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Receiving signs from loved ones (Read 2739 times)
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Receiving signs from loved ones
May 25th, 2022 at 8:41pm

This is my first post. I lost a close friend at the end of March. It was expected, but only for a few months in advance. Since around February I became more and more interested in the afterlife for obvious reasons. This interest has turned into a total, continuous fascination. I've learnt so much about consciousness, spirituality, and philosophy, not to mention ideas around quantum physics, energies, and paranormal psychology. So much so, that it seems to me quite absurd NOT to believe in the soul surviving physical death. The shedding of the physical body, and the idea this physical existence is something of a school makes perfect sense, and gives purpose to an otherwise brief and meaningless physical existence.

I've come upon this forum, and it looks as if it was once incredible. Some of the discussions I've read through are so stimulating, and spot on point. I've noticed a couple of threads suddenly popping up after what looks like months of inactivity. So I thought I'd register an account, start a thread, and hope there's something of a revival.

Anyway, I know this is a bit of a long shot on such a quiet forum, but I'd love to ask, for those who asked their recently deceased loved ones for signs they're still around, how successful were those requests? If you received a sign, what sort of sign did you receive? How quickly did it come? Did they gradually get less and less? Did they give you a sign every time you asked? Were there certain conditions whereby you were more likely to receive a sign? (for example, your emotional state when asking). I'm intrigued because I'm convinced I received a sign on all but about 2 or 3 occasions (where I'd been drinking - and thus in an artificially induced emotional state). But then I became plagued with doubt. However, a good number of my signs seemed to constitute a number of individual synchronicities which converged into one large synchronicity which couldn't be ignored. I'd love to hear other people's stories of receiving signs when you asked for them.
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Re: Receiving signs from loved ones
Reply #1 - May 27th, 2022 at 1:55am
Hi there, and welcome!  I’m sorry I somehow missed seeing your post until now, but thanks for participating and sharing.  Yes, back in the day this forum was quite busy.  Bruce’s request before he passed away was to keep it up and running, to at least serve as a memorial and legacy, even if eventually there’s little to no activity.  I think a lot of the original members are much older now and perhaps don’t even spend time online anymore??  Maybe you’ll help get some newbies to chime in.  I can see that people come here to read but don’t always write.

Anyway, to get to your questions…I do believe I’ve received real signs, although I really have no real proof, not that that matters to me. 

A couple that really impressed me are about my dad.  So, not long after my dad passed away I was sitting in my bedroom and talking to him and asked him to give me a sign, anything.  And literally just a moment later, a notebook jumped off the shelf and fell to the floor.  It wasn’t very impressive, and so I told myself it must have been a coincidence.  (I have no idea what I was expecting to happen that would have impressed me).  I told Bruce about it, and he said, “Why would you ask for a sign, but then not believe it when you get it?” 

He told me to always trust “what happens next” when asking for something, even if you have NO way of knowing for certain it is a real answer or sign.  He said, just go with it.  He explained that that’s the only way to continue to open up your perception and learn how your own perception and guidance works. And, he said, being more direct and specific is better.

So there was another time I was talking to my dad and I told him to come visit me and to do it in such a way that there was absolutely no doubt that the visit was real.  I can’t remember how long of time passed, but I think this was the same day.  I was making a sandwich standing in front of the stove where I had laid out all the sandwich makings, when I suddenly felt my dad’s presence behind me.  It was a feeling as if someone had just walked into the room.  It felt like he was moving around me on my right side and then came to be standing directly in front of me as if in my face saying, “Hi Vicky, I’m right here!”  It was as if he would have been standing right where the stove is.  It was a weird sensation but that’s what it felt like, like he was right in my face. 

I thought to myself, “Could this really be real?”  So I thought back, “Hi dad!”  I talked to him in my mind a little bit as if he were really there.  Just as Bruce had said, I treated the experience as if it were real even though I had no real proof. 

So it was pretty exciting and I couldn’t wait to tell Bruce about it.  I think it was the next day we were talking on the phone, and I said, “Bruce, I can’t wait to tell you what happened!  I think I had a real visit from my dad!”  And I was about to start telling him what I felt, but he said, “Wait a minute.”  I waited.  Bruce didn’t say anything.  I started talking and he said, “Hold on, just wait.”  I waited.  I was confused as to why he wasn’t letting me talk. 

After a couple minutes Bruce finally said, “Were you standing in front of something doing something when your dad visited you?”  I said, “Yeah, I was making a sandwich standing at the stove, and…”  Bruce interrupted me and said, “Hold on.  And did you feel your dad come up around you on your right?  I said, “Yeah, how did you know that?” Bruce said, “And then did he stand right in front of you to get right in your face to talk to you?” 

Here I was, so excited to tell Bruce my experience but he was telling it to me!  I was like, “Yes, how did you know all that??”  He said, “I was just receiving all this from your dad.  He said that the only way you’d believe that that was a real visit was if he told it to me so I could relate it back to you.” 

I know I’ve had other signs, but I’ll have to think about them to remember some other examples. 

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Re: Receiving signs from loved ones
Reply #2 - May 28th, 2022 at 5:31pm
Hi Vicky.

Your signs sound fascinating, especially the one where it was confirmed in a later phone call.

I wonder why we naturally doubt the signs? I think we're conditioned to believe all consciousness arises from biological matter, and therefore dies with it. So anything which contravenes that conditioning is called into doubt.

I have a good friend who is very psychic, and a medium in various ways. She captures a lot on video and photo because so much goes on around her all the time. Her latest was a rush of orbs towards her camera straight after she invited some close-by energies to come to her. The video was unbelievable. Even my friend was a bit overwhelmed, and she's used to it. I'm in no doubt there are non-physical beings (presumably deceased humans) which exist alongside us.

A very good friend of mine died two months ago. It devastated me, and still hurts now. Several times in the week before she died I asked her to come visit me from the other side. I specifically asked her to "flicker my lights at home". She agreed. I began receiving signs just 10 hours after she died (in fact, I believe my first occurred 1 hour before she officially died, presumably as her soul was beginning to transition). Three weeks later, I was up all night, and I was gazing over at some artwork at 3am, when suddenly in my peripheral vision, my Himalayan salt lamp flickered about 3 times. My immediate thought was my friend. Three hours later, at 6am, my other lamp next to me on the bedside table blinked, quite obviously, once. Again, I felt it was my friend, and I felt comforted. I don't recall my lights ever blinking in this house in the 5.5 years I've lived here, and they've not flickered since. I also received a text from her phone (her son sent it - it was sent to multiple contacts at once). I'd asked her out loud a very specific question, and within 1/10th of a second my phone pinged. It was a picture text message which directly answered my question. That sign was incredible. The timing of it, and it's high relevance was undeniable. Yet I still questioned it. "Oh it was probably just coincidence" I thought. The signs appear to be dwindling now. In fact I don't think she's sending them now. But I had a good 15-20 in the first 6 weeks. Many of them very relevant and quick to happen after I'd asked.

Can I ask, I've read the name Bruce on here a few times, but have no idea who he is. I'm assuming he passed away? Was he related to you? Who was he? Did he start this forum?
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Re: Receiving signs from loved ones
Reply #3 - May 28th, 2022 at 9:51pm
Hootenanny wrote on May 28th, 2022 at 5:31pm:
A very good friend of mine died two months ago. It devastated me, and still hurts now. Several times in the week before she died I asked her to come visit me from the other side. I specifically asked her to "flicker my lights at home". She agreed. I began receiving signs just 10 hours after she died (in fact, I believe my first occurred 1 hour before she officially died, presumably as her soul was beginning to transition). Three weeks later, I was up all night, and I was gazing over at some artwork at 3am, when suddenly in my peripheral vision, my Himalayan salt lamp flickered about 3 times. My immediate thought was my friend. Three hours later, at 6am, my other lamp next to me on the bedside table blinked, quite obviously, once. Again, I felt it was my friend, and I felt comforted. I don't recall my lights ever blinking in this house in the 5.5 years I've lived here, and they've not flickered since. I also received a text from her phone (her son sent it - it was sent to multiple contacts at once). I'd asked her out loud a very specific question, and within 1/10th of a second my phone pinged. It was a picture text message which directly answered my question. That sign was incredible. The timing of it, and it's high relevance was undeniable. Yet I still questioned it. "Oh it was probably just coincidence" I thought. The signs appear to be dwindling now. In fact I don't think she's sending them now. But I had a good 15-20 in the first 6 weeks. Many of them very relevant and quick to happen after I'd asked.

Can I ask, I've read the name Bruce on here a few times, but have no idea who he is. I'm assuming he passed away? Was he related to you? Who was he? Did he start this forum?

The signs from your friend are quite impressive!  It would be easy for someone to doubt the flickering lights, but the phone message sure did confirm your request for contact, I’d say. 

I have a friend who asked her deceased mom to flick the lights, and it happened a few times.  Then she started audio recording herself talking to her mom to see if she could get a response on tape.  My friend’s cat happened to walk into the room, so she asked her mom if she can see the cat, and what you hear in response is “Can see”.  It’s clear as day.  It was so amazing.  It sounds as if that was as much as she was able to say to make it audible. 

About Bruce…He’s the creator of this site, Bruce Moen.  He learned how to explore the afterlife by attending The Monroe Institute, and then he came up with his own simpler way of teaching others to do the same. 

Yes, he’s passed away.  No, we weren’t related but were very close friends.  I met him after I started reading his books, and I was lucky that he lived in the same state as I do, so that’s how I got to meet him. 

You should take a look through the links across the top of the screen.  There’s a lot of good stuff there.  He wrote five books.  They’re not sold on this site, but he has an MP3 set of the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook Exercises that are sold here.  You don’t have to read his books ahead of time in order to use the MP3 set.  His recordings don’t use Hemi-Sync, by the way. 


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Re: Receiving signs from loved ones
Reply #4 - Jun 20th, 2022 at 5:16pm
Sorry for the late response. I got out of the habit of checking this forum.

I had contact with my 2 deceased parents. I know of other people who aren't into spirituality, and they have had contact with deceased loved ones. Lots of people do.

You might want to check out the below site.
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