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Bruce Moen (Read 17675 times)
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Bruce Moen
Feb 14th, 2007 at 5:34am
Does anyone Hear from Bruce these days?
Time passes and I wonder what more discoveries he has made that we would all find enthralling and usefull.
I don't see much input from him now.Is he well or too busy? Would like to know.
ps. his books got to such a high level of insight I am curious as to whether there is progression.
I mean I am sure there is but the forum doesn't seem to get updates from him.
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Re: Bruce Moen
Reply #1 - Feb 14th, 2007 at 10:22am
Good question.  Bruce used to talk about his afterlife communication device (ACD) that he was working on.  Sort of like a telephone system to the dead.  Bruce was even getting help on this work from a guy named Ed Carter, a deceased engineer in the afterlife who was a friend of Bruce.

Bruce said that once this device was perfected, we could literally call up anyone we know in the afterlife and have a conversation.  He said it would probably sell for about $50 and would be widely available.

But that was several years ago, nothing since then.  I'm sure we'd all love to know what happened.  Is Bruce still working on this?  Is he making progress?  Or has he given up?

What about it, Bruce?  Can you give us an update?

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Re: Bruce Moen
Reply #2 - Feb 14th, 2007 at 1:40pm
Bruce isn't ignoring this board, if that's you guys might be wondering. He's a very, very busy man. He has seminars he gives all over the world, his other work, and his personal life to attend to. It's not surprising at that inquiries address to him get no response. That's not a bad thing. His mission in this life is what he's doing. This board is just a small part of that.

As for the device, well, we don't really need a device like that. Everyone of us has the potential to do what that thing will do. It comes with growth in awareness which is really why this board is here. Bruce has set up this board so those who are just starting out can learn from those who are further along, posted materials and written books to help us, now it's really up to us to take it from there. It's actually more of a personal responsibility thing than collective one. If we want to be able to communicate with those in different focus levels (i.e. "the Dead") and all that, we have to develop that. But those abilities are just a small part of a much bigger picture, and the capabilities of that device are nothing really compared to the potential that is within each of us.

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Re: Bruce Moen
Reply #3 - Feb 14th, 2007 at 3:14pm
If we really don't need that kind of device, I wonder why Bruce was spending so much time and effort and expenses in order to develop it?  He had done many posts on the board to update us on his progress, it's certainly no secret.

I think my question was directed to Bruce, I'm sure he can speak for himself.
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Re: Bruce Moen
Reply #4 - Feb 14th, 2007 at 3:34pm
Hey, Rondele....

Let the Sun Shine in....  Smiley

love, blink
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Re: Bruce Moen
Reply #5 - Feb 14th, 2007 at 4:40pm
Well, no offense was intended.
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Re: Bruce Moen
Reply #6 - Feb 14th, 2007 at 6:32pm
I didn't take offense, but I do think we need to remember that Bruce, per his own admonitions, is just an ordinary guy.  He would be the first to say he doesn't want any special treatment.

I met Bruce, and was impressed by his sincerity and openness.  His workshop went well and got good reviews.

If he had been working on his device on a confidential basis, I would not bring it up on his conversation board.  But that's not the case.  Bruce himself told us repeatedly about it on this board for a period of several years.

So I don't think I'm out of line whatsoever to ask him the status of the device.  And I am hopeful he'll address it.  There's a lot of newbies on this board since he last talked about it, so probably most folks don't even know he was working on it.

I have my own hunch as to what happened, but I'll leave that to myself.  I'm sure Bruce will respond.

And yeah, let the sunshine in.
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Re: Bruce Moen
Reply #7 - Feb 14th, 2007 at 7:42pm
Hi there,

I'm friends with Bruce, and yes he seems very well.  And yes busy too.  I'm amazed at all the traveling he does.  He's going to Japan in a couple days, then in the beginning of March going to Puerto Rico, and then in late April to Poland. 

About more books, he's mentioned he will come out with a book on Partnered Exploration.  I'm really looking forward to that one. 

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Re: Bruce Moen
Reply #8 - Feb 14th, 2007 at 11:40pm
thanks for that info Vicky! cool. partnered exploration is THE most beneficial thing I ever undertook.
as a matter of fact we could use a book on it. I was trying to do it even before I came to this board via telepathy and had some very good experiences. Smiley
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Claudio Pisani
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Re: Bruce Moen
Reply #9 - Feb 15th, 2007 at 4:21am
Hi, from Italy.
I think that "the device" would be very useful for grieving people who recently had a loss, 'cause during the first time of grieving process no one do can read books and learn Bruce's method to travel to higher focuses.
My 2 €-cent worth
Love,Light & Serenity,
Claudio Wink
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Love,Light & Serenity!&&Claudio
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Re: Bruce Moen
Reply #10 - Feb 15th, 2007 at 5:51am
Smiley my two South African cents worth (which relates to minus nothing in dollars or pounds or um Italian money!)

Bruce is not just an ordinary guy; it is my thought he is a spiritual scientist and spiritual scientist do these experiments just as a biology scientist would work on other experiments - I bet Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle would have loved being involved with this experiment.  And thinking about it - it could be possible tuning into the airwaves ... lol a spiritual engineer scientist!

Nothing wrong with that .. go gently with him Rondele he set this board up in good cheer .. not to be insulted nor judged.

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Re: Bruce Moen
Reply #11 - Feb 15th, 2007 at 12:44pm
Gee I apologize if my question to Bruce was insulting or judgmental.  I, as well as many others, was excited when Bruce told us about his afterlife communication device.  As Claudio points out, not all of us are able to make contact with the afterlife.  This device would alleviate grief that countless millions are suffering each year. 

So a question concerning Bruce's progress is, in my opinion, perfectly acceptable and in fact way overdue since it's been several years since Bruce last posted about it.

As to those folks who say we ourselves can contact our deceased loved ones.....maybe we can in a theoretical manner.  Practically speaking, however, no matter how much we try, most of us cannot make that claim.

That's where Bruce's device comes in.  Let's all hope he is close to perfecting his prototype and that its availability will be here before too much longer.
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Re: Bruce Moen
Reply #12 - Feb 15th, 2007 at 2:26pm
Hi Rondele, I don't think you sounded insulting or judgemental at all.  You have a good question...if we really don't need a device like that, why is he working on one?

I for one will never understand the concept of the thing until I actually get to see it and get an explanation of how it works.  But I can imagine that its design is geared toward "more ordinary folks" than those of us here on the board.  There are probably plenty people out there who aren't sure what they believe but are hopeful there is an afterlife, and who would benefit from the practical application of such a device.  After all, I feel that the average person relates best to physical applications and physical results that they can understand with the physical senses. 

Now my curiosity is piqued.  I think I'll try and dig up that old thread and give it another read. 
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Bruce Moen
Reply #13 - Feb 15th, 2007 at 3:45pm
Thanks Vicky.  The device was especially exciting since Bruce's deceased friend Ed Carter was helping him with the design.  Folks in the afterlife were also excited about the possibility of finally being able to talk with us.

This reminds me of when the astronaut Gus Grissom and 2 others were killed in a fire back in 1967 while in the space capsule on the launch pad.  Ruth Montgomery had written that Grissom, after his death, was working on ways to make our space program safer.  So it stands to reason that probably many deceased engineers and other technicians are also working on the same type of device that Bruce was (is?) developing.

I do know that Bruce had financial concerns, since he was devoting almost all of his time on the device.  If that turns out to be the main reason he had to put it on hold, I think there are people on this board who would be glad to help him out financially.  It would be a real shame if he had to quit because of money shortages. 

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Re: Bruce Moen
Reply #14 - Feb 15th, 2007 at 4:15pm
Hi everyone! Wow! I love the idea of a telephone like device! I'm going to certainly do some looking to try and find the threads where that was talked about in detail! What a great idea!

My godmother was called by my deceased grandmother years back...and then I was called up twice on my actual telephone by someone I barely knew as a kid, but he was the fist funeral I ever went to, a close family friend....and several years later he started contacting me through dreams, and this is too long of a story to go into, but that particular soul found many ways to contact me, including the telephone...I never ever spoke of it,until recently, and was so relieved when in some of my readings(like Ruth Montgomery, one of my favorites)tmy telephone ADC's were validated. I read in one book entirely about ADC's  about telephone ADC's...being one of the less common ones,but common enough to devote an entire chapter to,and then after have heard of others having the same experience....

I love that idea...and I bet that will be a  reailty sooner than later.I envy Bruce,I admit it... Wink how I'd love to travel like that, and explore the only things in life I feel are actually "important" my little world...I still feel that I could be using my time here in a more beneficial way....and when I watch TV,and how various people use their sensitivities and incoperate them into their "work"..making it their life's "work"...I really would love to be involved like that,somehow, I'd gladly devote at least this lifetime to such things..., and hope one day I can  somehow...and I am grateful for this site,b/c to me, the things contemplated here are the things I feel really matter, and most of the time I feel kind of frustrated at what feels so superficial...woah....almost fell into a rant...

Anyway...I wish Bruce the best of the best..wherever he may be,and really admire how he's devoting his life....I know that telephone like device is entirely possible and love the idea that such a thing is being worked on and thought about like that!!!...Tanja
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