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Channeling: The Problem of Verification Claims (Read 41318 times)
I Am Dude
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Re: Channeling: The Problem of Verification Claims
Reply #15 - Jun 2nd, 2017 at 9:44pm
Great post Don, and in no way inappropriate. Even before my conversion I had understood the potential deception involved with channels and spirit contacts. I had my share of personal contacts with deceased relatives in the out of body state. At the time I was convinced they were genuine, but upon later reflection, I realized that I only believed this because I wanted to. Sure, the experiences seemed real, and perhaps my relative seemed genuine, but for all I really knew, it could have been nothing more than a realistic lucid dream. So I took the honest approach of holding these experiences as being possibly genuine, while acknowledging the fact that perhaps they were not.

Vicky, please don't get yourself involved in making personal attacks. It's not fitting of a moderator. Don makes legit points, a statement which several members have already supported, so instead of questioning his purpose at the forum, please, take the intellectually honest approach and debunk what Don has said. The vast minority of Don's posts are about spirit channels. I know this because I've read every one. You've previously admitted that you tend not to read his posts.

Bruce's counterarguments are not convincing. For example:

But mere ESP or clairvoyance seems a more plausible explanation of the best of channeling in view of the evidence cited in my replies to (1)-(4):

You start with one of your typical, straw-man arguments.  Don, "mere ESP or clairvoyance" CAN be used to explain the method by which a person might perceive verifiable, previously unknown information from a deceased person, but this fact cannot explain the origin such verifiable information.  Don, you have used a misleading straw-man argument to pretend that calling it "mere ESP or clairvoyance" eliminates the possibility that the contact and information are real.   One thing as nothing to do with the other.  Don, they don't.

Clearly, channeling is a form of ESP. The point is that channeling may simply be ESP with no relation to contacting the deceased, an idea which Don provided evidence for and has yet to be debunked. Don's statement has nothing to do with the validity of the information itself, only its source.

(1) What if sitters request contact with fake deceased relatives and the mediums still oblige with a very impressive channeling?

A little research on thought forms might be useful for you, Don.  And again, you resort to a straw-man argument.  An "impressive channeling" that does not include veritably, real information is not at all what I am talking about.

How is this a straw man? It has been proven to happen. It's reality, not a faulty argument.

But what if a drop-in communicator could provide amazing verifications even involving precognition of the future, and yet, be later proven a fraud?

Another straw-man bites the dust.  If the information was later prove to be fraudulent, it was not verified, was it.

The grammar of Don's sentence indicates that it's the "drop-in communicator" that is proven a fraud, not the information. That's the whole point- real information from a deceptive source.

The issue I see with the basic premise is that it relies on subjective experience. The thing about deception is those who are deceived are not aware of it. The possibility of pulling the information from some kind of akashic database or a spirit impersonator cannot be disproved through the four point system.

That's not to say real contact isn't being made. It's simply acknowledging all of the possibilities. The fact that spirit contact has been proven to be deceptive in some cases demands that all contact be carefully considered before assuming it's genuine.

This is not fear mongering. It's simply wise advice.

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YaBB Administrator

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Re: Channeling: The Problem of Verification Claims
Reply #16 - Jun 2nd, 2017 at 10:03pm
I Am Dude,

I have a right to my own opinion which I've expressed.  It's not an attack and should not be seen as one.  I question why Don continues to undermine what "simple-minded and naive" people like me believe whole-heartedly in.

It's as if nothing that I've experience matters because I don't measure up in Don's eyes to his criteria.  And I believe in the basis of having one's own direct experience with which to base your belief. 

I don't understand the purpose of debunking.  I guess that's my whole gist.  Why debunk other people's beliefs and claims?  Seriously, why??

Instead, have your own claims to make!  That, in a nutshell, is the purpose of Bruce's work and teachings. 

So I asked Don my honest questions and gave my honest views of how he comes across to me.  It's not an attack.  I could just as well call what Don does as an "attack".  But there's no point in arguing semantics because that's just petty and beside the point.

The "just ESP" argument doesn't hold water for me.  If ESP is used as a means of communication, how does that equate to not being actual contact with the deceased?  See, again we are boiling it down to semantics.  I know an awful lot about using ESP and various other forms of psychic senses of perception, what we call nonphysical senses of perception.  And I know this from my OWN personal experience.  I don't have to fall back on quoting other authors to back up what I know and believe. 

I don't have to debunk the use of psychic ability because I know first-hand how it works, why it works, and that it's real and validated. 

Let me provide a very simple analogy that is not to be taken as an "attack".  It's just going to be used for simplification purposes.  Let's say that I ask you, "Why don't you debunk the Bible and Jesus?  Why don't you try to prove them?"  My point is, you can't debunk or prove them right?  We can only rely on what's been written in the past about the Bible and Jesus, what people teach and preach about it, and what your own faith and religion, beliefs, and personal experiences tell you, right? 

I don't base my experience on what other people have written or what they tell me.  I base it on my own direct experience.

Like I said, Don's first reply to my question was to say that it was "simple-minded and naive" to trust one's own direct experience and to only go by that.  Meaning, he says that's not good enough and that his criteria must be followed in order to find the truth.  Well, that's Don's opinion. 

I don't call him simple-minded and naive...which I find to be more of an "attack" than what I have said to him. 

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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I Am Dude
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Re: Channeling: The Problem of Verification Claims
Reply #17 - Jun 2nd, 2017 at 10:30pm
Any post that doesn't directly address the points made by Don is a distraction from the topic. I'll respond to the part of your post that isn't a distraction.

The "just ESP" argument doesn't hold water for me.  If ESP is used as a means of communication, how does that equate to not being actual contact with the deceased?  See, again we are boiling it down to semantics.  I know an awful lot about using ESP and various other forms of psychic senses of perception, what we call nonphysical senses of perception.  And I know this from my OWN personal experience.  I don't have to fall back on quoting other authors to back up what I know and believe.

Perhaps look at it this way. If ESP is a legit possibility for accessing information, and ESP does not depend on contacting spirits, then the possibility exists that what we believe to be channeled messages are actually being accessed through an ESP which is not from spirits.

Also, if deceptive spirits exist, which I'm sure we all agree is true, and ESP is real, then surely these spirits would have even greater access to information than a physical-body spirit channel would, as they are likely more "in tune" with the nonphysical source of the information accessed via ESP, so the possibility exists that a deceptive spirit could access information about any given person and put on a convincing show based on that.

Of course, these are just possibilities, but as there is evidence that such things have occurred in the past, they are possibilities worth considering.

Don hasn't told anyone what to do. You say you are just expressing your opinion, but my point was that your opinion is against the poster and not the content of the post, which has been a big problem on this forum lately. Don is expressing his opinion as well, only he speaks of relevant subjects, theories and supporting evidence that demands consideration. If you believe he is saying that a certain type of experience is not legit, all it takes to settle the issue is to refute his argument with a more logical one. This is what I meant by "debunking." If it can't be done, then perhaps he is on to something.
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Recoverer 2
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Re: Channeling: The Problem of Verification Claims
Reply #18 - Jun 2nd, 2017 at 10:56pm
It is worthwhile to ask why is Dude still on this site. As his below post shows, he believes all new age thought is Satanic.

If he doesn't appreciate Bruce and his work, why does he hang out at this site? He should go to A Born Again Christian  forum where it is considered fashionable to make blanket statements of new age thought.

I doubt that Bruce set up this site so Fundamentalist Christians that like to demonize everything that is contrary to their Biblical beliefs, could try to convert others to their way of thinking.
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Lights of Love
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Re: Channeling: The Problem of Verification Claims
Reply #19 - Jun 2nd, 2017 at 11:29pm
Recoverer 2 wrote on Jun 2nd, 2017 at 10:56pm:
It is worthwhile to ask why is Dude still on this site. As his below post shows, he believes all new age thought is Satanic.

If he doesn't appreciate Bruce and his work, why does he hang out at this site? He should go to A Born Again Christian  forum where it is considered fashionable to make blanket statements of new age thought.

I doubt that Bruce set up this site so Fundamentalist Christians that like to demonize everything that is contrary to their Biblical beliefs, could try to convert others to their way of thinking.

Actually Albert the thread you mention was posted in the "Off Topics" section and everyone including both you and Justin made replies that were respectful even though the subject is controversial.

Since then you have used what Vince's thread says to disrespect him by making personal accusations as you've done yet again here.
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Re: Channeling: The Problem of Verification Claims
Reply #20 - Jun 2nd, 2017 at 11:32pm
I Am Dude wrote on Jun 2nd, 2017 at 10:30pm:
Perhaps look at it this way. If ESP is a legit possibility for accessing information, and ESP does not depend on contacting spirits, then the possibility exists that what we believe to be channeled messages are actually being accessed through an ESP which is not from spirits.

But if information is accessed via ESP, why does that assume to mean it's not from a spirit? 

Again it just seems like semantics.  What kind of route of accessing information from a spirit would be real to you since you don't like calling it ESP?  Is it the idea of ESP that seems "less than" to you? 

I personally don't use the term ESP.  I use terms like nonphysical perception and psychic ability, but these are just umbrella terms for many types of ways of perceiving. 

Do you see these terms differently or do they mean the same to you as ESP?

On the side topic you bring up of the possibility of deceptive spirits, just because some information can be false, it doesn't negate that other information is real.  I think the real disagreement we're in is the "half glass empty" notion.  I see the half glass full, the positive.

The positive for me is that as a person who is psychic, it's true that I don't get everything right, but what I do get right is outstanding.  It's also true that I am not able to be psychically aware of everything.  But what I am aware of is outstanding.  It's outstanding to have any form of psychic ability.  It's truly remarkable. 

So yes, I guess I see your "half glass empty" point Dude.  Some people are frauds, some get things wrong, some get deceived, etc. 

But I'm still very happy on my side of the fence, where I know what I know through my own direct experience.  I've had such amazing experiences, including contact with the dead, with validation and verification and proof beyond doubt. 

I wish you well in your search for whatever it is that your beliefs are leading you to.  You may not find what I've found and that's ok.  I don't judge what that may be.  I say to each his own. 

I honestly just wanted to know why Don was so adamant about pressing this continued debate of his.  Although, I see now that you and Don don't want to "debate" it.  You just want to talk about it a lot.  Seems boring to me.  I say that not as an "attack", seriously I don't mean that. 

What I mean is that I have been psychic since I was very young but my parents didn't understand it.  Of course as a small child you don't have the proper words or know-how to explain this kind of stuff.  But even as I grew up I was surrounding by people who couldn't understand my interests and they were not willing to believe it...mostly due to religious beliefs, such as a Christian co-worker telling me to "be careful of the devil's work.  She thought psychic ability was the devil's work.  I don't understand that, but like I said, to each his own.

So as a adult I've stuck with my desire and beliefs, and have studied and practiced and developed my psychic abilities.  No, I'm by no means a great psychic.  I don't call myself "a psychic".  But my point is I've learned more than I could have imagined. 

And you're right...this isn't my thread so this isn't about me.  I am done chiming in my take on things.  I just wanted to add my 2 cents in since other people who don't post will be reading this conversation and they may find my take on it interesting.
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Channeling: The Problem of Verification Claims
Reply #21 - Jun 2nd, 2017 at 11:34pm
I believe that Vicky made some very good points.

She and Bruce are good friends, and there is nothing wrong for her to speak up for her friend, even if somebody would define it as shameful. Perhaps some people might consider having appreciation for Bruce (since he made this forum available), rather than coddle a person that seems to have little appreciation for Bruce and doesn't consider Bruce's reason for creating this forum.

Vicky wrote on Jun 2nd, 2017 at 9:03pm:
TheDonald wrote on Jun 2nd, 2017 at 12:38am:
Vicky: "A serious question from me...What's your continued interest in discussing this topic?  What are you looking for by doing this?  And why on Bruce's site?"

I must say I'm surprised that you could even ask this question.  For 3 reasons:
(1) Bruce begins the AK forum with a thread entitled "Looking for a Good, Certified Medium?"  In that thread, he alludes to the difficulties in assessing mediums' claims of contact with the dead. 
(2) Presumably a forum entitled "Afterlife Knowledge" invites a discussion of reliable and unreliable methods of gaining such knowledge.
(3) My further responses to my thread, "Honest Spiritual Quests Vs. Self-Deception," will explain why conflicting types of evidence from astral exploration, perception, and memory challenge the claim that reliable information of the afterlife can be gained by direct experience.

You completely deleted your first response to my question.  Your first response said that you called it simple-minded and naive to trust one's own direct experience.  Too bad I didn't copy that response now that I see you've deleted it.

Why are you surprised I ask this question? 

1).  You use the same topic over and over on this site...and it seems your goal is to constantly and consistently try to change the minds of anyone who doesn't believe as you do.  It's obvious that you're not interested in Bruce Moen's're merely using his work and his site as a means of propagating your own writings. 

2.)  You do not bring it up to discuss and hear other people's views.  You do not write in a sharing and conversational way.  Instead, you write speeches and then come post them here. 

3.)  You do not bring it up because you are in search of how to have your own direct experience.  You are on a mission to have people listen to you, not one of learning yourself.  You use the guise of acting as if you're doing people a service by telling them how they must properly discern the truth and telling them how it must be done.

4.). You are here to be an write and be read, that's it. 

These are what I see of you Don.  So that's why I ask why you do this, what you get out of it, and why you are here on this site.  Even Bruce is tired of it.  What does that tell you Don?  Do you still want to continue what you're doing here?

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I Am Dude
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Re: Channeling: The Problem of Verification Claims
Reply #22 - Jun 2nd, 2017 at 11:48pm
Vicky wrote on Jun 2nd, 2017 at 11:32pm:
I Am Dude wrote on Jun 2nd, 2017 at 10:30pm:
Perhaps look at it this way. If ESP is a legit possibility for accessing information, and ESP does not depend on contacting spirits, then the possibility exists that what we believe to be channeled messages are actually being accessed through an ESP which is not from spirits.

But if information is accessed via ESP, why does that assume to mean it's not from a spirit? 

Again it just seems like semantics.  What kind of route of accessing information from a spirit would be real to you since you don't like calling it ESP?  Is it the idea of ESP that seems "less than" to you? 

I personally don't use the term ESP.  I use terms like nonphysical perception and psychic ability, but these are just umbrella terms for many types of ways of perceiving. 

Do you see these terms differently or do they mean the same to you as ESP?

Let's say there are two main ways to receive information nonphysically. One is to access some type of "akashic record," tuning into a state of consciousness in which information is directly accessed from some kind of nonphysical informational energy field, whatever you want to call it. The other way is to receive the information indirectly by means of communication with a spirit, in which you are relying on the word of another being rather than tapping into the information directly.

So the point is, how do we distinguish the two, and how do we know we are not deceived in the conclusion we come to regarding the source of the information? Don has provided solid evidence to indicate that it is not as simple as some teachers lead people to believe.

While we are talking, Recoverer has again targeted me in his post.
It is worthwhile to ask why is Dude still on this site. As his below post shows, he believes all new age thought is Satanic.

If he doesn't appreciate Bruce and his work, why does he hang out at this site? He should go to A Born Again Christian  forum where it is considered fashionable to make blanket statements of new age thought.

I doubt that Bruce set up this site so Fundamentalist Christians that like to demonize everything that is contrary to their Biblical beliefs, could try to convert others to their way of thinking.

I have been respectful to everyone here and I don't deserve to be singled out, told to leave the forum and have lies told about me. He continues to bring up past posts and make false claims as a way to try to discredit me. I don't know why he is still allowed to make such posts. They are personally offensive and contribute absolutely nothing good to the forum.
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Recoverer 2
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Re: Channeling: The Problem of Verification Claims
Reply #23 - Jun 3rd, 2017 at 12:48am

It seems to me you are complicating things so you don't have to admit what is so.  You recently stated that you believe that all new age teachings are Satanic; therefore, it isn't difficult to surmise that you feel the same about Bruce's meaningful contributions to this world through his books and other means. When Don says something against what Bruce and Robert Monroe wrote, you have a tendency to support him. It is quite transparent why you do so.

So again, why are you at a forum when you don't appreciate what the founder of such forum has to offer?

You won't dumb me down with responses that don't accurately represent what has been taking place in recent times.

If you don't want people to speak as I just did, then don't provide reasons for people to do so.

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Re: Channeling: The Problem of Verification Claims
Reply #24 - Jun 3rd, 2017 at 12:59am

Don't expect other people to not be willing to see what is going on, simply because you aren't willing to see what is going on.

If you believe that Vicky and I are seeing something that isn't there, perhaps this has more to do with your reluctance to see what has taken place, than what is so.

What would you think if Don and Dude went to Tom Campbell's forum and said that Tom is either deluded or misled by lower dimension beings, and then tried to convert people to their form of Christianity? Would this be a good thing?

What if some extreme Islamic people walked into one of Don's churches, referred to its members as the Christian Ghetto, and then tried to convert everybody to their form of Islam. Would this be a good thing to do?

You really don't do Don a favor when you coddle him. Sometimes it is nicer to speak the truth.

Lights of Love wrote on Jun 2nd, 2017 at 11:29pm:
Recoverer 2 wrote on Jun 2nd, 2017 at 10:56pm:
It is worthwhile to ask why is Dude still on this site. As his below post shows, he believes all new age thought is Satanic.

If he doesn't appreciate Bruce and his work, why does he hang out at this site? He should go to A Born Again Christian  forum where it is considered fashionable to make blanket statements of new age thought.

I doubt that Bruce set up this site so Fundamentalist Christians that like to demonize everything that is contrary to their Biblical beliefs, could try to convert others to their way of thinking.

Actually Albert the thread you mention was posted in the "Off Topics" section and everyone including both you and Justin made replies that were respectful even though the subject is controversial.

Since then you have used what Vince's thread says to disrespect him by making personal accusations as you've done yet again here.

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Re: Channeling: The Problem of Verification Claims
Reply #25 - Jun 3rd, 2017 at 1:33am
For the last day and a half, I've lost my internet connection and phone service.  Then tonight I see this!  Truthfully, I returned to the site to renew communication with oldtimer posters like Roger, Kathy, and Matthew, and because I heard about Vince's conversion and was eager to learn more about his new way of thinking.  How ironic that these nasty ad hominems are directed at me just as I'm rereading Bruce's book "Curiosity's Father" and am reflecting on my efforts to practice  some of his techniques!  Lost in this diversion of my thread is the point that I'm creating a companion thread here for my other rather undeveloped thread on "Honest Spiritual Quests Vs. Self-Deception," which I'm currently trying to rethink.  I've delayed my development of that thread because I'm contemplating the best way to make it probing and critical, but not offensive.

My thread on "Spirit Baptism and Speaking in Tongues" is an instructive parallel to my AK posts.  As I explain in that thread, by far the most life-changing and powerful experience of my life was an experience of involuntary speaking in tongues at age 16 so beautifully loving and intense that I thought it might kill me and so mystical that I felt as if my ego was about to vanish into God consciousness.  I have no doubt whatever that if anyone here had that experience, they would deem it by far their most precious experience of divine love ever.  So nothing would make me happier than to see all of you replicate that experience for yourselves.

But there's a problem: Based on lifelong experiece with such phenomenam I'm convinced that about 95% of such experiences are counterfeit.  This revelation creates suspicion of my motives on the part my Pentecostal friends.  I'm very frustrated that the counterfeit experiences prevent me from promoting a pursuit of such an experience for  my friends.  The best I can and will do is outline the method that worked for me.

In my view, there is no one here for whom the issue of spirit retrievals is more important than it is to me.  If I have my way after death, one of my first questions will be how I can get involved in retrieval work.  I even served as an official advisor for a PhD thesis on a related topic.  It is just for that reason that I want to sift through the counterfeit to get to the real.  The ultimate spiritual wellbeing of trapped souls is more important to me than my need to feel comfort in their alleged rescue.  That priority is why ES's superior verifications matter so much to me.  The more valuable a type of spiritual experience is to me, the more important is the courage to doubt it in the hope of guiding others into something marvelously self-authenticating.
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« Last Edit: Jun 3rd, 2017 at 2:54pm by TheDonald »  
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Re: Channeling: The Problem of Verification Claims
Reply #26 - Jun 3rd, 2017 at 2:46am

Since you addressed me I will come back and respond. 

So you use in your example "nonphysical informational energy field" vs communication with a spirit, and you're asking how do we distinguish between the two?  How do we know we are not deceived in the conclusion we come to? 

What if there is no way to get the kinds of answers and proof you’re asking for in the way in which you’re looking for it?   Because if you really are searching for knowing how to distinguish between information from one source vs information from another, the answer is to have experience with one and experience with the other, and then base beliefs and truths on that experience, so that any time you experience one or the other you will know which is which. 

If you can formulate beliefs based on your own experience, and those beliefs alter and expand your consciousness awareness it will change something at the core of your Being, not just the core of your logical, intellectual mind.  That kind of change is real spiritual growth.  That’s the truth that I am talking about…the truth that lives inside me, that is me, that defines my consciousness.  It can’t be taught.  I can’t teach you what you need in order to distinguish between the two and find your truth and your proof.  You have to experience it for yourself.  That’s more important to me than the intellectual proof and truth you’re seeking. 

As for how do you know you're not being deceived?  Well, maybe it comes down to knowing oneself well enough to trust your own judgement.  It's really as simple as that.   The "truth" that I have sought and know is something that exists within my Being.  Therefore I don't need to use something outside of me to prove or debunk it.   

I think what you’re looking for can only be found by you.  It's up to the individual to do their own investigating, and then when that step is reached, experience will be reached.  When that step is reached then new beliefs will be reached.  When that step is reached then you will probably not be asking these same questions. 

It's kind of like when you don't know something so you come up with all these questions that you think are important questions, when they really aren't the questions you'd ask after finding something out.  But you don't find it out until after you go through something step by step until you're able to see everything from another perspective. 
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Re: Channeling: The Problem of Verification Claims
Reply #27 - Jun 3rd, 2017 at 5:36am
I appreciate Don’s writings. And I consider them appropriate for a forum of reasonable people discussing the nature of life, death and the hereafter. 

Don is showing that things may not necessarily be as they appear or as believed, but might be something else, different or as well as. I don't think he saying that every case of communicating with the dead is a false case, but that there may be other things going on too. He is introducing further possibilities and chances, that is all, and he is doing so appropriately, with logic and sound references.

Personally, I find him educational. I like to check his references and read more from whom he quotes.

Don takes a wider view of the subject matter, while at the same time pointing out details and connections between such details. I think Don comes across as genuine, as an educated and intelligent man of goodwill.

Don is not narrowing the field of debate but widening it. He maintains that what others say is possible, but puts forward other possibilities too. He is simply widening the forum’s Overton Window. There should be nothing wrong with that.

But some people cannot tolerate that. Some believe a wider view than their own is a disagreeable thing, even though the wider view includes their own view or an understanding of their own view.

And if they are insecure, then they also see it as a personal attack upon themselves, and then attack back, even though they were not attacked. Some even see it as heresy and believe the one with the wider view does not belong among them. 

I don’t see Don using straw man tactics, not markedly or intentionally anyway. And even if he did, that could be exposed and countered easily by his opposition clarifying their own position.

I don’t agree with Bruce that Don is being belittling and self-aggrandizing. Don is well educated and uses his intellect well. Others should not feel put down by that. And Don works hard for others, he is a man of service, who puts his spirituality to practical work in his community. That is just who he is. He is not self-aggrandizing, not about his life nor in his writings. I don’t think so anyway.

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Re: Channeling: The Problem of Verification Claims
Reply #28 - Jun 3rd, 2017 at 8:58am
I've learned a lot from Don and if he's banned it'll be the forum's loss.

I think it's time to fill in the missing pieces. There's an agenda at work in the background. The agenda should be easy to see but it gets obscured in the midst of the current contretemps regarding Don.

Let's put it out there. Two members, one active on the forum and the other active in the background, are working in tandem to target specific people and engage in ad hominen attacks with accusations they cannot backup when challenged.

It just so happens that the folks they want removed are those who have stood up to them in the past. They have gone so far as to accuse me, Dude, 1796 (!) Kathy, and most of all Don as trying to engage in a "hostile takeover" of the site. This is preposterous but in keeping with their other equally preposterous posts in the past.

The irony is that it's they themselves who continually take over and hijack threads to promote their own beliefs. If they want examples I can provide them, whereas when they are challenged they cannot. Again, I can provide evidence of that as well.

For years these two have disrupted the forum. They are trying to gain traction for their own selfish purposes all the while pretending they are taking the moral high ground by protecting the forum.

Hostile takeover my butt.


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Lights of Love
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Re: Channeling: The Problem of Verification Claims
Reply #29 - Jun 3rd, 2017 at 10:50am

First of all, I think Vicky can see just fine.  She is one of the most thoughtful, compassionate, generous, courageous and loving people I have ever had the pleasure to know.  The list of beautiful adjectives to describe Vicky could go on and on and I'm sure that is why Bruce asked her to take care of this board for him.   

It is you that seems to not be able to follow the board guidelines Bruce put forth.  And that is what this is about.  You have repeatedly violated the posting guidelines with personal attacks, bullying, falsely accusing people of saying things they did not say, you believe in your own inaccurate conspiracy theories about certain members, and worst of all you pester Vicky and now Bruce when he is dealing with so much.   That kind of behavior is uncalled for and against the posting guidelines.  The only person doing these forums a disservice, is you.

Please stop violating the posting guidelines and disrespecting and bullying people.  If you have a complaint about someone violating the posting guidelines, use the peer monitor system to point out where the infraction is.  That's why it's there.


Recoverer 2 wrote on Jun 3rd, 2017 at 12:59am:

Don't expect other people to not be willing to see what is going on, simply because you aren't willing to see what is going on.

If you believe that Vicky and I are seeing something that isn't there, perhaps this has more to do with your reluctance to see what has taken place, than what is so.

What would you think if Don and Dude went to Tom Campbell's forum and said that Tom is either deluded or misled by lower dimension beings, and then tried to convert people to their form of Christianity? Would this be a good thing?

What if some extreme Islamic people walked into one of Don's churches, referred to its members as the Christian Ghetto, and then tried to convert everybody to their form of Islam. Would this be a good thing to do?

You really don't do Don a favor when you coddle him. Sometimes it is nicer to speak the truth.

Lights of Love wrote on Jun 2nd, 2017 at 11:29pm:
Recoverer 2 wrote on Jun 2nd, 2017 at 10:56pm:
It is worthwhile to ask why is Dude still on this site. As his below post shows, he believes all new age thought is Satanic.

If he doesn't appreciate Bruce and his work, why does he hang out at this site? He should go to A Born Again Christian  forum where it is considered fashionable to make blanket statements of new age thought.

I doubt that Bruce set up this site so Fundamentalist Christians that like to demonize everything that is contrary to their Biblical beliefs, could try to convert others to their way of thinking.

Actually Albert the thread you mention was posted in the "Off Topics" section and everyone including both you and Justin made replies that were respectful even though the subject is controversial.

Since then you have used what Vince's thread says to disrespect him by making personal accusations as you've done yet again here.

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