Hi! I haven't posted in ages. Hope you've all been well!
I live near Osaka Japan, and yesterday I was going through the big Kinokuniya Bookstore's metaphysics section, which I normally don't do because I know I'll find something interesting, and I already have more than enough books in my backed-up to-read list just in English! But anyway, throwing caution to the wind there I was, and sure enough I noticed a 3-book series on OBEs that mentioned the Monroe Institute in the title. Hmm! Interestingly enough, when I flipped through I noticed each of their bibliographies first referenced Bob Monroe's three books, and then immediately followed up with (the English versions of) Bruce's first four books! Keen! Japanese exposure!
The author is a Mr. Sakamoto Masamichi, who is listed as having visited TMI 10 times since 2001, so he definitely appears to be quite into this stuff we do. Mr. Sakamoto has his personal website here:
http://www.geocities.jp/taidatsu/ that has his experiences at TMI which is fun reading. In, er, Japanese that is. In his links section AfterlifeKnowledge.com is right up there immediately following the TMI Mothership.
Just FYI, a rough-and-ready translation of his book titles follows (blame me if you don't like the translations -- they sound fine in Japanese! Lots of exclamation points, but Japanese book titles are often like that).
Series title: After-Death Experiences That Go Beyond "Near-Death Experiences"
Vol I: The American Monroe Institute's Hemi-Sync Technology Has Made It Possible To Visit The Afterlife!
http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/4892954780Vol II: The Universe Beyond The Afterlife!
http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/4892954659Vol III: Other Universes Beyond Our Universe!
http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/489295506XI'll probably check out his books more thoroughly later, but I thought it might be interesting to show how Bruce's work is seeping its way over here! And I'm definitely looking forward to the upcoming official Japanese translations, so I can explain a bit better when my wife says, "Okay, wait, you do...what?"
