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Robert Peterson - Hacking the Out of Body Experience (Read 1415 times)
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Robert Peterson - Hacking the Out of Body Experience
Aug 6th, 2019 at 12:55am
Bob Peterson's new book is out and available here on Amazon:

I had the pleasure of proofreading this  Cool

Here's my Amazon review:

The entire book is designed as a comprehensive, scientific approach to understanding the concept of OBEs and providing preparation and induction techniques through a variety of methods.  Bob suggests you try one and if it doesn’t work then move on to the next one.  There are so many techniques and suggestions here that I think there’s bound to be something for everybody. 

I like that he gives a lot of his own personal experience and suggestions as well as naming several other OBE authors and experts, giving their experience and knowledge of the subject to help support the scientific approaches and suggestions that he covers. 

I think he covers so many bases that just reading through all of these techniques is in itself an ideal prep method.  He answers the most commonly thought of questions and gives explanations for how and why these techniques work.   

There’s no fluff or lecture; he just gets right down to it and it all flows very smoothly like a thorough conversation.  You’ll think of something as you read through, and he’ll read your mind and address it.  I’m not a scientific-approach type of thinker, but this was a great read even for someone who has had many, many OBEs. 

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