Hi (used to be a regular here, under a different user name, quite a few years ago.) Thought I'd revive this thread. I admit I read only the first and last pages, but since I do Reiki....
Anyhoo, I got my 2nd degree last May. I had taken Reiki before, and my what a difference this time! The difference was in the *teacher.* First time, not-so-good teacher, and I felt I got basically nothing out of it. This time, fantastic teacher, true healer, true psychic person. She can *see* the Reiki energy, and tell you whether you are doing it correctly.
This teacher requires that you practice 1st degree Reiki on yourself for six months before taking the 2nd degree class, and also another six months after 2nd degree before the next level. Classes are an entire weekend; far cry from the four-hour 1st degree with 300 people in it, followed the next day by another four-hour 2nd degree with 300 people in it. There were seven in my 1st degree and four in my 2nd degree. Maximum class size for this teacher is eight, and while it certainly isn't free, neither is it expensive. We even had a high school girl in the class who earned enough through part-time work to pay for it.
Things the teacher said (not claiming that she is inevitably right, just that because of my personal experience with her, I highly respect what she says:
a. you cannot do Reiki without being attuned. You can read books and practice your face off, but if you have not gotten the attunement, no Reiki will flow. She said she had been to places where people were practicing "free Reiki," and she could tell which ones were attuned and which weren't, because the ones who had not been attuned did not have any Reiki flow despite having their hands in "Reiki positions."
b. Reiki goes where it is needed; while 1st degree teaches you hand positions, the Reiki still goes where it is needed. Having a sore knee or whatever, and having the Reiki practitioner put his/her hands on your knee, does not affect your knee any more than having their hands on your foot. It may have a psychological effect, or help you to accept it better mentally, but there is no difference.
c. Distance Reiki is much more effective than in-person Reiki. You learn distance Reiki in your 2nd degree.
BTW, this person started a Reiki program in a major hospital here in town, that has been ongoing for several years, and which can document its successes in terms of patients who receive Reiki (always for free) do better than those who don't. So is it the Reiki or is it the expectation of getting better? I don't know the answer to that one.
Since the Reiki originator received attunements and symbols from other vibratory levels, obviously that can be done. It's just that most of us can't do it on our own, hence the attunements.
So, hi, hope I haven't stepped on any toes here