Hello, Lucy.
I am new here, and relatively new to Hemi Sync and afterlife experience, but I have known a thing or two about Reiki, or as I like to call it, Chigong, or Qigong, which is the Chinese term for the same energy use.
Yeah, you have to be careful to choose people with good, loving intentions to use it on you, because so many people practice it for the wrong reasons, or even for combat!
I have never 'formally' practiced it, or went to classes for it. I learned what I know about it solely from someone I met teaching me firsthand, and afterwards, I started practicing on my own, fairly often. I learned about Reiki before I learned about Robert Monroe or Edgar Cayce material. I'm glad I know about both, because I think both the spiritual, and this physical, mental, emotional force can be utilized and combined, I believe!

I do believe it is true that if you want to use Reiki for healing, you need to already have a good loving heart, open to PUL energy, and at least aware of your capacity to love and truly reach out and give to people. Plus, you have to be confident that it works and is real. You have to believe in it in order to be the most effective.
I have tried healing other people with my Reiki energy, and back when I first started practicing and using it, I tried healing physical pain in other people. It actually worked! But, the problem was that it was temporary. Within an hour or so, whatever pain the person had that I relieved would return. I did that for someone that had a bad toothache. I completely got rid of their pain! But, within the next 15 or 20 minutes, the pain came back. My intention was probably incorrect, at the time.

I should have been thinking about just healing in general, and not just healing pain. And I think I needed more confidence, and PUL energy. The very last time I did that was for someone who had a sprained and swollen ankle. Once again, my treatment worked, actually eliminated the pain, but it didn't last.

I have even healed pain in myself, as well. I had some severe period cramps one morning, before I had to go to work, and I knew that I wouldn't make it through the day in that kind of pain, but I had no medication with me to take. So, the only thing I had was Reiki, and I focused very hard, pushing the energy through my palms into my abdomen where the pain was, thinking only about healing the pain. And, within the next ten minutes, the soothing heat and energy I was generating caused the pain to melt away entirely, and it did not return!
I healed myself again, one time when I got severe food poisoning, and was rendered to the bed, feverish, and nauseous, aching very badly. I finally decided I had had enough suffering, and placed one of my hands on my forehead and the other on my belly, and did the same thing, pushing the energy through my palms into my body, focusing on relieving the suffering. Then, I felt a thought tell me that I would need to throw up. I didn't want to, but I said I would if that was what needed to be done. Finally, I felt the feeling that my body was ready to purge, and I, fully in control, got out of bed, and went to the bathroom to throw up. I needed to encourage it a bit with a finger in the back of my throat, but otherwise, finished up with ease. The pain I had been in was relieved, and finally made it possible to go to sleep. I had been in too much pain to sleep, beforehand!
When I practice Reiki, in general, I start by concentrating on the idea of the energy in the first place, and then the sensation of it. By doing this, I can, at will, cause the sensation of the energy to begin manifesting. I prefer to manifest it in my arms and hands, and focus it in there. First, I feel a 'pressure', like a tension, as if a gentle electric current had been tapped into my arms and hands. This is, after all something in the body called 'bioelectricity'. So it is the body's natural electric current. I then focus on that 'pressure' and think about intensifying it, and it begins to surge harder, and I usually focus it into the palms of my hands, where everyone's 'energy ball' is supposed to be. The palms of the hands are actually bioelectric energy channels, as well as the soles of the feet, and the top of the head. When the surge intensifies, I begin to get tingling sensations on my skin, and the hairs on my arms and hands. That tingling is actual static electricity accumulating from using the Reiki. If you focus it hard enough, you will notice the hairs on your wrists and hands will stand up straight, and a few on your arms. And, of course, heat and pressure begins generating from the palms of your hands. I have noticed that when you 'push' your energy onto one point of the body for a little while, and then remove it, the warm energy leaves a 'cool' feeling, once it is removed. This sensation of 'coolness' is something I have only felt from using Reiki. Even a twitching, pulsing sensation comes when you push energy out of your palms and onto someone else to heal them. When you intend to heal someone with this energy, you must think about pushing it 'into' their body, not just over it. It is more effective that way. And, muster as much pure, loving energy as you can. Be generous. Think about giving. Giving in order to help. Giving love. Just give.
I have been reading in a book about Chinese Qigong (Reiki) Meditation, that you can use this energy to reach 'enightenment', or connect with the spiritual. So, I think Reiki is like a tool to use to bond and become close to the spirit, and spiritual world. If you always have the right intentions, then the more you use it, the closer you will get. I believe this is what people used to reach the kind of altered, heightened states of consciousness that you can reach with Hemi Sync, now. But, without any outside aids; only yourself.
I read that if you focus your energy into your abdominal area, which acts like a 'battery' for energy, store up enough, and then move it up towards the middle of the forehead, or the 'third eye' you can begin opening the third eye up, which will bond you ever closer to the spirit world. I find Reiki, or Qigong quite fascinating, from my experiences. And, I think that practicing it, along with Hemi Sync, and learning more about the spiritual world will be a great boost for me.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, folks.