I recently talked about my approach to meditation on this page of this this thread (see reply 33 and if you're into numerology at all, note that number and the time of 6:39--interesting):
http://afterlife-knowledge.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?num=1494520624/30#30 But I've found that attuning the body physical and mind to the spiritual/more expanded levels within, is a VERY holistic process. This process started for self, when at age 16, I felt nudged to completely stop eating beef and pork, as well as eat healthier. 5 years later, I started to eat completely vegetarian--it wasn't so much a "decision", but that I completely lost the taste for meat, and at the same time, found out about the conditions of animals in big agribusiness, as well as pollution and other issues.
Did so for a decade, with some time eating vegan. Then after that decade at some point, I felt nudged to include a little fish now and again (only sardines and wild alaskan salmon), and the body felt better/healthier.
Of late, a change has occurred. I don't eat much at all. I fast the majority of the day, everyday. I drink a large glass of water + coconut water with aloe vera (and sometimes some lime juice and a pinch of salt) and that tides me over till about 4 pm or so most days. Then I'll typically eat a wrap with brown rice tortilla, with some hummus or guac, some kelp powder, and A LOT of mixed green salads and/or parsley flakes. I always try to eat some more live food.
At some other point, I'll eat a handful of figs and dates together, Mummy food, or Mummy shake. I've written about Mummy food and it's boosting effects on the Pineal gland before, so I won't go into that, just to say that I don't always prepare it the "proper" way recommended, but sometimes just make a smoothie with the figs and dates very well blended or eat a handful of both and chew very carefully (seriously, this stuff works broham).
I'm finding this combined with almost daily meditation is having quite the interesting effects on my conscious perception. It's starting to expand and clarify more and more. Another help/aid, is daily exercise. I try to at the very least, get a longish walk in. If in nature if I can.
Working a meaningful service job helps. I work in home with folks that have disabilities. Not glamorous or well paying at all. Not being materialistic or all that material focused helps. I've haven't cared much about money or things much at all for most of my life. I make under 12 dollars an hour, and barely just get by (pay check to check), but I'm usually pretty happy or at least content.
Some other things that have and are helping to align the body physical with the faster vibratory levels. Azurite! This is like the stone version of Mummy food. No joke, it keep the Pineal gland stimulated at a safe, balanced level. The first couple days I wore it back when 21, I had a horrible headache (I'm NOT prone to headaches at all). It increases intuition and sharpens perception in general. Thank you Edgar Cayce's guidance.
I spent awhile not wearing or using it at all, because I went through an arrogant period of, "I don't need ANYTHING outside myself. I don't need any 'props'. Well, in recent times, I was intuitively led back to using Azurite after years of not. I realized that as mature as my consciousness may be, bringing this human animal body under control and attuning it more certainly can benefit from help.
I mention "toning" in the link, so won't go over that. But just mention, that I've found it helpful holistically. Another thing I was skeptical of.
Kelp powder sourced from cleaner, less polluted areas. This is a MAJOR one body wise. Kelp contains very high levels of iodine. Cayce's guidance talked a fair amount about the extreme importance of iodine, not only to the Thyroid gland, but to the health and balance of the entire endocrine glandular system. They apparently considered iodine a purifier and vivifying of that system.
Also, kelp tends to have trace amounts of silver and gold. There is a Cayce reading that says if a person took equal amounts of the proper forms of silver and gold, they could extend their life by quite a bit. Course, progressing research has started to come out about the beneficial effects of silver and gold in the body, through like colloidal forms. Gold helps to increase IQ, and silver kills pathogenic microorganisms, etc.
I tend to prefer to get nutrients via food though, and both these are expensive in the colloidal forms. I've made my own forms of both of these (which cuts down on expense, at least for colloidal silver), but, I prefer to just eat Kelp powder.
Another thing that has been helping is natural celibacy. Since I've been meditating more consistently and deeply, the drive and interest has been going away more and more. Thankfully my spouse is in a similar phase and so I don't feel pressured right now. But not expending that energy through sex or masturbation, and re-routing it during meditation, is making a difference.
Anyways, these are some things that have helped me when applied in a holistic way and with choosing more constructively than not, to better attune the body physical to the other, expanded levels. Part of it, metaphorically speaking, is about raising the vibrations of the physical itself. Course, above all, attunement to Love helps.
Well, I'm gonna be on an Afterlife Knowledge forum vacation for a bit, so see yah around. I'll still check and respond to P.M.'s meanwhile. Don't know when I'll start posting again.
May the Farce be with you