Hi everyone! Wow! I love the idea of a telephone like device! I'm going to certainly do some looking to try and find the threads where that was talked about in detail! What a great idea!
My godmother was called by my deceased grandmother years back...and then I was called up twice on my actual telephone by someone I barely knew as a kid, but he was the fist funeral I ever went to, a close family friend....and several years later he started contacting me through dreams, and this is too long of a story to go into, but that particular soul found many ways to contact me, including the telephone...I never ever spoke of it,until recently, and was so relieved when in some of my readings(like Ruth Montgomery, one of my favorites)tmy telephone ADC's were validated. I read in one book entirely about ADC's about telephone ADC's...being one of the less common ones,but common enough to devote an entire chapter to,and then after have heard of others having the same experience....
I love that idea...and I bet that will be a reailty sooner than later.I envy Bruce,I admit it...

how I'd love to travel like that, and explore the only things in life I feel are actually "important"...well...in my little world...I still feel that I could be using my time here in a more beneficial way....and when I watch TV,and how various people use their sensitivities and incoperate them into their "work"..making it their life's "work"...I really would love to be involved like that,somehow, I'd gladly devote at least this lifetime to such things..., and hope one day I can somehow...and I am grateful for this site,b/c to me, the things contemplated here are the things I feel really matter, and most of the time I feel kind of frustrated at what feels so superficial...woah....almost fell into a rant...
Anyway...I wish Bruce the best of the best..wherever he may be,and really admire how he's devoting his life....I know that telephone like device is entirely possible and love the idea that such a thing is being worked on and thought about like that!!!...Tanja