Ex Member
I think if a person feels nudged to attend (a, or) further program(s) at TMI, then there are possibly deeper reasons, and it's important to pay attention to such nudges.
At the same time, one of the messages i got at Gateway, was all that i truly need was ultimately within, and a matter of focus, desire, and intent on opening up and a matter of practice and putting energy into it without being over attached.
So i don't think that one should necessarily feel the need (in an overly attached way) to attend a TMI program either.
Many humans have had nonphysical experiences, contact with guidance, etc way before TMI has been around and will continue way after it's long gone. As far as tools and props go, they teach/use some pretty good ones, but ultimately, you don't need them--basic meditation and prayer, if consistently practiced in line with living a spiritually, love attuned life, will take a person just as far (i might add that a healthy lifestyle and diet, especially a more vegetarian diet, while not necessary, also seems to help).
Good news for those that don't have an extra few thousand lying around for such things.
I inject this counter balance, because i've known some folks overly attached to TMI, and whom apparently had the belief that they had to go to TMI to have relevant and valuable experiences, and because the place does tend to have a boosting effect.