I would like to show one spiritual painting by Jozef Rulof.
He made hundreds of these paintings in trance. Rulof did not have any capabilities to paint himself. His mediumship to go into trance and let a spirit of light work through his organism was developed by Master Alcar over a period of years. It started with a simple drawing of pencil on paper.
Master Alcar himself was a famous Flemish painter in his last life on Earth.
These spiritual paintings are meant to convince the people on Earth of the continued existance after death.
By selling these paintings Rulof earned enough money to get the books published that the Masters wrote through him.
This spiritual painting is called: Golgotha.
More of these spiritual paintings made in trance can be found in the art section on my website
http://www.mogenblue.nl/english/art.htmlI wonder how many years it will take before the next medium will stand up and make such spiritual paintings in trance. I don't have to wait for it. I have Rulofs books and I carry them under my hart.