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Re: Searching for a Partner to explore (Read 43579 times)
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Re: Searching for a Partner to explore
Reply #15 - Sep 23rd, 2005 at 7:33am

Well I haven't tried to pull someone out of their body but I have had someone try to pull me out! Tugging on my feet, trying to get OBE and i guess it was a guide even though I'm unsure but was a weird feeling, gae up after 5 minutes and said thanx for the help anyway!

With the OBE i have had theat before my whole body has floated and my ehad has been stuck. Its like my head feling is normal but my body is right angled to it so in real life i would of had a broken neck so felt weird lol but my general feeling on that one is relaxation. Your pretty relaxed to get this state anyway but its like your've got that bit furthur, bit deeper to go before you actually try to and follow the signs to go OBE. Just try relaxing that little bit more, works for me!

Oh and don't worry about your English, it made sense so can't be bad!

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Re: Searching for a Partner to explore
Reply #16 - Sep 23rd, 2005 at 8:41am
I've read a lot of authors who mention getting stuck in their bodies, or a certain body part not wanting to come out.  It's common I guess and just takes work.  Right now I'm reading Robert Peterson's "Out of Body Experiences--How To Have Them and What to Expect".   He gives good detail of his many accounts.

But it is not necessary to go out of body in order to participate in a PE. 

Spooky, of course no one would mind you joining us!  The more the merrier! 

And about the time difference, I'm not sure what to say.  I will let Alysia handle that.  Ryan, I hope you have a great time with your family, I know how hard it is to be away from family and it's always great to see them again. 

I can't wait to see what happens either!  I am very excited.

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Re: Searching for a Partner to explore
Reply #17 - Sep 23rd, 2005 at 1:44pm
chilipepperflea, in the past I also felt my guide tried to pull me out, it happened very often, but I was afraid of it so I stopped to try obe. now I'm not afraid of it, but I noticed something strange - in the past my guides seemed to be friendly and now if I feel them near me they seemed like they juts make their job and nothing more, they are so impersonal, I even don't know how to describe it. it happened earlier, but very rarely. it's so strange to me Smiley

and thank you you're so understanding for my english, I'm sure it's horrible Wink
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Re: Searching for a Partner to explore
Reply #18 - Sep 23rd, 2005 at 3:44pm
welcome Somebody..hee are not giving me much of an ident (ID signature) to find you by, but,  that's ok, I'll just go out looking for "somebody" Grin
I welcome you here as this thread takes off and running, I'm actually thinking we need 5 more people to join our experiment as that's what I was given in a dream. so anybody who feels led to join in, well and good but we will just continue until we are either exhausted or satisfied whichever comes first!
Spooky, I assure you, you do me the honor of participating...I sense you are out there most the time anyway, may as well visit the group.
Ryan, why and how do you manage to bring me to gales of laughter with your descriptions of obes? I think I have your ID, the class clown, you will be easy to find then.  Chilipepperflea will either be crawling up to us, or he will be noticeable by his twisted neck...let us act like nothing is wrong when you see him! ha ha!
seriously, I know exactly what happens to not get out of the body when trying to go obe, as I was myself caught within my jaw lollygagging at my large teeth designed to chew meat I suppose...I have less teeth these days to worry about, so not to worry. Cheesy
it's up to you what method to use, whether obe, whether attemping obe, or visualization/imagination, or the phasing which no one understands, right, but I just got a hint the imagination and phasing are very very similar! wow! I learn something everyday. just bring something back here, anything at all, even if it's only to tell me what color hat I'm wearing, that's fine, that will work. you could be wrong, but then what if you're right? you'll never know unless you speak up.
don't forget to ask for guidance from the highest source for the good of all of us. but we're safe, don't worry.  we can put it to Sundays would be better if all agrees, or leave it to saturdays...what do you all think?
we do like 4 weekends and then reacess if we continue, ok?
talk to me..alysia
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Re: Searching for a Partner to explore
Reply #19 - Sep 23rd, 2005 at 5:59pm
I'm in Europe too so I probably have to take the "exact-time-doesn't-matter"-method.
Bye, Spooky
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Searching for a Partner to explore
Reply #20 - Sep 23rd, 2005 at 6:20pm
yes Spooky I've done this before with gal in Australia. time doesn't matter, as where we go out, we are in a timeless zone. intentions probably matter the most. expectations probably don't matter at all. interpretations can get really crazy, but we can have fun with them.

just so long as maybe we all pick the same day probably be nice.
love, alysia
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Re: Searching for a Partner to explore
Reply #21 - Sep 24th, 2005 at 3:43am
Hey, well just about to go out, recovering a bit form last night! lol was really good fun, we all out to town now, go see my other cousin and her flat, just have a party all day and go though the night really lol.

I still can't the timeless bit, say you guys all went out at 5pm, then i went out at 8pm. That means you would of gone out and went, so theres no chance i can meet you OBE out there, i may be able to meet another self but not us here right now trying to meet. Doesn't make sense?? lol

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Re: Searching for a Partner to explore
Reply #22 - Sep 24th, 2005 at 8:52am
Excuse me for jumping in here, but
there is no-time 'out there.'  So if you set your Intent to meet them, you will, no matter what time or day you go. Time does not exist anywhere except here on Earth and it really doesn't exist here either, but we think it does. LOL  Grin

Love, Mairlyn  Grin
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Re: Searching for a Partner to explore
Reply #23 - Sep 24th, 2005 at 12:50pm
thanks Mair, I just invited you in, but see you beat me to it! btw, anyone can jump in here, don't be shy!
Ryan, the idea of no time is that theres a part of you that always exists "out there." this part of you I can meet. you can read Destiny of Souls to see how this works, that we can be in more than one "place" as mind beings. spiritual mind beings. call it awareness if you want. awareness that has antannae. you can imagine your body form as with you, or you can imagine yourself as just an orb of light if you want. this other sensory apparatus is what we are to develop, so I understand your confusion to only see a clock as real time to you. I still think you can catch on quickly after having you met you once or twice. I need to post a dream I had last night. love, alysia
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Re: Partnered Exploration experiments
Reply #24 - Sep 24th, 2005 at 1:09pm
9/24/05  I wish the sensation of flight, high, high up, to soar, I will show others how I myself explore.  I’ve done this before and I know a spot where there are not too many telephone lines (human interpretations, the grid) to impede progress, but we must avoid these lines and not get caught in them. it is beautiful there and the valley and mountains and sky are natural and we made them for our pleasure. I soar very high then alight to ground and try to avoid the media which is annoying somewhat as I am a private person by nature. but I have nothing to fear and these others allay my fears for me, 3 others have found me out there as concerning this thread. they tell me others are waiting, we are all to congregate and speak together. within festivity and growth. a fence I am behind as i observe intentions operating, for intentions are individual and we all have to have a common intention. this is a ranch like place, not a city. probably means this thread. this is where it starts. so as I alight on the ground I allow myself to be approached by the 3 who could not catch me at first...I relax at the smiling face of the woman who talks to me. I think upon awaking this is Vicky only because of the picture I saw of her, of her great smile, I now have Vicky's signature. we all have a signature out there, it's like an ID card. she invites me to the meeting where we make futher plans and I agree I will go; how could I resist her smile? impossible! (note: putting up your mug shot is helpful to be able to locate a person "out there.") the other two are slightly behind her and quiet but just as eager, Vicky is more vocal and has more experiences and/or more outgoing, not sure, just something about her has leadership qualities - I sense we are  learning and open. when we soar we will find clarity of the clear blue skies. I will only point to them, not lead others. right now we simply gather at the table together.
not sure if this is the sum of our first meeting, but it looks good from here! post any dreams or anything you want here, even if it's not a full blown obe Ryan, it's still worth something if you think it is. love, alysia
(it has begun)  ...

Vicky, was wondering if you could copy and paste your experience with the guide in your hospital room over on the main thread? it would help a lot of people, truly it would!
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Re: Searching for a Partner to explore
Reply #25 - Sep 24th, 2005 at 1:44pm
Hi all,
a little formal, but: Saturday 10pm Roswell time or Sunday? What time difference is it to TMI/Virginia time?
OK, the other thing: I did a sort of test yesterday and found me in a restaurant, at first I followed the waiter, then I decided to have a look at the guests on my own and found Alysia and Vicky sitting at a table and I sat down too. A little talking, can't remember, then we were sick of sitting in this boring restaurant and it vanished and we were floating in the air over pretty nice parkland. Then a little catch and run game, and I had a very good technique, no one could catch me (well, ok, my technique was unfair...). I then invited you both to a place where I was before. Tell you later about it.
Bye, Spooky
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Searching for a Partner to explore
Reply #26 - Sep 24th, 2005 at 6:06pm
Spooky some others were chasing me last night and they could not catch me...

do you see the similarities of our dream symbols?
this is the beginning of PE experiences.
keep it up, we are going to get better at this...

also, one more similarity...Vicky was inviting me to a restaurant setting where we would sit at a table. I didn't mention that before, as didn't think it was important, but now that you mention it, I think every detail would be important in these experiments.

I am going to use NM time and just before I sleep, but it doesn't matter what time on saturday we do it. as a part of me, an image like, will be in place already. I know this does not make sense! Grin we will keep to the Saturday night idea in general for to keep it simple. I will wear a hat...see if you can see what I'm doing....or the surroundings. see if you can find us at table again.
I'd like everyone to just say what they think, we will not say you are you cannot be just an experiment...but we need to get an idea of a signature ID for each person. mine is just a nice person who wears a hat! I have Vicky's smile for her ID. I have Spooky's I think. I have Ryans enthusiasm and openness type ID, plus his face, if I can find these people ok, then they can find me too! may not be obe though, may just be dream or imagination type . imagination is just door you walk through. might be something interesting when u walk through this door. love to all, I know you are confused....its ok...just have fun with it. Cheesy
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Re: Searching for a Partner to explore
Reply #27 - Sep 24th, 2005 at 6:09pm
Hey everybody,

I would love to do it all 4 of us, but when this partnered exploration happens at night-time I am kind of afraid I will fall asleep.

When I relax at night, I easily fall asleep you know and then in the morning I can't recall very well what I perceived.

Anyway, I would love to arrange something.


White Feather

sometimes if before you fall asleep you place a "wish" to fly, then you can fly to us, or you can just first see us in your head all getting together and remembering in the morning. would you like to try for only 10 minutes?
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Re: Searching for a Partner to explore
Reply #28 - Sep 24th, 2005 at 9:04pm
Hi all,

I have just had a chance to catch up on all the new posts here.  Wow, already seeing me out there, huh?  Great, I can't wait for tonight.  I am getting ready for bed in a bit here but I've been busy all yesterday, worked today, and haven't been home all evening til now. 

This sounds like so much fun you guys, really it will be a blast to compare notes.  And I'm all for continuing to try until we all get some results.  I don't give up easy.

Vicky   Cheesy
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Re: Searching for a Partner to explore
Reply #29 - Sep 24th, 2005 at 11:43pm
yes, and you already seen me out there, you could write down what you saw the first time, it might help us. I know you don't give up easy, you're like me, they call me the persistent one out there! I'm rather tenacious when I really want something.... Grin

I think I'm luring in a friend who doesn't post much anymore, name of Mike. he's rather good at PE and can give us some pointers and answer some questions. Somebody, her name is Anna. you may see her also, I hope so! I've been talking to her. english is not her first language but out there, language is not barriar, I'm trying to seek ID's for everyone. may take some time. may have to build the energy here.
love, alysia
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