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Is the universe a simulation? (Read 601 times)
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Is the universe a simulation?
Sep 14th, 2024 at 5:41pm
Yes I know, it sounds too bizarre to even discuss. But maybe it's not so far fetched. Renowned thinkers such as Elon Musk believe in it not to mention a whole lot of physicists.

The scientific explanations are above my pay grade so I'll confess upfront that I cannot explain it. But I'm curious if any others have explored the theory and if so maybe we could start a discussion.

If not no problem. But I bet 5 years from now it'll be a well known topic of scientific inquiry.
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Re: Is the universe a simulation?
Reply #1 - Oct 20th, 2024 at 4:29pm
Hello Roger:

I have considered this matter with great depth. I considered it from a scientific approach, and my understanding of science says it is a simulation.

I have had numerous spiritual experiences that made the point that it is a simulation.

Going by what I have figured out, the consciousness principle of existence is primary. The mind and creative aspects are within consciousness. We use these aspects to create what we experience.

If you create an image of a car on your computer, you can't use that image to transport your computer. Similarly, you can't use something you create within your consciousness, to transport your basic essence-consciousness.

Each of us is a portion of a large network. We can't change our position within the network. Going by what numerous experiences have told me, the Source of this network is benevolent.

Going by my spiritual experiences, the beings that surround me within the network, are love-based beings with good intentions. They most certainly have my wellbeing in mind.

Back to science, it seems to me that photons don't exist. If they don't exist, then neither do the stars they supposedly come from. We experience only a simulation of such things. I believe quantum entanglement is bigger proof of what I say than the double-slit experiment. In quantum entanglement experiments photons act in a way that is quite contrary to the concept that they are bits of energy that are created by star explosions and then projected out into space in a mindless way.

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Re: Is the universe a simulation?
Reply #2 - Oct 23rd, 2024 at 7:04pm
Hi Albert-

Actually if neither time nor space truly exists, and we frequently hear from NDE experiencers that earth is a school, what better way to create a school than to simulate an environment that has everything needed to get the job done? And the universe with no beginning or end makes for a perfect simulation as well. Our orbiting telescopes will never reveal the real nature of the universe.

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Re: Is the universe a simulation?
Reply #3 - Oct 24th, 2024 at 11:08am
I believe that Earth is a school. The post I made on why we incarnate on Earth relates.

Our Souls don't know everything automatically. We need some way to learn and grow. There is no one to blame. If you want to exist, you have to take responsibility for your existence. People who get caught up in complaining about the process waste their time. (in a way, wasting time, making mistakes, is a way of learning.)

The fact of how people can learn and grow shows that it is possible to do so.

I don't know much about astronomy. I have heard/read that telescopes are showing that some science-based concepts about reality are wrong.
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Re: Is the universe a simulation?
Reply #4 - Nov 21st, 2024 at 12:09am
I believe in a simulated universe after some communications with author Christian Sundberg <A Walk in the Physical> suggested the TOM CAMPBELL in SPAIN YouTube series as a starter introduction to Tom Campbell and his My Big Toe theory.

At about the 4th video in the series a light bulb💡went on in my head and I saw it. Yes, this could be and most likely IS a simulation. By watching the lectures in this consecutive fashion, the science actually made sense. I was logical.

To date I have not finished the series, but with this knowledge, I could see that the branch of Zen Buddhism I’d been studying as well as A Course in Miracles which I never understood (and never followed) were written from the perspective not of our MATRIX bound persona but from the CONSCIOUSNESS that is eternal and ever free.

Spiritual “AWAKENINGS” and “ENLIGHTENMENTs” are waking up to the fact that the persona one accepts as his “self” is actually a fiction… much like Neo in the Matrix.

This might be too far out there to be of interest here so I’ll leave it at that for now. But that’s my opinion of simulation theory.
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Re: Is the universe a simulation?
Reply #5 - Nov 21st, 2024 at 6:08pm
Hello Violet:

ACIM claims that God created us, and we are referred to as “Sons” or “Sonship.” The Course claims that God created us so we are perfect with no lack. It also claims that we went about creating the universe we find ourselves in, because we believed that some lack or emptiness existed within us.  I suppose I could choose to ignore this inconsistency and sweep it under the carpet so I could believe that the Course is valid, but I don’t want to be dishonest with myself in such a way. It is quite clear to me that it doesn’t make sense for the Course to claim that God created us so we would have no lack, but somehow we still chose to engage in the supposed error of creating the universe, because we felt a lack or emptiness existed within us.

What Tom Campbell and Christian Sundberg say is quite contrary to what ACIM claims. Tom and Christian say that we create our imaginary lifetimes on purpose in order to learn and grow. ACIM claims that our human lifetimes serve no purpose whatsoever. ACIM claims that God isn't even aware of this World, yet, he somehow sent the holy spirit to help the World. (head scratch)

I used to be into ACIM until I found out that it is misleading. The course has many words, a person might be anxious to read the entire book and make the mistake of not considering closely what it says. This is what took place for me, until I got around to noticing that the course had a brainwashing effect on me.

Regarding the Matrix movie, I saw it years ago, and don't remember it well. Going by what I remember, it seems to imply that the universe has a physical source, and we are stuck in a matrix against our wills. This doesn't match what Christian and Tom say. It doesn't match what I have found out through various spiritual experiences and reasoning it out. We are surrounded by (a part of) a network of love-based beings. Consciousness is the Source of our existence.
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