clock. So I did breathing exercises and practiced trying to induce the sensations. I actually got pretty relaxed and was getting some senations as I do at reiki. I finally drifted off to sleep. I dreamed I was at work but I was looking for a room where I could be alone so I could practice floating on the ceiling. I unfortunatey didn't achieve lucidity and so didn't realize the significance of that until I woke up. But maybe stimulating the energy body with reiki could make going obe easier.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #59 - Dec 13th, 2011 at 5:37am
I was recently reading something about chakras that talked about feeling the energy in any particular chakra. I mean feeling your own chakras from the inside, not feeling the energy of someone else's through your hands.I was wondering how other people experience feeling their own chakras and if it feels like reiki but localized in whatever area that chakra represents. Can anyone feel their own chakra energy and what does it feel like?
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