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Tom Campbell on the issues of sugar etc. (Read 21338 times)
Justin aka Vasya
Ex Member

Tom Campbell on the issues of sugar etc.
Apr 12th, 2011 at 3:38am
  on the negative impacting of attuning more clearly to consciousness.  Not just sugar is mentioned, but also caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, many preservatives, some artificial flavors.  But sugar (especially isolated, concentrated forms) is primarily focused on.

   I thought the below youtube videos of T.C. were interesting since i've had similar experience and insight, though i've not experimented as methodically and thoroughly as he when it comes to this stuff. 

  I would also add larger amounts of heavier meats (like beef and especially pork) to the above list of substances which make it harder to clear the mind etc.

  It's interesting to note that Rosiland A. McKnight's guidance also indicated that non natural foods/substances and amounts of the heavier meats made it harder for the human energy system to be clearer, hence taking away energy from nonphysically perceiving in a more clear manner.
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: Tom Campbell on the issues of sugar etc.
Reply #1 - Apr 12th, 2011 at 3:20pm
Haha, be previously advised that he talks like i sometimes write.  Grin

  You would probably get the point from just listening to the first part.
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Re: Tom Campbell on the issues of sugar etc.
Reply #2 - May 5th, 2011 at 12:31am
  on the negative impacting of attuning more clearly to consciousness.  Not just sugar is mentioned, but also caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, many preservatives, some artificial flavors.  But sugar (especially isolated, concentrated forms) is primarily focused on.

   I thought the below youtube videos of T.C. were interesting since i've had similar experience and insight, though i've not experimented as methodically and thoroughly as he when it comes to this stuff. 

  I would also add larger amounts of heavier meats (like beef and especially pork) to the above list of substances which make it harder to clear the mind etc.

  It's interesting to note that Rosiland A. McKnight's guidance also indicated that non natural foods/substances and amounts of the heavier meats made it harder for the human energy system to be clearer, hence taking away energy from nonphysically perceiving in a more clear manner.

Thanks for the link Justin. I've listened to several of Thomas Campbell's videos. He is a very interesting man. I would like to get the book my big toe sometime here in the near future.
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Re: Tom Campbell on the issues of sugar etc.
Reply #3 - May 5th, 2011 at 5:52am
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Re: Tom Campbell on the issues of sugar etc.
Reply #4 - May 5th, 2011 at 12:52pm
Only a small percentage is available, that's how it tends to work with Google Books. Plus Tom put a lot of effort into writing this book, so if able, it seems right to support what he did by paying for it.

PauliEffectt wrote on May 5th, 2011 at 5:52am:

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Pat E.
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Re: Tom Campbell on the issues of sugar etc.
Reply #5 - May 6th, 2011 at 2:47am
And you would use a ton of laptop battery time reading the whole thing online.  It's definitely worth reading, in my opinion; I just wouldn't want to do it staring at a computer screen for hours on end.
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Re: Tom Campbell on the issues of sugar etc.
Reply #6 - May 6th, 2011 at 11:53pm
Thanks everyone for the tip on my big toe. I have Thomas Campbell's website bookmarked on my computer. He has all kinds of different things to check out. I'm so busy these days with such little time it seems. Gonna get around to doing so many things when time allows for it.  Procrastination King Lol. Smiley

Thanks again everyone!
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Re: Tom Campbell on the issues of sugar etc.
Reply #7 - May 25th, 2011 at 2:41pm
Interesting comment on the Amazon Page for the Big Toe products

Instead, a DVD of a talk given by the author at the LSE in 2008, essentially summarising (in a simplified and easier to understand way) his main points is available via the author's website in the US and (for £10 incl P&P) via the London College of Spirituality in the UK! The author is a much better speaker than writer.

I went to his website and purchased both DVD's. As it stands I've got enough books to read right now, so a DVD will be a pleasant change.
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Re: Tom Campbell on the issues of sugar etc.
Reply #8 - May 25th, 2011 at 3:10pm
Pat E. wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 2:47am:
And you would use a ton of laptop battery time reading the whole thing online.  It's definitely worth reading, in my opinion; I just wouldn't want to do it staring at a computer screen for hours on end.

1 or 2 of his books are available in ebook format IIRC
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Re: Tom Campbell on the issues of sugar etc.
Reply #9 - Jun 6th, 2011 at 3:17am
Both DVD's arrived quicker than expected. I just paid for the products, the shipping to UK was not charged.

I've gone through the Lecture held at London and a small part of the US one. I am impressed, and a little depressed. It was a similar effect after reading some of Bob Monroe books.

Depressed because the models reduces some things I held close to something much smaller than I thought they were.

It didn't take long to get over that. Time for some fresh inquiry into these things I held close.

He talks about being Open Minded, yet skeptical. I very much recommend purchasing both products, even though the subject matter is the same, he reveals different insights in both. Also, some added hilarity and history background provided when he speaks at the TMI in the US.
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Re: Tom Campbell on the issues of sugar etc.
Reply #10 - Jul 5th, 2011 at 12:17pm
Found the most relevant thread on Tom Campbell's site on diet.
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Re: Tom Campbell on the issues of sugar etc.
Reply #11 - Jul 5th, 2011 at 6:48pm
Thank you for the link. Going by the below, he eats very little. I'm addicted to sugar. However, as opposed to buying something such as cookies I buy dry mango (unsulfured and unsweetened), watermelon and Cliff Bars. On some occasions, such as when I visit my parents house, I'll eat some junkie/junky sweets.

This morning I consumed 3 soft boiled organic eggs, a slice of toast (Ezekiek sprouted grain-sesame -- no chemicals, flour, sugar, or preservatives) and some Canoleo cranola oil margarine. For lunch I had five large grapes and a glass of unsweetened soymilk. For dinner I will eat perhaps 2 or 3 Wasa (oats) crackers and drink some more soymilk and maybe a few more grapes. A hand full of dry roasted almonds may work its way in there somewhere along with some plain yogurt. The past week I was traveling and ate mostly at restaurants. Many mornings I skip breakfast and lunch and have one meal at about mid afternoon - then perhaps a homemade ice cream cone (no sweetener in ice cream or cone - e.g., fruit and soymilk based) with Pamela in the early evening. Some days I don't eat anything at all. Some days I go to a restaurant for two meals in the same day. Pamela and I tend to be spontaneous and plan very little. I am not a vegetarian but I eat very little meat (mostly fish, seafood, and chicken). My body is efficient and metabolism slows some with age so I don't need to eat very much ( I am 6 ft tall and 180 lbs - on my way back to 175).
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Re: Tom Campbell on the issues of sugar etc.
Reply #12 - Jul 7th, 2011 at 12:00pm
Hi Recover,

Thanks for the breakdown of your eating for the day.

One question about the bread, is it ok to freeze it? Or
would it last, say a month if it is sealed from moisture etc.

I'm attempting to move towards different eating habits. I'm currently looking at "New West Diet", Edgar Cayce notes on diet as well as what Tom Campbell has said.

I'm intent on not only living healthier, the priority is also to enhance my experience of meditation and allow better communication between myself and other energies.
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Re: Tom Campbell on the issues of sugar etc.
Reply #13 - Jul 7th, 2011 at 12:21pm

The breakdown of the second paragraph I posted is what Tom Campbell wrote.
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Junior Member

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Re: Tom Campbell on the issues of sugar etc.
Reply #14 - Jul 7th, 2011 at 1:37pm
So he did, on the first page of that thread too.
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