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can someone visit my late boyfriend who comitted suicide? (Read 3261 times)
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can someone visit my late boyfriend who comitted suicide?
Mar 18th, 2020 at 1:21pm
Hi, I am from Japan and I recently began reading Bruce's afterlife knowledge books.
I wanted to ask if someone here can visit my late boyfriend who committed suicide many years ago and bring him messages from me and ask him if he has something to tell me?
I get too emotional thinking of him and I think that would be a barrier for me to visit him and I would need to be more used to the method.
my email is (I can only use this address for 2 weeks)
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Re: can someone visit my late boyfriend who comitted suicide?
Reply #1 - Mar 23rd, 2020 at 4:46pm
Hi Kei.  I don’t know if anyone has reached out to you or not, but I don’t think you should be discouraged from trying to reach your boyfriend yourself just because of becoming emotional. 

I find that having very strong, loving emotions are a sure-fire way to make an instant connection, and being in an emotional state could further open your senses of awareness.  At least, that’s what I find works for me.  I happen to be an easily emotional person, especially when it comes to those I love and care about deeply. 

Another great method in my opinion is setting intention in your mind before going to sleep at night that you will have a visit from your boyfriend in your dreams.  Dream visits from loved ones are so much different from our normal, every-day dreams.  I believe they are one of the most moving experiences a person who has lost a loved one can have because while sleeping/dreaming, you’re already in a very relaxed, open-to-receiving state of being. 

I’m so sorry for your loss, especially due to a suicide  Cry
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Re: can someone visit my late boyfriend who comitted suicide?
Reply #2 - Mar 24th, 2020 at 1:26am
Vicky wrote on Mar 23rd, 2020 at 4:46pm:
Hi Kei.  I don’t know if anyone has reached out to you or not, but I don’t think you should be discouraged from trying to reach your boyfriend yourself just because of becoming emotional. 

I find that having very strong, loving emotions are a sure-fire way to make an instant connection, and being in an emotional state could further open your senses of awareness.  At least, that’s what I find works for me.  I happen to be an easily emotional person, especially when it comes to those I love and care about deeply. 

Another great method in my opinion is setting intention in your mind before going to sleep at night that you will have a visit from your boyfriend in your dreams.  Dream visits from loved ones are so much different from our normal, every-day dreams.  I believe they are one of the most moving experiences a person who has lost a loved one can have because while sleeping/dreaming, you’re already in a very relaxed, open-to-receiving state of being. 

I’m so sorry for your loss, especially due to a suicide  Cry

Hi Vicky, Thank you for your caring message Cry
Good to know that being emotional wouldn't be a barrier to contact him. I will try learning slowly Bruce's method and try!
Actually, I dream of him from time to time, but I always forget that he died when I am in my dream and forgets to tell what I wanted to tell and ask him what I wanted to know...

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Re: can someone visit my late boyfriend who comitted suicide?
Reply #3 - Mar 24th, 2020 at 1:08pm
Hello Kei:

Adding to what Vicky said, I have found that we can receive spirit messages from our deceased loved ones through dreams.

I have received messages from deceased people I know while awake and during dreams, and both ways seem valid.

I know of people that have had no conscious spirit contact during their lives, and then they had such contact after a loved one passed away.

We tend to experience what we need to experience.

You might want to check out the below site, to see what type of after death contact experiences people have had.

Regarding my making contact for you, I have communicated with spirits many times, but have yet to find that it is my role in life to play medium for others.
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Re: can someone visit my late boyfriend who comitted suicide?
Reply #4 - Mar 25th, 2020 at 6:49am
Hello, Recoverer 2! Thank you for the message Smiley
I dream sometimes dream about him.
but dreams tend to be like the time we spent together when he was with me. Perhaps I should practice lucid dreaming.
Thank you for the interesting link too.
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Recoverer 2
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South San Francisco
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Re: can someone visit my late boyfriend who comitted suicide?
Reply #5 - Mar 25th, 2020 at 2:48pm
You are welcome.

kei wrote on Mar 25th, 2020 at 6:49am:
Hello, Recoverer 2! Thank you for the message Smiley
I dream sometimes dream about him.
but dreams tend to be like the time we spent together when he was with me. Perhaps I should practice lucid dreaming.
Thank you for the interesting link too.

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