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Perception/awareness/intuition/nonphysical senses (Read 13984 times)
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Perception/awareness/intuition/nonphysical senses
Jul 1st, 2019 at 8:02pm
Here’s a topic idea someone suggested and I really like it.  I hope everyone will share something!!  I didn’t know what to call this thread, but what I picked out seems to cover most of the bases.  If there’s anything else, let’s talk about that too.  Let’s also talk about terms and descriptions, because we probably have different ways of talking about the same kind of thing or we might have a different understanding about something. 

This thread is open to talking about your own personal perception abilities and talents, how you became aware of them, how you’ve developed them, your experiences with it, and what you’ve learned, as well as what you’re interested in learning, or what you would like to develop, or anything else along these lines.  Let’s share how we know what we have and what we’ve learned.  Don’t be shy!

I’ve talked about this plenty before, that I’ve been documenting how my psychic ability works because I want to put a book together about how to develop it.  It’s long overdue, and I feel I have plenty of material now.  I think how it works for me is pretty much the same for anyone, save for things like how much a person is paying attention to their thoughts, senses, and surroundings, or the effort someone puts into consciously working toward a goal.  I think we all have the same capability, but I also think some people are born with easier ability than others. 

For example, I was surprised to learn that some people are NOT naturally gifted at all with the ability to visualize in their mind’s eye.  Of course, people might have different ways of describing how they “see” in their mind.  But for general terms, there are some people who say they have never been able to picture something in their head.  They can think about it of course, but not have any sense of seeing it.  I find that extremely fascinating because I’m the opposite.  I have a full spectrum of different ways I can visualize, from what I call “thinking vision” all the way up to what I call “clairvoyance”, and for me clairvoyance means to see just like physical eyesight.  It’s a completely different sense, but same results. 

Ok, I’m not going to talk too much in one post.  I definitely want to see some responses here.  Share whatever you are interested in!

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Re: Perception/awareness/intuition/nonphysical senses
Reply #1 - Jul 3rd, 2019 at 7:22am
What would you say to people who can not visualise and see only black noise?
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Re: Perception/awareness/intuition/nonphysical senses
Reply #2 - Jul 3rd, 2019 at 10:24am
Hi Soulmael,

I'd like to know how you perceive what you call "black noise".  Do you mean that when you close your eyes or try to visualize, all you see is blackness?

When I first just close my eyes and “look”, all I see is black, or grey, or a combination of greyish with flecks of light, but I know that’s also due to the phosphene phenomenon.  A couple good reads on what the phosphene phenomenon is:

And speaking of that phenomenon, I remember doing that as a kid.  I would lie down in the grass in the bright sun, close my eyes, and then rub them hard, and it would create such a magnificent effect.  To me it looked like outer space like you were looking at the stars and nebulas, and I could see these patterns with full color, and I’d imagine it being 3D and I could travel into it. 

But when I use my nonphysical senses of “seeing” I’m not using my physical eyes so it’s a completely different sense. 

Using Bruce Moen’s guided exercises for stimulating your imagination is a great example of what it’s like to shift into engaging your nonphysical senses.  I believe that even if you’re a person who says all they see is black when they close their eyes, you can still learn to engage your nonphysical senses of “seeing” in all its forms with practice. 
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Re: Perception/awareness/intuition/nonphysical senses
Reply #3 - Jul 3rd, 2019 at 10:51am
Good Morning Lovely People,
I think we may all perceive a bit differently from each our sense of taste.  Each of us tastes a banana different, but we all know it is a banana.  I seldom 'see' spirits even on the 'other' side while doing retrievals.  I do feel them, though.  And sometimes the images come through bright and clear on the 'other' side and almost never here.  But that is me. 

One of my gifts is Knowing.  As a young child, I thought I was blessed with more common sense than most... even the adults in my life.  I seemed to know things they didn't.  (This I kept to myself ) I also knew that not telling anyone what I thought was smart. 

Early in life, I did not think I had an ESP gift although I knew they existed in others.  I didn't know about 'knowing' as an extra perception sense until much later in life when I had other people tell me I could do certain things.  They would ask for answers from me I had no way of knowing the "normal" way.  I'm very logical and had a hard time believing I could do this.  It took a long time before I could trust my gift, talent or whatever you want to call it and many of my loved ones believing first. 

I guess we can block knowledge from ourselves even when it is ours for the asking or just there.  Undecided  I'm glad I finally started believing in myself.  It has enriched my life a hundred fold.  Besides, letting one gift surface allows for the others to come forward.
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Re: Perception/awareness/intuition/nonphysical senses
Reply #4 - Jul 3rd, 2019 at 12:34pm

Yeah I definitely agree we can block knowledge from ourselves.  Unless we’re born with amazing gifts, we have to work to unblock these blockages and also work to strengthen our senses to keep them working.

I know that I was born with easy abilities but as I got older they weren’t as easy and natural.  I read so much about fluoride contributing to that but I think there are probably so many factors that contribute to it too. 

Trust and believing are huge.  Forcing yourself to change perspectives on your beliefs really helps to unblock.  So like if you notice yourself feeling naturally skeptical, yes you can’t help that’s how you naturally feel, but you can consciously choose to think, “Well what if this isn’t just a coincidence?” and then just let that sink in a while.  I think that works on a subconscious level, which is where the blockages are.  It opens the door, and like you said it can allow other gifts surface.
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Re: Perception/awareness/intuition/nonphysical senses
Reply #5 - Jul 3rd, 2019 at 1:49pm
I would describe it as pixelated black and gray field. I see this also with eyes open as overriding my field of view. It changes pixels quickly and randomly.
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Re: Perception/awareness/intuition/nonphysical senses
Reply #6 - Jul 4th, 2019 at 11:36am
Soulmael wrote on Jul 3rd, 2019 at 7:22am:
What would you say to people who can not visualise and see only black noise?

The more you observe the more you know. It will come to you.
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Re: Perception/awareness/intuition/nonphysical senses
Reply #7 - Jul 17th, 2019 at 5:35pm
Upon reflection I believe an equally true response would be: The more you know, the more you observe.

For an example, those who are scuba diving on a reef with many unusual creatures will have a hard time identifying them. They will have a hard time distinguishing some from others. If the scuba diver is educated on the varieties of the life by watching documentaries, he/she will then enter the same environment and be easily able to identify many living things.

In this case, the knowledge assists in observation. This is the opposite of what I said earlier, if it is of any help to anyone.

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Re: Perception/awareness/intuition/nonphysical senses
Reply #8 - Jul 17th, 2019 at 6:50pm
Or, perhaps, just: Look Twice.

Simple enough.
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Re: Perception/awareness/intuition/nonphysical senses
Reply #9 - Jul 18th, 2019 at 11:16am
Let's not forget feeling of love in this equation. Seems it helps to open more and perceive better.

Good news : even if the imagination looks like nothing much in visual clarity it still works.
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Re: Perception/awareness/intuition/nonphysical senses
Reply #10 - Jul 18th, 2019 at 1:40pm
I still always use the feeling of love, every day.  It's become such a big part of me, and one of those things I just do naturally to help with anything in life, especially in helping me cope with something such as disappointment, or being kind to myself when I feel like I'm not meeting my own expectations.  I like that it's become a natural reaction, or maybe natural inclination is a better way to put it.

So with any nonphysical thing that I do, I of course just naturally begin with the feeling of love and let it empower my entire session of what'ever it is I'm doing.  It always raises the entire experience.  And I always find that I still get pleasantly surprised at not only the experience itself but at my experience of it.
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Re: Perception/awareness/intuition/nonphysical senses
Reply #11 - Jul 19th, 2019 at 9:57am
Did someone here tried with success to recall a certain piece of information seen in the visions or dreams by intent? Like a replay button.
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Re: Perception/awareness/intuition/nonphysical senses
Reply #12 - Jul 19th, 2019 at 11:28am
Soulmael, that’s such a good point.  I want to do this but don’t have success because once I come out of the state of consciousness I was in when I had it, I can’t get back, such as when waking too quickly from a dream you quickly forget what you were dreaming.   

I did have something similar once.  I wasn’t able to “hit a replay button” and go back into the same experience, but I was able to revisit a retrieval I had tried to do, and I was able to get more information.  I had set intention to do retrievals one day, and I became aware of a little boy who had died around 4 years old.  I heard him call out, “Daddy help me!”  I heard it so clearly because I was in an OBE state.  But it startled me so much that I quickly opened my eyes, and then I couldn’t go back to it.

Bruce taught me that I could go back and get more information!  He said that all I needed to do was intend to check up on the situation with the little boy and that would be enough to bring me back to that area of consciousness.  All I did was lie down, close my eyes, relax, and focus my desire to know more about the little boy.  I don’t know how or why this worked because I cannot normally do this on demand, but I was instantly in the same OBE state.  It was as if I were falling softly and gently under water and sinking, and I was able to see bubbles floating upward around me.  I felt so peaceful and free of pain.  I was now aware that the boy had drowned.  I continued to desire more information about the little boy, and I could see in large print as if reading newsprint, that it was a black boy who had been missing and was now found to have drowned, and it confirmed his age of 4 years.  I wasn’t able to get any more information and nothing that was able to be verified, but I was completely amazed and satisfied with what I did get just because of how real and clear my visuals were.  I knew I wasn’t dreaming because I remained consciously awake and aware during all of these experiences. 

I think the reason I’m not always able to have such luck and ease is due to expectation.  I always have great “beginner’s luck” because there’s no expectation when doing something the first time.  It’s in trying to replicate an experience where it becomes more difficult. 

I think that "beginner's luck" has to do with a state of being where you have a desire and curiosity and an open-mind about it.  I think that kind of frame of mind is crucial for success.
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Re: Perception/awareness/intuition/nonphysical senses
Reply #13 - Jul 19th, 2019 at 1:05pm
Nice Vicky. Seen similiar kid in a very cold area, lost, searching for his dad. Lost there consciousness too soon. This happened in a dream and i suspect the training during day can then cause these nightly not intended retrievals. Could also be that this retrieval has been finished but the dream memory was only partial.

Perhaps let go of expectations and just aproach the retrievals with a playfull attitude? So the mind stops predicting the future and controling the situation.
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Re: Perception/awareness/intuition/nonphysical senses
Reply #14 - Jul 19th, 2019 at 1:15pm
Soulmael wrote on Jul 19th, 2019 at 1:05pm:
Nice Vicky. Seen similiar kid in a very cold area, lost, searching for his dad. Lost there consciousness too soon. This happened in a dream and i suspect the training during day can then cause these nightly not intended retrievals. Could also be that this retrieval has been finished but the dream memory was only partial.

Perhaps let go of expectations and just aproach the retrievals with a playfull attitude? So the mind stops predicting the future and controling the situation.

Yep I agree that's the right attitude to have.  Because you reminded me of that experience, I was just now doing retrieval practice.  I didn't get anything but was sitting in a chair.  In a little while I'll try again but will lie down on the bed so my body can be more relaxed.  But it felt good to be practicing again, and I now want to do this as a regular practice so that I can reacquaint myself to it, and I think that a retrieval will come naturally in time.  So I'm just going to focus on the intention but not hold any expectation and just trust it will happen at some point. 

I also agree with you that training during the day makes retrievals happen more easily and naturally during the night, especially since we're more relaxed during sleep. 
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