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Posts: 553
South San Francisco
It seems to me that your dream was created by a being that loves you deeply. Other wise, why would it bother with creating the dream it created for you?
Some people believe that dreams are nothing more than the random activity of our subconscious mind. I can't say what is true for all people, but I have analyzed thousands of my dreams, and it is clear that many of them are created by some form of love-based guidance. Going by the dream experiences of other people I have read and heard about, it seems as if other people also receive such love-based guidance through their dreams.
I believe it is possible for our spirit friends to arrange it so that certain things happen in the physical world, what you experienced might be an example. Things have been arranged for me.
Regarding guidance, if you examine your dreams and listen to your intuition, you might find that you are in contact with guidance.
Regarding it happening in a more overt way, well, I have received numerous messages from spirits, and it is a complex issue. I have found that both friendly and unfriendly spirits exist. Occasionally, an unfriendly spirit will try to mislead me, so I make a point of questioning the messages I receive.
If you reach the point where you can receive messages while conscious, then you basically reach the point where you can perceive spirits. This means you perceive whatever spirit comes your way. If you become conscious in such way, make certain that you are able to deal with the unfriendly spirits that try to mess with you. I don't regret being conscious in this way, because I have found that the unfriendly spirits can't harm me, I don't let them scare me.