Hi, everyone

Water seems to be a recurring element in these accounts, doesn't it?
Ever since this thread was started, I have made an attempt at least every other day, and have found myself swimming in the sea as I used to when my dad took me with him for a swim in Amalfi when I was tiny and could hardly walk.
The feeling was the same as I experienced in those days: complete safety, joy and this liquid energy everywhere.
So I thought I would recall the account of a visit with Bruce on my early morning of Sunday, 21 January 2018. I was in the middle of writing an e-mail to Vicky when I decided to listen to one of my guided meditation tracks: during the guided meditation, I was invited to open a door, a door that would lead me into whatever reality/dimension I needed to visit at the time. So I stepped through the door and instantly found myself in the familiar living room of my Italian grandmother's house. I used Bruce's imagination technique and was surrounded by many departed relatives and also asked to see him. He seemed to deliberately behave as if he were a dream character, so I played along with that and asked for some kind of evidence that this was not the case. At that point, he showed me how easy it was to fly out of the window and instantly reach the sea (the sea was glorious, it was a deep colour of green, and I realised it had regenerating properties and one could fill a tank with that spirit essence and take it). [Here is why I asked about the colour of the ocean you experienced in your trip on the boat, Vicky].
On that occasion, Bruce reminded me of a major dream contact I had had with a friend who died back in 2002, who told me that being able to astral travel as I did was like being able to swim under the sea without a respirator and visit other dimensions. I had completely forgotten about that experience, so I was surprised he should mention it.
As Vicky was on my mind at that time, he told me how proud he is of her and mentioned how important it is to feel proud of oneself and about each and every life experience. He showed me a tree and how each branch with its leaves is so very important. It was only a little while later that I was reminded of Vicky's otherworldly experience with Bruce and the tree-house, and felt this might mean that Bruce and Vicky and their work together is an ongoing reality.
Vicky wrote on Jul 3rd, 2018 at 11:59pm:For my first attempt I didn't get very far but at least I tried despite having a pinched nerve in my neck to deal with. I fell asleep too fast. But I used the imagination method and was imagining traveling by car to go visit Bruce. Suddenly it morphed into me being on a boat in the ocean and Bruce was sitting next to me. I asked where we were going and he said to an island. All I remember before falling asleep is that we were the only passengers besides whomever was driving the boat. It was a small passenger speedboat, like a tour boat. I guess I fell asleep at that point.
Vicky, this experience reminded me of the fact that I have always been fascinated by the story of the Titanic disaster in 1912 and have read many accounts by people who survived the sinking. It was only recently that I discovered that a very famous Afterlife researcher, W.T. Stead, who died as a result of that event, later communicated from the Afterlife thanks to the assistance of a medium and of his daughter Estelle. He talks about the rescue of all the victims of the Titanic, their transition and what happened to them next. The location he describes is
an island, and the book collecting the accounts is called
The Blue Island. I thought this was an interesting synchronicity to mention, since Bruce's work (as far as I can remember) has been especially focused on retrievals.