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Albert said: Alysia: Considering that retrievels are done all the time without some connecting physical ailment, I don't believe that it would be necessary for Bruce to have a liver disease in order to retrieve Joshua. ____ correct, it's not that it's necessary, just a possibility that Bruce was to have the aide of Joshua's blueprint in this lifetime, for that connection to be made. have read too many stories of afflictions on the body showing up from other incarnations not to recognize this does happen; I suppose aside from retrievals, we are here to heal ourselves regardless which lifetime, which body. We sometimes can carry an illness to represent an erroneous belief system around, once we no longer believe we need it, we can move on from the limitations and heal ourselves. ______
Albert says: Regarding Karma being passed on, if Joshua was killed with a spear, why would he have karma to deal with? I've considered the possibility that because Joshua is one of Bruce's disc mates, perhaps there was an energetic connection between them that caused Bruce to have a physical problem. I don't know the precise details of how this works. ____
I'm sure you're right, energetic connection is surely there. Perhaps there was an agreement that this would be an opportunity for Bruce to discover the connection and therefore heal the condition and discover he had the power to heal himself this way.
If Joshua was killed with a spear, you asked why would Bruce has to "pay" the price? I don't see it as karma. but we could look at it this way; that at the moment of truamatic death by spear, there was set up in Joshua a guilt feeling that of maybe like this: SON OF A GUN! I'VE DONE AND GOT MYSELF KILLED AGAIN! MUST BE SOMETHING I COULD HAVE AVOIDED THIS! I'm just conjecturing, that the experience we gain here is to include experiences of expiration and during one such era, spears were what was used. The soul knows when it enters a planet like this, the possiblities for being slain are numerous and survival is the name of the game. If one did not survive, then I assume there are exit points and Joshua took one of them with the spear. But maybe he started blaming himself, in between, and said, well I see I could have avoided it if I'd taken a detour that day like intuition said...
so I would say guilt is something to look at when you start looking at your life, or other lives as its a form of self judgment. Maybe Bruce needed to forgive Joshua, or forgive himself to heal himself, to be a "new person."
Still hoping to hear from Bruce because it's his story, and like I said, I've read too many instances similar to this one to not believe it.