This retrieval started out like most of my retrievals at 'my place'. I asked for a helper and Daniel came forward. (The helpers usually give me their names. I appreciate that. It makes it a bit more personal.) I asked him to take me to a soul needing retrieval, but first, I wanted to fly.
We did... for a few moments... up into the dark, over the grey and the city and right into a rift.
I saw a coach in front of a building. I looked around but no one was there. Daniel said look inside. I called softly. I didn't want to frighten anyone. I went inside the coach through the window and gently called "Hello" She answered. I asked her name. She said "Sheila" I asked her age. She said, "Forty". She seemed sad. I told her forty was a good age. "What's good about it?" she wanted to know. I told her it really was a coming of age age. It is an age when she knows more about herself and life.
I was going to ask her if she had children but changed my mind and asked instead if she was married. She said, "No". I thought that could be part of her melancholy. I asked the year. She said, "1837". I asked if she had other family. "A brother," came back quickly. When I asked about family, she looked at the house. I think I read fear. I then asked if she was going somewhere. She replied, "Yes". I asked if she would like to go with me to see some lovely gardens and a park. She asked me if we could go across a stream. I asked if she wanted to go over a bridge or through the water. She replied, "Oh, through the water." I said through the water it was.
I rapped on the ceiling of the coach and told the driver "Take us to the park by way of the stream." We went straight to "the Park" along a black gravel path, through a small stream, splashing up lots of water. Sheila laughed. We then stopped close the the benches. We sat on the benches for a few moments enjoying the sights. I signaled for the other helpers to come. I gave PUL to Sheila and told her to look up. She looked for a moment and then said, "Mama!" She went straight to the helpers. I sent her more PUL as Daniel and I left for "my place".
I thanked Daniel for the easy and joyous retrieval. It is always nice when a soul laughs.
Sending you smiles from my heart to yours,