lets see now, we have to keep each other in mind: we have now four of us, Vicky, White Feather, can I call you Sandra? next we have Ryan and me. I'm thinking every saturday night at 10pm I am going to go out in my imagination to visit with you three. I will probably do this for four weeks straight, then come back and write down what I saw which of course you may take with a grain of salt

remember, no pressure to perform! this is experiment only so experiments should be fun. if nothing happens for you, you are to not give up, but continue your reading of books, studying and continue learning if there is a block there within you (self doubt is usually the block) if you find too much pressure building up within you to perform say so, and back off from the experiment for awhile until you feel comfortable to try again. I am still learning myself about PE and the imagination technique I use these days. if an obe occurs or a dream, that is useful to write down also, but I would not be attempting to intend an obe or dream at this point myself. rather building the intention to do this by imaging what it would be like to meet each other, try seeing in your minds eye the locale. is the park bench ornate? or is it just an ordinary wood bench? are the lawns expansive and green around us? do u get the point of visionary exercises, the purpose? you will be moving towards your goal to make your images and report them back here. it will absolutely not matter if one sees a different bench than another. just to make it easier for you, I will be wearing a floppy brimmed hat! ha ha!
you do not know this for certain..but I do. I have already been showing up in Vicky and Ryan's dreams or imagination. when u told me this, it was an indication I was to journey with you awhile here! I am so happy to meet you all! the things you may see may seem quite strange, as everything may seem illogical. that's ok, remember that it's going to be fun and you can't go wrong to discover your greater selves running around out there like a bunch of wild and free beings that you are! I'll be seeing you out there soon either on the park bench or unless someone else can think of some pleasant locale we could go with that.
I had another idea, that we go to focus 27 to the receptionist area, theres a lady sitting behind a desk (unless she's moved on..hee) and if you ask she assigns a guide who can take you to the park bench or any area you wish to be meeting up with the rest of us. they are very receptive there, as the word reception implies SO GO FOR IT LOVES!
yes Ryan, you can go places within astral dimension that you've never been to physically or astrally before, what r u thinking, that being in a body means you have to stay in the body 24/7? no way!
you guys will have to inform me if this saturday night is ok with you..if not, you can do it saturday morning. down the line I'd like to try to set up the same hour as well, but that's more advanced technique and I know it may be difficult to do, for we all have our own lives and appointments..coordination between 4 people can produce stress. love you all, I'm getting hyped! alysia