Informing the field:
As I consider the discussion forum for religious topics, I consider how a religion is a shared belief system. And briefly considered posting in that forum, and then decided to post here as I feel it is pertinent to afterlife knowledge.
So that I may preface this properly, I find
we are field beings being a field.Which brings me to wonder: could a belief system be self-aware?
I wonder this because I observe belief systems exhibit characteristics of self-preservation. Radical?
Begin with imagining a belief system that hinges on the existence of The Invisible Pink Unicorn (there really IS an Invisible Pink Unicorn - IPU -belief system Ha ha, only serious. Staying here with the IPU instead of any belief system that holds greater personal emotional attachment.
True believers inside the IPU belief system hold a vested interest in the Highest Truth(s) of the IPU. What then, is the "belief glue" that holds the belief system in place? Or, more precisely, where does it originate?
In the understanding we are field beings being a field, then the field of IPU is us as we are the field of the IPU.
All of which brings some fairly serious questions to the table.
As regards Afterlife Knowledge, these questions are pertinent when encountering iterations of belief system territories in the course of our work.