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OBE after fainting? (Read 2165 times)
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OBE after fainting?
May 17th, 2022 at 12:57pm
Greetings, new here after finding a 2008 post on this forum about my title subject. Let me first introduce myself (my spiritual background):   I was raised in the Catholic Church and was religious during my childhood and adolescence, then I gradually became more interested in Eastern spirituality (Buddhism and Hinduism) and, while I am open to religion, and can see the positive side of it, I eventually stopped practicing (with the ecception of meditation, every now and then) in the traditional sense, and sometimes, respectfully, questioned religion. Nevertheless I've always believed  that we are, first of all, consciousness; a spirit inside a physical body, a soul that survives death in some other dimension. Therefore, in that respect, the idea of experiencing something outside the body was not "alien" to me. And perhaps that's also why the experience was not that "transformative" (as many describe it) to me: I already believed, and my mother once told me that, in my infancy, I often fainted, that I sometimes said to her: "I feel as if I weren' there", and when I was 8 years old I stopped eating and I had to be taken to hospital because of that. This suggests, to me, that somewhere deep inside, I've always had a nostalgia and a longing for "the other side" and, at times, did not feel at ease here on Earth.

I've had an OBE in 1986 when I was 26 after fainting. It was sudden, unexpected and not a pleasant/happy experience. I've never taken drugs and only drink alcohol in moderation, and had not drank at all before the experience. The “trigger” was a kind of “phobia” I used to have at the time. Misteriously enough, different people (some people at least) have different “phobias” (if you can call them so, like for instance: some faint when they see blood) and mine was a strong sensitivity to people's eyes when they suddenly roll upwards, for any reason, which made me feel sick and almost faint many times before and after that OBE, until I worked on myself to overcome that feeling.

I was at a jazz club attending a concert and I was watching the saxophone player during one of his solos, his eyes were closed but, every now and then, he would suddenly open his eye-lids and when he did that, his eyes were rolled all the way up and you could see the white of his eyes only (or almost). After two or three times of this happening I fainted, falling from the chair to the floor.
During the fainting, I found myself in a dark place where I could see nothing and no one; the place was dead silent and filled with anguish (or perhaps it was just my anguish) eccept for just one sound, every now and then, that was similar to “electrical discharge” and the sound seemed to match with a strong pain in my legs (like electrical discharges in my legs). The pain in my legs was the only contact I still had with my body (which I could not see “from above” as the upper part of my body was immersed in total darkness). So my consciousness was in this dark, silent (eccept for the “electrical discharges” sound), lonely “place” filled with darkness, anguish and sorrow, while my body was still at the jazz club, I felt “trapped” there and clearly remember thinking how on earth had I got there? Where was I? And, especially: how would I be able to return to my body and my life, to the place I came from? How long would I be in that dark place? Would I be there for ever? I don't know how long the OBE (or “half” OBE? Or was it an OBE at all?) lasted for as, when I “woke up” from fainting the first set of the concert had ended, there was no more music being played, the lights were on again in the room and people were walking over (not stepping on, thankfully) me, with nonchalance, trying not to trip over me!

To this day I have not had a clear, fully satisfying, explanation of what exactly happened to me and where my consciousness was during the fainting. Someone who is into shamanism once said to me: “You've been where the 'lost souls' go!”. Someone who had a long experience in Yoga practices said to me: “The eyes of the saxophone player were pointing towards his Brow-Chakra/Third Eye (which connects us with the ESP) and, since you were 'so fine-tuned' to him through the music aswell [afterall I'm a musician too], you 'took off'... but your Root-Chakra was 'fighting' to not let you go and  to pull you back into your body”; and, ok, that seemed to make a bit of sense to me, kind of made sense of the pain in my legs/”roots”, it certainly spoke to me. Still, I would like to know, more and better, at least the meaning or spiritual reason, if any, for this experience. Any further insight would be welcome. From both physicians/doctors/scientists and/or spiritual seekers/experts (I respect all!). Have any of you had a similar experience? This seems the right place to ask.
Thank you.

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Re: OBE after fainting?
Reply #1 - May 18th, 2022 at 1:07am
Welcome to the Conversation Board, and thank you for sharing your experience with us.

I’ve spent my whole life asking the same questions of all of my experiences…what is the reason and meaning for them?  But I’ve learned to accept my experiences as opportunities.  An opportunity to explore beyond this physical world.  An opportunity to learn more about the nature of who I truly am.  An opportunity to remember that there is a much greater reality than this physical world we live in.

Medically speaking, your reaction of fainting at the sight of someone rolling their eyes back is called vasovagal syncope.  Your trigger is an odd one.  Most people faint at the sight of blood…like me.  I also nearly fainted once because a little girl in a store I was at was playing with a baby doll that looked like a real-life newborn baby.  I saw her toss the baby up into the air.  I started to faint because I thought it was a real baby, and I couldn’t handle the shock it caused me.  The reason for fainting is because the heart rate and blood pressure suddenly drops and the brain loses consciousness from lack of oxygen.  You most likely were unconscious for only a few seconds.  It’s not possible that you were unconscious for that long of while unless you had a serious head injury.  So it does sound like this was indeed a type of OBE since no one is consciously aware while being passed out. 

I feel bad that no one helped you and they just stepped over you! 

I have no idea “where” you were consciously.  That dark, silent, lonely place could perhaps have been just some low level of consciousness, which explains why you were feeling so trapped. 

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Re: OBE after fainting?
Reply #2 - May 18th, 2022 at 5:38am
Thank you Vicky, for welcoming me and for your kind reply.

Yes, I can relate... these are opportunities for growth. Perhaps I must have (accidentally or not) accessed some low level of consciousness, like suddenly falling into a cave, that felt like a prison, which reminds me of what many who've experienced OBEs or NDEs say (in reports and videos I've seen) about their return inside their body (after the NDE), that their spirit felt “imprisoned” inside a physical body that suddenly felt so tight compared to the light, free, expanded sensation they had during their OBE/NDE. My experience was, kind of, “reversed” as I felt lost and imprisoned while outside my body, which is interesting.

Also, I gather, many of your (and other members of this Forum's) OBE experiences are willingly triggered by means of certain techniques and training... ?

Cheers from Italy,
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Re: OBE after fainting?
Reply #3 - May 19th, 2022 at 1:26am
Hi Francesco,

I’ve had many spontaneous OBEs all my life, especially while very young and growing up, but not frequently anymore at my age.  I would really have to work on it to purposely have them now.  (I’m 51). 

But my theory has always been that we are already having OBEs, but we don’t remember them.  So part of the work of having them is to induce them, yes.  But another part is about intentionally programming yourself to remember them too.  Much the same concept as dreams.  We always dream, but we don’t always remember them unless we work at it. 

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: OBE after fainting?
Reply #4 - May 19th, 2022 at 10:27am
Hi Vicky,

I'm sure I've had several OBEs in my childhood but don't remember any of them. I do, vaguely, remember a really strange altered state of consciousness I had one night as a child which was triggered by fear, where I experienced something that looked like time was slowing down and both my voice and that of my mother (who had come in my room to see why I had been crying) really dropped in frequency... like when you slow down a (vynil) record of someone speaking or singing, on a record player. I remember that part of the experience so vividly!! Perhaps I should investigate that aswell.

Of the spontaneous OBEs we probabily do remember the "strongest" ones (i.e. very pleasant or very unpleasant), those that give us bliss and those that shock us, same as for dreams (infact we often have to write them down before they fade away).

The one I shared here happened a long time ago but somehow, I became attached to it (or cared about it) once again recently, as it seemed unresolved and perhaps because I've been thinking about death much more in recent times (haven't we all, perhaps?) and a few close friends died recently.

So I've been asking around (on here and elsewhere) looking for clues.

Yesterday someone replied to me (on another platform) saying the following: "I have had blackouts since 5. I think you were just partly awake. I usually experience total darkness awhile before becoming unconscious. I always believed it was normal." Well, in part, I could relate to that, too. I remember on other occasions where I "almost" fainted (same trigger: eyes rolling up  Roll Eyes , that along with cold sweat etc. black patches started appearing in my vision field, gradually filling it up and I felt I was about to drop on the ground. I was once on a bus and, luckily, it was approching a stop, so I got out before dropping and the winter, cold air helped me recover. I guess I should investigate further about fainting: are all 5 senses "shut down" just prior to becoming unconscious? To me it just felt like I was conscious throughout the entire experience, from falling on the ground to the moment I was once again aware of my physical surroundings. Well, perhaps, at the end of the day, if (as according to this person) I was actually partly awake and, perhaps, simply entered a state of panic before losing consciousness, then maybe I might aswell welcome that as a relief, since I remember the experience as a bit of a nightmare! Who knows, though...

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