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How does reiki feel to you? (Read 56644 times)
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Posts: 1158
Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #30 - Feb 26th, 2009 at 1:53pm
I have been to the reiki place again (it is actually a bookstore of sorts)a couple of times and continue to experience things. How is it that I can sense things I think are going on in my ...non-phyisical body through my physical body?Or maybe I am not and I just don't know the difference.

There are quite a few practitioners there and I don't know one from the other. Each one is unique. I don't yet kow how to tell if the effects I feel relate to that particular practitioner but I would not be surprised if they do. I feel very tolerant of the differences between folks and have decided that even if I think I get a strong result with one particular person, I still want to be randomly assigned to someone when I call for an appointment. These folks volunteer their time and they all take this very seriously. Sometime when I know some of them better, maybe I will ask why they continue to do this for free (esp when it is way below freezing outside and the roads are a mess).

One night the weather cancelled us and one night I had to work (they only do this on Tuesday nights and a little on Thursday midday) so I only went 2X this month.

The first time this month, I again felt sensations where no hands were. I particularly feel this around my feet and ankles, but one of the reasons I went is that I have a problem with one of my ankles. I could feel something in the area above that ankle even though the person wasn't touching me there. The person seemed open to giving me feedback afterwards. I think she wanted my feedback. She started out saying that she is a highly visual person and that she sees helpers with her when she is doing this work.  In her view (literally!), the sensations are caused by helpers and healers being there with her. She had physically touched my heart area  (all the practitioners seem to touch the head area but where else they touch seems to follow their ...intuition). So around the head and heart area she was helped by the Christ  with putting in a lot of love. That was interesting to me because I had been thinking of a love (PUL not romantic!) issue earlier. Then she said Michael was there. yeah the archangel. She went on to explain that Michael can be many places at once and so shows up in many places. That doesn't bother me because I always think back to the chapter in RAM's first book. I think it is called "Not with a wand, nor lightly" in which he discusses the idea that what we "see" depends on our personal belief system. Hey I can deal with that; I can sometimes translate someone else's images into my own belief system and find no conflict. After all, she said she was very visual. I pressed her further and she said sometimes animal shaped helpers come and there had been a bear there. Not sure what that means to her. But I was interested and besides I felt nice.

This past Tuesday I was determined to make it, there having had an exhausting weekend and missed the prior week.

(Just an aside about the weekend. My son is a wrestler..not the kind on TV! but a folkstyle competitor. This is the end of the season. Think championships. So off we went. It is two full days of wrestling. I have a strong kinesthetic sense so for me it is two days of hell. I spend two days hyperventilating. This is not my cup of tea...but it is my kid's. Sigh. So, you go and have a very tense 6 or 7 minutes and then you sit around and wait for the next match. The first day all the teammates are competing too. The second day there is more space between matches because some kids get eliminated. It is a rollercoaster. I spend alot of time doing breathing exercises to calm down. I try to use it as a space for personal growth in detachment, and I am failing miserably! 50 years from now, who cares? but right now... it is hard to detach. By the end of the second day, if I'm not fulling oxygenated, I never will be. But I wanted some reiki stuff!)

So I made the appointment and they called back and left a message that got cut off, so I called them and they had almost cancelled me because the person couldn't come but they reassigned me to Joan. I always wonder why these things happen. I ran an errand on the way and tookk a wrong turn in my shortcut to get there and so arrived a little late. Joan was waiting. I think they get really disappointed when their appointment doesn't show up. So you go in the reiki room where they set the tables up and have the lights low and it is very quiet. I was still mentally rushing to get there and had trouble letting go; I tell myself "be here now" when I do that and it helps slow my mind down a little. I sat on the tab;e and ;lay down and immediately felt parts of what I've been calling my energy body.Right after I lay down, I felt like my energy body was rolling a little head to foot, just as your body might if you were floating in the ocean by the beach and the waves rocked you around a bit. Wow! I thought it was fun and just tried to enjoy it. That faded but the sensations in my hands and feet/ankles continued. My hands felt like they were resting on some kind of balloons and I couldn't feel anything else. This is what I thought John Lilly's isolation chamber might feel like when I read about it, except this is just my hands.  Maybe they felt like they were wrapped loosely in something that blocked sensation of touch and were floating on balloons.  I felt the energy in my feet/ankles extended up my legs a little and wasn't as strong but it was there. She started out at my head (they all do) and touched the third eye region. The sensation that caused made me remember that I used to conciously be able to focus on that region when I had a headache and make the headache diminish. I don't find it so easy to do that on my own now, but now I remember the sensation and maybe I can make it work again. My head didn't really feel good at first but it didn't hurt either, just felt tight when she did whatever. She moved around a little but I couldn't tell where she was unless I peeked. I could feel her at my feer and that sort fo diminished the ensations but we were almost done then anyway. I didn't want to give up the hand sensations but it was time to go.

So I asked her for feedback and she said her first impression was that I was intelligent (I take that to mean oriented toward the mental) and spent a lot of time in my head. That I am in my head all the time. She was hinting there might be other ways to experience the world. Was she ever right about my being in my head! Mea culpa! 24/7! My poor son inherited that from me and he says one of his wresting "problems" is that he spends too much time in his head (so he worries about losing too much if he thinks about wrestling).  He talks about this whenevr I try to bring it up (so quit talking about wrestling, mom, that's what I have a coach for). Maybe I should send him to her! Certainly some of my aforementioned hyperventialation comes from being in my head!

I asked her how she perceived this and she said it just came to her. I mentioned the visual lady and she nodded and said yes some people see helpers but things just come to her. I said but I am also very emotional sometimes, and she said but you still experience it in your head. I have to think about what it means to experience in your emotions then, because I think she is on to something but I am not sure what it is. My experience of life is mental and so some others must have an emotional experience of life, which is very different from saying yes I get strongly emotional at times. Anyone have any insight on this? It makes sense to me that these differences exist because this would exlain why I have trouble communicating or understanding certain things. Sometimes I think there is some basic difference between my experience of C1 reality and someone else's, and this would give me a handle on to what it might be. But I don't understand it.

I mentioned to her the part about sometimes feeling like there were 4 hands on me instead of 2, and she said others often say the same thing. That is loosely attributed to guides. What was nice was to hear reports of multiple hands from others.

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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #31 - Feb 26th, 2009 at 5:28pm
Dear Lucy,

what a wonderful post!
I've never read your posts when you told how much you FEEL or how much you noticed others FEEL--in either sense of feel, physical or emotional, and regarding emotional , both your own and your empathy for others!
Do you think you had a breakthrough during your session?  Are you sensing life differently now?

Also I never realized before how much Reiki experiences are so like OB experiences!

Thank you for explaining so well!

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #32 - Mar 1st, 2009 at 3:43am
Thanks for the comments Bets.

I am very emotional and very kinesthetic and wonder if there isn't something else here.

I used to have that qupte from someone named Horace Walpole on my frig decades ago:

Life is a comedy to those who think; a tragedy to those who feel.


yeah the OBE connection, that's why I keep referring to feeling things in my energy body. Maybe reiki acts through the energy body? But how else would it act?
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #33 - Mar 1st, 2009 at 11:36am

Some charts call the subtle body nearest the physical the energy body or vital -(?)- . Some others say the astral body or the emotional body is the closest to the physical.
However some say those subtle body labels are just labels, that they stand for ranges of energy vibration that overlap.
So  (To Anyone, not just Lucy),
considering your experiences with reiki, how do you sense/ experience the energy levels/subtle bodies?


The most successful OBEs I've had seemed to have a pause or changing gears between phases when speed or vibration changed and sensed body-shape changed. If there was much overlap of energies or combined/blended vibratory levels, I don't know what the pause would be for, unless I just  expected it to happen because of thinking of different bodies.  ??
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #34 - Mar 2nd, 2009 at 10:21pm
Lucy wrote on Mar 1st, 2009 at 3:43am:
I am very emotional and very kinesthetic and wonder if there isn't something else here.

Life is a comedy to those who think; a tragedy to those who feel.

yeah the OBE connection, that's why I keep referring to feeling things in my energy body. Maybe reiki acts through the energy body? But how else would it act?

Hi Lucy;
Very interesting read. Thanks for sharing... Smiley

IMPO if this may help.

It seems that with the intense energies we have been facing,..(ascension)  the tendency has been to shut down our hearts as a protective, shielding defence mechanism.
Many of us have been dealing with challenges on one level or another don’t we all. We tend to go inward as in Reiki healing; when we are not sure how to cope with the stress and anxiety of what is occurring to us. The further we distance ourselves the more alienated and removed we become from each other and ourselves.

These trying times are in essence an opportunity to face, deal with and resolve our core issues. We are working on many healing, balancing, clearing and re-evaluating issues all at once. We are dealing with issues on the physical level, such as career, finances, relationships, property, and health etc...
So on an emotional level we are resolving feelings, which prevented us from moving forward in our lives. Mentally we are clearing blocks from belief systems that have held us in limitation and need to be re-patterned not an easy task I may say. Lips Sealed

As we work on so many levels at once sometimes it leave us depleted, exhausted, and also confused. So much of what we knew to be true has been cleared. This is not a bad thing at all. What is leaving really never served us in the first place. The part we may cling to is not knowing what will fill the missing places and spaces. If we can sit tight a while longer and just be okay with the emptiness and trust all will be resolved.
I think we become anxiety ridden and fearful when we are jumping into the void and really cannot pinpoint what is to come (physical/astral/energie/emotional bodies??.
We like to believe we are in control of our lives and our destiny. In some ways we are and in other ways Spirit is guiding us, along with our higher selves. Now is a time to trust unwaveringly and just be at peace with not knowing.
Let Guidance Guide you...and it will never hurt you;because it's you.!!

with love

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« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2009 at 1:19pm by Romain »  
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #35 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 11:40am
I was reading at the link OutOfBody Dude posted on a different forum and realized there was material on the energy body there also. I am posting a link to it here as it seems related.

Starts here and has other links.

I have continued with the reiki and it continues ot be interesting. I seem to "interact" better with some than with others, but get something good and interesting through each and all. For instance, recently, I "tried out" a new (for me) person. I thought her hands were really hot; some practitioner's hands get really warm during the process. But when I mentioned to her how her hands felt hot (and the room was a little over-warm to boot) she said, no they weren't. So I touched them. No, they weren't! It was the energy I had felt. Another woman who looks like such a nice (young) grandma and kind of quiet (her name is Shirley) always seems to get the energy moving in my ankles. I swear she has four hands, and two stay on my ankles. If I keep my eyes shut, I would swear there are two sets of hands on me. I only mentioned the grandma part because I don't think of grandmas as so powerful, but I think she is in some ways.

I enjoyed reading others' comments again when I came to post the link. Thanks for your thoughts and comments.

Yeah Romain, clearing blocks to moving forward. Louise Hay's book has something that connects body parts to specific blocks. I haven't found my copy but I think the ankles are related to blocks to moving forward. Either ankles or knees. I have some minor problems in my ankles. So this moving forward concept is a good thing fo rme to work on.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #36 - Jul 14th, 2009 at 3:48am
Hello, Lucy.

I am new here, and relatively new to Hemi Sync and afterlife experience, but I have known a thing or two about Reiki, or as I like to call it, Chigong, or Qigong, which is the Chinese term for the same energy use.

Yeah, you have to be careful to choose people with good, loving intentions to use it on you, because so many people practice it for the wrong reasons, or even for combat!

I have never 'formally' practiced it, or went to classes for it. I learned what I know about it solely from someone I met teaching me firsthand, and afterwards, I started practicing on my own, fairly often. I learned about Reiki before I learned about Robert Monroe or Edgar Cayce material. I'm glad I know about both, because I think both the spiritual, and this physical, mental, emotional force can be utilized and combined, I believe! Smiley

I do believe it is true that if you want to use Reiki for healing, you need to already have a good loving heart, open to PUL energy, and at least aware of your capacity to love and truly reach out and give to people. Plus, you have to be confident that it works and is real. You have to believe in it in order to be the most effective.

I have tried healing other people with my Reiki energy, and back when I first started practicing and using it, I tried healing physical pain in other people. It actually worked!  But, the problem was that it was temporary. Within an hour or so, whatever pain the person had that I relieved would return. I did that for someone that had a bad toothache. I completely got rid of their pain! But, within the next 15 or 20 minutes, the pain came back. My intention was probably incorrect, at the time. Tongue I should have been thinking about just healing in general, and not just healing pain. And I think I needed more confidence, and PUL energy. The very last time I did that was for someone who had a sprained and swollen ankle. Once again, my treatment worked, actually eliminated the pain, but it didn't last. Tongue

I have even healed pain in myself, as well. I had some severe period cramps one morning, before I had to go to work, and I knew that I wouldn't make it through the day in that kind of pain, but I had no medication with me to take. So, the only thing I had was Reiki, and I focused very hard, pushing the energy through my palms into my abdomen where the pain was, thinking only about healing the pain. And, within the next ten minutes, the soothing heat and energy I was generating caused the pain to melt away entirely, and it did not return!

I healed myself again, one time when I got severe food poisoning, and was rendered to the bed, feverish, and nauseous, aching very badly. I finally decided I had had enough suffering, and placed one of my hands on my forehead and the other on my belly, and did the same thing, pushing the energy through my palms into my body, focusing on relieving the suffering. Then, I felt a thought tell me that I would need to throw up. I didn't want to, but I said I would if that was what needed to be done. Finally, I felt the feeling that my body was ready to purge, and I, fully in control, got out of bed, and went to the bathroom to throw up. I needed to encourage it a bit with a finger in the back of my throat, but otherwise, finished up with ease. The pain I had been in was relieved, and finally made it possible to go to sleep. I had been in too much pain to sleep, beforehand!

When I practice Reiki, in general, I start by concentrating on the idea of the energy in the first place, and then the sensation of it. By doing this, I can, at will, cause the sensation of the energy to begin manifesting. I prefer to manifest it in my arms and hands, and focus it in there. First, I feel a 'pressure', like a tension, as if a gentle electric current had been tapped into my arms and hands. This is, after all something in the body called 'bioelectricity'. So it is the body's natural electric current. I then focus on that 'pressure' and think about intensifying it, and it begins to surge harder, and I usually focus it into the palms of my hands, where everyone's 'energy ball' is supposed to be. The palms of the hands are actually bioelectric energy channels, as well as the soles of the feet, and the top of the head. When the surge intensifies, I begin to get tingling sensations on my skin, and the hairs on my arms and hands. That tingling is actual static electricity accumulating from using the Reiki. If you focus it hard enough, you will notice the hairs on your wrists and hands will stand up straight, and a few on your arms. And, of course, heat and pressure begins generating from the palms of your hands. I have noticed that when you 'push' your energy onto one point of the body for a little while, and then remove it, the warm energy leaves a 'cool' feeling, once it is removed. This sensation of 'coolness' is something I have only felt from using Reiki. Even a twitching, pulsing sensation comes when you push energy out of your palms and onto someone else to heal them. When you intend to heal someone with this energy, you must think about pushing it 'into' their body, not just over it. It is more effective that way. And, muster as much pure, loving energy as you can. Be generous. Think about giving. Giving in order to help. Giving love. Just give.

I have been reading in a book about Chinese Qigong (Reiki) Meditation, that you can use this energy to reach 'enightenment', or connect with the spiritual. So, I think Reiki is like a tool to use to bond and become close to the spirit, and spiritual world. If you always have the right intentions, then the more you use it, the closer you will get. I believe this is what people used to reach the kind of altered, heightened states of consciousness that you can reach with Hemi Sync, now. But, without any outside aids; only yourself.

I read that if you focus your energy into your abdominal area, which acts like a 'battery' for energy, store up enough, and then move it up towards the middle of the forehead, or the 'third eye' you can begin opening the third eye up, which will bond you ever closer to the spirit world. I find Reiki, or Qigong quite fascinating, from my experiences. And, I think that practicing it, along with Hemi Sync, and learning more about the spiritual world will be a great boost for me.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, folks. Smiley
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« Last Edit: Jul 14th, 2009 at 6:50pm by Ally »  
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #37 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 1:06am
I'm thinking about the points made that healing is a natural thing for us to do. So is a reiki "master" really necesary? Probably not, but we seem to pass things on better when we learn them from someone else. It is probably artificial to make distinctions between enerfy experiences . Still, formalizing it seems to help in the teaching. Can you teach reiki to yourself? Is there really something particular passed on by a master?

I'm not sure. Of course, if we create our reality, surely we should be able to heal ourselves. Or if healing is the natural state of the body, surely if we just get out of the way it will happen. But it doesn't always happen on its own.

And then there is the synergism of more than one person being involved. It feels different when someone else does it than when I try to do it to myself. (Yeah OK go ahead and say it: so does sex!) Why? Why should it matter? Why is there a tradition of laying on of hands? (I'm thinking of some Christian rituals as well as of reiki). Why do you need that if it is intrinsic? Does it really do anything?
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #38 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 2:16am
Lucy wrote on Sep 9th, 2009 at 1:06am:
I'm thinking about the points made that healing is a natural thing for us to do. So is a reiki "master" really necesary? Probably not, but we seem to pass things on better when we learn them from someone else. It is probably artificial to make distinctions between enerfy experiences . Still, formalizing it seems to help in the teaching. Can you teach reiki to yourself? Is there really something particular passed on by a master?

I'm not sure. Of course, if we create our reality, surely we should be able to heal ourselves. Or if healing is the natural state of the body, surely if we just get out of the way it will happen. But it doesn't always happen on its own.

And then there is the synergism of more than one person being involved. It feels different when someone else does it than when I try to do it to myself. (Yeah OK go ahead and say it: so does sex!) Why? Why should it matter? Why is there a tradition of laying on of hands? (I'm thinking of some Christian rituals as well as of reiki). Why do you need that if it is intrinsic? Does it really do anything?

I don't think a 'reiki master' is necessary, personally. I don't think you should even consider yourself one unless you are highly practiced in it and have much experience in healing people, but honestly, I think you can teach yourself. Perhaps with enough belief, you wouldn't need anyone else's help at all! Smiley

I was shown it by someone else, but at the time, I had no idea what it was, and I took up the practice of it on my own from then on. So I am mostly self-taught. So, yes, in my opinion, from my experience, reiki can be self-taught. I'm sure you noted what I was able to accomplish, not only for others, but for myself. Wink Thank you for finally reading it!

I don't really know if there is anything in particular that only a 'master' can pass on. Even if there is, I still don't think it is necessary. What I learned how to do didn't require a master to initiate me. I do believe that healing is an inherent natural state present in everyone, but the only differences is in belief. If you don't believe you can heal, then you won't be able to, or will have a lot of difficulty. It's as simple as that! All you have to do is change your belief system from an "I can't" attitude to an "I can" one. Smiley

Intent is an important factor. That is why things don't tend to happen 'on their own'. Usually, setting some kind of intent is always key. Because whether we know it or not, we are constantly setting intentions. Sometimes the reasons why something didn't work out or happen 'on it's own' was because we already had a pessimistic intention set on it, and placed more belief and energy into that belief than in the one wishing for a healing. You have to watch out for those things. Nothing ever 'not works out' without a reason.

I think the reason why things tend to work 'better' when more than one person is involved is that you are more likely to believe in someone else's ability than you are in your own. Plus the combination of two or more energies Does act as an amplifier of some kind. So in a sense, I do think it works better with combined energies from many people, but, it doesn't have to be the best way or the only one. In other words, it isn't necessary, either. Again, it all boils down to belief. Usually, the more times you prove to yourself that you are capable of something, the more you believe in it. That's how I healed myself those few times. Because I believed that no one else was going to do it better than I could, myself. Sometimes that little saying about "If you want something done right, you have to do it, yourself." really is a help!  Tongue

On the sex thing, yeah, I can see where it isn't as good when 'done' yourself as opposed to someone else, but I don't think that necessarily applies to healing, also, according to the above. After all, the act of sex was 'designed' for at least two people, not healing. Otherwise we would be asexual, with both organs capable of self-intercourse, and self pregnancy, like plants. Or an alien.  Cheesy

love and light,

Ally  Smiley

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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #39 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 10:52am

Ally it seems you would be in a unique position to compare teaching one's self to working with someone who was trained through the system, particularly someone who came from the Usui training. If you had a chance to work with a reiki master teacher from that tradition, then maybe you could say there is no difference.

If you are anywhere near NH an interesting place to teat that out would be here:

As I have continued my little "experiemnt" in "what does reiki feel like" I have found variation in what I experience with different people, but I have not kept a record of this and I have not asked most how they came to practice reiki.

However, I personally believe in something that could be called Learning By Resonance. You can learn a lot by learning out of a book or by practicing on your own, but there is also something to be learned from studying with another person, sometimes something subtle and nonverbal. And this is true for things that look totally intellectual, math and engineering, as well as for other topics. I think you pick up things from an expert by "resonance."

So does reiki refer to the system developed by Usui and others or is it just a generic term for life force? Well you wil get different answers to that depending on whom you ask. Reiki is a synonym for life force but it is also a method.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #40 - Sep 15th, 2009 at 9:43pm
I just got back from the reiki for the week and I thought a little update was in order. Yes I'm still doing this. I decided tonight I didn't understand why we don't teach kids to do this when they are young. Why aren't the sensuous aspects of this talked about more. Or is it just me? I like the way it makes me feel in my body but it didn't always happen this way and it isn't always easy to get there. Like, if you pop a few beers, you know you will probably feel something, but sometimes the reiki feeling is there, sometimes not. Still, when it is, it is worth the effort. I hate to have to get up after a session and sometimes I am a little giddy after. I drink water and "sober up" to drive home. It is, alas, easy to snap out of it so I don't think I am in any danger of being charged with driving under the influence of reiki. Sometimes the feelings remind me of the way it felt, many many many years ago of course, to get stoned and feel the "rush" sensations move up my legs. Actually those sensations can sometimes come from a bit of wine drunk quickly, or from swimming laps in the pool. The tingly warm relaxation is different but as similar as I can get in explanation. Good grief, I hope no one thinks I'm trying to turn the reiki parlor into a den of iniquity!

Anyway, one reason I started doing this back last January was to see what it could do with some foot/ankle issues I have. I had a lump on my ankle that I was pretty sure was a ganglion cyst, but didn't have an official medical word on that. Well, in July it became official: A doc type said it was a ganglion cyst. So I know it was there at the end of July. A couple of weeks ago I was explaining to someone why I was there for reiki, after a very good session btw, and so I went to show her the lump. Well, it was gone. Gonzo. Now, ganglion cysts can disappear on their own. (They can also return on their own but I'm not thinking about that). So it isn't like I went to a reiki session and watched it melt away. I didn't. I know that evening, the ankle and foot were uncomfortable when I got off the table. And then when I looked, it was gone. I just don't know when it actually went away. I really didn't look at it every day any more and I had other things on my mind, other changes going on in my life, in August. Still, I think that is pretty interesting.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #41 - Jan 1st, 2010 at 12:10pm
I continue to visit this place once a week. I change practitioners each week. Every time I think it is beginning to be a stale experience, I then have something that is a little baby step forward. This is very slow work for me: I have trouble accepting that, but it developes very slowly for me.

Last week the practitioner was Shirley, who is a calm and stable presence, a little grandmotherly in a very good way, but usually there is nothing dramatic about the session, just very good relaxation. It was that way again, except I felt her hands vibrate a little at one point, not something that has happened with her before (though I did experience feeling 4 hands instead of 2 with her). I always ask for feedback after. She is not the talkative type, but when I talked with her she did finally ask if I felt it when the table vibrated. That does not usually happen with her.

I don't know what that means, obviously energy was on the move! Progress is slow but steady.

(an aside: in Lewis's work The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, there is a part where Aslan is coming back and they talk about the snow melting; the comment is made that "Aslan is on the move." That has become symbolic to me of changes coming. So when I wrote the comment above about energy being on the move, I wasn't thinking of Aslan, but I think my subconcious mind was encouraging me).

My sister was here from TN. I dragged her to reiki 2X. She had leukemia and had a bone marrow transplant 9 or so years ago, and has had numerous health problems since then (chemo is toxic!). I have tried to get her interested in alternative stuff from a distance, but I have not been successful. She had been to some kind of group reiki session years ago and thought she knew what reiki is, and didn't care for it (because there is no instant result). I stressed the relaxation aspect of it. After the second session here, I asked her about her experiences. It turns out she had "felt" some energy movement at the second session. It was like a pull out of her middle (solar plexis ) region. She had felt that before when she had tried meditation. I felt that was a successful session.

I'm preaching to the choir here, but there really is some energy movement with this stuff. I wish I could share this experience with more people. I also keep thinking if I could induce these feelings in myself without the practitioner I would be able to do more self healing. I can't seem to do it by myself. I'm frustrated!

One of the practitioners does not "do" reiki but practices something called prahnic healing. The reiki folk gently touch the person, but this person just works in the energy body, no touching. What is interesting to me is that ..I feel it! My eyes are shut but I really feel something. The first time I experienced her form of practice, I had a really bad throat tickle and cough, which ended up lasting weeks. But she found the block I have in the throat area. No instant healing for me; I have to work. (Maryann Williamson wrote about the same thing. Makes me feel better to know that).

This parallels a new development in my life; after two years of being out of work, I found a job Smiley , but it is overnight Sad. Well I worked for 3 months before I went on nights, and I've only been doing that for 2 weeks, but sleep has become a major craving. But this has become an opportunity to observe my conciousness as it struggles to stay awake ...or to fall asleep in the middle of the day, which is hard! Watching myself in the reiki has helped me so that I am able a little to watch myself fall sleep in the day. I think I appraoch a kind of focus 10, which I can now recognize as it happens without waking myself back up. As I said, I am a slow learner. Now if I can just avoid Focus 10 when I am driving home in the morning I will be OK!
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #42 - Jan 1st, 2010 at 7:35pm
Hi Lucy,

Congratulations on the new job --
Definitely tell yourself that you WILL stay alert while driving!

I can agree with touch being healing due to an experience I had in the hospital last week. After a day or more of being stuck with needles too many times, the nurses were unable to get my veins to hold still for another shot, because the veins' dived and rolled.' Shocked
(Cool that consciousness can operate on a part by part basis like that.) 
So finally they got a nurse from another ward who was' a master at giving shots.'  As soon as she touched me my whole system felt peaceful, she quickly gave me the shot, and as she left, what felt like a thin rubbery jello-type sheet of anxiety lifted off me and floated away! I asked her "How did you do that?" but she just smiled.

Let's  hope we can learn more about how reiki and other healing touches work!

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #43 - Jan 1st, 2010 at 10:49pm
Congratulation Lucy and keep up the good work.. Cool please that your're feeling much better, nothing like starting the New-Year healthy. Wink
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #44 - Mar 12th, 2010 at 8:08am
I've continued to go to the sessions because it feels nice and I can't seem to egt to the same level by myself. I continue to switch practitioners, and even switched days, which introduced me to some new practitioners.

I always try to ask for some feedback. Some people are better communicators than others. I don't usually ask for work on a specila body part, more like general tune-up, and then I ask what the person felt. That is often interesting and sometimes gives a personal confirmation that something is going on beyond just the 5 senses.

Sometimes a practitioner reports sensing blocks. It is interesting to me that that is usually in the same area that another person reported a block. Sometimes my mind is going a mile a minute and the practitioners seem to sense that. One person spent the entire session around the head area.

Sometimes even though my eyes are closed and I am not being touched I "feel" something, and when I later ask I get confirmation about it. One time the person was working on the head area. First one eye twitched then stopped, then the other eye. And I felt some kind of "compression" if you will. She explained she had been balancing the head area and had been pulling the energy out and pushing it in.

One time with a young man practitoner I wasn't feeling much but I fell into a deep state. I was tired and was falling asleep but trying to stay awake, so this was probably some focus 10 or focus 12 state. I was having a conversation with someone in this state and I felt like I might just lift out of my body. but I stopped myself because I didn't know the practitioner that well and didn't feel comfortable with that, which was too bad as I don't often get into a state like that. Another time, with a different guy, who gave me extra time, I again was getting pretty much into focus whatever...12. I wonder why that is happening in the reiki situation better than it does with hemi-sync? Although it could be for as simple a reason as that I resist falling sleep better in a place not my home.


Today I decided to try something different. I went to a healing class. It is a system I am not familiar with and I thought they would explain it. Nope, we just did some Qi gong warm-up exercises and then the praactitioners did their thing. I didn't know what they were doing until the clas was over. So when it was my turn to "get" the healing, they asked what I wanted and I tried the approach I used with the reiki people, asking them to do what felt needed, but that is not the way this system works, People tell then what needs to be healed. I was trying to introduce some objectivity for myself, but it doesn't work that way in this system. so I said, how about a tune-up, and they were comfortable with that. Then the person asked if I have any trouble sleeping , and I laughed because she had in my mind intuited a problem after all! I work overnights now and this week some fellow over-nighters have been talking about what they have done or do to keep functional while working overnight. I have alwyas had no problem falling asleep, but I find sleeping large chunks of time in thedaylight hours is sometimes challenging. so they worked on some stuff with sleep and immunity. They used little hammers to tap on plastic dolls but they seemed to know some anatomy. It turned out the "dolls" are used in acupuncture, probably in training, and the little hammers I think are sometimes used instead of needles. But the point was to not touch the person being healed. The concept is to act through the collective subconcious to effect the healing. Hey it certainly didn't hurt to have those hammers hit the dolls in the body places chosen for me.

So when they asked how I felt I didn't know what to say. I didn't feel anything in particular but they were so nice I didn't want to disappoint them. When I got home and had to nap, that's when I felt the energy. I felt similar to the way I feel from the reiki and it lasted a while. When I lay down to nap I really felt the energy. I would go back with a specific problem anytime. 

This sytem is called Tong Ren and here are links to more information:

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