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Partnered Exploration to visit with Bruce Moen (Read 19593 times)
YaBB Administrator

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Partnered Exploration to visit with Bruce Moen
Jul 2nd, 2018 at 5:09pm
This Partnered Exploration is open for anyone to join and the purpose of this PE is to visit with Bruce and share your experience here.  Hopefully we’ll have some interesting results!

I’ll make it pretty simple:  Let’s set a 2-week period starting now where anyone can participate at any time visiting with Bruce and then share their experience here at any time.  Whatever you experience in your attempt(s) is welcome to be shared here.  There doesn’t need to be any set day or time, or consensus questions to ask, or any specific place to meet nonphysically.  I think that having it generalized in this way makes it advantageous for anyone to join in and participate.  But if anyone would like to partner up on a specific day and time or to meet nonphysically together, go ahead and post it for someone to join you. 

Individually you may have your own goals for participating, such as wanting to ask Bruce a burning question you’ve always wanted to ask him, or asking him questions about his physical lifetime that you have no prior knowledge of in the hopes of getting it verified, or just seeing what you gain from this experience and see if it gets validated in someone else’s experience.  You may want to see what he is doing in the afterlife or ask other questions, or simply just use Bruce as a target for practicing techniques. 

Everything is a learning experience and the more you practice, the more you learn.  There is no true failure, since every experience is an opportunity for you to learn to trust your perception and to learn how you translate into your awareness the thoughts, feelings, symbols, and images you perceive. 

You may experience other people from the forum in your PE, or you may have an experience that doesn’t seem to fit the goal here.  Bruce wrote in the Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook: “Describe what you actually perceived as opposed to your interpretation of what you perceived, and, always include all the details, especially the ones that don’t seem to fit. Details that don’t seem to fit often have the strongest validation potential.”

I think that having a 2-week period gives people time to plan and prep and have ample time to try to get something.  We all have different schedules and time zones, and it’s not necessary that we each participate at the same time. 

I’ll start doing my sessions tonight and will continue each night.  See you out there!

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Partnered Exploration to visit with Bruce Moen
Reply #1 - Jul 3rd, 2018 at 2:54pm
My first try. Done the breathing, set intent to meet Bruce and ask specific question. Then using focused attention. Quick entry into hypnagogic state, seen and heard some stuff but no memory at the end. Remembering meeting a guide i think who looked like my friends brother but younger than now. He wanted me to follow him downstairs. Seeing a standing woman on right that i know personally, she stares only. Saying something to the guide but dont remember what and then started to run towards him. Scene fades to white, feeling choking sensation, cannot breath. Does not hurt, but either not pleasant. Dont know if the woman is doing this or what or why. Disconnected. Physical pulse and breathing seems normal. Remembering around 30seconds of 30minute session. I was surprised that it worked so fast.

Next time i ask for protection.
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Re: Partnered Exploration to visit with Bruce Moen
Reply #2 - Jul 3rd, 2018 at 11:59pm
For my first attempt I didn't get very far but at least I tried despite having a pinched nerve in my neck to deal with.  I fell asleep too fast.  But I used the imagination method and was imagining traveling by car to go visit Bruce.  Suddenly it morphed into me being on a boat in the ocean and Bruce was sitting next to me.  I asked where we were going and he said to an island.  All I remember before falling asleep is that we were the only passengers besides whomever was driving the boat.  It was a small passenger speedboat, like a tour boat.  I guess I fell asleep at that point.

I need to work on staying consciously awake.  I may need to try this at another time other than bedtime.
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Re: Partnered Exploration to visit with Bruce Moen
Reply #3 - Jul 4th, 2018 at 1:26am
Vicky wrote on Jul 3rd, 2018 at 11:59pm:
I used the imagination method and was imagining traveling by car to go visit Bruce.  Suddenly it morphed into me being on a boat in the ocean and Bruce was sitting next to me.

That's really remarkable, Vicky! Do you remember the ocean being any specific colour, by any chance?

Last night I was unable to make any attempt because of the extraordinary heat wave we are experiencing over here at the moment.

However, I did make an attempt the previous night, and the impressions I got had to do with being immersed in non-physical sea water. The problem was I kept being distracted by the fan which I had to switch on in order to get a break from the heat. It was on my left, and I kept feeling pulled towards physical reality, unable to break free... I now realise this was due to the fan. So I will try again when it is not so hot.

Incidentally, as I was getting home with my husband at midday (Italian time) yesterday, I checked our iPad and found one of those random messages Facebook sends out with a new friend suggestion.

I wouldn't normally mention this, as I do not use Facebook that much. However, I thought this was an interesting synchronicity and thought I'd report it.

I will try again when I wake up at dawn tomorrow.
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« Last Edit: Jul 5th, 2018 at 12:06am by Giulia »  
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Re: Partnered Exploration to visit with Bruce Moen
Reply #4 - Jul 4th, 2018 at 11:39am
I came here this morning after waking up and read the above posts. I was somewhat worried I might be influenced by what was already said but thought, I am going to try anyway. I looked up a deep theta binaural beat youtube video. After googling binaural beat on youtube I picked the video at the top of the page, not thinking about it too much. The picture aside it was a mandala. When I clicked on the video to open it the main visual being used in the video was an image of blue water from beneath, with light above it. It was like being suspended under the water in a lake or ocean.

I had just woken up and did nothing before this exercise except make myself comfortable, no coffee, nothing.

I figured this would be a practice run. Very quickly it seemed I found myself moving around and felt that I saw Bruce there. I very soon was smiling and laughing to myself because he was riding on a dolphin in a pair of boxer shorts. Is that even possible? He was just having fun and it seemed like he was teasing me. It really made me smile.

I moved deeper into the meditation and was asking questions. It seemed like he was telling me that he understood the structure of the waves and the water and other things. I was receiving visual images of complex textures. This was kind of dark, too, with a sense of movement, as if I could just see into matter in some way.

I asked him how he saw things now. I was taken deep into a starry sky, deeper and deeper. His physical presence ended after the dolphin ride part of this experience. After that I was just speaking to him in my mind.

I fell asleep at some point and don't remember anything else.

Of course I will try again later, maybe in a few days. That was fun.

edit: Also, as I write this down a few other memories surfaced. This was a meditation with headphones, lying down. Often visual images return to memory after a few others do and not all at once. I do remember some physical structures being introduced, but it was all hazy. There were definitely some other events which took place that I don't remember now. It might have been good to ask for more clarity.
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Re: Partnered Exploration to visit with Bruce Moen
Reply #5 - Jul 4th, 2018 at 4:30pm
Hi Giulia,

The ocean color wasn't outstanding in any way.  I mostly noticed the waves and feeling the motion of the boat ride. 

I'm going to try again when I can be more focused.
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Partnered Exploration to visit with Bruce Moen
Reply #6 - Jul 4th, 2018 at 4:39pm
Hi Seagull,

I love the image of Bruce riding a dolphin in his boxers!  That sounds like something he would do for fun to get your attention and make you laugh. 

It doesn't matter what technique is used to relax the body and engage the nonphysical senses, the important thing is intention and awareness and participation.  Remember, the "scene" is just a framework in which we can operate.  It's a structure to give us something to work with.  I think of it the same way I suspect our guides try to get our attention and work with us.  They have to "put up with" whatever we're doing and wherever we're focused in our physical daily life or during our dreams. 

I have the same thing you described...usually the imagery drops away and I just feel Bruce and I communicating with no visual awareness at all.  I have this with others I connect with, not just him.  Sometimes this feels more real to me because all I care about is the quick flow of communication going back and forth.  Sometimes it can be so "fast" it's more of just feeling-awareness than anything else. 

I too will work on asking for clarity as well as higher awareness.  I'll need to do more deeper meditation too because I much rather prefer that to just the imagination method which to me is more of a surface level awareness.  I'd rather be more deeply engaged in nonphysical awareness.
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Re: Partnered Exploration to visit with Bruce Moen
Reply #7 - Jul 4th, 2018 at 4:52pm
Hi Soulmael,

I like being in and working in the hypnagogic state but unfortunately I usually slip too quickly through it into regular sleep without remembering it. 

My advice is to remember your intention and to utilize anything that comes into your awareness, especially visually.  For instance you could have asked the guide or the woman something like, "Are you here to help me find Bruce Moen?" (or whatever your intention was). 

When you act as if whatever has come into your awareness MUST be in relation to your intention, it does several things:   (1) It keeps your conscious mind focused on your intention.
(2) It engages your nonphysical senses in playing along/pretending which in turn keeps redirecting your attention to focus on your intention instead of getting caught up in the scene before you. 
(3) It reinforces your intention.  Whether you are interacting with guides or anyone else nonphysically, when you act as if "Oh you must be here because of my request for such-and-such" it kind of "forces their hand" at responding to you instead of you responding to some other interpretation.  Even if the imagery is just dream stuff, you continuing to play along but only focused on your intention also reinforces your own nonphysical awareness to continue to be focused on your intention. 

It's the very same concept as what happens when you go shopping for something specific for instance.  Let's say you go to the store for one specific thing, but as you're walking through the store you see something that catches your attention.  For a moment you stop and look at it, touch it, think about whether you need it, etc.  You're distracted from your intention.  At some point you need to tell yourself, "I'm really here for such-and-such" and then you go back to walking toward it.  You might continue getting distracted along the way but as long as you continue refocusing on your intention it's ok, eventually you'll get there. 

It's very easy for our Interpreter to run away with us or for us to get derailed by Interpreter Overlay.  I imagine this is just as easy to happen in the hypnagogic state as any other state. 
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Re: Partnered Exploration to visit with Bruce Moen
Reply #8 - Jul 5th, 2018 at 3:20pm
to Vicky : Well yes, i think i was just a passive watcher that time.

Also good example with the shopping. Thanks.
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Re: Partnered Exploration to visit with Bruce Moen
Reply #9 - Jul 6th, 2018 at 5:06am
Giulia wrote on Jul 4th, 2018 at 1:26am:
Incidentally, as I was getting home with my husband at midday (Italian time) yesterday, I checked our iPad and found one of those random messages Facebook sends out with a new friend suggestion.

I wouldn't normally mention this, as I do not use Facebook that much. However, I thought this was an interesting synchronicity and thought I'd report it.

Here is a link to the Facebook notification I mentioned the other day:

Vicky wrote on Jul 4th, 2018 at 4:52pm:
It's the very same concept as what happens when you go shopping for something specific for instance.  Let's say you go to the store for one specific thing, but as you're walking through the store you see something that catches your attention.  For a moment you stop and look at it, touch it, think about whether you need it, etc.  You're distracted from your intention.  At some point you need to tell yourself, "I'm really here for such-and-such" and then you go back to walking toward it.  You might continue getting distracted along the way but as long as you continue refocusing on your intention it's ok, eventually you'll get there.

I agree this is a great metaphor.  Smiley
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Claudio Pisani
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Re: Partnered Exploration to visit with Bruce Moen
Reply #10 - Jul 11th, 2018 at 2:02am
I've tried to contact Bruce and I saw him again close to a lake, he was smiling and I knew he was goin' to fish salmons. The lake was big and high snowy mountains were barely visible in the distance. Bruce was there to rest and enjoy his new life, not yet eager to explore the new world, because he said that his earthly explorations match very well with the informations he's collecting from other Spirits. It's time to relax, the last message I've gotten. Did he love to go fishing? Wink
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Love,Light & Serenity!&&Claudio
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Re: Partnered Exploration to visit with Bruce Moen
Reply #11 - Jul 11th, 2018 at 12:29pm
Hi, everyone  Smiley Water seems to be a recurring element in these accounts, doesn't it?

Ever since this thread was started, I have made an attempt at least every other day, and have found myself swimming in the sea as I used to when my dad took me with him for a swim in Amalfi when I was tiny and could hardly walk.

The feeling was the same as I experienced in those days: complete safety, joy and this liquid energy everywhere.

So I thought I would recall the account of a visit with Bruce on my early morning of Sunday, 21 January 2018. I was in the middle of writing an e-mail to Vicky when I decided to listen to one of my guided meditation tracks: during the guided meditation, I was invited to open a door, a door that would lead me into whatever reality/dimension I needed to visit at the time. So I stepped through the door and instantly found myself in the familiar living room of my Italian grandmother's house. I used Bruce's imagination technique and was surrounded by many departed relatives and also asked to see him. He seemed to deliberately behave as if he were a dream character, so I played along with that and asked for some kind of evidence that this was not the case. At that point, he showed me how easy it was to fly out of the window and instantly reach the sea (the sea was glorious, it was a deep colour of green, and I realised it had regenerating properties and one could fill a tank with that spirit essence and take it). [Here is why I asked about the colour of the ocean you experienced in your trip on the boat, Vicky].

On that occasion, Bruce reminded me of a major dream contact I had had with a friend who died back in 2002, who told me that being able to astral travel as I did was like being able to swim under the sea without a respirator and visit other dimensions. I had completely forgotten about that experience, so I was surprised he should mention it.

As Vicky was on my mind at that time, he told me how proud he is of her and mentioned how important it is to feel proud of oneself and about each and every life experience. He showed me a tree and how each branch with its leaves is so very important. It was only a little while later that I was reminded of Vicky's otherworldly experience with Bruce and the tree-house, and felt this might mean that Bruce and Vicky and their work together is an ongoing reality.

Vicky wrote on Jul 3rd, 2018 at 11:59pm:
For my first attempt I didn't get very far but at least I tried despite having a pinched nerve in my neck to deal with.  I fell asleep too fast.  But I used the imagination method and was imagining traveling by car to go visit Bruce. Suddenly it morphed into me being on a boat in the ocean and Bruce was sitting next to me.  I asked where we were going and he said to an island.  All I remember before falling asleep is that we were the only passengers besides whomever was driving the boat.  It was a small passenger speedboat, like a tour boat.  I guess I fell asleep at that point.

Vicky, this experience reminded me of the fact that I have always been fascinated by the story of the Titanic disaster in 1912 and have read many accounts by people who survived the sinking. It was only recently that I discovered that a very famous Afterlife researcher, W.T. Stead, who died as a result of that event, later communicated from the Afterlife thanks to the assistance of a medium and of his daughter Estelle. He talks about the rescue of all the victims of the Titanic, their transition and what happened to them next. The location he describes is an island, and the book collecting the accounts is called The Blue Island. I thought this was an interesting synchronicity to mention, since Bruce's work (as far as I can remember) has been especially focused on retrievals.  Smiley

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Re: Partnered Exploration to visit with Bruce Moen
Reply #12 - Jul 16th, 2018 at 1:26am
I avoided reading updates here until now because I wanted to continue trying to find other participates and/or join where you went nonphysically.  I haven’t had any luck yet but I will give it another go tonight.  Does anyone else want to keep trying?  We don't need to put a cap on trying, might as well leave it open for more.  I wondered if anyone wanted to try focusing on specifically meeting each other together with Bruce??  I find it helpful to focus on an agreed upon idea or place.  Let me know if you're interested in that.

I’m not sure if Bruce ever talked to me about going fishing but if I had to guess I bet it’s something he liked doing.  I know he liked the lake and the mountains.  And every time I try to tune into his vibe I feel the sense that he’s still very much laid back and not rushing into anything. 

I loved the experience you shared from January!  I often remember and think about my treehouse experience with Bruce.  That was such a special OBE.  I love that you felt Bruce was telling you how proud he is of me.  That really makes me feel good. 

I really do believe that what that treehouse OBE meant was that Bruce and I are always working together spiritually.  Here, physically, it was reflective in how we both had many similarities in our interests and experiences, how we came to meet and be friends, and share many things in this life.  The treehouse OBE was an experience where Bruce and me lived in a treehouse where we worked together teaching as many people as we could about love.  It’s my belief that he and I have always been working together spiritually, and the treehouse OBE was just a symbolic representation of that. 

I don’t know if it’s an actual nonphysical reality.  I guess it doesn’t matter.  The energy of it is what really matters.  How we interpret the energy and what we translate that energy into is secondary. 

My best analogy for this concept is how love often translates into a kiss.  It’s an automatic reaction to want to kiss to express love.  The feeling of love is the essence.  It’s what’s truly important, right?  But we often interpret, translate, and reflect it into something else, most often a kiss.  The very first thing I did when my daughter was born was to kiss her.  The feeling of love overwhelmed me and I automatically leaned over and kissed her without thinking about it.  It was automatic.  That’s what I mean by how we translate, interpret, and reflect.

Bruce and I had talked about the meaning of my treehouse OBE many times.  And he believed that it was an interpretation and translation reflecting the fact that he and I work together spiritually.  He basically was saying that it’s not really important for me to wonder too much about whether the treehouse was real or if that was an actual reality where he and I spiritually lived.  The point was that it symbolized the essence of a feeling, and the feeling is what’s real.  Bruce believed that that’s what life was all about, to feel and to experience. 

PS --The reason why I use the kiss analogy and why I find it so perfect is because I remember that right after kissing my daughter, my husband told me that that was gross!  He said, “Ooh, she’s covered with blood and slimy stuff!”  I had to laugh at that.  It’s true, she was.  And after he pointed it out, it was kind of gross to think about it.  But still, it proves my point.  I automatically kissed her because I loved her so much. 

Giulia, what an interesting synchronicity about the Titanic book.  I’ve never heard of that book but I have now put it on my list!!
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Partnered Exploration to visit with Bruce Moen
Reply #13 - Jul 16th, 2018 at 8:58am
So lets say we would set our intent as "meeting on Vicki's tree house" and then inviting Bruce to join us? Time of trying would not matter right?
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Re: Partnered Exploration to visit with Bruce Moen
Reply #14 - Jul 16th, 2018 at 11:12am
I have questions about this contact with Bruce.

What did Bruce do? He created the afterlife area of study and so on. Bruce also worked closely (?) with TMI (The Monroe Institute).

With this form of background has Bruce moved on to an area where what we are seeing may only be residue of Bruce?

What I mean by residue is that are we creating Bruce from our withins therefore residue?

Why I ask this is because if Bruce is now done with his life here on earth and moved on then what is truly left for us to actually view unconsciously from Bruce? Therefore are we just imagining him?

Why I ask this question is because once moved on in the afterlife then is our chore finished with the earthly journey? Which means new learning on the other side is now being tasked.

Not all are tasked with retrievals on the other side. Many are tasked with other chores so our visit may not be truly occurring only imagined?

I think this idea may have to be explored with other Guides to find out the truth to our attempts to contact Bruce.

Or: If Bruce has moved on then are we actually seeing what we need to see? Or if Bruce's journey is complete here in the physical then is he done with the physical and no contact will actually occur?

I remember someone saying:
"We did a seance and called and called for this Great Being (from the other side). On and on we went because wanted to hear from this Great Being. Then the Great being appeared very angry.

The Great Being snapped at the seance participants and said why? why? did you call me back? I was evolved to a higher level and now you have ruined everything. I have now slipped down from the magnificence because of you, the participants, bringing me back."

That meant don't mess with things we don't know about.

Has Bruce moved on? which means contact may not be possible? Contact Guides on this subject and find out the truth before the apple cart is upset.

We need to respect Bruce even when he has passed on. Is his Journey actually complete with the physical and contact may not be possible? As I mentioned contact Guides to find out the truth on this.

Residue or?

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