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Musical Vibration.... (Read 3997 times)
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Houston, TX
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Musical Vibration....
Jun 19th, 2005 at 10:00pm
I wanted to share this with everyone.....

I was reading on the site that Sapphire posted about our aura and chakras, etc. and it reminded me of something one of my close friends who I work with told me waaaayyyy before I ever came to this site about vibrations. I know that everything vibrates and things affect our vibrations which in turn can affect our personality, emotions, actions, etc.

Well, I am a huge Hip Hop music fan. I mean to a degree of insanity, which to most people from the outside looking in think is bad because of the perception of Hip Hop music. But that is neither here nor there, because I have listened to this music since I was a child and I am still me....a good person.

Well anyway, my experiences are things that happen often. When I am in my car which is ALWAYS music time, I go into light trances or zones when I listen to my music....where I hear EVERYTHING in relation to the words, music, beats, etc. I personalize songs, for example an artist named Jay-z made a song where he tells a story about a father who lived a street life who coincidentally gets into an argument years later with his child who he kills called Meet the Parents...and when he says the part about the man killing his son, on que every single time I get chills and lose touch with things going on around me for a couple of seconds.

Very weird experience. Also some songs have sounds that when I hear them, I get extremely sad evern when the song itself could be a happy song. Some piano riffs in certain songs bring tears to my eyes while I am driving! Its very strange because I can listen to the same song, be in a good mood, and when I hear the sound or the words that affect me I cry 99% of the time at the same part every time. The sounds of certain things have much affect on my thinking and emotions....

This leads me to believe that either I am crazy, too big of a music fan, or some kind of uneducated proof of one vibration affecting another. It also introduces a sub-conscious and/or spiritual connection to music which has always been called the language of spirit...for example, hemi-sync, which I think is truly related to my expreiences but on a far bigger and deeper level.

Now its strange for a 29 year old male to be sitting in his car listening to Hip Hop and to start tearing over a piano riff...correct?! So I just wanted to share this experience and to see if anyone else has experienced this or have some input about my experience and theories behind it...thanks.

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Too much knowledge without proper interpretation is borderline insanity. - JG
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Touching Souls
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Metaline Falls, WA
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Re: Musical Vibration....
Reply #1 - Jun 19th, 2005 at 11:30pm
Hi JG,

It sounds to me like this could be past life or higher dimensional traveling that reminds a part of you of something very dear to you. Just my thoughts tonight. Wink

There is some music that does the same thing to me and I'm sure to a lot of people.

Love, Marilyn Wink
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Posts: 1158
Re: Musical Vibration....
Reply #2 - Jun 20th, 2005 at 2:04pm
That's interesting, that you have such a high degree of emotional involvement with the music. I think this is why in varying degrees we are all emotionally sensitive to music but you seem to be especially sensitive.

Haven't people tried to use music for healing? Well it is certainly used for other things...marching bands for instance. Church music sometimes hits people the way you describe. I get more wrapped up in songs that have a particular theme. There is one song by Fred Small about driving the Native Peoples out of some land and to do so killing them and their horses (The Heart of the Appaloosa)

"Till the colonel saw his strategy and sent the order down,
To kill the Appaloosa wherever it be found.

Three thousand Appaloosas perished with the tribe,
The people and the horses dying side by side."

and I get upset whenever I try to sing along with that and I've known that song for years (yes tearing up as I try to drive).

The rhythms affect me more. Hard rock is too much though.

Why you are particularly sensitive is another issue. You might have a unique opportunity to try using other types of music and see what it does to you. (Classical is always interesting; it either makes me feel like dancing or makes me feel entombed.) You must have a special sensitivity to something and maybe the thing is to learn what you can do with it.

If you find any tunes that help you go OOBE or do retreivals please let me know.
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Re: Musical Vibration....
Reply #3 - Jun 20th, 2005 at 9:40pm
not only do we have a vibrational pattern, but now there's a certain "tone" we come in on (my pov) it might be like the world's not only like a huge stage, but also a huge orchestra, and everybody toots their horn, playing their piece. music seems to be the one language which all can understand. you're not crazy! you sailed in on a musical star which makes it your personal journey instead of being say, a lawyer or a baker, or a candle stick maker. lol.
I often get snippets of songs as messages, I get them just before waking up, it usually has something to do with what's going on in my life and offers me confirmation or encouragement or some insight. I really believe there's more musical expression in the afterlife than what you find here. I want to visit the planet where they sing instead of talk! lol. can't wait. love, alysia...
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Re: Musical Vibration....
Reply #4 - Jun 21st, 2005 at 12:21pm
I did have a vision of that location, It was greener then green and there was a sybolic gate, on the otherside were two people, all words were in song and all movement was in dance there. Ill be back to visit

About the music JG, I always have good cries with music, dosent everyone???.   Certain sounds just hit you  and the tears flow.  In the same way when Im feeling sad to begin with, I play certain music (like the Edwin Hawkins Singers, and Im not even a gosple fan) and I am always uplifted and feel good afterwords.  Ramsy Lewis, the in crowd, recorded live, that particular piano solo hits me in a way that the entire creative process is explained.  He plays piano with the same feeling that I paint!   The energy of what we as artists are feeling is placed into our creations.  So with the song by Jay Z about the father killing his son, The energy of that pain is in the song, and being sesitive you feel it. As artist we are responsible for these feelings of others,  If we could make songs that uplifted folks at all times, what would happen?  On the other hand, songs that make a grown man cry is healing for the man, so allow the tears to heal you.  LOVE and ALOHA
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Posts: 1158
Re: Musical Vibration....
Reply #5 - Jun 21st, 2005 at 12:45pm
Hey JG I was looking at some stuff for an answer I made to the "armed forces" post and I found this description of a guy who was visiting a Civil War battlefield. How does this compare with what you experience in the music?

The author was visiting Antietam:

“I walked down onto the road itself. I had only gone a few yards when something very strange happened, something the likes of which I hope will never happen again. A wave of grief, sadness and anger washed over me. Without warning, I was suddenly being consumed by sensations. Burning
tears ran down my cheeks. It became difficult to breathe. I gasped for air, as I stood transfixed in the old roadbed. To this day I could not tell you how much time transpired, but as these feelings, this emotional overload passed, I found myself exhausted as if I had run a marathon. Crawling up the steep embankment to get out of the road, I turned and looked back. I was a bit shaken to say the least and wondered at what had just taken place. It was difficult getting back to the car because I felt so weak. I had regained most of my normal composure on the way back and said nothing to Anna about what had just happened. What could I say? How could I explain it to her? I did not have any answers, just questions. I would one day receive my answers, but not until more than a year later and then from a most unusual source.”
© Someone Else’s Yesterday by Jeffrey J.Keene 2003

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