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Emanuel Swedenborg's revelations (Read 44174 times)
Lights of Love
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Re: Emanuel Swedenborg's revelations
Reply #45 - Apr 15th, 2017 at 10:46am
I Am Dude wrote on Apr 15th, 2017 at 10:28am:
Lights of Love wrote on Apr 15th, 2017 at 9:01am:

There are many reasons why the Bible cannot be taken literally, but I think one very good reason is that it has been translated numerous times and much could have been lost in these translations.  For example the first English version was done by William Tyndale who was accused of willfully perverting the meaning of the scriptures, yet his work became the foundation of subsequent English versions.  For the Old Testament only later versions of manuscripts have survived, with the exception of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the texts of Isaiah and Habakkuk as well as a few fragments of other books, so the established versions were derived from text that were many centuries after the books were written. 

For the New Testament there are a large number of Greek manuscripts, some of which were only two or three centuries old and the revisions were based on Hebrew and Aramaic text from the early Christian era and revised by Jewish scholars from the sixth to ninth centuries.  Throughout the centuries there were likely copy errors, language errors such as vowel sounds were an issue, along with the meaning and understanding of the original languages.  In addition, much of the Old Testament was written in prophetic symbols and apocalyptic language.

While I do believe the Bible is more than classic literature or a historical document, I do not believe that it can be taken line for line in a literal manner, but must be seen as a whole; as a record of God revealing himself among men.  The one thread or theme that I believe ties the entire scripture together is God's promise to Abraham that he has been blessed to be a blessing, as we all are going forward. 


PS Don, in several of his posts indicated that in the New Testament retrievals are discussed.  He also fully acknowledged the existence of evil spirits, yet never discouraged anyone from astral projection.

If you wish to debate the Bible, please make another thread. Thanks.

That's a ridiculous statement considering the majority of posts on this thread have been debating the Bible, yours included.

If you want to discuss Swedenborg why don't you get more specific posing some actual text he wrote or be more specific by quoting something he said.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Emanuel Swedenborg's revelations
Reply #46 - Apr 15th, 2017 at 11:19am
I've only brought up the Bible in the way it relates to Swedenborg, his work and the practices he was involved with. I'd like to stay on topic, so again, if you care to discuss the Bible with me, I'll engage in another thread.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Emanuel Swedenborg's revelations
Reply #47 - Apr 15th, 2017 at 1:21pm
I Am Dude wrote on Apr 15th, 2017 at 11:19am:
I've only brought up the Bible in the way it relates to Swedenborg, his work and the practices he was involved with. I'd like to stay on topic, so again, if you care to discuss the Bible with me, I'll engage in another thread.

I also do not get it, rather than discuss the bible and maybe the most perfect life and works of in the person of Jesus, you now want us to debate at length, one of the most egotistical fakes and proven fake at that in Swedenborg.

He had nothing to offer the world other than the most ridiculous fabricated stories ever written outside of fantasy, science fiction.

Nonsense is nonsense even if the most intelligent sprouts it.

You were right I do not belong in this thread!
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Emanuel Swedenborg's revelations
Reply #48 - Apr 15th, 2017 at 1:34pm
I Am Dude wrote on Apr 15th, 2017 at 11:19am:
I've only brought up the Bible in the way it relates to Swedenborg, his work and the practices he was involved with. I'd like to stay on topic, so again, if you care to discuss the Bible with me, I'll engage in another thread.

That is an oxymoron Swedenborg did nothing or wrote nothing that could be connected in truth to the bible, He was  a delusional liar of cosmic proportions
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Lights of Love
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Re: Emanuel Swedenborg's revelations
Reply #49 - Apr 15th, 2017 at 4:15pm

Yes, I see that you are having trouble leading your own thread. 

Your assumption is incorrect.  I have no interest in debating the Bible though I have formally studied both the Old and New Testaments, as well as taught them at one point in my life.  My post was in response to what you and other posters had previously posed, nevertheless, let's do get your thread back to the subject of Emanuel Swedenborg.

ES indicates that spirits or what he refers to as "angels" (he calls discarnate humans angels), are affections or feelings, the inner or essential aspects of mind that underlie mere thought or memory.  "Teaching in the heavens differs from teaching on earth in that (there) knowledges are not consigned to memory but to life, since spirits' memory is in their life.  They actually accept and absorb whatever agrees with their life and do not accept, much less absorb, what does not agree.  This is because spirits are affections, and therefore have a human form that resembles their affections." Heaven and Hell 517

In other words, what we are is consciousness or an individualized system of information called a human or "natural man" by ES. 

According to ES, what the spirit experiences is a reflection of inner experiences.  "What is seen and experienced is representative of the inner states.  Spiritually rich inner states reflect in a surrounding that is gorgeous and rich.  Barren inner states reflect in wretched surroundings.  The spirit experiences what it is… Yet it is already our real tendency to notice and experience in the world what reflects us inwardly.  The thief experiences a world in which everyone takes what he can get.  In the same setting, the artist experiences the beauty of the things around him.  What we encounter in the world reflects our nature." Heaven and Hell 517

The experience of this is also true in astral projection.  All that fundamentally exists are other beings, or rather the individualized consciousness of other beings.  What we "see" in the non-physical is representative of our inner state of consciousness.  If, inwardly we are in a loving, compassionate state this is communicated to us by beautiful surroundings.  If, inwardly we are in an angry, fearful state this is communicated to us by surroundings in which that state is reflected back to us.  All is dependent on what exists in our personal consciousness, so a fearful state may reflect back to us hideous evil beings, hell fire, monsters, thunderous, roaring sounds, etc., where a loving state may reflect back to us beautiful fields of greenery, flowers, beings of love and light, beautiful music, etc.  All that is depicted in the non-physical is symbolic and representative of our inner state of being.

ES states that what corresponds to time is a change of state, and that the "time" of heaven is the "always now" time of the inner state.  He said, "I was raised into the sphere of heaven and therefore into the perception of eternity shared by angels.  This shed light for me on the fact that we ought not to think about eternity in temporal terms but in terms of state, and that when we do, we can grasp what 'from eternity' entails, which was actually done for me." Heaven and Hell 167

ES also said there is no space in heaven.  What corresponds to distance is the feelings people have for each other.  "People who are nearby are the ones in a similar state and the ones who are far away are in dissimilar states.  It is why space in heaven is nothing but the outward states that correspond to the inner ones…  This is why in the spiritual world one individual is present to another if only that presence is intensely desired.  This is because one person sees another in thought in this way and identifies with that individual's state.  Conversely, one person moves away from another to the extent that there is any sense of reluctance."  Heaven and Hell 193 - 196

In my own experience over many years with the non-physical, as well as the experiences others have described, including ES, it appears that there are at least two possibilities of who or what we interact with.  One is the possibility of interacting with an "illusion" or "vision" dictated by our inner state.  For example if we are in a state of fear we may see a monstrous being in surroundings that represent our own fearful state of being.  Or two, we could be interacting with an actual entity whose bodily appearance is representative of its own inner state, which was drawn to us, or, us to it, because of our own state of being.
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Re: Emanuel Swedenborg's revelations
Reply #50 - Apr 15th, 2017 at 6:56pm
Hi Kathy-

Thanks for the post on ES. I was especially struck by the following:

"ES states that what corresponds to time is a change of state, and that the "time" of heaven is the "always now" time of the inner state.  He said, "I was raised into the sphere of heaven and therefore into the perception of eternity shared by angels.  This shed light for me on the fact that we ought not to think about eternity in temporal terms but in terms of state, and that when we do, we can grasp what 'from eternity' entails, which was actually done for me."

In one of Michael Newton's books, his client(s) while under deep hypnosis, described time in much the same way. Also the definition of progress was based on how our own inner state becomes more enlightened.

The experience of Howard Storm corroborates what ES said. We see or experience the kind of entities/environment that correspond to our own inner state. Ayk, Storm understood the meaning and lesson of his horrific experience to the point that he turned his life around, becoming a minister.

Without question ES did more exploration of the afterlife than anyone else. He deserves to be studied. I would never describe him as having malevolent motives. As to the things he wrote about beings on Venus and Mars, at least IMO, represents the deception about which he warned. I admit, however, that he did not qualify those reports and represented them as genuine. I don't understand his putting forth those things as true.

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I Am Dude
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Re: Emanuel Swedenborg's revelations
Reply #51 - Apr 16th, 2017 at 8:32am
I created this thread to discuss Swedenborg's ideas, especially as they relate to Christianity, as I've been (slowly) reading his book Heaven and Hell, so I've been posting questions and comments as they've naturally arisen. I'm not worried about being a leader of the thread, I simply want to stay on topic. Although, your admitted strongest point about the bible being unreliable due to it being translated "numerous times" and the assumption that content must have been lost directly relates to ES and is rather ironic, as ES's work has been translated just as many times as the Bible has- ONCE- from the language of the earliest manuscripts available directly into English and every other modern day language. Thus this line of argumentation is completely deceptive.

Sure, there are thousands of translations, but not because you need to translate the original texts thousands of times before we get the English translation, but because there are thousands of languages in the world. Again, only one translation is needed to go from the original to the modern day language. Also, so many early manuscripts from various authors exist that it is quite easy to compare them to see what corresponds and matches and what doesn't, thus clearly fleshing out the mistakes, modifications, deletions and additions.

So in making this relevant to ES, the same line of argument would likewise render ES's work unreliable, as it too has been translated.
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Re: Emanuel Swedenborg's revelations
Reply #52 - Apr 16th, 2017 at 1:13pm
      Swedenborg is not an area or subject I know much about, which is why I haven't commented too much on this thread.  I am fairly versed regarding the Bible though.  I've found that the Bible has different layers to it.  Some of it literal history with moral lesson.  Some of it is metaphorical and allegorical. Some of it is a mix. 

  Without attuning to the various different minds whom were involved in writing same, or being very attuned to expanded guidance and being very intuitive, it's hard to know which is which at times.  Some things though, do seem pretty obvious. For example, the Universe/creation being created on the 6th day, should not be taken literal.  Day could mean period or cycle, and the whole 7 concept might relate to numerology and the archetypal structure or cyclic nature underlying creation.  Or, it could just being the writer trying to impress the reader with the awesomeness of the Creator.  Or, it could be both at the same time.   

  Also, context. The OT part of the Bible was written at periods of human history that were particularly brutal and slow vibratory in nature.  The various commandments and truths uttered then may have had some practical applicability then, but not necessarily now or some much earlier, more fast vibratory cycle. Often times, people barely acted beyond animals, and there was all kinds of issues and imbalances going on.  These people literally needed to whacked up side the head with a 2X4 as far as guidance went.  If guidance had taken the form of some kind of soft, feminine, non visible figure--one, it wouldn't have been perceived very well, and two--the huge majority of people would have ignored it anyways.  No, it had to be more loud and in people's faces then. 

  As Cayce's guidance often said, "truth is a growing thing". 

  It seems that Swedenborg didn't fully get the relativity of this, and was too attached to the Bible as a source of TRUTH in some kind of final, or ultimate sense.  Well, this is somewhat true in the sense that TRUTH in the final and ultimate sense came in the personhood and lifetime of Yeshua.  And what did he teach over and over and over again?  Love for all, universally and unconditionally. 

  In this teaching is all truth contained, for if one can attune to that precept, that ideal, then all else, all other wisdom, will be given to a person. 

  As regards Swedenborg's words and teachings about life and people on other planets, in some ways, it sounds like what Cayce's guidance talked about in relation to astrology and other life in this system.  The difference being is that Cayce's guidance didn't say that this other life in our solar system was physical, but that it was nonphysical or in different other levels of consciousness. 

  This IS true, and Swedenborg was sensing/perceiving this truth, but garbling it some with overly physical metaphors and overlaying.   Each Planet in our Solar system represents a particular dimension in a system of consciousness that the Earth is just one part of.  The Earth obviously is the physical level, which has other meanings beyond what we perceive as physicality.  It's hard for humans to get beyond physical thinking, even when we are open minded to other dimensions and the nonphysical.  For example, earlier, Matthew referred to the physical as "the real world" in contrast with the nonphysical. 

  That's interesting, because individuals in very expanded dimensions, consider this dimension in many ways to be the least "real" in a consciousness sense.  Yet, it's fairly typical of the huge majority of human's thinking. 

  Anyways, in this system of consciousness, that the physical Solar system represents, the Earth represents one of the slowest vibratory levels.  Saturn is even more slow vibratory and represents the temporal "hells" that Bruce and others have talked about.  Such states of such lack of Love can eventually lead to dissolution of the Soul's identity, which is why Cayce's guidance connected Saturn to the destruction of an individual. 

   On the other hand, Jupiter and the Sun represent very, very expanded and spiritualized states of consciousness within THIS system of consciousness.  The individuals focused within these levels, are much, much more consciously in touch with their Disk/Expanded selves.  They are also very service and more universally love oriented. 

  In between these extremes or polar opposites are various other levels, of which other Planets such as Venus, Mars, Mercury, Moon, Uranus, etc represent and correspond to in a physical sense. 

  Interestingly, I've found in my study of astrology as it relates to the larger consciousness system, that the different Planets (aka the different consciousness levels of our system or the "afterlife focuses") also have a correlation with different colors and the different endocrine glands.  This is something that Cayce's guidance also touched upon, but didn't go into a lot of depth about. 

  But since it's part of a whole or One system, these kind of interrelationships and reflections can and do happen.   What we experience as the physical, is a mix of all the above.  From Saturn (slowest vibratory) to Sun (fastest vibratory).  These and all that is in between can be experienced and attuned to here in the physical, and humans themselves are a conglomerate mix of various different levels and influences. 

Here, we have linear cause and effect (karma), to help us try to grow more.  So that eventually, we get to the Solar level (which is very Love attuned), and then can graduate OUT of this system to more expanded systems.  Cayce's guidance called the Star Arcturus the "door" or "center" out of this system into more expanded systems. (Cayce's guidance indicated that sometimes a Soul or Spirit does this and then comes back for service reasons rather than for the lessons of this system).

  Not the literal, physical Star we see in the night sky, but the nonphysical or consciousness counterpart.  For everything natural that we perceive in the physical, has it's original reflection or source in the nonphysical/consciousness. 

   So yes, in a manner of allegorical speaking, Swedenborg was correct about other life in the Solar system, he just overly physicalized and somewhat misinterpreted it. People are still doing this some with Cayce's guidance about other life in this Solar system.  When asked if there was any current physical life on the other Planets in our solar system (as in originating from there), this source said "no", but they did talk about the consciousness or nonphysical aspect of this system. 

  As to communicating with Spirits etc, the Bible is not black and white on this issue.  I agree with Matthew that it was/is a bit more relative.  Mainly, the Bible wanted people to focus on God and the bigger picture and not get too hung up on one's dead granny or the like.  The reason is, is because people don't necessarily become all wise and all loving just because they've died. And yes, there is potential deception that can occur in communicating with the nonphysical. 

  No, the Bible seems to emphasize getting guidance from God and those fully attuned to God as a preferable method.  Which is something that Cayce's guidance outlined time and time again as well.  Cayce's guidance said when praying and meditating, we should always seek the highest and most expanded there is, aka the Creator and those individuals fully one with God. 

  In this, is much pragmatism.  They did say that IF God and these God beings send a messenger or guide of some sort, that was ok because it was divinely orchestrated, but they said do not seek communication and communion with any regular guide in and of themselves.

    Neither Cayce's guidance nor the Bible said flat out that you shouldn't be seeking guidance at all, but rather, they both put the emphasis on getting guidance from God and those individuals most intune with God--aka the beings I tend to refer to as the "Co-Creators". 

  As regards Yeshua Vince, do not put him over much on a pedestal--he does not want that. What he achieved, other humans can as well.  Yes, it's true that his Spirit/Disk is the Co-Creator of the original patterns within this Universe, yes it's true that he came to Earth direct from the core of Source, but what he is, we are too and can become, and that's what he wants. 

   I had a dream awhile back, towards the end of a 7 day fast, where the female self from Bob Monroe's Disk referred to me as Immanuel or Emmanuel.  This was guidance saying that I have the potential to become like Yeshua in the flesh, for that is what he was referred to as well by Isaiah.  That name means/translates to "God among us" or "God is with us".  Isaiah referred to Yeshua as Immanuel because he was saying that this messiah, this person whom was literally named Yeshua, was God in the flesh.  Not that Yeshua is The God, but of same vibration and likeness.  Yeshua himself referred to The God as a separate being, and most often referred to him as his or the Abba (which means Father).   

We ALL have that potential because we all are of and parts of God. For many, it's not even close to being probable to express that within this particular, current human life, but that's not particularly important in and of itself.  Yeshua and those like him (the completed, Co-Creator beings) are our elder siblings.  They are us, but us fully grown up to be like their Parent(s).  It's important to respect and listen to these elder siblings, but also to realize that this is all of our's destiny and heritage. 

  If we overly put Yeshua on an unreachable pedestal, then it will be mighty hard to become fully like him, which is what he, God, and those fully attuned to these want for us. 

  I have to agree with Albert--you have a definite tendency to the extremes. I would be willing to bet that the Planet Uranus is very strong in your astrological chart.  This is not meant as a personal criticism, but just as describing a trait, a tendency and something to be more consciously aware of so that you can grow beyond same. 

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Re: Emanuel Swedenborg's revelations
Reply #53 - Apr 16th, 2017 at 1:20pm

Good points and insights.  ES described many concepts that were completely foreign to both people of his time and church doctrine.  He decided to reinterpret church doctrine in light of his spiritual experiences. So he took the NT and line by line, deciphered what he saw as the obvious or hidden spiritual meaning behind it. 

With regard to life on other planets, etc., certainly he may have misinterpreted what he was seeing...or he may have seen things about which we are not yet aware (remember the earth was once known to be flat....until it wasn't).  I think when a person is phasing or traveling in a mental plane, they are still interpreting their experience through their own mind and belief system.  Swedenborg was unusual in that he had such a sharp mind and was so discerning, that he could bring back with him a lot of information and interpretations of this bigger reality.  Yet if he faltered or misinterpreted things, one can certainly understand it. 

Having read Heaven and Hell and a number of his texts, I am awed by how many varied conversations he had in depth with angels.  Indeed, several times, he says "I have conversed with angels in depth on this matter..." and one could only imagine that he was in a catatonic stupor for weeks to have all these conversations.  More likely, if real, then the conversations in the mental/spiritual plane occurred over a much shorter period as time there has no meaning.  Or, something I have considered is that Swedenborg took poetic license and got the gist of how things worked, and then logically deduced much of what he wrote as if all were first hand experience.  His mind was so scientific and logical that like a grand chess master, he could extrapolate spiritual truths one from another and then see the whole joyous cosmology with clarity. 

For me, the most important thing that I feel when I read Swedenborg is the sense of truth when he describes his experiences.  What he describes feels true to me and what I've known in life so far.

As to dictates from the words of the OT or NT, as you can tell, that is less of an interest to me. Of all the people I know who have had life transforming experiences, (including Don on this board), none have had them simply from scripture itself, but from their own exploration and personal experience with the divine.
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Re: Emanuel Swedenborg's revelations
Reply #54 - Apr 16th, 2017 at 3:24pm
Yet if he faltered or misinterpreted things, one can certainly understand it. 

   The thing is, every Soul connected to a human body misinterprets, falters, distorts to some extent when it comes to perception. 

  This is for two main reasons:  One, because of our connection to and expression through a dense, animal body that is very limited and distorted in various ways, and two, because of our Souls are not fully attuned to Source and PUL. 

    If we can change those two aspects, then can an individual come to perfect or near perfect perception.  We can change those two aspects.  That is a big part of the message and meaning of Yeshua's life and resurrection. 

  He changed those two aspects. And now, he is in the world, but no longer of it.  His perception is so, so, so, so, so more expanded and accurate than ours, until we too change those two aspects. 

  Hence, every source that does not fulfill or align to those two conditions, should be taken with some grains of salt, for they can make easily make mistakes or have distortions in there perceptions. As I've mentioned some here before, the source that I've found that has come closest to purity of perception from a non pure/fully aligned to those two above conditions, is Edgar Cayce's readings (but again, with the caveat that even this source contains some distortion). 

  I challenge folks to read Sidney Kirkpatrick's biography of him and not be blown away by his life and the service he was involved in.  It is the most comprehensive, most accurate, and balanced biography on Cayce and his work (and there are many biographies out there on Cayce).

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« Last Edit: Apr 17th, 2017 at 11:24am by N/A »  
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Emanuel Swedenborg's revelations
Reply #55 - Apr 16th, 2017 at 10:58pm

God is infinitely loving and at the center of every life.
Truth is love in action. Actions performed out of love are genuine expressions in a physical form of what love means.

There is one God whose essence is Divine Love and Wisdom. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all aspects of God just as body, mind, and soul are all aspects of one person.

The Bible is the inspired Word of God that provides inspiration and help to lead better and more fulfilling lives. The literal sense of Scripture tells the story of the people of God, and contains a deeper meaning that illumines the journey of the human soul.

People are essentially spirits clothed with material bodies. At death, the material body is laid aside and the person continues to live on in the world of spirit choosing a heavenly life or a hellish one, based on the quality of life choices made here.

God gives everyone the freedom to choose their beliefs and live their lives accordingly. Salvation is available for people of all religions.

The Second Coming has taken place—and in fact still is taking place. It is not an actual physical appearance of the Lord, but rather his return in spirit and truth that is being effected as a present reality.
(I disagree Jesus second coming will be visible and in the form of a human being)

God is infinitely loving and at the center of every life
(I disagree God is not the center of life of a mass murderer)

(My comments in brackets Alan McDougall)

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Emanuel Swedenborg's revelations
Reply #56 - Apr 17th, 2017 at 10:18am

Swedenborgianism, and its churches by whatever name they might be called, are as far outside historical, biblical Christianity as a group can get. Although they might claim to base their teachings on the Bible, every teaching is tainted by heresy, confusion, and sometimes lunacy

Swedenborgianism bases its teachings on the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, who was born in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1688. His training was in science, but sometime around 1750 he had a vision in which he believed God came to him and declared him to be God's personal messenger of new revelation. Further encounters with God and other beings in the spiritual realm he traveled to were the basis for his many writings.

These writings include teachings such as: God has many names, depending on the beliefs/religion of the individual; the Holy Spirit is not God; the Trinity does not exist; Jesus Christ's death did not atone for our sin; salvation comes by practicing what you believe, whatever religion it might be; the afterlife is spiritual, but dependent on how well you lived in your physical body.

None of these teachings are compatible with biblical Christianity. The God of the Bible is the only true God (Exodus 3:13-14; Isaiah 43:10). All other gods are idols; creations of man (Exodus 20:4-5). The Holy Spirit is definitely declared to be God in the Bible (Acts 5:3-4), as is Jesus Christ (John 1:1, 14) and God the Father (Philippians 1:2); the Trinity is a valid, biblical reality. The Bible is also very clear on Jesus' vicarious atonement of our sin (1 Peter 2:24; 1 John 2:2), and that it is only through belief in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection that salvation is possible (John 14:6; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4). The after-life will be experienced in one of two places—heaven or hell—and that in a physical body (Revelation 22).
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Lights of Love
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Re: Emanuel Swedenborg's revelations
Reply #57 - Apr 17th, 2017 at 3:06pm
Hi Roger,

Yes, it is interesting that one of Newton's clients described time as well as progression in a similar way to ES.  ES believed that the spiritual is the actual inner state of a person, along with the psychological aspects of a person, to be life itself or who we really are. 

Also along that line, ES indicated that fundamentally, a person's life in the spiritual is based on what he or she really is.  For example, in this world we are quite capable of deceiving ourselves and others, however in the spiritual world people are essentially sorted out according to what they really are and move toward the essential reality of their existence.  Who we really are is essentially the quality of our being.  The innermost heaven is the innermost quality of mind as he discusses the nature of Heaven.  He states: "Our being spirits inwardly has reference to our capacities for thinking and intending because these are our actual inner natures.  They are what make us human, and the quality of our humanity depends on their quality."  Heaven and Hell 444  When our intent, our motivations and actions stem from love the quality of our being progresses in positive ways.

I agree ES does deserve to be studied.  In my opinion he tried to meticulously describe what he experienced as honestly as possible.

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Lights of Love
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Re: Emanuel Swedenborg's revelations
Reply #58 - Apr 17th, 2017 at 3:10pm

Interesting that your post is relevant to the point I was trying to make and provides one more reason, and that is interpretation.  You apparently interpreted that I said the bible is "unreliable" meaning that it cannot be trusted, or at least that's what unreliable means according to Webster.  I did not say that.  I said it cannot be taken "line for line in a literal manner" meaning that by doing so there exists a risk of inaccuracy.  There's a big difference in implication between your interpretation of what I said and what I actually said.  Taking a single statement out of context can distort the original meaning.  With the bible one can make it say anything they want it to say by doing that.  Don, or any biblical scholar or theologian would likely say the same thing I said for all of the reasons I mentioned, and perhaps for even more reasons.  I didn't just make it up.  It's factual according to those that do the difficult work of translation.  This is true no matter what textual content is being translated, including ES, though his writings were translated from Latin, and only a couple hundred years ago, not thousands as in the original biblical texts, most of which are missing for the Old Testament.

Getting back to your topic:
Throughout ES's writings I've found that he continually deals with inner states of consciousness, which include both the emotional and intellect as companions, rather than opposites, and how these states only become true or real when they are experienced through actions that reflect them.  What he describes are the inner and outer states of the human being.  He believed the spiritual is the inner as well as the ultimate aspect of the psychological.  To enter the spiritual world, or to be in spirit, ES indicates that one needs to go inward to the roots of human experience because the innermost being is the spiritual realm.  He also felt that it is possible to enter the spiritual realm through inner exploration.  This inner psychological/spiritual to ES is life itself.

To even begin to understand the spiritual realms the first concept ES realized was that the whole feeling side of him had to be awakened and take a position that was superior to his intellect.  As a scientist he operated primarily on his intellect and initially thought his non-physical contacts were to help him in his scientific work.  Eventually he recognized that feeling becomes more rational when intellect becomes more capable of feeling.  This is where consciousness combines these seemingly opposites.  There's more, a whole story actually, of ES's initial journey into the spiritual realms that I won't go into.  Most of the accounts of his story can be found in the "Dream Diary" which covers his personal analysis fairly well.  Suffice it to say he was humbled realizing his own ignorance and unworthiness in relationship to the forces he encountered, and as his sense of this, along with a childlike understanding, deepened as he went further and further within.  It was this attitude that enabled him to move faster and farther in the non-physical realm.

Of course his own beliefs and understanding and that of his culture during that time period clearly comes through his writings.  I could outline some of those and the variances in translation, but I suspect you wouldn't be interested and I'd be wasting my time.   However, I will say that ES's theological writings are not all that apparent because he was continually speaking of the inner states of man, so if you are looking for comparisons between the writings of ES and Christianity you may miss a lot of the richness ES offers his readers.  Personally, I did not find them to be non-biblical taken as a whole.  If there is one main theme to his writings, it is that one's most inner love is the force that conditions all aspects of mind and actions, and thus determines one's state of consciousness for better or worse.
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Re: Emanuel Swedenborg's revelations
Reply #59 - Apr 17th, 2017 at 7:39pm
Hi Kathy-

You said "Also along that line, ES indicated that fundamentally, a person's life in the spiritual is based on what he or she really is." And "Throughout ES's writings I've found that he continually deals with inner states of consciousness, which include both the emotional and intellect as companions, rather than opposites, and how these states only become true or real when they are experienced through actions that reflect them".

The trouble I'm having, maybe based on a misunderstanding, is the correlation between the actions one does and his inner state. For example, the brutal actions of ISIS, forcing parents to watch as their children are beheaded and vice versa. Beheading young children and crucifying their bodies.

Or a serial killer who derives pleasure by administration of torture before killing.

Is it possible that people who commit these unspeakable acts have an inner state that corresponds to their actions, or could their actions be attributed to external influences (dictates of a "religion" or brain abnormalities) and thus their inner or spiritual states are pure.?

This is a real conundrum to me.

ps- if you or Matthew would like to correspond with Don, pm me.
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