Recoverer 2
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Posts: 553
South San Francisco
It is really strange but yet understandable why so many people fall for a course in miracles. Here are some reasons that apply to varying degrees.
1. Some people haven't come to understand that there are misleading beings that seek to mislead people. Such beings don't want this world to spiritually progress. Because some people don't understand that this is so, they assume that anything that claims to be genuine source of information, is in fact such a source. If a source is fairly popular and packaged in a fancy way, people are more likely to assume, without really considering the matter, that a source is genuine.
2. Related to the above, some people don't understand to a sufficient extent that a source doesn't need to be genuine in order to come up with words that sound spiritual. Some misleading beings, even though they are not wise (considering the path they have chosen), are quite intelligent and clever. I have experienced the presence of some of these beings. In one case a group of these beings wanted to establish regular contact with me. I could sense in a very clear way that they were quite intelligent, lacked empathy, and were up to no good. I don't remember what precisely I told them, something like, "I'm committed to God, Christ, love, ultimate goodness and the welfare of all, and that's all there is to it," and they went away.
3. Some people don't want to have to deal with spiritual growth in a gradual way, so they seek the all or nothing solution ACIM offers. Either the so-called atonement happens and the Universe disappears, or no growth happens. Some Eastern teachings are similar, they claim that either you drop your ego and become enlightened, or you don’t grow at all. I found that it is definitely possible to grow in a gradual way, and well worthwhile to do so. The key factor is that growing spiritually isn’t a matter of becoming a nobody, it is a matter of growing as a Soul that definitely exists.
4. Some people are troubled by the difficulties that exist in this world, and rather than put in the effort to make them better, they would rather believe that the world doesn’t exist, is just an illusion, so there is no need to do anything. This is what the course’s 365 day course attempts to do. It tries to get people to program their minds, so they no longer concern themselves with the suffering that takes place in this world. I’m quite familiar with this attitude because I had it when I was involved with guru-based nondual teachings in the 1980s. Eventually, thank God, I found out that many gurus aren’t what they claim. Some are worse than others—even the gurus that seem more pure are misleading. For example, for people who are into nondual teachings, Ramana Maharshi was like the holy grail. Yet he said things that are quite misleading and similar to ACIM. He said people didn’t need to be concerned about the suffering that takes place in this world, because the world doesn’t exist, nothing was ever created, only the Self as pure awareness exists (Ajata Vada doctrine). He said that the “I-thought” is the cause of manifested existence. He said that we are not our bodies and minds, just pure awareness. People who decide to conclude that Ramana was an infallible enlightened master, place their minds in a psychological trap that makes it difficult to see how things actually are, because they won’t question what Ramana (or other supposed enlightened gurus) say. If people would move beyond what ACIM and nondual gurus say, they would find that the Universe they find themselves in was intentionally created so Souls could use it as a way to experience and grow. You can’t judge how much wonder is available, by the negativity that exists in this World.
5. Some people, out of the interest of being positive rather than negative, make the mistake of concluding that it isn’t okay to question things in a critical way. I don’t believe it is positive to keep silent when a source “LIES” and claims to be Jesus, and purposely tries to mislead people.
6. Some people experience some seemingly positive results when reading ACIM, and therefore, assume that is okay. When I was involved with guru-based nondual teachings I experienced some positive results, but eventually I found that such growth happened to a limited extent, and that to some degree my mind had become confused and my spiritual growth was limited accordingly. For example, nondual teachers, including people such as Eckhart Tolle (a supposedly enlightened teacher who was influenced and therefore misled and limited by ACIM), contend that there is no such thing as an individual, individuality is just an illusion. ACIM goes way overboard with the way it speaks of ego.
This is what I have found out. My individuality, existence as a Soul, is a gift that God has graciously provided me with. I have found that if I meditate in a way where I acknowledge the existence of my Soul, my individuality, I make deeper contact with the gift God has provided, and this helps me become aware of God’s love, peace and presence. When people try to deny their individuality, and use a portion of the mind aspect of “their” individuality to do so, they sometimes obtain a sense of their presence in a more formless way, and mistake this for the ultimate and total truth. This is a mistake, because the only way a person can get a good understanding of who they are and where they come from, is by allowing themselves to be aware of all aspects of themselves, even if some of these aspects need some fixing. Pure awareness, by itself, can’t do anything but be aware. Thank goodness, the awareness, mind and creative aspects of being can’t be separated from a person’s awareness aspect of being, no matter how much a person fools himself about this matter, or what some supposed enlightened person says.
I have read of a few people that dissociated from their minds because of some trauma they experienced. This enabled them to experience bliss and a feeling of expansiveness. They eventually found that they had to deal with their trauma, in order to become integrated people that embrace all aspects of their being, rather than continue to be people that tried to escape a part of themselves, as perhaps Eckhart Tolle did when he sought relief from the depression and anxiety he was feeling (as described in “The Power of Now”). Some of the things he says are okay, some aren’t. It seems that after what he refers to as his enlightenment experience, he relied on ACIM and Eastern teachings to help him make sense of what he experienced. Therefore, it is no surprise that he speaks of ego and mind in an out of balance and “possibly” misleading manner. I said “possibly” because I figure that some people who read his books and listen to him don’t make the mistake of using a portion of their mind aspect of being to disassociate from their minds and sense of individuality. I have seen in various places within the internet that some people do take his words too literally, and try to disassociate from their sense of self and minds. 7. ACIM has many words, is repetitive, and is written in an odd way that can have a mind numbing effect. If a book has a lot of words, has a mind numbing effect, and a person is anxious to obtain the information they believe the book contains, such person is likely to read such book too quickly and as a result not thoroughly consider what it says. This is what happened for me when I gave ACIM a chance and made the mistake of allowing it to brainwash me for a while. Regarding the mind numbing effect, I found out that it caused me to become sleepy and nod out. The only other thing that has had this effect, is another channeled source that speaks of ego in the same way as ACIM. Two other people at this forum stated that they experienced this nod out effect while reading ACIM. I saw a discussion at another forum, and three people at that forum experienced the same thing. On another site, a couple of people said that they sensed something malevolent when they read ACIM. There were occasions when I would ACIM, and I would see demonic images mixed in with the words, without seeing anything but the letters. This hasn’t happened with another book, so don’t call me crazy.